《Bridging The Gap; The Final Records In Unova: An Autobiography》The Cilant, Chiling Secress Of A Fowl Battler
“Ah, what a pleasant surprise,” Cress said as he finished setting down a few plates full of delicious food on the table in front of a family and stood, turning to my group.
Cilan and Chili were nowhere in sight.
“Hey, Cress!” I greeted.
Everyone in the restaurant turned to look at me, their eyes wide. Excited murmurs rose up from the groups of people who had been eating beforehand, eager looks now on their faces.
Cress walked up to me, June, and Trixa, and bowed, a white cloth on his left arm. “It’s a pleasure to see you three here once again. Chili and Cilan will be pleased. Are you here to dine?”
I shook my head. “No way. You know why I’m here today. It’s my turn to battle you, Cress.”
Thrilled shrieks from the ladies in the restaurant rang out, followed by the hooting of eager men. Kids erupted happily.
Cress smiled at the commotion behind him before turning back to me. “Very well then, Gary,” he nodded with a wave of his hand.
“Oh, my! How delightful!” a voice cried out.
“Alright! Our three good friends are back!” another voice added.
We turned to see Chili and Cilan appear from a door in the back. They wore warm smiles on their faces as they approached us.
“Gary! Trixa! And of course, June!” Cilan bowed to us, a white cloth on his right arm.
“I anticipated your return!” Chili said eagerly, raising a fist.
“Chili!!” Trixa cheered, jumping in the air in front of Chili like the little girl she was.
“That’s right!” I nodded. “This time, it’s my turn to win that Badge!”
“Cress informed me that it was actually you who survived the attack at the Kanto Pokemon League two years ago!” Cilan suddenly brought up. “Is this true? Are you really that Gary?”
Louder murmurs came from the people in the restaurant around me.
“Yes,” I said grumpily. “But I’m not here for that, please. I came to challenge the Unova League and defeat the Gym Leaders here. I just ask that that be our main objective today. Please.”
“Of course!” Cilan nodded happily. “Forgive me! I’m sure that experience was a most bitter taste for you to have endured. Whatever will dilute the sourness of that dish, allow us to cater to your very whim and deliver that which is necessary to sweeten the tart ending of your travels in Kanto!”
“Uh…” I uttered. “Okay…?”
“Have you decided whom you’d like to battle?” Cilan questioned.
“I have. I’m sticking with my decision to battle Cress!”
Cress waved his hand gracefully. “It’s an honor to battle you, Gary. I’m sure we’ll learn quite a lot from each other during this round.”
The lights in the building dimmed, like last time.
“And on that note…” Chili started.
“Allow us, the Striaton City Gym Leaders…” Cilan continued.
“To lead you towards the battlefield for the battle,” Cress finished. He opened his hands, his fingers held together, and held them out towards the fireplace, a spotlight shining upon him.
Cilan’s fingers spread wide apart as his arm extended to the fireplace and he was illuminated by light.
Chili, in between them, knelt down on one knee and raised two fists at the fireplace, a beam focusing on him, too.
Like the last time, the walls split from the fireplace, the fireplace sinking into the ground, revealing the battlefield.
“I can’t believe this! A battle today! We got to see one just yesterday, and now, today is another one!” a girl screamed as the diners all ran towards the hallway in the back.
The boys ran behind the girls, taking the opposite path down the hallway to run through, making a ton of noise.
“Well then, I’m ready to battle!” I declared. “Let’s go!”
Cress nodded calmly. “Of course, Gary. Please, follow me.”
Chili and Cilan followed Cress towards the battlefield.
“HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYY!!!!!!!!” June shrieked in my ear.
I yelled out and stumbled back, staring at June with wide, stunned eyes and narrowed eyebrows.
The three brothers stopped and turned around to face us, a surprised look on their faces.
June vanished from beside me and reappeared in the next instant in front of Cilan.
“Whoa!” Cilan stumbled back, but June moved in perfect timing to remain right in his face.
“You wouldn’t be happening to be offering another one of those massages again, would you?” June fluttered her eyes.
Cilan’s face turned beet red and a nervous look came over his face. “Well, I suppose we still do offer that…” he replied hesitantly. “But…”
“YAAAY!” June screeched and grabbed his arm, forcing him towards the door in the back, Cilan’s feet not once touching the ground.
The door slammed hard behind them.
“What goes on back there…?” I muttered.
“I’d say June has a crush on Cilan,” Trixa giggled. “Silly. Chili is much cuter.”
Chili laughed loudly, rubbing the back of his head as he began to blush.
I followed the remaining brothers to the battlefield, Chili walking outside of the field and standing at attention.
Cress took his position on the opposite end of the field.
“This is a Gym match between Cress, the Gym Leader of Striaton City, and Gary from Kanto’s Pallet Town!” Chili stated. “This will be a one-on-one battle. The battle ends when one Trainer’s Pokemon is no longer able to battle! There will be no time limit! Begin!”
“Cress! Cress! Win this round! There’s no challenge, win this now!” the eager audience above cheered, dressed in their cheerleader uniforms, not only men and women, but young children included up there as well, this time.
I glared at them, wishing I had some form of support on my side, too. That was when I saw Trixa.
She smiled down at me and waved, her Tepig in her arms, held tight.
