《The Invincible Hero》Finding Forest Friends


Lorne walked through the nearby forest. He reached thirty-two years yesterday and as part of his birthday present, he was allowed to venture into the forest to find friends. Lorne was glad to be out after spending the last thirty-two years with his parents.

Ever since he shocked them with his shape-shifting ability, they made him display all of the powers he had from his previous world. At first, Lorne was going to pretend that was it, but his parents were too clever and told him they knew he had more. The punch he gave his father was enough to guess that.

Lorne finally relented and displayed what he thought would be his best ability and that was his laser vision. Unfortunately, he could only muster up enough energy to burn a hole in the wall. He thought he would shoot through the wall and cut down a few trees in the forest. He even found the common materials in this world prevented him from using his Ridarn vision. He felt really weak.

After lamenting about how weak he was, his kind mother encouraged him by telling him he wasn't really that weak it was just he was a baby and it could be that his previous abilities weren't as strong in his new life as they were in his old life. After all, he had a completely new body, who knows how everything worked? It was amazing he managed to retain any of his abilities from his old body. Lorne accepted their good intentions and moved on.

Life was pleasant with his parents. He learned his mother's name was Shenmi Yun, and his father was Ying Tian. Lorne was happy his mother taught him about the powers from her side of the gene pool and even gave him some cultivation techniques. His father similarly gave him cultivation techniques, but he was of a poorer quality as he left the Dragon Academy early in his student career.

It turned out it was the nature of the inborn powers the Wu Di clan possessed that lead to them being hunted. His mother's clan was known as the invincible clan mainly because of two powers. The first was their ability to consume pretty much any energy. This included magic, soul energy, and so forth.


When attacked by these energies directly they could just consume the energy. This was problematic for creatures like Dragons whose main strength, other than their enormous physical strength, came from their magic power. The Wu Di clan were the antithesis of the Dragon Clan.

The second power was their ability to intuitively perfect almost any energy-based techniques whether it was spells, fighting techniques, runes, and formations or even pill recipes. Any field could be perfected. This was dangerous for other Clans. It was a threat to the Dragon clan in particular as it threatened to throw them out from the hierarchy.

These weren't the limits to the Wu Di clan’s abilities, but with just these two abilities alone they were marked for extinction.

Lorne found it odd his new parents met and fell in love. Wouldn't his mother see his father as a threat to her and her people? Lorne's mother confessed at first, that's exactly how she felt. However, Lorne's father proved himself over and over again to her. Eventually, she couldn't help but fall in love with him.

Lorne's parents almost didn't let him have his birthday wish to roam in the forest. They were worried about if he could take care of himself. Lorne demonstrated his superspeed to his parents. In the past, he was pretty quick but over the course of the last thirty years, he focused on developing his new and old powers.

Dragons could be really fast, but with Lorne's speed from his previous life, he was a little hard to catch even for his father! Maybe he couldn't beat up everyone in the forest, but at the very least he could probably escape with his life.

At the beginning of the morning, Lorne was very excited about the prospects of making new friends and meeting almost anyone. His parents were great, but they were the only people he'd spent any significant time with over the last thirty years.

He did receive the occasional visit from members of the Wu Di clan from time to time. His mother's parents were especially excited about Lorne. They didn't know about his variety of powers from his old world. However, they marveled at his ability to fully utilize both parents’ abilities. His grandparents often brought consumable treats like candied magic balls, and other Wu Di childhood delicacies. Lorne found energy could be really delicious.


He even started discovering his ability to occasionally improve a cultivation technique he had. His mother told him he would get better at it over time. However, she stressed he should always leave some flaws in anything he improved, or it would lead to a disaster. His mother had a library full of improved techniques, she showed them to Lorne who was absolutely dazzled.

As Lorne reflected on the happenings of the last thirty years he noticed even though he walked for a long time; he still hadn't found any kids his age.

"Where's everyone?" Lorne wondered out loud to himself.

"You have silly parents Lorne," BS42 suddenly said.

"Why do you say that?" Lorne asked.

"Because they never told you as a dragon you have a natural presence that makes all other surrounding creatures tremble in fear when they are near you. In this world, you are a super predator. Only someone insane would seek you out the way you're releasing your oppressive aura," said BS42.

"Really? I had no idea!" Lorne said.

"Of course, you had no idea. You're the super predator. You think a tiger ever notices it's really scary?" BS42 mocked in response.

"Can you help me repress this aura?" Lorne asked.

"Sure, but just doing that won't be enough to make friends. You'll probably need to find someone who isn't intimidated by a baby Dragon. That'll take someone really strong," BS42 said.

"It's one thing after another with being a baby dragon. I'll tell you right now, it ain't easy being a baby dragon," Lorne said.

For some reason, BS42 found this comment a little amusing and let out a soft chuckle. Immediately after this, BS42 taught Lorne how to repress his aura. Right after doing this he started noticing more and more creatures in the distance. No one approached him, but at least he started seeing more and more people.

"Most of these people look really animal-like." Lorne thought. That one looks like a fox person, another person seems more like a duck man, and was that a snail man? That's pretty weird looking. Lorne had a grand time identifying the different species of animal people.

Suddenly, Lorne heard a roar from the Jungle. "Where's that little dragon baby? Who does he think he is coming into my forest causing trouble?!" Lorne was startled by the roaring and shouting. This person certainly had a presence.

Over a hill, a large figure popped out. It was about three times Lorne's height. He could tell the person was still an adolescent. He looked a little bearish.

The bear boy continued to make his way towards Lorne. Ever since he saw Lorne, the bear boy locked his eyes onto the baby dragon. The ground shook with each step the boy took. Lorne could feel the other creatures in the forest staring at him wondering what would happen. Sure, he was a dragon baby, but he wasn't the most terrifying existence in the forest. Not right now at least.

There were two tribes in the forest who always competed for number one. The Hu tribe and the Xiong tribe. To all the animals in the forest, these two tribes represented the top of the food chain. Neither tribe was petty or vicious, but their strength was scary.

The Hu tribe was made up of all the tigers in the forest. There were all types of tigers from the orange white and black types, the black and white types, to the white and black tigers. The current leader of the Hu tribe was Fēixíng báihǔ. Legend said the ancestor of the Fēixíng tiger family had wings and was unmatched in his generation.

The other tribe was the Hēixióng tribe. The Hēixióng tribe was made up of Hēi family, the Māo family, Tàiyáng family, Běijí family, Lǎn family and the Yǎnjìng family. The current leader of the Hēixióng tribe is a member of the Yǎnjìng family named Bīngshān. The adolescent bear boy walking up to Lorne seemed to be of the Yǎnjìng family.

Finally coming directly before Lorne, the large bear adolescent looked down fiercely at Lorne. "It's the one causing all the problems. Hey baby dragon, why don't you tell me your name." The bear adolescent said imperiously.

"Ying Xiong," said Lorne.

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