《Erroneous Quest》Chapter Five if (victim == true) freedom == false; set; Table = true;
Well, one person wants me to change my info into tables. So learning how to do so and it's a pain in the rear to do. Well here is my next chapter. I hope you like it.
-A new day, Rise and shine-
“Mooo”, the Quiqui are roaming around then a much louder. “MOOOOOOOOOOO~~~.” As Rain fidgets on the straw bed only to hit something big and soft as he grabs it like a body pillow in his old life.
“Oi…You wait what are you doing to my backside.” Rain ignores all outside sounds and continue to pleasure the pillow with slight movements. Only to open his eyes as a dull white light puts him back to sleep.” This guy I treat him to my best bed and he tries something funny, is he gay?” [ Joven]
Shine, shine from the morning light as it hits Rain’s face. “Was I dreaming that I was home and what was that light. Wait where am I and why am I naked?” Rain’s brain is rapid firing various questions; luckily he has a solution.
Ability UpdatePeerless Insight III Level upPeerless Insight IV[New] Answer/TalkerWhen questions are asked within the knowledge of the user it would be answered without prompting the activation of this skill.Additional: Awareness (subconscious)Information is absorbed even when not awake thru all senses which is stored into RAM (Random Access Memory).
Stat AcquiredRAMAllows the user to store new unknown memory within himself.
The stored data last up to 24 hours until wiped.
New session: 6:39 AM First Rise of the Zero Sin,1400
Active users: Rain, System
System: Hello, this system an automatic service of “Peerless Insight” and the following answers for the asked questions.
· This not home, this is the world of Veritas.
· That light was the unnamed sleep magic of Joven.
· Refer, to the first answer.
· You are unclothed because your former clothes were covered in Quiqui’s excrement.
· That was no pillow it was Joven’s rear.
· You had a dream of a girl and that’s why your pants were wet.
Rain: What is this and who are you?
System: Are you an idiot and once again I am the SYSTEM.
End session: 6:45 AM
(My abilities are so cheeky)
- 10 miles from Joven’s farm –
A group of travelers and walking down the beaten path. Seems to be a group of misfits, the attires are mismatched and unorderly.
“Seems this is the way, the magi diviner detected an unknown magic used in this area.” Said by a seemingly living suit of armor. Behind him are 3 others: two men and one female. The former seems to be twins with alternative colors on the exact copy of attire and the latter where a maid outfit.
- Back at the farm-
Joven walking into his personal room aka the barn only to sleep a puzzled Rain as he is talking to himself, “Was my magic too strong?” said in a muttering tone. Rain alerted to something moving toward him that looked like a cow, cleaning his eyes and remember who that thing was; Joven, the farmer.
“Joven, why am I in a barn and where are my clothes?”
Joven has a bundle of clothes on his horns, looking like a coat rack.
“So the first thing that comes out your mouth is a question. How about you start over with a greeting.” Said with a face of disdain.
Completely ignoring Joven, Rain process to take the clothes from Joven’s horns. Leaving Joven shock at the arrogance of Rain.
Joven points his index face at Rain’s face. “Spring forth thy name of Earth, Misty Dream”, Joven shouted as a dull white light appears to be channeling thru his body to the tip of his finger.
(Not this time, I learn from my mistakes)
-Couple minutes before this event-
Ability UpdateDebug Goggles ILevel upDebug Goggles II[New] MacrosAllows the user to make up to (2+ rank of this skill) in macros.
Macros are commands that stored for quick editing of programs.Current: NULL
Rain proceeded to make some macros.
Misfire (Raycast target, Player user)
Return Target = user;
StatChange (boolean increase, Player user, int val)
Array[] stats = user.stats[];
if (increase == true)
for (int i = 0; i
stats = val;
for (int i = 0; i
stats = val;
Stun ( )
Check if (Hostile == true)
For (int i = 0; i < Hostile.count; i++)
StatChange (false, Hostile,1)
Hostile.stat.movement = 0;
-Back to present-
[ center]ACTIVE[.center][ center]Misfire[/center] [ center]Stun[/center]
Joven looks dumbfounded as his magic bolt seemingly does a U-turn back at him but since it’s his own skill, user is unaffected. Thus causing him to fall on the ground but he tries to get up without able to gather any strength. Looking up towards the now smirking Rain, he picks up the clothes that Joven generously gave him.
“Why is it leather jackets and pants. Your one weird demon.”
“What have you done to me? Was that magic?”
Just as Joven spoken those words a group of four appeared in the doorway of the barn.
As he is pointing at Rain to step back. “Sir…Sir get away from him.” [Idiot A]
“Boy, that is an ugly demon, Roe Roe Downfall, Shackles.” [Idiot B]
The charming woman in the back playing a flute, for no reason, says “You their boy was this demon hassling you, come over here we would save you.” [Flute Idiot]
Sporadically shaking his body and hands, the Suit of armor say, “Wait...wait… wait …WAIT STOP IT NOW. (Pause) Drop a beat.” Behind him his cohorts drop their faces and the two men start singing while the woman plays for flute to a familiar tone.
