《The Invincible Hero》Don’t Go Extinct On My Account


On another world in the Dragon Clan Throneverse. Two men of great power were in a life and death battle. Both men were at the Half-Immortal Ascended realm. Very few beings were stronger than them. The Dragon Emperor was at the Immortal Ascended realm. It was the highest realm cultivators both the Dragon Empire and the Zimwarn Empire were aware of. Everyone believed there must be higher realms, but they couldn't prove it. No one in a higher realm had ever appeared.

One of the fighting men was a Giganotosaurus Man named Jùrén and the other was a Spinosaurus Man named Jǐzhù. The men traded vicious blows with their fists. Gashes were all over their bodies. Three worlds were destroyed as a result of their battle and they were working on their fourth.

"Jizhu! You think you can take my prey? Now you've become my prey! After I'm done eating you I'll eat your whole clan!" Juren yelled.

"You think you're going to survive this battle? I'll tear out your heart and eat your head!" Jizhu screamed back.

Dragons were the reigning clan in the Dragon Empire, but there were many powerful clans. The Dinosaur Clans were physically equal to the Dragons, but they lacked the magical affinity of the Dragons. They produced some of the strongest body refiners in the Dragon Empire.

The problem was they were way too vicious. When they were hungry they would eat just about anyone weaker than them. The only ones they wouldn't eat would be members of their Clans. This wasn't because they didn't want to; it was because even they realized if they kept eating other members of their Clans they wouldn't survive for long.

In the Dragon Empire, almost all of the strongest Clans were lizard species. The mammal and bird clans were considerably weaker. However, the mammal and bird clans found cultivating much easier and were able to reach some of the highest realms through their intellects. Even though many considered bears to be dumb they were far smarter than members of the Dinosaur Clan.


It's just that the members of the Dinosaur clan didn't have to do much. Eventually, they would arrive at the highest realms through their natural body cultivation. All they had to do was eat and fight and they would continue to rise up to the upper realms. The two fighting each hoped if they could eat the other this would raise their cultivation.

If one looked at the ground, they saw it littered with countless limbs. The Dinosaur men were fighting so viciously they ripped each other's limbs off many times. However, Dinosaur men had such limitless vitality they would instantly regrow the missing limbs. Nearly a hundred Dinosaur men could be created from the parts laying everywhere.

The two Dinosaur men backed off from one another to catch their breath. Neither of them had an edge over the other. This battle could go on for a long time. After looking at each other for a while both started walking through their battlefield picking up the severed limbs and eating them. It didn't matter if the limb belonged to them or their opponent, they still ate it. In part, this was to restore their lost vitality. The other part was to mock their opponent.

"Hey, Juren here's one of your heads! I like the face you're making here. I almost don't want to eat it. I might take it home with me and put it on my wall, you know, mount it." Jizhu laughed viciously.

"Hey Jizhu, I just found one of your heads, you look rather surprised here. Oh, I remember this face! It's from when I tore your spine fin off your back and used it to cut off your head. HAHAHA," Juren said.

The two continued to harass one another as they ate. Unexpectedly, a purplish vortex opened up in the sky above them. A man stepped through the vortex which immediately closed. The man was extremely tall, at least six meters tall. He wore purple pants, a yellow shirt, and a long dark blue leather long coat. Looking down he saw the two Dinosaur men looking at him. Both of them looked at him viciously but neither attacked him.


"Oh, it looks like two little lizards. Did I disrupt your fight?" The man laughed as if these two vicious fighters meant nothing to him. The man landed near their battleground. He looked around at all of the severed limbs. Juren was still eating one of Jizhu's arms.

"Aren't you going to cook those before you eat them?" The man asked.

Juren spat out his food. "I like my food raw.”

"You're probably too dumb to know how to start a fire," the man observed.

The Dinosaur men were still quiet. They knew this man was stronger than them. He could probably kill them if he wanted. Most cultivators would be groveling right now, but it wasn't in the nature of Dinosaur men to grovel. If you were going to kill, then kill. What's the point in talking? Still, they were smart enough not to provoke this man.

The man noticed neither of them would provoke him, but he also noticed they weren't cowering in fear.

"Neither of you are scared of me?" The man asked.

"You can probably kill us, but what can we do? If you want to kill us I doubt we could change your mind," Jizhu said.

"Maybe if you cowered a little bit I might be willing to spare you," The man said.

"It's not in the nature of Dinosaur men to cower. We might run and fight back but we don't cower," Juren said.

"You don't cower? My, that's very interesting. Maybe that's what I'll do first. Maybe I'll see if I can make Dinosaur men cower in fear," the man sneered.

"Whatever," the pair said.

"You're right, it does seem like a waste of time. I have better things to do," the man said.

After saying so the man waved his hand and Juren immediately turned into a mist of blood.

Jizhu was surprised. "Powerful," he said. "Before you kill me, can I ask, are you at the Immortal Ascended realm?"

"Immortal Ascended? That's for weaklings," the man mocked as he turned Jizhu into a blood mist.

"It looks like I came to a universe filled with lizards. First, I'll go on holiday and take in the sites, and then I'll kill every sentient species in this Empire. What's it called? Ah, the Dragon Empire. Back home those dragons are pets. Maybe I'll save a few for my niece." Immediately after he thought this he disappeared into the void of space.

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