I smiled back and waved, my heart beating a little bit faster at the sight of her. It’s only one person, but at least it’s someone, I told myself.
“Ducklett, with a splash of beauty, make your arrival!” Cress threw his Poke Ball.
“Duuucklett!” Ducklett announced upon being freed.
“Pidove, go!” I extended my arm with his Poke Ball in my hand rather than throwing it. It still hurt from the Purrloin incident but it was a lot better.
Pidove let out a cry and flapped his wings, hovering in the air.
“Alright! Flying on Flying!” I noted.
Cress didn’t seem as excited as me as he smiled slightly, his visible eye closed without concern as he waved his open palm. “I insist. Go ahead.”
I nodded. “Pidove, use Gust!”
Pidove flapped his wings and blew Ducklett back with a strong gust of wind.
Ducklett squawked out and tumbled on the ground.
“Ducklett, get up and fight back with your Water Gun,” Cress said with ease.
“Ducklett!” Ducklett fired a stream of water from its open beak at Pidove.
Pidove was knocked down to the ground, shouting out.
“Pidove, use Leer!”
Pidove flapped his wings and got back into the air. His eyes glowed red.
Ducklett quacked loudly and took a step back, a determined look on its face.
“Now, use Quick Attack!” I continued.
Pidove flapped his wings for a second and then moved like lightning, slamming into Ducklett.
Ducklett was knocked onto its back.
“YAY! Gary, go! Go get that Ducklett!” I heard Trixa call for me.
I smiled, boosted by the support.
“Another Quick Attack, Pidove!”
“Ducklett, use your Aerial Ace,” Cress countered.
Both Pokemon flew at one another urgently, slamming into each other, forcing each other back.
Yeah, I thought excitedly. This is just what I wanted all along. Bird against bird. Flying against Flying. Pidove can do this. This battle is just perfect! Even and fair.
“Quick Attack again!” I insisted.
“Use Aerial Ace to counter it!” Cress said quickly.
Both Pokemon continuously charged at each other, forcing the other back and going back for more. After several more turns of their attacks, both Pokemon stopped flying at each other, tired and breathing heavily, glaring at each other. Ducklett stood on the ground, eyeing my Pidove who also was standing.
“Pidove, another Leer!”
Pidove used Leer on Ducklett, his eyes flashing red once more.
“Ducklett, avoid it with Aerial Ace,” Cress responded cooly.
But it was too late.
Ducklett was held back from attacking by the intimidating Leer attack.
“Alright! Badge number one is ours! Quick Attack! Finish it!” I yelled happily, pointing at Ducklett.
Ducklett gaped in shock at Pidove, awaiting the hit.
Cress stared at Pidove, smirking expectantly.
Pidove... sat down?
Nobody moved.
I finally caught on to the fact that Pidove was not attacking and I let out a “Huh?” of confusion. “Pidove?”
Pidove pecked at the ground quietly, but didn’t deliver the finishing blow.
“Pidove???” What was going on??
Pidove lifted his head and turned to me. “Dove?” he said, cocking his head.
“I said to finish this with-!”
“Aerial Ace!” Cress ordered.
Ducklett flew through the air and vanished, reappearing only a few inches from Pidove, tackling him down.
Pidove slid into one of the many boulders on the field, his head slamming into it.
I inhaled sharply, loudly. “Pidove!!” I began to panic over this battle.
“Now, Water Gun!” Cress pushed on.
Ducklett opened its beak and blasted Pidove with its attack.
Pidove wailed out helplessly as the water held him against the boulder. Ducklett’s attack ended and Pidove laid out, breathing hard.
“Pidove, you can do this! Gust attack!” I begged my Pokemon.
Pidove shook his head and flew into the air. He began to flap his wings strongly, a gust of wind starting to push Ducklett back. And then, Pidove simply stopped attacking, his wings flapping just enough to keep him afloat. He stared at Ducklett calmly.
“Pidove!!” I was now getting really upset! “What are you doing??”
“Pidoooove?” Pidove answered in confusion, turning his head to me.
“Attaaaack!!” I raged.
Pidove purred quietly, looking at me.
“What’s wrooooong??!” I screamed frantically, throwing my arms up. “Attack that thing!!”
Pidove turned back to Ducklett, but didn’t attack.
Why isn’t he listening to me?? Is he really disobeying me??
“Bubblebeam attack,” Cress said with a wave of his hand.
Ducklett’s beak opened and a stream of bubbles flew out, popping upon contact with my Pidove.
Pidove flapped his wings desperately as he was forced back and finally slammed into the ground.
“Pidove is unable to battle!” Chili said, a fist raised near his face. “Ducklett and Cress are the winners!”
I let out my breath loudly in disappointment, the cheerleaders cheering and clapping, screaming their heads off.
“No!” I stared at my defeated Pidove.
Cress calmly returned Ducklett to its Poke Ball and stared down at my Pidove, shaking his head sadly. “You and Pidove are certainly not the greatest combination. I’d suggest you use a different Pokemon. This poor thing’s disobedience cost you the match. Tomorrow, you’re more than welcome to try again for your Badge against any of us, but I do hope you’ll be better prepared.”
I felt close to tears. Cress’ words weren’t too harsh, but they stung nonetheless. I returned Pidove to his Poke Ball. “I’m sorry,” I said weakly. “I didn’t expect that to happen.” Embarrassed, I turned around, my head down, and slowly exited the battlefield amongst the cheers of Cress’ squad of supporters.
