《Bridging The Gap; The Final Records In Unova: An Autobiography》The Mole Among Us
“My mom and dad are so proud of me,” Trixa said proudly. “They said I’ll be a Pokemon Master in no time with the way things are going for me so far. And my little brother is just, too, cute!! He really misses me! It was heartbreaking seeing him cry. He wants to travel with me.”
“Awwwww! That’s so precious!” June gushed.
“He’s the sweetest, cutest little guy in the world,” Trixa smiled lovingly at her. “Sometimes, I just wanna run back home and stay with him instead of traveling.”
There’s an idea, I thought to myself, looking at Trixa from the corner of my eye.
“But I want to really be something big in life and make my mom and dad proud,” Trixa continued.
Like a big time mental case? I thought as I gazed down at the Town Map I had open in my hands. I dunno how proud that’ll make your parents but you definitely are there already.
“And Prof. Juniper was so happy to hear about my second Badge win, too!” Trixa added.
June and I gazed at her silently, our eyes wide.
“Is that all she said…?” June asked hesitantly.
Trixa turned to us and looked up at the sky thoughtfully, her finger on her chin. “Hmmm. She said I’m doing really well and she’s really happy I caught a Pokemon, but she wants me to try harder to capture more. Then she had to leave to take care of some stuff. She was very busy when I called. I was just about to mention your win, too, Gary.” Her finger fell to her side and her eyes turned to me as she smiled. “Next time I call her, you’ll be the first thing I mention to her. Promise! Me and my silly memory.” She giggled.
“Don’t worry about it,” I mumbled. Prof. Juniper still hasn’t asked about us, I thought as my eyes returned to the Town Map. Has she forgotten about us? Did she not talk to Prof. Oak that day we ran away from her? Maybe Prof. Oak was hurt really badly when Porygon-Z shocked him, and he’s been in the hospital ever since! He was paralyzed on the ground when I saw him last. I really hope he’s alright. Should I call him? At some point, I’ll have to. I need to know if Charizard and Porygon-Z made it back or not. I also want to see all of my Pokemon again.
My first Badge in Unova, the Trio Badge, flashed in my mind. Back in Kanto, I called my mom up after I won a Badge, although that usually led to another demand for me to come home, leading to an argument. After a while, I started calling her a lot less. I hope she’s okay, too, I thought, my eyes suddenly filling with tears. I hope Rotom didn’t hurt her. Despite the issues we had with each other, I still love you, mom. And I know you love me, too.
“Have you found out the location of the next Gym?” June asked.
I turned to her quickly, surprised. “Huh? Oh.” I closed my eyes and shook my head hard, returning to the map.
“Are you okay?” June’s eyes squinted with concern.
“Of course I am!” I said roughly, blinking my vision clear. “It looks like we have a couple of options from here. There’s a Gym in Nacrene City up ahead, and then we have the Steel type Gym in Vancteck City, which is a bit closer than Nacrene City.”
“I believe Nacrene City is where the Rock Gym is at, run by Diggy,” Trixa said to me. “He’s the son of the owners of a famous museum there. They do a lot of research on fossils.”
Pidove sat on my left shoulder, looking down at the Town Map with me.
“A museum sounds nice!” June went on. “I think Nacrene City sounds like an awesome place!”
“We’re not going to a museum, June,” I said flatly. “Or at least, I’m not.”
“Grrrr,” June growled, crossing her arms. She turned to Trixa. “Well, I say we should vote on it. What do you think we should do, Trixa? Wouldn’t you like to see a museum that has a lot of information on fossils and stuff?”
“Not really,” Trixa said with a bored tone. “That Steel Gym sounds good, though. I have Fire types. Steel is weak to Fire, right? I think we should go there.”
“Pansear!” Pansear cried. He was sitting on top of Trixa’s shoulders, one leg on each shoulder, his feet wrapped around her neck, his hands and head resting lazily atop her head.
“I think Pansear agrees!” Trixa laughed.
I smiled, but it faded shortly after. “Well, this isn’t exactly a vote, anyway,” I said seriously. “I want to go to Vancteck City, and that’s pretty much the end of it.”
“Control freak,” June muttered.
