《The Invincible Hero》Making Friends Is Easy


Ten thousand years ago inside the Samsara pod. Several weeks passed since Lorne entered his gestation period in the Dragon egg. BS42 hadn't sat idle during this time. He was making preparations.

In a lab the size of four football fields, BS42 poured over data on his computer screen. Thousands upon thousands of Gene Pools could be seen in this warehouse. However, the Gene Pools varied in size. Some were very tiny while some were very big. There was one Gene Pool taking up the space of one entire football field.

It wasn't just this lab took up a lot of areas, the lab was actually multi-level. Some levels contained specialized Gene Pools whereas others contained materials of every kind. The list of materials ranged from mineral to organic and it seemed there was an unlimited variety of them. Another level was filled with nothing but container units for souls!

‘At last, a newly undiscovered world for me to explore! New species to catalog! This is an opportunity that doesn't come often. I remember the days when I was the head of the New Universe Recording and Species Research Institute (NURSRI). I was constantly busy in the beginning days of the Empire. Eventually, though, the frequency of new universes and new species dwindled. The Empire couldn't afford its continuous expansion. We encountered formidable enemies requiring us to protect what we already had. At last, there's something for me to do in my beloved area of expertise!’ BS42 thought to himself.

If Lorne could see BS42 now, behaving like an excited kid he would be unconvinced this was actually BS42.

"First, I'll send the surveyors out all over this world. We'll concentrate on taking species samples and cartography."

BS42 was hard at work at a computer terminal. As he worked he activated thousands of the tiny Gene Pools. Genetic material was supplied to each of the Gene Pools. Thousands of fairy bodies formed from countless embryos. Finally, the souls that had been on standby were synchronized with the embryos.

The embryos were "birthed," and then moved to special incubation chambers. The fairy bodies grew older until they were at an adult age. The largest fairy was a male about the size of a hummingbird. The female fairies were much smaller.

Once all of the fairies finished the accelerated growth process, the incubation chambers' doors opened. Each fairy flew to waiting lockers and dressed in the provided outfits. The fairies dutifully lined up into countless rows waiting for their orders.

"Welcome back to life!" BS42 said loudly to the fairies.

"My name is BS42, and today you were awakened to make restitution for the crimes you committed against my Empire. I have a simple mission for you to complete," BS42 said.

"We are in a new universe and there are new species as yet unknown to our empire. Your job is to catalog these new species and to map the world. Each of you has the necessary tools in your storage rings. All data you collect will be automatically sent to me here.


If you are successful in your surveying work, this will count towards time served of your sentence. If you accrue enough merits, you will be allowed to reincarnate to your next life. Those whose crimes against the Empire were minor may even have the opportunity to be guided to reincarnate into a citizen in the Empire.”

"Success!" BS42 shouted at the end.

"Success!" the thousands of fairies replied in a military shout.

BS42 chose fairies as the bodies for his surveyors for two reasons. First, they were really fast and hard to catch when they flew. They could even go under water. Second, experience showed fairies were common through the multiverse and most planets wouldn't find it odd to discover a fairy flying around.

The orders with sectors to survey and map were sent to the mapping teams. The genetic sample-gathering teams were similarly sent to specific sectors to perform their work. Once BS42 had enough genetic material of the local species he could begin to create additional spies, scouts, and warriors to move on to the next phase of his plan.

Once the fairies received their orders they moved to the transportation gate and were sent from the Samsara pod into the new world.


Three thousand years later, BS42 was working in a specialized Gene Pools lab. He stood before two Gene Pools about the size of the one Lorne had used. The fairy mapping teams finished recording the world not long ago and were re-tasked to aid in gathering more genetic materials.

Enough materials were gathered after fifteen hundred years for BS42 to create two very important warriors. The birthing process was completed. Two naked warriors stepped out of the Gene Pool and walked to a bench holding clothes, weapons, and storage rings. The pair of warriors walked to BS42 waiting for his orders.

The first warrior was a Four-Clawed Copper Dragon. His Horns and eyes had a copper color. His hair was a deep reddish brown and he was a very large man standing about two and a half meters in height. He wore a simple tunic, pants, boots, and belt with a greenish-brown cloak. His weapons included a High-Grade Mace, High-Grade Axe, and a High-Grade Longbow with ten thousand arrows. All weapons and clothing were in the style of this world.

According to the survey teams, no one on this planet used high technology. This was a "High-Magic" world. Meaning, magic power was relied on here as much as the technology was depended on by other planets. A person with enormous power could stand against magic beasts and casters. Overall, however, magic was king on this world.