“Hey! Hold on, Gary!” I heard Trixa call out to me.
I dragged my feet to the front doors of the restaurant and opened one, lugging with me a wave of disappointment and concern.
Footsteps ran towards me as I left, and a hand grabbed my shoulder. “Hey! Hold on there!”
I turned to Trixa for a moment and glanced weakly at her positive face before turning back around and continued walking to the Pokemon Center.
Trixa was silent as we entered the building and didn’t say a word as I handed Pidove’s Poke Ball to Nurse Joy.
I wearily took my seat and let out an exhausted sigh. “Well, that was interesting, huh?” I looked over at the young Trainer blankly.
“I was sure you’d win.” Trixa’s Tepig sat in her lap. She had two fingers up his snout and pulled them out only to put them back in seconds later, Tepig looking up at her in confusion. “I mean, even I won! I have two Badges already! You were in the Pokemon League a few years back. This Gym battling thing is awfully easy.”
I sighed again. “I had different Pokemon with me back then, and they obeyed me. I don’t get what Pidove’s problem is. He just stopped listening for some reason.”
“Maybe he doesn’t like you,” Trixa suggested, keeping her fingers in Tepig’s nostrils.
Tepig shook his head hard, freeing his snout from her fingers, and backed up from Trixa a little bit until he was on the edge of her knees.
“Hmm. Maybe he’s still mad over how we met him. Remember? I smacked him by accident. Maybe that’s the problem.”
“I don’t know,” I said in a low voice. “But as Pidove’s Trainer, I have to figure it out and get us to sync.”
Trixa pulled Tepig’s snout back and forth, Tepig visibly getting upset as he grunted.
“Maybe you should stop doing that,” I warned her.
Trixa let go of Tepig, her eyes stuck on me. “I said I smacked him by accident…”
“Not that. I mean, messing with Tepig’s face.”
“Huh?” She looked at her Pokemon and back to me. “I wasn’t messing with Tepig’s face!”
Before I could respond, someone walked into the Pokemon Center.
“June!” Trixa and I stood up.
“Piig!” Tepig dropped from Trixa’s lap.
June looked at us with disappointment. “I’m not surprised Gary left me, but to think that you would leave me, too, Trixa.”
I shook my head and looked around the Pokemon Center, several people in the building preoccupied with their Pokemon and other people happily conversing.
“Sorry! After Gary lost, I just kind of followed him,” Trixa informed June. “I was so surprised. I’m still surprised I even won. I guess I’m gonna make quick work of these Gyms, huh?”
June squinted hard at Trixa. “Trixa, you’re going to learn before long just how difficult these Gyms are gonna be.” She was getting offended by Trixa’s words, having been a Gym Leader herself. “I’m sure you did well against Cress, and your match with Ike was simple enough, but Gym Leaders are usually very experienced and they do know what they’re doing. Don’t get lazy. Training is important. Understanding your Pokemon is important.”
“I know that,” Trixa said, staring back at June firmly. “I’m just saying, I expected a challenge, and I haven’t received one so far.”
“Maybe you and Gary should have a battle, then,” June responded.
“But I’ve already beaten Cress, who Gary hasn’t. My Pokemon listen to me, unlike his.”
“What do you mean?” June asked.
“His Pidove-” Trixa started.
“I can speak for myself,” I snapped at Trixa.
She stared back at me with wide eyes.
“Pidove stopped listening to me during the battle for some reason,” I told June impatiently. “I have no idea why.”
“Well, I do,” Trixa said moodily. “I think it’s because I slapped him when we first ran into him.”
June’s eyes were glued to mine. “You say, it stopped? Like, it listened for a while, and then just stopped?”
I nodded. “Exactly.”
“Excuse me, Gary?” a voice called out.
I turned and approached the counter where Nurse Joy stood next to, an Audino by her side, holding up a Poke Ball.
“Your Pidove is fully healed,” Nurse Joy told me with a warm smile.
“Thanks a lot!” I took the Poke Ball from the smiling Audino and then beamed at Nurse Joy. I couldn’t get over how young the Nurse Joys in the Unova region looked. I found myself missing Kanto a lot, now. Turning away from Nurse Joy and her Pokemon, I led the way out of the building, June and Trixa keeping close to me. Once outside, I looked around at the sunny city, lively with people.
Something suddenly scurried past my feet, stepping on my sneakers lightly as it ran down the sidewalk.
“What was that?” I pointed.
“I’ve never seen that Pokemon before,” Trixa smiled.
“Did he even have a Trainer? Where’s he going?” June questioned.
It was gone from sight in seconds.
I shrugged. “Anyway.” I lighty tossed Pidove’s Poke Ball into the air.
It opened and with a beam of light, sent out my Pidove.
I caught the Poke Ball and looked up at Pidove. “Hey!” I grinned at him.
“Pidove!” He came down and landed on my left shoulder.
“How ya feeling?” I asked him.
Pidove cooed and rubbed his head against my cheek.
I petted his head down to his back and kissed his little beak. “Glad to see you’re alright.”
“Awww! How cute!” Trixa squealed, squeezing her Tepig in her arms, making him grunt.
That was when I noticed June’s hard glare. She was staring right at Pidove.
“June?” I began.
