《Heavenly Eclipse》Chapter 2 - Skywind City


Skywind City was a major city within the mighty Azure Dragon Kingdom, a prominent force that had existed for several centuries. Among the countless kingdoms that existed in this part of the world, it was one of the stronger ones. Hundreds of years ago, its founder, the first Azure Dragon King, had gathered up allies, formed a mighty army and carved a bloody path, wiping out several kingdoms in the process.

He eventually founded the Azure Dragon Kingdom in order to leave behind his legacy. This was not actually an uncommon sight. In this world where the strongest reigned supreme, revolts and wars were common, and many great kingdoms had been wiped out and lost in the annals of history, forever forgotten.

As it was located in a central and accessible location within the Azure Dragon Kingdom, Skywind City was a major trading hub, with merchants and travelers from all over the kingdom and even other kingdoms passing through daily. As a result, Skywind City flourished over the years, evolving into a massive, sprawling metropolis that was close to the level of Azure Dragon City, the capital city of the kingdom.

Within Skywind City existed three major families, the Huang, Mu and Xing families. Aside from the City Lord, these three families were the strongest and most influential forces within the city, each controlling multiple businesses. Conflict was a constant thing among these three forces, but nothing major ever happened as the three families would keep each other in check, forming a sort of fragile peace within the city.

Inside a courtyard within the Mu Family residence, a youth lay unmoving on a bed with his eyes closed. The youth’s handsome face was pale and gaunt, and his body was thin. There were no signs of life. Suddenly, the youth’s eyes shot open and he slowly sat up. He coughed fiercely several times and spat out a blob of black blood onto the floor, which started to emit putrid smelling smoke as it evaporated into the air.

“This…I’m actually not dead?” The youth muttered as he inspected his body. His eyes momentarily emitted a faint purple glow as a wide grin appeared on his face.

“I can’t say this was what I expected. It seems that my soul has transmigrated into this kid’s body…soul transference…I never knew this was possible! The compatibility between body and soul…amazing!” He muttered under his breath.

This youth was the same Wang Kang who had ‘died’ atop the Nine Dragon Mountain Range. To be precise, it was Wang Kang’s soul that was currently inhabiting this youth’s body. In the process, the old devil had also managed to absorb the youth’s memories from the resonant soul qi that had been left over when the boy had died.

“Mu Chen…son of the patriarch. Then from this moment on, let my name be Mu Chen! I will not waste this second chance…This time I will surely become strong enough to shatter the void and ascend to the heavens! I will become the strongest in the universe!” Wang Kang, now known as Mu Chen, declared.


“You bastards from the righteous faction, actually ganged up to kill me. I haven’t forgotten about you. When I reach the peak of this world once again, I will exterminate every single one of your sects and clans!” Mu Chen’s eyes were filled with malice.

Standing up, Mu Chen walked over to the mirror and glanced at his reflection. Staring back at him was a thin youth with a handsome but pale and gaunt face, long dark hair and dark eyes, which now had an ancient and unfathomable depth to them. He was dressed in fine silk robes that were embroidered with patterns of various beasts..

“This kid really is quite untalented. Already fifteen years old and only at the third level of the Mortal realm. But it doesn’t matter. Nothing in this world is absolute, even talent can be changed!”

In the world of cultivation, the Mortal realm was the very first realm of cultivation. Anyone could become a Mortal realm expert with enough training, even those with little to no talent. One would not even be considered a true expert unless they managed to reach the next realm after the Mortal realm, which was the Sea Forming realm!

Based on his memories, the previous Mu Chen was untalented and lazy, a profligate who spent his time drinking and having fun in Skywind City’s red light district. His father Mu Lin, the current patriarch, was gradually losing his influence due to Mu Chen’s unruly behavior and poor talent.

Thus in recent years, Mu Chen’s uncle Mu Wang, who was the patriarch’s younger brother, had been eyeing the position of patriarch. He had a son named Mu Heng, who was the strongest and most talented among the Mu family’s younger generation. He had already reached the seventh level of the Mortal realm at age sixteen. Thanks to his son, Mu Wang had been gathering more and more support in opposition against the current patriarch, Mu Lin.

Glancing over at where he had spat out the glob of black blood earlier, Mu Chen smiled eerily. One glance and he could tell what type of poison it was. It was a slow acting poison that would kill slowly. Upon the victim’s death, the poison would dissipate, allowing him, who had taken over the body, to force most of the poison out.

“It appears the previous owner had been poisoned to death. If they realize that ‘Mu Chen’ is still alive, then that means…”

Taking a deep breath, Mu Chen got up, walked over to the door and pushed it open, stepping out into the sunlight. It appeared that it was just after noon.

He swept his gaze over the entire area. The courtyard was grand and luxurious, it also had a large garden that was filled with countless beautiful flowers.

“Oh, this is not bad.” Mu Chen thought. “Judging by the density of spiritual qi…this place is not within the divine continent.” He mused while staring up at the azure blue sky.