I turned to her and glared. “Perhaps Trixa and I will go to Vancteck City, and you can go to Nacrene City.”
June sighed. “I’m sick of arguing with you and your controlling ways,” June said angrily. “It’d be nice to compromise for once, you know? Visit new places together. Enjoy the sights. Have fun! But with you, it’s work, work, work!”
“Nothing wrong with that,” I said in a low voice. “This is pretty much my journey. It’s all of our journey, but I’m on my own path. I won’t sacrifice where I’m headed for others. We all have to advance in our own ways. That’s what being a Pokemon Trainer is all about.”
“Making friends and showing a little compromise never hurt anyone,” June said sharply.
“You’re the one following me,” I shot back. “So, I’m supposed to be leading the way. Trixa, on the other hand, well…” I turned to her.
Trixa stared back.
“Well, she’s more than welcome to join us, but going off on her own is also not a bad idea,” I said finally. I looked away from her and focused on the surrounding trees.
The path was unclear, and as I led the way towards Vancteck City based on the directions of the Town Map, the path got even more crowded with trees. The air was cool, and as we got deeper into the woods, it got a little more chilly. I zipped up my jacket and a breeze immediately blew by, giving me the shivers.
“I hope we don’t get lost,” Trixa said with concern.
A strong gust of wind pushed against us, slowing us down a little as we pressed on.
Winter’s showing itself, I knew. It’s about to get really cold.
As the five of us pushed on, the wind seemed to get even stronger in response, trying its best to push us backwards.
“Whoa!” June exclaimed. “This is getting pretty serious, now!”
We struggled forward, one step at a time, the wind roaring at us.
I closed my eyes as they teared up.
It wasn’t long before several loud cries rang out through the area.
“Huh?” I said, squinting through tears through the wind.
Several white balls of fluff with green appendages by their sides flew past the five of us.
“What’s that?” June ducked to her knees.
I didn’t move, watching as the strange creatures flew by us, resembling balls of cotton with leaves by their sides, crying out.
“Those are Cottonee!” Trixa said happily.
“Cottonee?” I pulled out my Pokedex.
Cottonee. The Cotton Puff Pokemon. They intimidate foes by puffing out their cotton around them. These friendly Pokemon are easily blown around by the wind.
“A new Pokemon!” I spoke eagerly.
Several of the Cottonee flew around the trees, escaping deeper into the thick collection of trees, and the wind finally began to die down.
“Come on! Let’s catch one!” I ran only a couple of steps forward before one of the Cottonee slammed into a tree and fell.
“Coooottoneeee!” it wailed out, its voice light and reminiscent of a sheep.
“Pidove, Quick Attack!” I yelled as I came to a stop several feet away from the cottony Pokemon.
“Piiiii!” Pidove flew out at Cottonee at lightning speed and tackled it.
Cottonee screamed out and sat still on the ground.
“Now, wrap this up with Gust!”
Pidove’s wings flapped gently, keeping himself in the air, and he stared quietly at Cottonee. He didn’t attack.
“Pidove? Pidove!!” I screamed angrily as I realized what was happening.
Cottonee got up and faced Pidove with a strong glare.
“Pidove! This is no time to be getting forgetful! Quick Attack!”
Cottonee’s body started to glow a light green.
Pidove shook his head and flew at Cottonee quickly, knocking it over and causing the glow to disappear.
“Alright! Now, like I said before, use Gust attack!” I repeated.
Cottonee suddenly leaped high into the air above Pidove at a blinding speed and began to shiver its body. A golden powder came off of it and surrounded my Pidove as he looked around in shock.
“How did it move that fast?” I gasped.
Pidove fell to the ground, cawing out in pain.
“That’s Stun Spore!” June noted.
He’s Paralyzed, I growled silently to myself. “Pidove! Fight it! Use Gust attack!”
Pidove remained, trembling against the Paralysis.
Cottonee fell to the ground and started glowing again, a beam firing out at Pidove.
Pidove uttered out sharply in pain from the hit.
Cottonee began to look visibly healthier.
“It’s one of the draining moves!” I said loudly. “Absorb, or maybe Mega Drain or Giga Drain! It’s sapping Pidove’s health!”
