《The Invincible Hero》The Invincible Hero Versus the Invincible Army
A few hours later, after Earth's Allied Army left the Jupiter home of the Longoaks, the Zimwarn Warships fleet finally arrived at the edge of the solar system. The Longoaks and their human allies quietly waited, floating in space. Lorne’s father's hovered between him and his mother. They were dressed in what his father claimed was the Royal Battle Armor. BS42 hovered quietly to Lorne's right. Behind the Longoaks floated General Brady in a ferocious looking black mech with a large gun, and Big Time and the Pretty Pugilist each in white outer space armor.
Even though the six warriors and the Warbox were infinitesimally small against the backdrop of space, the Zimwarn Warships saw them and came to a sudden halt. Several figures flew out from the lead ship. They arrived in an instant before Lorne and his parents.
The figures all wore compact red and grey warrior armor. Each carried four visible weapons: a large gun, a sword, a knife, and a pistol. Some warriors carried a spear or saber instead of a sword. Some warriors carried a large cannon-type gun, others carried an advanced version of a machine gun or a bizarre gun with a large cylinder attached. The leader of the group wore compact red and black warrior armor with a red cape so dark it almost looked black. He had large blood-red gauntlets with gold trim on his arms. He carried a humongous hammer and a large machete-like knife.
"Old Man Longoak, get your bag of bones over here! I'm here to take your head, you miserable old man. I bet you never saw this day coming? I see you have your dried up old lady here and this brat next to you must be your son! How dare you create another member of your branch. Do you have any idea how much effort it takes finding all of you Royals and killing you? Oh, what's that behind you? Are those puny creatures behind you from that planet you've been living on? What are they, pawns or pets?" The commander taunted Lorne's father as he spoke.
Lorne would have been surprised the man was speaking in space if it weren't that his father taught him a special technique developed by the Royal house to speak in space. The technique was tricky at first. Not only did the technique allow a person to be heard in space, it could be used to transmit secret information to others, or project their voice several hundred miles from their location to someone else.
"These are humans from Earth. They are my personal warriors," said Lorne.
The commander looked at Lorne and sneered. Who did this little pup think he was, talking to him?
"Did I ask you anything, you miserable little punk? I'll step on you later. Keep your mouth shut before I beat you to death," said the commander.
As the group was speaking, there was a sudden detonation from one of the ships! Everyone was shocked to see a Warship break apart and explode. They noticed a little dot being chased by other dots. Lorne zoomed his vision in to see what it was. To his surprise, he saw something he would never have expected to see. The dot being chased was actually someone Lorne knew very well. It was the Cosmic Monkey, the weirdo! What was he doing here? Did he blow up that Zimwarn Warship?
The dots, which turned out to be Zimwarn warriors, were flying in their direction, finally one of the warriors got close enough to the Cosmic Monkey he could attack. The Zimwarn warrior punched him in the back and knocked him towards Lorne. Lorne quickly flew and caught the Cosmic Monkey and brought him back to his group. At the same time, Lorne blasted the pursuers with his laser vision. His attack actually killed two of the pursuers while the remaining three were knocked back by the concussive force of the blast.
Lorne looked at the Cosmic Monkey and was speechless. When did this weirdo appear? How did he sneak into the Zimwarn fleet and blow up one of their ships? Looking at the Cosmic Monkey with his Ridarn vision, Lorne could tell the injuries Cosmic Monkey received weren't light. He had several broken ribs, and where he was punched in the back the bones shattered, severing his spinal column. The Cosmic Monkey was alive, but after this battle, he would be a paraplegic.
"Cosmic Monkey, why didn't you go back to Earth? We told you this would be too dangerous!" Lorne cried out emotionally. Lorne always found this Cosmic Monkey to be a weirdo, but he never faltered in a fight. He was always there to help his teammates in battle. This tinsel town hero managed to destroy a Zimwarn Warship by himself. Amazing. Lorne looked back at his parents and saw even they were impressed.