She stepped up to Pidove and lightened her face, smiling now. “Hello, Pidove!”
Pidove flapped his wings and greeted June.
“Hiiiii!” Trixa stepped up to Pidove eagerly.
Pidove let out a surprised caw at Trixa’s enthusiasm but acknowledged her warmly.
“He sure is cute!” Trixa proclaimed.
June extended her arm suddenly. “Gary, tell your Pokemon to come to me.”
“Huh? Why?”
“Because I’m sure your Pidove isn’t disobedient. Now, help me out here, will ya?”
“Pidove, fly over to June,” I ordered him.
“Pidove!” Pidove fluttered his way over to June’s arm and walked up it towards her shoulder.
“Now, call him back,” June told me.
“Pidove, come back to me, now.”
Pidove flapped over to me, landing on my shoulder.
“Now order him back to me,” June repeated.
I sighed. “Okay… Pidove, back to June.”
Pidove flew over to June’s wrist and walked up her arm. Suddenly, halfway up her arm, he stopped and looked around. He looked up into the sky, down at the ground, and seemed kind of unsure.
“There it is,” June smiled.
“There what is?” I asked.
“Pidove, what’s wrong?” June asked my Pokemon expectantly.
Pidove looked up at June and cocked his head. “Piii?”
“Okay, call him back,” June nodded at me.
“Pidove, come here now.”
Pidove flew from June and landed on my shoulder.
“Are we done, yet?” I asked, getting tired of this repetitive game.
“Yes! I know exactly what’s wrong with your Pokemon.”
“What?!” Trixa and I demanded.
“It’s rather simple, actually. Your Pidove has a rather poor memory.”
“A poor memory?!”
My loud tone caused Pidove to scream out and fly into the sky, circling above me.
June nodded. “Your Pidove has some kind of problem remembering things. He listens, but after a while, he forgets his orders and just won’t do anything.”
I gasped. “Wait a minute!” I pulled out my Pokedex as a memory resurfaced.
Pidove. The Tiny Pigeon Pokemon. A beginning Pokemon for the beginner Trainer, this Pokemon may not always understand commands from its Trainer. This species of Pokemon is often forgetful.
“Yeah! I remember it saying that when we first met him!” Worry filled my body. “So does this mean that it will always be like this? Like how Slowpoke and Slowbro are pretty dim?”
“Maybe not,” June spoke hopefully. “Can it evolve?”
“I dunno,” I replied, checking the Pokedex.
Tranquill. The Wild Pigeon Pokemon. This Pokemon has a great tracking system and is able to always locate its nest, as well as being able to return back to its Trainer, no matter the distance.
“Phew!” I said gratefully. “It loses that memory loss when it evolves. That’s something to look forward to. Well, Pidove, I guess we have to wait until tomorrow to battle Cress. I hope you’ll be ready by then.”
Pidove happily flapped above, calling to me softly.
“Since tomorrow’s a bit away, you and Trixa should have a battle,” June tried again.
I turned to Trixa. “What do you say? I’m game.”
“Yes!” Trixa looked at me brightly. “That sounds fine to me.”
A man in a suit walked by us as I took several steps back from Trixa.
June stepped off to the side. “This will be a one-on-one battle between Trixa and Gary. No time limit. Go!”
“Tepig, I choose you!” Trixa said, tossing her Tepig in front of her.
“Tepiiiiiiig!!” Tepig squealed in shock, his feet flailing, but he landed on them.
“Pidove, I choose you!” I pointed in front of me.
Pidove flew towards Tepig.
“I’ll go first! Quick Attack!” I instructed.
Pidove flew at Tepig in a flash of light, tackling him down.
Tepig rolled on the ground but hopped strongly to his feet.
“Tepig, Flame Charge!”
“Dodge that!” I responded.
Tepig stomped his feet repeatedly until his body was surrounded by flames, and then he soared at Pidove.
Pidove hovered above the attack.
Tepig hit the ground and the flames around his body faded as he glared at Pidove.
“Now, use your Gust attack!” I said happily.
Pidove descended calmly to the ground and looked around, but he didn’t attack.
“Pidove! No! Focus!” I insisted.
“Dove?” Pidove turned his head back to me.
“Smog attack!” Trixa commanded.
Tepig’s cheeks puffed out a little bit and then his mouth opened, a dark smoke flowing from it.
Pidove called out as the smoke reached him.
“Pidove! Gust attack!” I begged him.
When the smoke cleared, Pidove’s face was flushed purple as he choked. My Pokemon was Poisoned!
“Now, Flame Charge!” Trixa said confidently.
Tepig attacked once again with Flame Charge, slamming into Pidove, tossing him back with ease.
Pidove landed on his back, coughing out.
“Rollout!” Trixa continued quickly.
Tepig curled into a ball and rolled at Pidove.
“Pidove!” I called out helplessly.
Tepig slammed into Pidove.
Pidove soared into the air, heading straight for me.
I caught him, stumbling back several feet from the force and growling as I tried to hold back the pain as my Pokemon landed on my sore arm.
“Pidove…” Pidove moaned weakly.
I heard June sigh. “Pidove is unable to battle,” June admitted. “Trixa and Tepig win.”
Trixa giggled with excitement. “I knew I’d win that one!”
“Tepig! Tepig!” Tepig jumped in celebration.