Cottonee’s attack ended, and Pidove was left breathing hard. Cottonee looked a lot better and eager for more.
“Pidove, get up and use that Gust!” I ordered.
The two leaves on the sides of Cottonee’s body glowed light green and began to wave. Multiple leaves fired from them and hit Pidove, knocking him over as he was starting to get back up.
Pidove shook his head and climbed back onto his talons, but then he twitched painfully, falling over.
“Pidove! Come on!” I urged as he struggled to fight through the Paralysis he was suffering from. “Quick Attack!”
Cottonee floated over, closer to Pidove, ready to attack again, when a sudden gust of wind blew through the area. Cottonee was taken in surprise, easily blown through the air.
“Pidove!” Pidove flew at Cottonee with Quick Attack. His attack hit, forcing Cottonee back, slamming it into a tree.
“Now, Gust attack!”
Pidove attacked with Gust, which, combined with the wind blowing, seemed to form a small tornado that pulled in Cottonee and had it swirling in circles. The wind finally died down again and Pidove dropped as Paralysis took over again.
Cottonee was released from the tornado as it dissipated. It fell, a dizzy look on its face as it groaned weakly.
I grabbed my Poke Ball and made it larger. “Here we go! Poke Ball!” I threw it hard at Cottonee.
The Poke Ball bounced off of Cottonee’s head, opened, and sucked it inside with a red beam before landing, the button in the middle glowing red, shaking hard.
Pidove managed to stand up and he stared at the shaking Poke Ball.
The Poke Ball shook hard some more.
The light on the Poke Ball faded away.
“Yes! Cottonee is mine!” I cheered, running towards it and picking it up. “We did it, Pidove! We caught a Cottonee!”
Pidove seemed thrilled and flew into the air, circling over my head.
I turned to June and Trixa joyously.
June smiled back. “Congratulations!”
Trixa had an upset look on her face.
“What’s wrong?” I asked her.
“I wanted that Pokemon,” Trixa said, shaking her head. “You just totally took it from me!”
“Huh? I just…”
“I really don’t like how you’re always being a control freak. June was right. That wasn’t cool at all.”
“What? Wait! I wasn’t trying to be a control freak! I just wanted to catch one of the Cottonee!”
“Yeah? Well, you caught the only one in the area. The others got away! You could have at least asked if I wanted it, first.”
Pansear shouted out in protest at me, waving his fist.
My face fell. “I wasn’t trying to be mean or anything. I’m sorry, Trixa.”
Trixa lowered her head and sighed. “Just forget it.”
Pansear raged out once more before quieting down, glaring at me, and his Trainer turned around and walked away.
I felt a little bad, but I hadn’t really done anything wrong. Trixa had more Pokemon than I do! I argued in my head. Now, we’re even! I considered bringing this fact up to her, but decided not to.
“Piiidove,” Pidove moaned.
“Pidove!” I turned to him.
He was moaning weakly from the pain of Paralysis he was suffering from.
“Hold on!” I knelt down and opened my bag. “We bought some items at the Poke Mart.” Before I could find the item I was looking for, I heard some kind of disturbance near me.
Trixa stopped and gasped.
June had been watching me try and heal my Pidove, but turned around at the sound of Trixa’s gasp.
A strange mole looking Pokemon had dug up through the ground, staring at us.
Trixa screamed happily and pointed at the little Pokemon.
It immediately dug its way back down into the hole it appeared from.
“Nooooooooo!!” Trixa wailed out.
“Good job, Trixa,” I said, digging through my bag again. “You scared it away. You can’t blame me for that one.”
“That’s no faaaaaaaiirrrrr!!!” Trixa screeched, stomping her right foot repeatedly.
Pansear screeched angrily with Trixa.
I finally found a Full Heal and sprayed Pidove’s body with it.
Pidove’s eyes closed as I sprayed him, and he finally opened then and flapped his wings, crying out with relief.
I stood up and smiled at my Pokemon.
Pidove flew onto my left shoulder and cooed peacefully.
“So, what was that Pokemon?” I asked a still raging Trixa who was still stomping.
She stopped her stomping and turned to me, her eyes wide with innocence. “I dunno.”
