《The Invincible Hero》The Samsara Pod


A sub-atomic sphere broke through the barriers between the multiverses hurtling through space and time. The sphere glowed, and strings of light attached to the sphere. These strings of light pulled on the sphere in different directions.

Not all strings were the same, in fact, as the sphere continued to move, multiple strings combined together while other strings broke off of the pod. As the sphere continued its journey the strings turned into cords which became thicker and thicker. Occasionally new thin strings attached to the sphere. These strands and cords often twisted around each other.

Within the sphere was an enormous space with several rooms and levels to the sphere. In one room was a large area with five tubes next to a depression in the floor. One tube contained a large quantity of blood. Another tube had something shimmering and bright.

A figure moved to the tubes. This figure was a robotic scholar with features which were very human. In fact, if not for its metallic exterior it could pass as a human. The metal of the body had small wrinkles on the hands and eyes. Small forearm hair sprouted from the skin. The hairs on its head and arms also had a metallic sheen. Even though the robot had many organic-looking features, in reality, everything had a metallic sheen. It was a robot. It wore blue and yellow robes and clasped its hands behind its back as if waiting for something.

Standing near the tubes, the robot watched as the tube with the shimmering and bright substance opened. Out stepped a nearly translucent figure. It was a ghostly version of Dr. Lorne Longoak, the Invincible Hero.

The Robot's eyes shone. "Greetings young lord." the robot said.

The ghostly figure examined his nearly translucent body. It was clearly confused and kept looking at its form. "Am I dead?" it wondered. This thought caused it to look around. Immediately it noticed the robot. Perceiving it to be a metallic being of some sort he concluded it probably wasn't an angel. It could be a robot angel he thought. Was he in robot heaven? Was Lorne really a robot previously? Lorne realized he was a little confused, so he pushed those random thoughts out of his mind.


Looking around the environment he realized he was in some kind of a lab. Lorne turned around and examined the metallic tube he came from and noticed the blood tube next to it. Adjacent to the blood tube were three other ones filled with different colored liquids. Finally, he spotted a deep half sphere depression on the floor. It seemed four of the five tubes fed directly into the depression. It was some kind of pool for these liquids. The spectral Lorne observed other connections to the pool, but what those connections provided he wasn't sure.

"It's called the gene pool." The robot answered the question in Lorne's mind. The robot's speaking woke Lorne up from his thoughts. Lorne turned to examine the robot.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Who do you think I am?" the robot responded.

"BS42?" Lorne said immediately.

"Yes, this is my true form," the Warbox responded.

Lorne merely nodded his head in acceptance of the robot's answer. It was more or less what he expected. What other intelligent robot called him young lord?

"Where are we?" Lorne asked.

"We are in the Samsara pod," the Warbox replied.

"Why is my body translucent?" Lorne asked.

"Your body was nearly destroyed by that Zimwarn Commander. One of the jobs of the rebirth prep-room, where we are now, is to prepare the re-birther for their next body. The first thing to be done was the separation of your soul from your body. Next, it was necessary to help your soul take its soul form as this isn't instinctive for most people. Next, we take the remainder of your physical body and turn it into a pure genetic material. Blood is the best," BS42 said.

"What are these other tubes for?" Lorne continued asking questions.


"The two tubes next to the blood tube are meant to receive the genetic materials of your future parents. The third tube contains a solution to help integrate all four liquids together to form the embryo for your new body." BS42 answered.

"These other connections to the gene pool?" asked Lorne.

"Those are special energy nodes to help your soul integrate with the new body." the Warbox answered.

Lorne fell into deep thought. ‘Samsara pod, I guess this is really about reincarnation. Who knew there was such a scientific way to do this.’ Lorne thought.

"What do I do until I'm reincarnated, wait in here?" Lorne asked.

"No, I'd like to take you on a tour of the ship," BS42 said.

"Ship? I thought this was a Samsara pod," said Lorne.

"It is, but the process of Samsara isn't so simple, not if you want to arrive at the best place possible. Come with me, I'm sure you'll understand after a quick look around the ship," said The Warbox.

Lorne simply nodded in acceptance of the Warbox's suggestion. What else did he have to do? Besides he was very curious about this whole place.

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