《My Main Weapon .... Is A CLOAK?!?!》The Start from Useless to Useful


“Hey, sir”

“Yes” The owner of the shop replied

“What is that on the top shelf?” as I point at the sword

“I was planning on throwing that sword away”


“Here let me show you” as he grabbed a ladder to climb to the top shelf and grab the sword

“This sword here is a little bend out of shape and only is a one-sided blade”

“Oh wow!” Kate said as she took a look at the sword that the owner was showing Yasu

“Where did you get this sword”

“Oh, it was a sword that someone sold me since it wasn’t useful in any way to the finder”

“How come?”

“Since the sword couldn’t be pulled out of its sheath no matter how much you try”

“Can I try?” Kate asked

“Be my guest” as he hands over Kate the blade

“Alright” she then started to try to pull the blade out of the sheath

But after several tries, she couldn’t unsheathe the sword

Signing in defeat she handed it to Yasu

“Why don’t you try”


Before I tried to unsheathe it, I appraised it

Item: Katana[Name: ???] Lvl 0

Can be unsheathed if the user had the wind attribute as well as a wanderer.

Info: [???]

“Well I do have the wanderer class, but do I even have the wind attribute?”

“How do I know my attribute,” I asked the owner

“Oh you have to do to a magic shop, to find your attribute”

“Ok then, how much does this sword cost?”

“Since it is a defect and good quality sword, I would say 1 silver”

“1 silver?!”

“You are lucky, boy, swords made of good quality usually does around 1 gold coin, but since it is defected I will cost you only for the materials that are used to make it, which is roughly 1 silver, since I’m not that good at going into depth with materials, since I just sell weapons not make them”

“Alright then” I sign as I hand him a silver coin and left”


As I left the shop I asked, “What did you guys buy”

“Oh, I bought a new knife” as she shows me her new knife, which is the same knife as her last one, but newer”

I looked at Kasey to see what she bought, but it turns out she didn’t buy any weapons

“Maybe she is probably saving up for a good weapon”

“Alright now that you have bought your weapons, let’s go to a magic shop”

“Alright” as Kate grabs my arm again and runs to the nearest magic shop

This time it wasn’t as bad as I prepared myself for it and I went into the magic shop

There were many magic items around the store, such as magic staves and wands

“Ah, welcome” as I saw a witch greeting us

“What can I do for you today”

“I would like to find my attribute”

“Oh ok” as she turned around to get a magic crystal

“Just put your hand over this crystal and mana into it”

“And how do it do that”

“Just think of transferring energy from your hand to the ball”


I then did as I was told and a very faint color appeared inside the crystal

“Wow congratulations!” the witch said

“Your attribute is….” as she examined the faint color with a confused look

“Uh, so what is my attribute”

“I-I’m not sure, I haven’t seen this color before neither have I seen such faint color before”

The color looked colorless at first glance, but if you looked closely it had a very faint color of green

“I think you have the attribute of wind”


“Time for me to pull this sword out”

As I grab the hilt of the sword and pulled it, nothing happened, meaning that the sword didn’t go out of its sheath


“I don’t think you are the chosen one to pull that sword out” Kate answered

“No, this can’t be right”

“I even check its stats, it said that the requirements were that the user has to have the attribute of wind as well as be a wanderer, what else am I missing”


Double-checking the stats on the sword, I finally realized what I was missing

“So…” Kate answered

I turned to her with a sad look

“It seems like I need experience with a katana”

“And how much is that”

“I need to be level 10 in the wanderer class, have a level 5 wind attribute, and have to know the arts of the unseen blade”

“Ahh, don’t worry about those things since I got you covered”

“How can you be so sure”

“Since I know someone, who knows the arts of the unseen blade”

“Really you do” as my spirits go up

“Yup!” she said happily

“We can go there now!”

“What” just as I said that she then grabbed me and ran, but this time running faster than before

A couple of minutes have then pasted and we finally reached where I can learn the arts, but I had to puke as it was way to fast for me

After recovering, I went in, though Kate and Kasey, who somehow just left my arm were still standing outside

“Wait, why are you guys not going in?”

“Well, we can’t, since other, those with the wind attribute can”

“I have the attribute of light”

“Dark” Kasey then replies

“You’ve gotta be kidding me”


“Anyway, good luck, since it looks like my friend is coming!”

“Bye” as Kasey and Kate wave goodbye

I tried to go after them, but I was stopped by a man in white robes

“So it seems like I have another person I have to teach” as he strokes his very long beard

“What is your name, young man”

“Uh, my name is Yasu”

“Yasu… Come on in” as he walked in the house

“Oh and by the way” as he stops and turns around back facing Yasu

“You can’t leave this place until you have mastered the sacred arts, since that is the only way out is to break down the wind barrier that surrounds this place”


“Now, now, we have a lot of training to do, so let's go to it”

As I tried to leave, the old man grabbed my cloak and dragged me into the house with him”

“NNNNNOOOOO, SOMEONE SAVE MEEE!” as I try to struggle

“There is no use shouting as the wind barrier, that is currently up blocks all sounds from going to the outside as well as inside”

Meanwhile, back at Mist’s castle

“Hey, Mist, I just want to let you know that Yasu isn’t coming back anytime soon,” Kate said as she was returned home

“How come? Is it he going to be in danger” Mist said

“Nah, he is with my friend, so he should be ok”

“He is finally gone!” Athena said

“Now I can execute my plan without him interfering”

Athena then laughs mentally giving off an evil though every slight intent

Name: Yasu Level 1 Attribute: Wind


Strength*[STR]: 9 (+2) → 11

Perception* [P]: 10

Endurance*[E]: 8 (+3) → 11

Charisma*[C]: 4

Intelligence*[I]: 11

Agility*[A]: 25

Luck*[L]: 3

Abilities: Sweep (Lvl 3), Demon’s eye (Lvl 2) → Demon’s eye+ (Lvl 2 → 3), Whip (Lvl 1)

Equipped: Sun Cloak, Watch

Health: Uneasy


Class: Wanderer (Lvl 7)

Title: Member of the Scarlet Guild


Adventurer’s Card

Bag of Coins (1 silver coin, 1 silver bit, 25 copper coins) → (1 silver bit, 25 copper coins)


Demon’s eye+: Allows the user to see attributes of allies and certain enemies

Name: Kasey Lvl 9 Attribute: Dark


Strength*[STR]: 39

Perception* [P]: 68

Endurance*[E]: 25

Charisma*[C]: 130

Intelligence*[I]: 234

Agility*[A]: 300

Luck*[L]: 25

Abilities: Sleath[Active Only](Lvl 1)

Equipped: Mist’s Old clothes, Slave Collar(Broken) (Lvl MAX)


Class: Assassin (Lvl 1 → 4)

Title: Slave of Yasu

Health: Healthy



Name: Kate Level 25 Attribute: Light


Strength*[STR]: 100

Perception* [P]: 150

Endurance*[E]: 10

Charisma*[C]: 75

Intelligence*[I]: 1000

Agility*[A]: 126

Luck*[L]: 10

Abilities: Heal(Holy) (Lvl MAX), Disguise (Lvl MAX), Revive (Lvl 1), Cleanse (Lvl MAX)

Equipped: Staff of Healing (True)


Class: Mage(Healer) (Lvl 30)

Health: Healthy



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