A surge of anger flowed through my body at Trixa and Tepig’s joy, but I didn’t look up from my Pokemon’s exhausted body. With a painful feeling in my chest, I carried the only Pokemon I had, the only Pokemon I could depend on and use in Unova at the moment, back to the Pokemon Center, a scowl on my face.
As we stared at the doors of the restaurant the next day of a cool, breezy afternoon, my heart was in my throat, practically suffocating me.
“Gary, I just had a thought,” Trixa brought up. “How about you use one my Pokemon? I actually beat Cress already, as well as you, with Tepig. I think it’s a good decision to use my Tepig.”
“I do not use other people’s Pokemon,” I growled through gritted teeth. I refused to even look at her, feeling so disrespected in that moment. “I’ll win or lose, on my own.”
“You can do it all on your own, Gary,” June said, grabbing my right shoulder.
Pidove stirred on my left shoulder.
I nodded and opened the doors.
The four of us entered a familiar scene. The restaurant was packed today with people of all ages, from babies to the elderly, enjoying meals. As we entered, everyone got quiet, staring at us.
I spotted Chili, Cilan, and Cress in the back, watching the customers with warm smiles, a white cloth over one of their arms, but they looked up as we entered.
Chili raised an eager fist.
Cress was the first to step towards us, gliding smoothly.
Cilan was the last to move, a nervous look on his suddenly red face.
“It’s good to see you three again,” Cress bowed.
“I assume you’re here for another battle, Gary?” Chili raised a shaking fist.
“I assume you’re wanting another massage…?” Cilan blushed, looking at the ground uncomfortably, avoiding June’s eyes.
June giggled. “I see we’re skipping the small talk today and going right for the goods.” She looked up innocently at the ceiling and fluttered her eyes.
“June!” I barked at her. “Will you stick around for a battle of mine for once?”
June was speechless as she looked down at me.
“I assumed you were still traveling with me to learn about Pokemon battles. You’re abandoning your original claims. If you’re not here for that, then what are you here for?”
“I-I-I-I’m still here for that,” June stammered.
“Well, you haven’t seen one battle here at this Gym. How about, for a change, you stick around for the match? I would think you’d want to see something like this, especially considering the circumstances I’ll have in my battle, and also, to have seen how a newer Trainer like Trixa would do.”
June lowered her head and nodded. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
Uncomfortable silence filled the room.
“Well, how about we all calm down,” Cilan suggested with a chuckle. “This is becoming a very unpleasant flavor. You two seem to be displaying a rather peculiar taste today, with a dash of spice and a barely there hint of brown sugar, coated in a rather bland, weak, sweet and tangy sauce.”
Everyone was staring at Cilan now.
“Huh?!” I scratched my head.
“Is that a new meal?” Trixa asked. “It doesn’t sound too appetizing. I think it needs work.”
A shrill shriek rang out in the restaurant from the ladies, while the men nodded their approval. A few babies began to cry from the sudden yells.
“Cilan did his evaluation!” one girl screamed with excitement amongst the screams.
“His what?” I asked.
Cilan laughed. “You see, I’m an S Class Pokemon Connoisseur. You’re from the Kanto Region, and are probably not aware of this art. It’s a profession where the compatibility of a Trainer and their Pokemon are rated. I also rate food in this manner, and the two often mesh into one due to their similar traits, making for a rather fantastic viewing of the entire world from my perspective!”
“Um, okay,” was all I could come up with.
“I haven’t had the pleasure to view Cress’ matches against you two properly, but judging from what I’ve heard, Trixa’s was truly inspiring, bringing about flavors unexpected and an ending result that had to be experienced to fully be appreciated for its volume of splendid appeal and allure,” Cilan adored, two fingers spread apart on his chin. “Gary’s match, on the other hand, sounded more like a meal that started off with a rather lush flavor, but resulted in missing key ingredients and was a meal even the most unrefined of diners would not have been able to finish.” His hands flailed out at his sides and collapsed.
“Dove?” Pidove twisted his head to the side.
I glared at Cilan, suddenly wanting to battle him. But, no. I was here to beat Cress.
Cress smiled. “I appreciate your appearance today, brother. You’ll be able to witness what scents and flavors are brought out in this pallet to judge.” With a snap of his fingers, the lighting was dimmed and the walls by the fireplace spread apart once more, the fireplace descending into the floor.
The battlefield was revealed once again.
The diners ran to get changed into their cheerleader outfits in the back.
“Good luck, Gary,” Trixa nodded with a smile.
“I believe in you and Pidove,” June said, giving me a nod.
Trixa led the way to the hallway which would lead to the stairs to watch the battle from above.
June watched her before turning to me briefly and then running after Trixa.
Chili, Cilan, and Cress smiled at me, and then led the way to the place of battle.
“Good luck in your match, Gary!” Chili said with an eager raise of his fist, and then he walked over to the corner, away from the battlefield.
“Yes, I hope this battle will have a pleasant taste,” Cilan winked, and walked just outside of the battlefield.
Cress walked to his position as I took mine. “Well then, Gary. Shall we begin?”
Loud cries from above grabbed my attention as I saw the cheerleaders at the top of the balcony. “Cress will win! Cress will win! He did it once, and now again! YAAAAAAAY!!!”
I looked up and saw June on the opposite end of the balcony from where the cheerleaders were cheering, next to Trixa, who was clapping and whistling and jumping up and down.