Rain starts to think about this… “Um is this by Mike Ja****on?” but no one is listening.
It's Close To Midnight And Something Evil's Lurking In The Dark
Under The Moonlight You See A Sight That Almost Stops Your Heart
You Try To Scream But Terror Takes The Sound Before You Make It
You Start To Freeze As Horror Looks You Right Between The Eyes,
You're Paralyzed… “[Idiot A]
The suit of armor starts to dance then as he turns around, starts to moonwalk towards Joven and me. “Sorry my regiment always shoot first ask questions later.” Starts doing the robot, pulls out a Rubik’s cube like object, throws it at us. “Now let’s see who is the perpetrator.”
'Cause This Is Thriller, Thriller Night
And No One's Gonna Save You From The Beast About
You Know It's Thriller, Thriller Night
You're Fighting For Your Life Inside A Killer, Thriller
Tonight…” [Idiot B]
The cube spins in the air in front of us then hits me in the forehead. “What the ****?”
“Get him now and sorry again Joven, it seems my men didn’t see your face.” [Living Armor]
-15 minutes later-
Joven now back on his hooves and Rain has a bag over his head while restrained by his leather jacket and pants.
“I should get reimbursed. This is like the 50th time your men attack me for no reason. Oh and I was going to let this trespasser go but now take him away”, as Joven pasts the thomas, the suit of armor, some misshapen coins.
“Wait…Oi I saw that why you gave him money”, as Toric aka Idiot A and Rick aka Idiot B using a magic called “Nihil Adipem”, which causes the target to be weightless.
- On the road towards the city of Argos -
Since I can’t see my surroundings and I can do anything thing productive.
“What just happened I can see.” Shouted Rain thus startled the group which resulted badly for Rain as Toric and Rick dropped him on the path. “Ow…”
Thomas checks the bag for any holes and use the magi diviner to check for magical decay while the flute lady, Shana, looks around clueless. “Hey you, what you mean that you can see. Clearly this bag is fine.”
After a few moments they process on the road while Rain starts look at each person in the group.
Debug Goggles
8th regiment, Misfits of Argos
Thomas, the Hollow (Leader)RaceGolem (Armor)Level15[New] ClassMagician[New] JobDancerHP50/50Mana300/300StatsStr30Wis99Int75Sta2Will100Dex1NoteHe is wearing an actual suit of armor over his body.
Toric, the VoiceRaceHumanLevel10[New] ClassNinja[New] JobSinger(Lead)HP350/350Mana300/300StatsStr20Wis1Int1Sta30Will100Dex100NoteWhy is singing a job.
Rick, the BackupRaceHumanLevel10[New] ClassNinja[New] JobSinger(Backup)HP350/350Mana300/300StatsStr20Wis1Int1Sta30Will100Dex100NoteSeriously Why is singing a job!!!
Shana, the showmanRaceHumanLevel13[New] ClassBard[New] JobCosplayer(?)HP350/350Mana300/300StatsStr5Wis30Int80Sta40Will95Dex45NoteSo author you lazy with the jobs huh.
System: Do you want to store this data? Y/N
Rain: Yea…
System: There are some data in your RAM, do you want to display? Y/N Do you want to store it? Y/N
Rain: Um system why you ask silly questions. From now on display everything and store everything.
System: is that a yes?
Rain: Yes, and yes.
Displaying RAM cache
Misty Dream
Chant: Spring forth thy name of Earth[/center]
Sends a mana bolt at the target and causes a sleep effect
Chant: Roe Roe Downfall
Gives life to the clothes of the target which then commands to bind the target.
Nihil Adipem
Chant: NULLChanges the weight of the target.
A small outpost near the edge of the border from the capital, Rosset, of the empire of Zuu.
Joven's Farm
Located in the backwoods of the Zuu empire.
System: Anything else?
Rain: No…wait yes display options.
DISPLAYOptionsCurrent PermissionsStatusMapPeerless InsightChat(New)App Store(New)Admin Console
-Ding- New Message
Hey, how is life treating you, oh and I think I dropped in you a random location. Oh my father found out I had a visitor I was grounded for a while. So talk to me soon, am bored since I don’t have my pc anymore. Hurry up man.
Muttering under the bag, “This…god damn god.”
System: User, you need to reboot for a system update. Do you want to reboot now? Y/N
Rain: Sure it not like I got nothing to do.
System: Running Sleep.exe
System: User will wake up in 2 to 7 days.
Rain: Wait what… No No STOP IT…
“Is it me or is this guy snoring?” [ Rick]
“I wish I was that carefree.” [ Shana]
Unknowing to Rain what cards that fate dealt him where not in his favor.
RainRaceHumanLevel1ClassNullJobNullHP200/200Mana500/500StatsStr10Wis5Int100Sta10Will50Dex1Remaining Points50TalentsAstral Mind EXPeerless Insight IVDebug Goggles II Advertisement Previous
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