《The Invincible Hero》Somethings Lost, Somethings Found


Over the last six months, Lorne conducted a systematic search for other legacies. He requested the other tribes give him access to their records so he could piece together any existing clues and possibly lead to the discovery of another legacy. This was the work Lorne loved to do most in his past life.

After hearing about Lorne's success in discovering the Bear ancestor; most of the tribes were willing to help Lorne in the hopes he helped them locate tribal treasures. Lorne unconditionally promised anything he found would go to the tribe it should belong to. The Bear tribe encouraged the other tribes telling of their own successes. They related how the generous hero selflessly brought blessings to their tribe.

As Lorne researched and saw a pattern. All the records noted mighty heroes of the forest appeared about seven thousand years before. This was the strongest age of the forest. Unfortunately, so much time passed, the tribes in the forest forgot the era. However, there was one person who didn't forget, because he was the only still living member of the generation of the Calamity Heroes. It was the Tiger ancestor.

In the era of the Calamity Heroes, he was a young warrior. He met the dragon ancestor when he was young and was taught how to cultivate and grew strong. Among the many records, Lorne found were the remains of a dragon ancestor prophecy about the dragon egg that had yet to hatch and would open the path to a new age of heroes.

It was obvious the prophecy referred to him. He wondered why the dragon ancestor never visited his family.

The clues Lorne gathered and the hard work of himself and some of his forest friends helped him recover two new legacies. One legacy belonged to the Lu Tribe. These were Deer Men, who was quick, alert, and majestic warriors. The legacy was passed to a young a young deer warrior named Kuaisu, a friend of Lorne's. The next legacy belonged to the Songshu Tribe. Their young warrior Weifeng was also a playmate of Lorne's.

Lorne went to the forest every day for about a year. All of the forest kids with whom he used to play had grown up. One after another, they took on roles of responsibility within their tribes. Many became their tribe's new generation of warriors and were sent to the Forest Warrior Academy.


Among those leaving today was Big Bear. Over the last six months, Big Bear rarely came to the forest to play. Instead, he focused on increasing his strength. The legacy Bear’s ancestor, Bear King, left for the bear tribe was extremely powerful. Big Bear had already broken through to the True Warrior realm. The six bear brothers who went with him were also given cultivation techniques as well as armor and weapons from the legacy treasures. The six bear brothers became known as Liù Xiōngdì. These six typically followed Big Bear everywhere he went.

It was Lorne's last day to see Big Bear before he left.

"Big Bear, my parents said they'll take me to see you at the Forest academy next year. They even told me if I become strong enough they'll let me attend the academy until my naptime," Lorne said.

"Little Bear, you must come. I'll take care of you once you get there. Us bear brothers will be reunited! We'll become the strongest on the campus!" Big Bear said.

The two brothers spent the day talking about all their adventures together. Lorne mentioned the two new legacies he found and how he believed it wouldn't be long until he found a fourth. He believed the next legacy he uncovered would likely belong to the Chòu Yòu tribe. Lorne laughed and said he wasn't sure he really wanted to find this legacy. Big Bear laughed at this.

The day drew to an end. The next morning Big Bear would leave the forest. Lorne decided to say his goodbyes tonight. He hated getting emotional around others. Big Bear, on the other hand, didn't care where he got emotional. Bears were emotional creatures. Big Bear started blubbering to Lorne and told him what a good little brother he was.

Lorne reluctantly parted with Big Bear and headed home a little sad. He knew this wasn't the last time he would see Big Bear, but it was the last time they would be peers. The next time he saw Big Bear the difference between them would grow. Lorne would still be a dragon baby, whereas Big Bear would be a young warrior bear, something like a college student.


Lorne sighed but continued home.

When he got home his parents saw how sad Lorne was.

"Don't worry Xiong'er, you'll get to see that bear brother of yours in a year." Lorne's mother promised.

Lorne simply smiled at her before heading to his room and laying on his bed.


Kal N'Dar frantically navigated through the rift fighting against the turbulence and trying to find safe passage through. The rifts were like cracks in the crust of the Earth's tectonic plates. Usually, the rifts led to the densest areas of energy in the universe. Sometimes, these rifts would split straight through from one universe to another. The dragon twins believed the Qwyvar rift led to a new universe, one with time disfasia which could allow them to grow up relatively quickly.

Even if they were right, one problem they faced was the amount of time disfasia or the rate of difference. The twins were already gone for a month. How much time had passed here? A day, a year, a million years or could it be minus a million years? You could never tell about a universe with time disfasia until you personally went in to take a look.

BS42 passed Kal the soul tracking codes for the dragon twins and gave Kal a tracker. The tracker could be carried by hand, but it could also connect to the ship and work with the cosmic cartography machine.

It was at this time Kal activated the tracker hoping now that he was in the rift he would be led to the twins. Thankfully the tracker immediately picked up their trail. Kal followed the tracker noticing the flight path the golden twins chose was much smoother for travel. He was sure they received some kind of special gift. There's no way they would have found the safe passage by luck, and he knew no one even knew this was an access point to a new universe. They made their navigational decisions on the go.

After several weeks of flying, Kal finally made it out of the rift into a new universe and a new set of stars. Kal had Benton, his Warbox, on standby to study the new universe environment and to make changes and upgrades to his weapons. He also made sure everything was recorded. Universe probes were immediately dispatched from Kal's Samsara pod.

"It looks like the twins headed in that direction." Kal thought as he plotted a course. It took a couple of months, but he eventually found his way to a large planet. The planet was a life planet with lush vegetation and many varieties of animals.

Kal matched the twins landing zone, landed the ship, took the tracker and headed to the armory to meet Benton. Benton patiently waited for Kal. Laid out before Kal was a new set of armor and weapons.

The under armor was dark brown leather-like pants and a dark navy-blue shirt. The over armor was a thin body-formed upper armor and a thin loose-leg armor. A half helmet, shield, sword, arm cannons and condensed photon rifle stood ready. There was also a storage ring with various supplies. Benton would stay with the ship to guard it and have it ready in case they needed to leave in a hurry.

The first thing Kal noticed when he got off the ship was the T1 Long flyer remains. This was the ship the twins stole on their little outing. It laid in a mess. It looked like someone burned it from inside out. The kids were stranded on this planet and he didn't know how long they had been here. Based on the vegetation growth and state of the destroyed ship it had been a while. He just didn't know how long.

Pulling out the tracker, Kal left to follow the crumbs and find the kids. "When he finds those twins, they are going to be in trouble!" Kal promised himself.

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