(M) this week our theme is from Baben.
(A) oh wow
(A-inner mono) what even is that
-Miyu takes Ari up to this little stand that isn’t that busy on the second floor-
(M) this is where I usually get my food. Edna is super sweet and her food is amazing. It always has a homemade feel to it!
-It’s a little wooden shack in the corner and there’s an old lady calmly sitting on a chair and smiling at the distance-
(M) hi Edna can we have two (blanks) please? This is my new friend Ari. She is a human, isn't that cool?
-Edna just stars into the distance and smiles-
-Miyu laughs and tells Ari the food is ready at the other end of the shack-
-Ari is super confused-
(M) thank you Edna!
-They head down stairs-
(A) .....um miyu”
(M) yes?
(A) sorry if this is rude but how did you communicate with Edna. From what I could tell she wasn’t moving at the very least speaking”
(M) oh right! You see Edna is a soothsayer. I’ve heard stories that when she was young she exchanged all her senses to save her hero team. She doesn’t really talk about it
(A) so... how do you know what she’s saying?
(M) Edna uses her spiritual energy to communicate. She can’t talk to you because you don’t have any magic particles she can latch onto.
(A) oh...
Sitting at a table
-Ari eating the food. The food is little balls of different colors-
(A) ???? -looking suspiciously at her food-
-Miyu takes a brown one and bites-
(M) mmmm it’s so good!
-Ari has a confused look but she picks up a brown one. Ari looks at it then takes a bite like it’s an apple. The instant she bit it, it tasted overwhelmingly of the most luxurious chocolate on chocolate. It tasted good and fancy-
(A) wow this is like chocolate
-Miyu nods and tells Ari to try the green one-
-Ari eats it. She pauses and realizes she is literally eating seaweed salad. The consultancy was strange but it tasted good. Ari is puzzled but doesn’t want to be rude so eats it-
(M) whenever (world) week comes. I can’t wait for it because the sweets are the best part!
-Ari eats the ball like an apple and nods. She thinks food is good-
Walking through the halls
-After lunch miyu walks Ari over to her loyo class-
(M) this class is the most useful for everyone. It prepares you to be independent and know your way around the world. Just to let you know, since the class isn’t limited to any ranks , this means students of different ranks will be there! Don’t worry, everyone is nice!”
-Ari nods-
(A-inner mono) @!?#%
-Ari opens the Japanese style door into a huge classroom. The classroom wasn’t full because Ari came early but it had a good amount of people. The classroom consisted of group desks with four chairs each. It smelled of incense and there were very tall windows. It was super neat and kept. Ari looked around in awe-
(Ninja) Good morning, I presume you are ari?
-Ari almost lets out a scream. She was scared out of her mind because this man came up so quietly-
-Ari nodded-
-He smiles. Ari can’t help noticing that this man is beautiful. He could even pass as a woman and no one would notice-
(Ninja) to make it easier for you, I assigned you to a table with students who have had your previous classes.
-Ninja guy leads ari over towards the back. There were already two students sitting there. One was a sketchy hooded loony dude(be romancer) and the other was helga gordo-
(Ninja) please take care of Ari and help her through this class. I feel she will be the most comfortable with the people she knows.
-Ari places her pen and notebook down and awkwardly sits down-
(Ninja) Ari. You don’t have to worry about the use of powers or skill. I just want all my students to pay attention, listen, and observe well. We will be learning and preparing for our individual futures. Through my years I have gathered information of what makes someone special and decided to teach it to our promising youth. The only things you need for this class is logic, a bit of math, and attention to detail.
-Ari and the other two nod their heads-
(Ninja) -smiles- I hope you enjoy the class.
-Ninja leaves and the table has an awkward silence-
(Sketchy guy)...
The classroom starts to slowly fill up. Unlike other classes no one really paid attention to Ari. She just didn’t really have any presence-
-Ari noticed the different colored emblems of certain students-
(A-inner mono) must be how they differentiate rank
-At the last minute the door slams open and a tiny figure walks in with a tall figure after her. It was Sophia Valentine. She had her nose in the air and a very strong aura. She scanned around the room and spotted Ari-
-She stomped right next to ari and sat down(butler pulls the seat for her)-
-The lower ranks paid attention to her; however, what seemed to be higher rank didn’t even notice-
(SV) Ari, long time no see. I shall join you.
(Gordo) miss valentine this is someone else’s seat....
(SV) -nose up and head so far up her ass- I don’t care
-The ninja teacher shrugs and begins class-
(Ninja) welcome. Today we will continue with our finance unit
(A) !?
(A-inner mono) did he just say finance!?
(Ninja) different worlds have different rules. But they fall under the same cycle. The cycle of consumerism. Money is spent on stuff we need and want. To get all that, we have to get a job and contribute to each individual economies
(A-inner mono) well duh that’s basic information
-Sophia Valentine raises her hand-
(Ninja) yes ms Valentine?
(SV) So what you're telling me, professor, is that even heroes have to work mundane jobs? I thought the Bureau of Magic took care of that.
(Ninja) -smiles and shakes his head- I have seen many strong beings work 9/5 jobs. The foundation will support you but not much. They are just there to regulate the magic society. As you know the way hero’s get money is either popularity with fans but that I do not consider to be a real hero. The hero’s that are working for the better good, completing missions, and keeping the equilibrium are what I consider real hero’s. They don't look for the attention, all their hard work earns them the attention and with that more requests for mission come in. That is why the higher the rank the more income you earn.