“Come on, Gary! Get your Badge!” Trixa screamed out.
I smiled at them and nodded, and then I turned to Cress. “Let’s begin!”
“Ducklett, let’s do our best to douse the competition once again!” Cress threw his Poke Ball.
“Ducklett!” Ducklett appeared strongly.
“Pidove, go!” I pointed, and Pidove flew from my shoulder, staying in the air, facing Ducklett.
“This is a one-on-one battle between Striaton City Gym Leader, Cress, and Gary from the Kanto region’s Pallet Town!” Cilan stated. “There is no time limit on this match. The match will be over when one of the Trainer’s Pokemon is unable to battle. Let this battle begin!”
“I insist,” Cress said with a wave. “You attack first.”
“Right! Pidove, use Quick Attack!” I started.
“Piiiidove!” Pidove flew at Ducklett.
“Ducklett, Aerial Ace,” Cress responded.
Both Pokemon slammed into each other repeatedly, forcing each other back. They kept flying at each other with their fast moves, neither one backing down.
“Ducklett, Water Gun!”
“Pidove, Gust attack!”
Ducklett raised a wing and sprayed water at Pidove.
Pidove flapped his wings strongly.
The Water Gun flew at Pidove, but was suddenly halted against the Gust attack, unable to reach Pidove. The attack just barely reached Pidove before it came splashing down.
Ducklett quacked angrily at this, Pidove crying back determinedly.
“Not bad,” Cress nodded. “Then let’s try Wing Attack.”
Ducklett flew at Pidove, its wings glowing white.
“Gust again! Keep it back!”
Pidove used Gust again.
Ducklett let out a cry as it was held back by Pidove’s Gust.
“Ducklett, you can do it!” Cress urged his Pokemon. “Full force. Go!”
Ducklett shouted out hard and flew into the Gust, forcing itself forward, and smacked Pidove in the stomach with Wing Attack.
Pidove was forced down from the powerful move.
“Pidove, get up!” I demanded.
“Now catch it with Water Pulse!”
Ducklett landed on the ground near Pidove and reached its wings out in front of it. A blue orb appeared, which Ducklett tossed at Pidove.
“Dove?” Pidove sat up and saw the approaching attack. “Dove!” Pidove was hit and held captive inside of the blue orb, waves of water slamming on him until the orb finally popped. Pidove groaned from the ground weakly.
“Pidove, come on! Don’t give up!” I encouraged him. “We can win this! You’re doing great! Get up!”
Pidove managed to his feet and shook his head.
“Quick Attack!”
Pidove flew at Ducklett quickly, knocking it back.
“Ducklett!” Ducklett growled, shaking its head.
“Another Quick Attack!”
Pidove attacked again, forcing Ducklett onto its back.
Ducklett was looking weak now.
Alright, I thought excitedly. We’re almost home. “Quick Attack once more! Give it all you’ve got!”
Pidove pecked at the ground quietly and then looked up, walking away from Ducklett!!
Cress chuckled. “Aqua Ring,” Cress said with a calm wave and a simple smile.
Ducklett got to its feet and its body was outlined in blue. Rings of water surrounded its body, and after a few moments, its body looked refreshed and the water rings disappeared. “Ducklett!”
“No!” I screamed angrily, snatching up my Pokedex.
Aqua Ring. The user regains energy by using this attack.
“Now, let’s start wrapping this up, Ducklett. Use Feather Dance.”
Ducklett flew over Pidove as Pidove continued to peck peacefully at the ground, unaware of the battle he was in the middle of.
“Pidove, Quick Attack! Watch out!” I called to my Pokemon.
The tiny pigeon looked up, and then side to side, but not above where the opponent was.
Ducklett’s body was outlined in gold as it flapped its wings over my Pokemon, white feathers flying out from its wings and pummeling Pidove.
Pidove stumbled back, his body shivering, his feathers puffed out.
Ducklett’s attack ended and it flew to the ground, its eyes on Pidove.
Pidove glared back at it, but didn’t seem hurt by the attack. His feathers flattened against his body, making his appearance normal again.
“What happened?” I asked, raising my Pokedex again.
Feather Dance. This move lowers the opponent’s Attack.
“Just great,” I muttered. “Now Quick Attack won’t be as effective anymore. Then we have no choice. Pidove, use Gust!”
Pidove took a step forward, and then froze, cocking its head sideways at Ducklett. “Pii?”
My shoulders slumped. This isn’t fair, I thought, feeling my eyes beginning to water with frustration and a feeling of lack of control over the situation. He’s forgetting his moves! How can I win like this? This just isn’t fair!!
“This ends here,” Cress said. “Bubblebeam!”
Ducklett opened its beak to attack.
“DOVE!” Pidove’s eyes widened, and in a flash, he flew at Ducklett, knocking it down with Quick Attack!
Ducklett’s Bubblebeam came out from its beak as it slid on the ground on its back, and the bubbles crashed into the ceiling.
“What?!” Cress exclaimed.
“Whoa!” I let out.
“Ducklett, get back up!” Cress called to his duck.
As Ducklett shook its head and started to get up, Pidove knocked it right back down with Gust attack, forcing it to crash into a boulder on the field.
“Duuuuuck!” Ducklett groaned.