"Such an amazing Monkey." Lorne's father said. "I'll send him back to our base and have the medical facility treat his injuries." As Lorne's father said this he tossed a disc onto the Cosmic Monkey whose body immediately vanished from sight.
The commander of the Zimwarn forces watched all of this happening, he was also stunned by the Cosmic Monkey's accomplishment. ‘Had this puny aboriginal actually destroyed one of his Warships?’ he wondered.
Zimwarn Warships were made from a special metallic alloy called Kemedian composed of a unique metal called Fener. Fener was actually a grown metal. It was omnivorous consuming anything it could during its growth cycle. There were certain materials Fener couldn't or wouldn't consume. One such substance was lifeless dirt. Compact lifeless dirt, typically harvested from dead moons, was used to line the interior of molds used in forging objects. These molds were fashioned into many shapes. Depending if there was a need for screws, bolts, metallic beams or shielding; molds could be created for whatever was needed.
The process for creating Kemedian from Fener was pretty simple. Fener seeds were placed in a predetermined "paste" made up of a combination of organic material, minerals, metals, and even gases. The Fener could imitate the qualities of the different substances it was fed. The base organic material which was a majority of the paste used to feed the Fener were the liquified remains of an animal species called Burings, enormous herbivores native to Zimwer. They had an incredibly dense molecular structure. Their muscle, skins, and bones were nearly indestructible on the universal scale. On ancient Zemwar, during its primitive days, Burings were a food staple. Now, these ancient animals were being reared as material for war construction.
The Kemedian alloy being produced was extremely durable. Few civilizations had produced technology at a high enough level to penetrate the special Kemedian alloy made from the Fener-Buring paste to increase toughness. The fact Cosmic Monkey managed to blow up a Zimwarn Warship was amazing.
"He must have found a way to detonate the core," Lorne's father said. "Clever Monkey," he added.
"Enjoy this minor victory you old bag of bones! It will be your last victory of the day!" The commander roared viciously.
Even though the commander roared, the Cosmic Monkey's victory of destroying the Zimwarn Warship had lit the fire of hope in the hearts of everyone, especially Lorne. If the weird Monkey could do it, then he could too!
Lorne immediately looked at the lead ship behind the commander and gathered all of his strength firing his most powerful and destructive Laser vision blast. Everyone was surprised by the sudden attack. The beam struck the mighty Warship creating a brilliant flash forcing everyone to turn away for a moment. When they turned back to see the damage caused by Lorne's attack they saw...nothing. No damage at all. Not even a scratch was on the warship. Lorne was stunned. He was so sure it would work!
"Hahahaha, this little prince thinks it's easy to destroy one of my Warships! HAHAHAHA, but he's even dumber than a monkey. It's a good thing the royal family was overthrown. Look at what it has become. Even if the Royals won today, after a few years of administration by this clown, the Empire would implode! HAHAHAHA!!!" The Commander laughed unconstrained.
Lorne was extremely upset. He had really embarrassed himself. Lorne's father, however, looked over at the Warship. He seemed to be squinting at the area Lorne just shot at.
"Impressive." Lorne's father said. Immediately after making his comment, Lorne's father shot his own laser vision blast at the ship. Immediately after he did so, the ship blew up just like the ship the Cosmic Monkey attacked. Lorne's father had noticed a microscopic hole in the hull of the ship caused by Lorne's attack. He used that hole finding the core of the ship with his Ridarn vision. Once he found the core he exerted the same energy level as Lorne to finish off the ship.
Sensing the incoming shockwaves from the exploding ship, everyone quickly moved much further away. Lorne's father seemed to invisibly grab everyone in their group somehow and flew them away instantly. The exploding ship's debris and shockwaves spread out in every direction. The other Warships in the area were caught in the explosion. There was complete chaos as a result.
Lorne's Father laughed derisively at the Commander of the Usurpers. "It seems my son isn't as useless as you thought Commander! If you paid attention you would have noticed he managed to pierce through the shielding of the ship. That opening allowed me to easily finish it off. Still looking down on us?" Lorne's father mocked.