Even though this dragon man was only a Four-Clawed Copper Dragon, he couldn't be ignored. His body was designed similar to Lorne's. It was a blended version of Lorne's parents with the Zimwarn genetics. According to projections, his physical strength should exceed triple the typical strength of either a Zimwarn warrior or Dragon warrior of his level. The Dragon Warrior's strength was at the Void Emperor realm level.


According to the survey teams, the highest level of cultivation on the planet was rumored to be the Void King realm. This was one full realm difference to the Four-Clawed Copper Dragon's level. Lorne's father Ying Tian was only at the Small Origin Core Realm. Of course, he was a young dragon himself. He was less than twenty thousand years old. He would certainly become much more powerful in the future.

BS42 could make the realm higher for these two warriors, but that would have taken more time to grow the warrior and many more resources. It was better to let the warrior cultivate himself if necessary. BS42 chose a Four-Clawed Copper Dragon instead of the Four-Clawed Silver Dragon or the Four-Clawed Golden Dragon because it would take too long to grow these Dragon bodies.

Even though BS42 could accelerate the aging gestation process of the pair of warriors, there came a point where the more powerful the organism the closer to regular gestation period it would become. At most, he could only shave a couple of thousand years off of Four-Clawed Silver Dragon at the Void Emperor realm, and only five hundred years for the Four-Clawed Gold Dragon at the Void Emperor realm. Instead of three thousand years, it would have taken five thousand years for the silver dragon and seventy-five hundred years for the golden dragon.

He needed these two warriors now to begin the second part of his plan. He already had two Golden dragons gestating. These were pure dragons, not a mixed-race dragon and each of these would be at the much lower Great Origin Core realm. They would hatch about a thousand years before Lorne, however, their job would be to infiltrate the Dragon Empire and get cultivation techniques for Lorne.

It was too dangerous to have Lorne enter a Dragon Empire academy to train. Not only was there the issue of his mother, there was also the issue of the Samsara pod being easily discovered if someone were at a high enough rank. Within the Dragon Academies, there were plenty of Dragon Lords strong enough to discover Lorne's Samsara pod. Who knew what would happen if they discovered Lorne with such a thing. They might destroy him, soul and all, in which case he would be dead for sure!

The other warrior was similarly dressed as the Dragon Warrior, but his species was totally different. He was a mutt if there ever was one. BS42 decided to create a warrior who didn't easily fit into any species.

This warrior would explore other planets and would be given his own Samsara pod to help with the exploration. BS42 chose to blend multiple species together to give him a well-rounded capability, unlimited potential for later development, and a mysterious history.

What kind of person would result from so many species blended together? To create such a warrior, his ancestors must have been mutts themselves. At least, that's what people would think.

The main ingredients of this tossed salad of genes were genes from the Wu Di clan, Tigermen, Tyrant Stingraymen, Space Otter, and Fighting Monkey. There were several other species thrown into the mix, but their ratios were nearly negligible. BS42 decided to name this species "The Fighting Texan," or in the parlance of this world: "Yǔ dé kè sà sī Zhàndòu." Naturally, BS42 named this species referencing Lorne's past home on Earth.

BS42 looked to the Dragon Warrior first. “Your name will be Tiě lóng. Your first mission is to receive a disciple. Go into the mystic forest and find a disciple amongst the young warriors. There is a Tiger cub who looks promising. In your ring of holding you'll find a scroll with your mission details. The mission scroll can also be used to send in reports and receive new missions with their details," BS42 said.

Tiě lóng nodded his head and stepped back.

Next, BS42 looked towards the Fighting Texan Warrior. "Your name shall be Kal N'Dar named for the records of the passage of time among the Sussani peoples. Your mission is to survey among the stars. You'll need to gather star maps, cultivation techniques, and much more. I purchased an interstellar vehicle for you and it is in your storage ring. You can always move onto something bigger later, once you get the money. Your cover is as a smuggler, gambler, and merc for hire. Not a hard roll for you to pull off I suspect"

Kal N'Dar stepped back and nodded similarly to Tiě lóng.

"I have provided an assistant for each of you." BS42 signaled and two creatures flew forth. The first was a flying snake with wings. It went to Tiě lóng and coiled itself around him. The next creature was a flying spider-turtle-monkey. About the size of a large cat. It flew towards Kal N'Dar and landed on his shoulder.

"You are dismissed. Glory to the Empire!" BS42 said.

"Glory to the Empire!" the duo responded simultaneously. After finishing their response, the pair left the Samsara pod through a transportation gate to begin their missions.

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