I slapped my forehead and sighed. “Well, let’s just get going. Vancteck City isn’t much further from here. Maybe another day or two. Less if we keep up a good pace.”
“Fine,” Trixa grumbled.
I led the way once again and looked at the Poke Ball still in my hand, smiling. An excited feeling ran throughout my body. A new Pokemon, I thought cheerfully. This is so cool! A Cottonee. I was having flashbacks to the days when I had captured my first Pokemon. Mankey. Weedle. Hoothoot. Metapod. Such cherished, memorable times for me.
My walking slowed as I thought about Weedle. I wonder how he’s doing… A wave of sadness splashed over me. Where is he? Whatever the situation is with you and Drock, I hope you’re happy. I hope we’ll meet again, Beedrill. I hope you’re safe. I won’t ever forget you. I hope that, maybe, you think about me on occasion. But most of all, I only care for your happiness. A depressing clutch over my body made my shoulders droop, my body filling with what felt like molasses or glue as everything seemed to come close to a complete stop. My eyes began to refill.
A sound disrupted my thoughts and emotions, and I tried ignoring it. Curiosity got the best of me though, and I turned around to see that June and Trixa had also stopped walking and were looking behind them.
It was the mole Pokemon! It had dug up from the ground again, now standing where we had walked away from, and was slashing one of its huge claws at a tree trunk repeatedly.
Trixa pulled out her Pokedex. “There it is again,” she whispered.
Drilbur. The Mole Pokemon. This Pokemon is quick at digging and hard to capture for this reason. It lives secluded in caves and underground areas, and will fight if bothered.
“So it’s a Drilbur,” I noted.
“Dril?” Drilbur stopped slashing the tree trunk and turned to us.
Something large fell from the tree branches and dropped on top of Drilbur’s head.
“Drilbur!” It looked down at the piece of fruit that fell. It smiled and picked it up.
“That thing is mine!” Trixa ran forward with a Poke Ball in her hand. “Tepig, Flame Charge!” She tossed her Poke Ball.
“Tepiiiig!” Tepig stomped on the ground repeatedly before becoming engulfed with fire and he flew out at Drilbur, knocking it over.
Drilbur’s fruit flew from its claws as the Pokemon landed on its back. Growling angrily at Tepig as it got back up, its claws glowed white as it slashed them together, making a sharp noise in the air.
“Hone Claws!” June called out. “He’s raising his Attack and Accuracy!”
“Another Flame Charge!” Trixa went on.
Tepig attacked again, knocking over Drilbur.
Drilbur jumped to his feet, shaking off the damage, and attacked Tepig rapidly with Fury Swipes, his claws glowing white, cutting into Tepig’s body. Before Tepig could recover from the hit, Drilbur dug underground.
“It got away!” Trixa said with disappointment. “Why didn’t it stick around? That’s so unfair!!”
“Trixa, wait!” I warned her.
The ground shook hard and Drilbur appeared from under it, right underneath Tepig, delivering a powerful blow to the little pig.
“Teeeepig!” Tepig soared through the air and landed hard.
“Tepig! Oh, no!” Trixa complained.
Tepig got to his feet, shaking his head hard.
Drilbur did Hone Claws again, raising his Attack and Accuracy even further. He ran at Tepig and raised one large, glowing claw, hitting Tepig with Slash attack.
Tepig flashed white where the attack landed, indicating a Critical Hit, suffering Tepig even more damage than normal. He rolled along the ground and then remained still.
Drilbur dug through the ground and didn’t come back.
“Tepig!” Trixa ran to her Pokemon and knelt down by him, rubbing his head. “Come back! Get some rest! Poor thing!” She returned him to his Poke Ball and sighed, looking ready to cry.
“Pansear! Pan!” Pansear rubbed the top of Trixa’s head with both of his hands, smiling.
Trixa smiled, trying to stare up at Pansear, and giggled. “I guess next time it’ll be you and me battling that thing, huh?”
“Pansear!” Pansear nodded.
“We were lucky to see him twice...” June said hesitantly.“Seeing him a third time seems a little unlikely. Why would he come back here again? He has no reason.”
I looked over to where Drilbur had escaped. “June’s right. Let’s keep going.” I was ready to walk away, but I froze.
