《The Land of the Unknown》Episode 3 (Part 3)


The two each took out the pink and orange berries from the branches and placed them into their respective backpacks, all while trying to stay balanced and not fall off.

The ground rumbled a bit, catching them off guard as they grabbed the most adjacent side of the tree. Maggie slipped and lost her balance, falling from the tree branch. She quickly grabbed the nearest sturdy berry and hung on from there as she saw her backpack fall off and plop to the ground.

“Hang on, Maggie!” Tommy and Antonio exclaimed.

“Wait, check my bag to see if it’s all right!”

“Why would we do that?” Tommy asked, his mouth gaping open.

“Well, did any of the fruit fall out or my stuff break?”

Tommy slowly moved over to the other side of the tree and tried getting Maggie up, while Antonio went to her backpack and checked its contents inside.

“Nope, doesn’t seem like it,” Antonio responded, closing the bag.

“But who cares about that right now?” Tommy complained.

“I care!” Maggie thundered. “I worked hard to get those!”

“But don’t you value your life more?”

“Well, yeah I do, but—”

“Maggie, look out behind you!” Antonio pointed, shaking uncontrollably.

Maggie turned her head as a purple dinosaur stood in front of her. It walked on four legs, had a long neck, and stared at the girl with its red eyes. Maggie could hear her heart pound as her palms grew sweaty from the rough grip of the branches.

“Hey, get away from her!” Tommy plucked out a red berry and threw it toward the dinosaur. The food just bounced on the dinosaur’s head like it was a ball ricocheting against a wall.

“Are you trying to kill it?” Antonio asked.


“What do you want me to do, then?”

“I got this.” Antonio took out a pink berry from the backpack. “Hey, you, eat this!” He exclaimed and threw it from a distance, hoping to lead the dinosaur away from the girl. However, it used its long neck to catch the fruit before it got too far.

“Nice going, you guys,” Maggie said sarcastically.

“Hey, we’re trying, at least!” Antonio retorted, stomping on the ground.

“Do you think you’ll be able to hold on and get up?” Tommy asked.

“I’m not sure...” Maggie admitted as sweat fell from her face.

Eventually, Maggie couldn’t hold on any longer. Just before the branch snapped, her grip slipped as she fell. Tommy tried to grab the strap as Antonio ran under to catch her. However, Maggie opened her eyes and found she stopped in the air. She had a hunch that something yanked her while falling and left her hovering in the air. She turned towards a dinosaur, which got a hold of her shirt with its teeth.

“H-Hey, let me go!” She cried out. The dinosaur slowly moved her over and placed her on its back, catching the group by surprise. “Uh, thanks.” The dinosaur nodded in reply.

“So wait, is it a friendly dinosaur?” Tommy pondered as he climbed his way back down the tree.

“It appears so...” Antonio replied, pulling his shirt collar and laughing nervously.

“Wow, what a magnificent, unusual giant creature this is...” Maggie chirped. “You must be a Thescelotitan.”

“How do you think she knows so much about dinosaurs?” Tommy leaned over and whispered to his friend.

“Like I’d know the answer to that. Why don’t you ask her?” Antonio whispered back.

“Hey, do you guys want a ride?” Maggie called out to them.


“Sure!” Tommy exclaimed, getting pumped up.

“No...” Antonio replied, taking a step back.

“Aw come on, it’ll save you some energy...” Maggie insisted.

“Does the dinosaur mind at all, though?” Antonio asked.

“Not at all.”

“Ugh, fine...”

Eventually, all three of them got up on the dinosaurs' back. It walked along, as the group did their best to hang on and enjoy the sights. Maggie and Tommy could find the area to be higher and larger than life than when they were on their regular walk.

“Hey, that reminds me, do you know where we can find some good water?” Maggie inquired.

The purple Thescelotitan nodded and walked into the predetermined path.

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