Lorne was shocked, over the course of his life, his parents took every opportunity to point out how weak he was but never offered to help him fix that flaw. This was the first time his father ever complimented him on the use of his powers. Lorne had a big smile on his face as he looked to his father. Lorne's father winked at him. Whoa, battle brings bonding between father and son!
The Commander of the Usurpers was visibly building up to a volcanic explosion. At any moment his anger and hatred would explode. The commander gave a strained smile that wasn't a smile. It looked like he was forcibly bearing some pain he could barely withstand.
"Kill them, all of you attack!" Cried the commander who was no longer content to talk but was eager for slaughter. He had been humiliated beyond his limits. Even though he lost two warships, the Commander only lost about a dozen soldiers. As powerful as the warships were, Zimwarn physiology was even more powerful. Their bodies could contain and control unfathomable energy. How could a mere energy core explosion do any real damage to Zimwarn warriors? Only those closest to the explosion were truly in danger and that's because out of all of the warriors brought to fight in today's battle these ship engineers were the weakest. Even so, most of them survived the blast.
All of the Zimwarn crews who previously occupied the two warships were now converging on their commander's position. These soldiers were mad, none of them expected any kind of real resistance. Wasn't the Royal family already on its last leg? A dying dog dared to bite back?! Outrageous!
Lorne saw the killing madness in their eyes. He knew it was time for him to take action. He trained for two years for this day. The first year he trained on his own. The second year, BS42 trained him. Lorne had engaged in numerous battles in the temporal gate's lost Time Zone. In those battles, Lorne fought numerous Zimwarn warriors. He began to learn how to fight using his powers effectively. He came to understand brute strength battle tactics weren't strategies. He gained a lot from those battles. One of the greatest gains from his training was his speed capability shot through the roof. If there was one thing he could be proud of it was how fast he became.
Lorne flashed away from his position and immediately engaged with a group of Zimwarn warriors. He used his laser vision to kill three warriors instantly by firing concentrated laser beams through their soft eyeballs. He utilized a holding grip on one warrior to use as a meat shield as he continued to kill warrior after warrior. Lorne discovered his best combination was using his speed with his laser vision. He called this combo his Fast Blast. It seemed like nothing could stop Lorne as he fought his way through the Zimwarn warriors.
Lorne was shocked at how effective a fighter he had become. He thought this battle would be hard fought. The way BS42 and his parents talked it seemed there was no hope. However, wasn't he using his strength to create hope? Lorne was suddenly aware of what it meant to turn his strength into hope. That's exactly what he was doing. Maybe there was hope. Perhaps he could return home to see his wife and children. Didn't he and his father use their power to destroy a warship? Lorne was beyond ecstatic as he thought of all of this. Now, for the first time, Lorne felt extremely confident. He could do this, he could win!
The Commander of the Usurper forces watched Lorne killing all of his soldiers but he hadn't done anything. His anger was still boiling, it looked like his head would pop off of his shoulders at any moment. Finally, the Commander screamed at Lorne in such a way it could cause even the most courageous warrior to faint from fright.
"WOULD YOU STOP KILLING ALL OF MY KITCHEN STAFF YOU STUPID LITTLE PUNK!" The commander roared. Lorne froze, ‘he was killing kitchen staff and not the fierce Zimwarn warriors?!’ Lorne panicked.
Suddenly, the Commander made a clawing motion with his hand and pulled Lorne away from his kitchen staff. The Commander flung Lorne to his original position.
With this mad scream from the Commander, he shot a laser blast right at a stunned Lorne still off balance from being man-handled by the Commander. The laser hit Lorne and he could feel his body disintegrating. BS42 flew over and opened up, forming a shield. Then BS42's body somehow managed to produce even more metal from his body which surrounded Lorne until BS42 became a ball. Even still, this didn't help as instantly BS42 and Lorne were disintegrated on the spot. Nothing was left of the two.
Everything was deadly silent. Then Lorne's mother cried out, "NO!!!" Lorne's father's eyes went red, and all of Lorne's friends looked at where Lorne was at just a moment ago. Lorne was gone. He had died. The Invincible Hero was dead!
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