“Young Master, why are you out of your room? You are still unwell!” A concerned voice suddenly came over from the side. It was an adorable young lady around Mu Chen’s age dressed in servant attire. She was Mu Chen’s personal maidservant, Xiao Rou.


“Don’t worry. I’m just going for a walk.” Mu Chen smiled and walked out of the courtyard.

“Young Master! Come back!” Xiao Rou shouted while running after him.

Using the previous owner’s memories of the residence, Mu Chen was able to make his way to the training grounds. The reason? He wanted to observe the overall situation in the Mu family with his own eyes to get a better idea of what was going on, at the same time he could also ascertain the strength of the Mu family members.

The training ground was a large open field located in the Mu residence. The entire field was several hundred meters across. The training field’s sole purpose was so that the Mu family members could freely train and practice their techniques, as well as spar with each other. However, they were absolutely forbidden from maiming or killing each other. This rule was ironclad, and any offenders would be heavily punished.

Mu Chen strolled into the training ground with Xiao Rou in tow. There were at least a few dozen people training here, all minding their own business.

“Young Master, we shouldn’t be here, please go back to your room and rest!” She said in a pleading tone.

“Oh? Look who’s here! The famous wastrel. Why have you come to the training ground? Did you get lost on the way to the brothel?” An annoying voice drifted over from afar.

Turning to the direction of the voice, Mu Chen saw a thin youth with a round face and pointed nose walking over toward him with a wide grin plastered on his face. Based on the memories he had obtained, Mu Chen was able to identify this person as Mu Mantian, a branch family member. He was a follower of Mu Chen’s cousin, Mu Heng. By doing so, Mu Heng had provided him with some benefits, allowing him to step into the fifth level of the Mortal realm.

The Mu clan had quite a few branch families spread throughout the surrounding areas aside from the main family in Skywind City. These branch families were spread throughout the nation and only the most talented members from those branch families could come to the main family for cultivation and get these superior resources. Mu Mantian was one of these people, though he wasn’t much compared to the members of the main family.

“Mu Mantian is using Mu Heng’s rise in power to his own benefit, increasing his own power. Quite intelligent. A pity, I am no longer the old Mu Chen.” Mu Chen sighed and shook his head. He pitied Mu Mantian for being so unfortunate.

“Huh? Wastrel, why are you shaking your head? Are you mocking me?” Mu Mantian frowned, having noticed Mu Chen’s actions. He would grasp tightly onto any chance that he got to humiliate Mu Chen, which would increase Mu Heng’s favorability toward him, allowing him to obtain even more benefits and increase his strength.

“Correct, I am mocking you.” Mu Chen replied nonchalantly.

“Young Master, please…” Xiao Rou pulled on Mu Chen’s sleeve as she pleaded in a soft voice.

“Xiao Rou, step aside.” Mu Chen ordered, his voice was gentle, but carried a sort of will like that of a supreme being whose order could not be refused.

As if she was in a trance, Xiao Rou mechanically retreated several steps back before snapping out of it.

“Huh? What just happened?” She scratched her head in puzzlement.

“Mu Chen, how much have you drunk today? You actually dare to speak to me like that?” Mu Mantian shouted angrily. He did not notice Xiao Rou’s actions, as he was completely furious with Mu Chen, who was usually weak and easily frightened.

“Mu Mantian, you are a mere branch family member. I am the son of the patriarch. Remember your place!” Mu Chen sneered. He was intentionally trying to rile up Mu Mantian so he would attack. He needed a warm up.

“You’re asking for it, take my attack!” Mu Mantian shouted as he punched out with his fist toward Mu Chen’s face.

Although Mu Mantian was two levels higher than him, Mu Chen was not worried at all. In the Mortal realm, the difference in strength between levels was not much. One could still be killed by non-cultivators using bladed weapons, which is why this realm was called ‘Mortal’. He was confident in dealing with anyone up to three levels higher than him. Any more than that, their strength and speed would be too much for him to handle, even with thousands of years of experience.

Mu Chen could see the punch hurtling straight towards his face. It appeared that Mu Mantian was really pissed off. He had used roughly 60% of his power, which would be enough to injure Mu Chen, who was two levels lower.

However, this speed was nothing in front of him. His combat instincts had been honed over thousands of years of life and death battles. Even if he was two levels lower, he would not have any problems. As if he was able to completely predict Mu Mantian’s movements, Mu Chen leaned his head and tilted his body sideways just enough that the fist brushed past his face by a millimeter.

With a light smile, he grabbed Mu Mantian’s arm and tugged, disrupting his opponent’s center of gravity, then followed it up with a lightning fast kick to the side of Mu Mantian’s knee, causing him to go off balance and fall flat onto his face. Twisting his opponent’s arm, Mu Chen directly sat on top of Mu Mantian, rendering him completely immobile.

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