June and Trixa stared at me as I focused on something.
“What’s wrong, Gary?” June asked.
I turned to Trixa with a smirk. “You really want that Drilbur, huh?”
I turned to June. “I have a feeling we can get that thing to come back, at least one more time.”
“How?!” June and Trixa questioned with surprise.
June, Trixa, Pansear, Pidove, and I huddled close together by a large bush, several feet away from where I had explained my plan to them to catch the Drilbur a couple of hours or so ago. We could see a bunch of fruit underneath a tree, gathered there by us after we had repeatedly kicked and otherwise attacked the tree trunk Drilbur had been hitting, and we gathered the fallen spoils. We ran off deeper into the woods to hide and wait for Drilbur’s arrival.
“Well, this is d-” Trixa started as she stood up, ending up mumbling against my hand I clasped over her mouth as I pulled her back down, hard.
“Shut up, you idiot,” I whispered.
“Gary, I think she’s right,” June said, a weary look on her face.
“Will you both be quiet?” I whispered louder, getting impatient.
“Gary, I’m sorry, but he’s not-” June tried.
I waved my hand angrily and pointed ahead as a movement grabbed my attention.
June, Trixa, Pidove and Pansear turned to see a rustling in the grass as a Pokemon came out.
“That’s a Patrat,” Trixa said lowly in disappointment.
I sighed, no longer holding up any hope myself.
“Well, she’s cute,” June smiled.
Patrat sniffed the ground and got closer to the fruit. She grabbed a little yellow berry and nibbled on it, her tail wagging rapidly.
“I guess a Patrat is better than nothing,” Trixa stated.
Suddenly, Patrat froze and turned around in our direction, her eyes wide in fear. Her attention was then grabbed as she looked away from us, behind her.
The ground broke apart and Drilbur popped his head out from the ground!
“Yes!” I whispered excitedly. “He’s back!”
Drilbur looked happily at the fruit pile and then looked pleasantly at Patrat.
Patrat turned in our direction again, and then back to Drilbur.
Drilbur smiled and walked over to the fruit and grabbed a blue one, saying something happily to Patrat.
Patrat said something to Drilbur and then looked back to us before scurrying away into the woods.
Drilbur looked at Patrat in confusion, his smile fading, before smiling again and happily ate the fruit he had in a couple of bites.
“No escape this time!” Trixa shouted, and ran at Drilbur, Pansear running alongside her, screeching his name determinedly.
“Drilbur!” Drilbur dropped his fruit in a start and dug into the ground.
“Go after it!” Trixa commanded.
Pansear dug underground after Drilbur.
Neither Pokemon reappeared for a while.
The four of us were watching quietly.
The ground shook and Pansear burst from the underground, Drilbur right underneath him, forcing him up with a Super Effective punch to his stomach!
Pansear landed on the ground hard.
Drilbur came back down and used Slash attack on Pansear, throwing Pansear back, and he landed near Trixa.
“Pansear!” Trixa called out to him. “Let’s win this one! I know we can do it! Get up and use Yawn attack!”
Pansear got up and opened his mouth wide, sending out multiple bubbles at Drilbur.
“Driiiiiilbur!” Drilbur spun rapidly and charged into the bubbles, popping them and tackling Pansear down.
“Paaaannn…” Pansear groaned.
Drilbur took the opportunity to use Hone Claws again.
“Pansear, please! You have to get up! We can’t lose like this! Use your Bite attack!” Trixa pleaded.
Pansear got to his feet, wobbling a little, and jumped at Drilbur, sinking his teeth into Drilbur’s arm.
Drilbur cried out, trying hard to shake off Pansear, finally tossing the monkey back.
“Flame Burst!”
Pansear let out a ball of fire from his mouth, into the air, and it exploded and showered Drilbur in flames.
Drilbur dug underground before being touched by any of the dowsing flames, and appeared within seconds underneath Pansear, knocking him over.
“Pansear, nooo!” Trixa said sadly.
Pansear pushed himself up, but Drilbur attacked with Fury Swipes and Pansear stumbled back, colliding with a tree, which he finally leaned against wearily and collapsed.