“My Ducklett!” Cress gasped. “Aerial Ace!”
“Quick Attack!” I told Pidove.
Both birds were gone in an instant, reappearing as they slammed into each other at a blinding speed.
Ducklett overpowered Pidove and Pidove flew back hard into a boulder.
“There’s no competition anymore,” Cress said easily. “Feather Dance has your Pidove’s Attack down to a trickling stream compared to my Ducklett’s crashing waves.”
“Not a chance!!” I insisted.
“Pidove!!” Pidove seemed infuriated. He stood up and glared at Ducklett, breathing heavily, looking exhausted.
“There’s no challenge, no contest! Who will win this? Cress!! Cress!! Cress!!” Cress’ groupies were sure.
“Gary! Gary! Um…” Trixa called to me, thinking to herself. “Uh… Look more happy!” She beamed proudly at her attempt at rhyming.
June covered her face with both of her hands and shook her head.
Better than nothing, I thought. I immediately had second thoughts about that.
Pidove flew into the air, circling above Ducklett, an angry determination coming from his throat.
“Pidove, what’s going on?” I called up to him. “What are you doing?”
“Piiidove!!” Pidove flapped his wings and then closed them around his body. His wings spread open and several light blue, ‘X’ shaped streams of energy flew out at Ducklett!
Ducklett’s body glowed white where the attacks hit and it was thrown back, screaming.
“Ducklett!” Cress gasped.
Cilan’s eyes widened as he watched Pidove’s attack.
Air Cutter. This attack has a higher chance of damaging the opponent with Critical Hits.
“Hey, you just learned this move!” I realized, looking at Pidove’s new level on my Pokedex. “This is great! And it’s a Special move, not a Physical one! Feather Dance has no effect on the damage!”
Pidove abruptly stopped attacking and landed gently. He began to peck at the floor and calmly walk around the field.
“WHAT?!?” My heart was beating hard now as I watched my Pokemon casually stroll around the battlefield, no longer fighting.
“Ducklett is unable to battle. Pidove is the winner!” Cilan ruled. “This match goes to Gary and Pidove!”
“Whaaaaaat?!?!?” I couldn’t believe my ears.
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!” the cheerleaders all exploded at once.
“YES!” June cheered happily.
“Gary did it! He won!” Trixa let out.
Both girls turned to hug each other, jumping up and down.
Pidove cried out at the loud noises filling the Gym and flew into the air in fright, unaware of what was going on.
Ducklett was on its back, knocked out.
Cress had one eye wide open, staring down at Ducklett.
Chili’s mouth was wide, looking at Ducklett.
Cilan smiled and shrugged. “Well, that certainly had a less than desired taste, but it was entertaining, to put it mildly, and it does appear that Ducklett is beaten, so my hands are kind of tied, here.”
“We… we…” I stammered. “We… WON!!!” I ran onto the battlefield towards Pidove. “Pidove, you did it!! You won it!!”
“Pidove?” Pidove looked around and saw the defeated Ducklett. “Pidove! Pidove!!”
He flew towards me and I grabbed him in my hands gently. “We did it! Pidove, you won!” My excitement became a more relaxed, complacent sigh while maintaining my smile. “That was way too close for comfort, Pidove. We really need to work on that memory of yours.”
Pidove nodded and smiled, cooing happily.
“But, for now, we won our first Badge in Unova!” I celebrated.
Cress returned his Ducklett to its Poke Ball and was joined by his brothers as they approached me.
I set Pidove on my left shoulder.
Chili handed Cress a small, black box containing the Trio Badge.
Cilan stood on the other side of Cress. “However strange and unfulfilling that match was...” he commented, his smile fading slightly, raising one finger to his cheek.
“...you still won it and kept things heated!” Chili continued.
“And I proudly hand to you your first Badge here in Unova,” Cress bowed, opening the box.
“Wow,” I whispered. “I can’t believe it!” I took my Badge and held it up high. “Look, Pidove! Our first Badge! The Trio Badge!”
“Pidoooove!” Pidove happily sang.
“I must say, though, as a Pokemon Connoisseur, you and Pidove do not seem to contain the best blend of Pokemon and Trainer,” Cilan mentioned. “I think you two make a rather undesirably sour concoction and I’d recommend you seeking a different kind of Pokemon, instead.”
I opened my mouth to snap at Cilan, sick of his stupid evaluations, ready to let him hear my own opinion about him as anger flowed steadily through me.
“Garyyy…” I heard a voice sing gently behind me as a hand landed on my shoulder.
I turned around to see June and Trixa smiling at me, June’s hand on me. She nodded.
Squinting at her, I took a couple of deep breaths before turning around to face Cilan. “I respect and understand your feelings,” I told him calmly. “However, I recommend you wait until the Pokemon League begins and watch me there. Then you can tell me what you think of me and my Pokemon after we’ve had time to work together and establish a true bond with one another.”
Cilan’s eyes widened at my words. With a light chuckle, he nodded. “Well then, we shall see!” He extended his hand, and I grasped it tightly, shaking it.
I shook Chili’s strong hand, and lastly, Cress’ gentler grasp.
“It was an honor to have met you, Gary. Thank you for visiting Striaton Gym,” Cress said. “Might we treat you to one last meal? A special dinner before you head off to your next destination.”
I turned to June and Trixa’s eager faces before looking back at Cress. “It’d be an honor.”