Trixa let out a hurt grunt and ran past Drilbur, towards her Pansear, and picked him up, pressing her head to his body.
Drilbur smiled and turned back to me and June. “Drilbur!” He raised his claws high and looked down at the ground, ready to dig away.
“NO!” I shouted, and threw a Poke Ball at Drilbur. “Cottonee, I choose you!”
“Coooottoneee!” Cottonee sang out, looking a little tired, hovering in the air.
“We’re not done with you, yet!” I told Drilbur as I pulled out my Pokedex to check out Cottonee’s moves. “Okay, Mega Drain!”
Before Cottonee could attack, Drilbur leaped at Cottonee and swiped at it repeatedly.
Cottonee hit the ground hard but managed to get back up, hovering.
“Try again, one more time!” I insisted.
Cottonee used Mega Drain, a green, star shaped leaf on the back of its body glowing white. Its body glowed light green, and a beam of light green light reached from each glowing leaf and headed for Drilbur.
Drilbur dug underground, escaping the attack, and appeared again in seconds by attacking Cottonee with Dig attack.
Cottonee hit the ground, squirming desperately.
“Cottonee!” I said loudly. This Drilbur is damn well tough, I admitted. And Cottonee is weak from the battle with Pidove. Both Pidove and Cottonee are weakened, but they both have an advantage over Drilbur. “Cottonee, do you need to return?”
Cottonee shook its head hard and got back into the air, shaking weakly as it struggled to keep on going.
Drilbur is so fast, I realized. If only we could get one little hit in and get some energy back with Mega Drain!
“Move as fast as you can, Cottonee! Mega Drain!” I pushed it.
Drilbur took a strong leap at Cottonee, his claws clawing white, and Cottonee tried to attack with Mega Drain. Drilbur slashed at Cottonee repeatedly, dropping my Pokemon easily.
“Gary, use another Pokemon or something!” June begged. “Drilbur is just too quick! Cottonee won’t get a hit in! He’s just too slow!”
I gripped Cottonee’s Poke Ball, knowing I couldn’t just let him continue to get beat up like this. Shaking my head, I took a deep breath and gathered all of the energy and determination inside of me to scream out, “Cottonee, Stun Spore!! NOW!!”
Drilbur once again ran at my weakened Cottonee, his claws gleaming like metal.
“Gary, it’s Metal Claw!” June informed me.
Suddenly, Cottonee moved with stunning speed, actually getting back into the air, and his body shook hard as a golden powder fell from his body. It was like watching him move in fast forward!
Drilbur, leaping into the air, was hit by the powder and called out helplessly he fell, the metal sheen to his claws disappearing instantly.
“Hey!” I screamed happily. “You did it! Cottonee, you got him!”
Cottonee sang out happily, weakly.
“This is our chance! Mega Drain!” I commanded.
Cottonee attacked once again, and he caught Drilbur as he was squirming on the floor. Drilbur was sapped from the powerful attack as Cottonee regained health.
When the attack ended, Drilbur managed to his feet, but then he bent over, twitching from Paralysis.
“Again! Mega Drain!”
Cottonee sapped Drilbur once again, dropping Drilbur to his knees as his pleas tore through the skies. He was holding himself up by his claws after Mega Drain ended, heaving heavily.
“Now, Leech Seed!”
A seed sprouted from the top of Cottonee’s white fluff on his head, and it soared at Drilbur, landing on his head, and vines sprouted from the seed, wrapping around him, draining his energy.
Drilbur fell, remaining still on the ground, Leech Seed absorbing his health, and I grabbed my Poke Ball. “Oh!” I turned to Trixa.
She was still holding her Pansear, her eyes gleaming with tears, looking right at me.
I looked back into her eyes.
The only sound was from Drilbur suffering from the Leech Seed attack.
“Trixa,” I nodded. “Go ahead.”
Trixa turned to Drilbur, who was now getting to his feet, still struggling from the Leech Seed that was draining his energy. She turned back to me and shook her head. “You earned it, Gary. You should capture it.”
I shook my head. “We went through all of this for you, Trixa. You caught Pidove for me. I owe you one. This is your capture. Go on.”
“Cottoneeeeeee!” Cottonee’s voice grabbed everyone’s attention.
We all turned to see Cottonee on the ground, Drilbur’s claws gleaming with metal, showing he had just used Metal Claw on my Pokemon.
Cottonee still got back up.
I turned back to Trixa. “Come on! Do it!!” I yelled at her.
“I’m not going to!” Trixa yelled back. “It’d be gone if I were alone. You weakened it, not me! You beat it! Now, catch it!”
“Coooooottoneeeee!” Cottonee screamed out again.
We all looked at Drilbur as he swiped at Cottonee with Slash attack, Cottonee’s body shaking harshly as he struggled to stay afloat and not give in.
“Gary, do something!” Fear was on June’s face.
I turned from June to Trixa. “Trixa!! Please!”
“Catch that Drilbur, Gary!” Trixa begged, hugging her Pansear in her arms.
Cottonee slid on the ground, in between Trixa and I, and we both gasped, turning to Drilbur.
“DRIIIIILBURRRRR!!”He raised his arms into the air and dug through the ground.
“It’s getting away!!!” Trixa shrieked.
Half of Drilbur’s body got underground before he rose his body out of the hole and fell onto his back, twitching from Paralysis, still being sapped by the Leech Seed.
I growled angrily and stared at the Poke Ball in my hand.
Groaning hard, Drilbur slowly got to his feet and stumbled towards the hole to escape.
“Gary!!!” June’s hands were held out helplessly.
“Poke Ball!” I threw it at Drilbur.
Drilbur leaped for the hole desperately.
The Poke Ball hit him in the stomach and it opened, a red beam sucking him inside. The button glowed red as it shook on the ground.
Nobody spoke as we watched the Poke Ball shake vigorously.
The Poke Ball seemed to stop suddenly.
We all gasped happily.
The red glow is still on the Poke Ball button, I realized in shock.
The Poke Ball suddenly shook again, even harder, making us all let out our breaths with disappointment.
And it continued to shake.
The Poke Ball suddenly stopped shaking and the red light vanished with a PING!
I let out my breath loudly. “Ha!” I gasped. “I did it! YES!” I ran to the Poke Ball and picked it up. “I caught a Drilbur! I caught him!”
Pidove flew from my shoulder, fluttering joyfully.
Cottonee happily cheered, floating only a couple of feet in the air, visibly tired. With a sigh, it finally rested on the ground.
“Cottonee! Thank you so much!” I hugged him and felt his soft body in my arms, against my face, feeling like the softest object I’d ever touched. I breathed into his body and didn’t want to let go. “You were just fantastic, Cottonee!”
“Cottoneeeee!” he replied.
“Good job, Gary,” Trixa told me.
I let go of Cottonee and turned to her. “Trixa.”
She had a smile on her face as she walked over to me, her Pansear still in her arms. “When I earn a capture, I’ll make a capture. You earned that.” Her smile faded as she shook her head. “You almost let that thing get away, and got your Cottonee hurt unnecessarily in the process. I really should have caught that Cottonee myself. I wouldn’t have let it get hurt like that.”
“You’re right.” I turned to Cottonee. “I’m really sorry, Cottonee.”
“Cooootttonee!” He waved his leaves at me, not seeming upset at me at all.
“You got lucky with it,” Trixa spoke. “That Drilbur was fast, but you motivated Cottonee to move quicker and got that Stun Spore out before Drilbur could land another hit!”
“You’re right!” I acknowledged. “Thanks for that, Cottonee. I knew you could do it.”
“Cottonee! Coooottoneee!”
“Huh?” June stepped towards us, a stunned look on her face, her eyes on Cottonee. “Really?”
“Cottonee?” Cottonee turned to June.
“Is that really what happened?” June asked him, smiling.
“Cottonee!” Cottonee said, bobbing in my arms softly.
“What?” I asked June.
“Is June reading Pokemon again?” Trixa bounced in place.
June smiled and turned to Trixa, and then faced me. “You know what, Gary? I think Cottonee has an Ability that allowed him to move first! You should check your Pokedex!”
“Whoa! Really?” I pulled out my Pokedex.
Prankster. This Ability allows the user to usually go first if it uses a Status move.
“Prankster Ability!” I said in disbelief. “Well, that explains something!”