“Free food!” Trixa cheered.
“Yes, indeed…” June said slyly. “But it’s still only the afternoon. ‘Dinner’ won’t be for a few more hours.” She smoothly crept up to Cilan. “And that battle was awfully strenuous to watch…”
Cilan’s face turned a dark red and he avoided contact with June’s eyes. “I see…”
“I have an idea,” Cress suggested. “How about all three of you enjoy a special massage from us as well? Chili will specially cater to you.” Cress turned to Trixa with a nod.
Trixa let out a shrill squeal of joy.
“I can pass on the massage,” I said flatly. “Honest.”
The three brothers laughed at my statement.
Pidove cooed on my shoulder, rubbing his head against my cheek.
I pet his head and smiled. “Let’s get back to the Pokemon Center while the girls enjoy themselves here. We’ll come back later for dinner.”
Pidove nodded in agreement.
At that, we separated.
Trixa talked to Chili rapidly as he led her to the back.
Cilan was June’s property and she grabbed him by the arm and pulled him through the back door, flying past Chili and Trixa.
Pidove and I left the building, heading to the Pokemon Center.
We were all so happy and carefree, feeling good after my win at the Striaton Gym.
None of us knew of the changes that were soon to come.
- In Serial1233 Chapters
I'm the King Of Technology
Chu Yi dies in a car crash and becomes Landon Barn, the illegitimate son of king Barn, ruler of Arcadina. Because his mother was a maid and the king’s greatest disgrace, his father had always despised him. The same could be said for his half-siblings.When he turned 15, his father had announced that the city of Baymard would be given to him, and would no longer be under the empire’s control. It was a well known fact that Baymard’s lands were barren, and poverty stricken… For god’s sake, this was banishment.His deadbeat father had indirectly banished him from the empire. Chu Yi woke up in a carriage, on his way to Baymard with a system«So what if my father hates me? So what if I’m banished?… I will turn my territory into a modern society»
8 3676 - In Serial30 Chapters
Contract Summoner
Earth. The planet many of us call home. Here we live our lives as normal as possible. For one human known as Mathew McGonald, he too, calls this place home. Specifially in the great state of Virginia. He currenly lives life as a divorce attorney, and is content with his life. One day, Mathew was leaving his office, a successful squabble ended, and his client kept most of his possessions from his ex-wife. When he went to step into the hallway, instead he ended up in a grey void with a blue box hovering in front of him. Earth now converted by an entity known as 'The System' must now defend its self from portals that lead to other wordly areas known as 'Dungeons'. As of 08OCT2020, this story is put on Hiatus due to lack of motivation to keep writting. I plan to write a new story, and the future might hold a continuation of this one, Thank you all to my readers, commenters, and reviewers for allowing me this oppurtinity. I have learned a lot from this story, and plan to apply it all to my next one. Update: 31MAR2022, I am a huge doofas, never said to check out the REVISED version here in the description. Just in case anyone doesn't see that one...for some reason...yea. It's way past this one. Go TO MY OTHER STORY. Just click on my profile and go to my stories, you can find it there.- GlacialDawn
8 96 - In Serial21 Chapters
Dungeons and Sewers
In the world of x'cel, where the gods have lost interest in the affairs of the mortals to the point where the gods have been forgotten, dungeons have been exterminated with prejudice, where even knowledge about them has been lost among the populace except to the elite of the elite. A world where attaining moderate power and skills takes a lifetime, and powerful artifacts have become extremely rare and national treasures as nobody can create them anymore due to lack of power and skills.A world-renowned mage spends his free time digging around ancient ruins of places of power. He keeps his interesting finds safe at his well-guarded tower in the capital for safe studying there. As our adventure begins the mage is away, following an old trail that might lead to an undiscovered place of power. A certain group has commissioned a person of high skill but ill repute to obtain the treasures gathered by the mage. This is where the adventure begins.
8 133 - In Serial9 Chapters
Sorcery of the Fair Folk : First Book of the Feycrowned Series
The world of Vanaris is a place ripe with kingdoms and empires with different outlooks. Some fighting for dominance, some for peace and some even for the sake of war. However, the empire of Aveilorn stands above all. Ruled by mages and the common folk no more than slaves. A village of the descendants of several Feycrowned has long since turned into a global powerhouse, conquering all those that stand before them and oppressing those that give in. Their newest target is the kingdom of Bleuria, with a dormant mine of mithril that common folk are unable to extract. The path of battle is one the denizens of Aveilorn tread, annihilating all but the submissive. However, would that be so simple with several Feycrowned appearing out of nowhere in particular? Would the sophisticated mages prevail or the untamed wild Feycrowned succeed in driving off the intruders? Or would those Feycrowned even be willing to help in protecting the kingdom?
8 228 - In Serial24 Chapters
The Torchbearer
A youth awakens without memories, troubled by an unknown past and uncertain future. He braves great danger in his pursuit for strength while evil influence seeks to shake the very order of the world.Accompany Riaz in walking on the edge of destiny and fate, where he will have to reclaim a lost legacy to fight back against the dark omen that looms over all life on the continent.The story contains elements of both western and eastern fantasy.
8 133 - In Serial70 Chapters
Ask Andy The Apple!
Hi guys, come and ask me things! (Please don't steal my keys....)
8 185