June giggled and Trixa beamed in delight, looking around.
There was still so much for me to learn about the Pokemon world, and my goal was to approach everything I possibly could that was out there for me to learn, one day at a time, and become a true Pokemon Master.
“Hey! A Pokemon!” Trixa immediately took off through the woods.
“Huh? Where? What is it?!” I looked after her and moved a few steps.
“This one’s mine, Gary!” Trixa disappeared into the trees.
“Don’t get lost!” I returned Cottonee to his Poke Ball while running after Trixa.
Pidove flew after me with a sharp call.
“Don’t lose me, either! Wait up!” June followed.
And myself.
Running deeper into a strange forest we had no business running through so haphazardly, chasing after a Pokemon Trixa was determined to capture.
On our way to Vancteck City.
- In Serial134 Chapters
The Merchant Prince Book 1: Returning Home
Enter a world of deceit and assassins. Augustus DeCastellian is a member of a wealthy merchant family, with ports all over the known world. He is sent on a voyage to new lands to open trade routes, but when he returns he will need to fight, using his tools of manipulation and cunning, for what he is owed.Author's note: This story is somewhat slow-paced, especially in comparison to the norm on Royal Road. The first three chapters act almost as a prologue, to give you a feel for what the rest of the story will be like. So, I suggest new readers try to get to the end of chapter 3 before deciding if this story is for them.A few of my reviews have said that this story is abnormal for Royal Road. I agree with that sentiment, at least based on what I've read on the site. It was just an idea that was in my head, that I began trying to write once my hobbies were cancelled due to the virus. I found Royal Road after I started writing it. Honestly, it's probably not even tailored for the web-novel format. But it's the story I wanted to tell. Discord: https://discord.gg/sk63gep
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Layers of Hell
The forces of the underworld have been plotting to rise to the surface world and make it the 1000th layer of Hell. To combat this, Grim faces impossible odds in a world where death is the only way to progress. He gathers his allies, acquires powerful magic and weapons, and finally confronts the final boss Lilith. After many grueling battles, he at last emerges victorious. As for his player, he is the first to beat the Layers of Hell, the most expansive game known. As a special offer, he is given the chance at a New Game+, promising exciting new content. What could go wrong?
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The Daily Diary of a Mushroom
I was just a farmer and when my farm was attacked by bandits I fought them off as best as I could, but it turns out a single untrained woman fighting a band of twenty experienced killers doesn’t end well. Thinking I was dead I awoke to find that I had no arms and was only one ft tall. I have been reincarnated as a Mushroom Monster. What am I going to do now?__________________________________________________________________________This will be my first attempt at any kind of written novel or story, I have had a lot of ideas and tried writing some but realized they were too big in scale or too difficult for a newbie. So after thinking about what I could try for my first attempt, I came up with this. The premise is quite heavily inspired by Re:Monster (also more recently Re:lovely) and many other resurrection web/light novels. Warning Tagged [15+] for Some Strong Language, Gore, Violence.
8 203 - In Serial12 Chapters
Whispers of Aferum
There are holes in the world. Sometimes, things fall through them. Some of those things... change people, as Jubal Carter is about to experience first hand. Updates posted on the first and fifteenth of every month.
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The Knight's Goddess and The Goddess' Knight
A quasi-quasi Dark Souls fanfiction but not really. Just the setting, and similar tragedies and merry melancholy.A knight has awakened to a mission failed. Setting out to make another attempt, he encounters luck and tragedy alike. A goddess has sensed the reawakening of her most cherished. Having being separated for more than two centuries, she embarks once more to join in the quest.(Also testing out a Silent Protagonist and Gameplay Narration writing style)
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Mindful Secrets
"Waking up everyday shouldn't be this boring..."That's what 17 year old Dakota Brooks thinks about every single day of his life. He lost his parents at a young age and something seems to be troubling his mind ever since. Why does he feel this way when everyone at school clearly likes him?Maybe it's the dream that haunts him everytime he sleeps or maybe the sadness of his parents death still plagues his mind. In any case, things aren't gonna stay the same when the newcomer arrives. And it seems the newcomer also has a past he wants to keep buried.
8 143