(A-inner mono) that’s new info
(SV) so the popular heroes like mimic Man and glitter girl are just for show?
Ninja: yes, they are here to give a more light perception of what our work is.
-People murmur-
Gyru girl raises her hand. : so what your telling me is, the media is a false reality where humans and other lower life creatures find solace in?
(Ninja) that’s a rough way to put it but something like that.
Gyaru leans back on her chair crossing her arms and looking cool.
(A-inner mono) I don’t know if I should get offended or be thankful.
(Ninja) so, bringing it back, we will be studying all the different systems to make your career successful and you more knowledgeable. To make it easier for you I have grouped universes and their planets with other universes that have basically the same system
(A-inner mono) how many universes are there!? This is gonna be impossible
-Ari thanks Shizuka(Ninja) and walks out of the classroom with information overload-
(SV) -walking in front of Ari, suddenly stops and turns- Human, I bet you thought having powers was all it was. But no, like professor shizuka said, there are big hero’s that have fallen not due to power but due to money. You are lucky to be trained in finance at your regular schools. It is a luxury for us.
-Ari nods-
-Sophia humphs and walks away-
Ari inner monologue while she’s walking to her media class:
(A-inner mono) -walking to her media class- so, what I’m getting is, the higher the rank one is born to, the less they know about finance and living by themselves because it’s already all taken care of for them. So when they are put on their own, many falter due to their stupidity. Since Volkov is the best institution for people like that, they really do have a higher success rate of students that are well off than other schools
(A-inner mono) -walks up to the sliding doors- The thing Sophia said only applies to this planet... I have no idea how finance works or how to even live on different planets because I was taught that I would never go there.
-Ari walks into a very sleek looking room. It looked very modern and high tech. Something drone like flies up to ari and scans her. It makes a little beep and flys away-
(A) ....
-Ari is in front of another door and it clicks open. She is greeted with the same modern vibe but this time it looked like she was here to do some professional business meeting. There was a stage in the front of the classroom with a podium. It looked like an auditorium but the shares had glass looking handles on the armrests. Ari spotted other students fiddling with it. One student touched a pad, nothing happened but the student looked transfixed-
(A) ...
(Cyborg) greetings
-Ari heart jumps out of her chest, this is the second time she’s been scared-
-Ari regains her composure and bows a greeting-
-She looks up and is faced with a robot. Not a fully robot man, the robot man seems to have some movable human looking features that made him look quite handsome0
(Cy) ari I have placed you up front. It will be easier for me to watch over you.
-Ari nods and follows Cyborg-
-She is greeted with a chair and the robot man patiently waits for her stuff to be put down. Ari feels awkward but sits down-
(Cy) Ari if you don’t mind please put both of your hands on the screens.
-Ari looks around and notices the screens he’s talking about are the handles of the chair-
-Ari does so and is greeted with a hologram-
(Cy) unlike other classes you can actually use this system since it is designed to not use one's magic
-Ari nods. What she’s seeing is a home screen-
(Cy) I programmed this chair to fit a human. You can use the screens on your arm as a mouse to open and close things. Usually this is where the magic part comes. No use of mana but use of perception
-Ari moves her finger up to the notes pad-
(Cy) these screens are personal so no one can see them except for me and you.
(A-inner mono) oh so that’s what the student was doing.
-Ari started playing around with the program. The cyborg man started class-
-His voice is heard through the program and right into the students ears instead of giving a speech on the podium. The lesson popped up and there is a huge screen on the stage that also popped up with the same lesson-
(Cy) -not moving his mouth yet still speaking to the students- today we are going to learn about the fake reality of media
-Ari can’t hear any students because it’s soundproof and only the teacher's voice comes through. It’s like she’s taking a private lesson-
(Cy) the reality of magic is harsh, and incomprehensible for normal life forms. This is why the media was created. The media warps the stories into more humane and friendly stories, they always talk about the successes of hero’s and not the failures. Why? To give a sense of security to people who have no strength to do anything. It lets them be at ease and this world to work much better. This also applies to other world systems.
(Cy) the media is here to censor but also to give hope and determination to people without the power to protect themselves. It in turn, gives us recognition and rewards for some of our hard work. However, you must be careful under exposure. Humans are cruel, the one power they do have is social media and the power to turn great hero’s into hated beings.
(Cy) don’t worry, I’m here to train you how to deal with these situations because I know most of you are going to be going through this at some time.
(A-inner mono) again... I don’t know if I should be offended
After class, Ari meets Miyu
- In Serial130 Chapters
Eli is an ancient man sentenced to death for the crime of surpassing the sacred number of 32.8, which is the allowed percentage of increased mental ability from the use of AI chips. As he journeys through death and into a world of fantasy and magic, he finds himself approaching never before seen heights of magical power and ability. Powers that will shape the world and would see him go down in legends for generations ever after. But just because someone acquires magical abilities, that doesn't mean magic is suddenly the most important thing in their life. Some people aren't looking to be all-powerful gods, have the world bow at their feet, or spend their days obsessing over accumulating ever more power. Some people just want acceptance, stability, and the warmth of their loved ones to drive away the cold loneliness of the night. And in a world where magic is the bedrock of society, where magic is what determines who is preferred for siring children, where people with high magical ability are destined to live in great luxury and those without magic simply live to make due, this difference in values and perspective could not have a starker contrast. As Eli and the people around him navigate the misconceptions and deceptions of this world, he will represent a great and magnificent future for the human race. One where humanity will stand above the elves, dwarves, orcs, fairies, and all the horrors of the world. Sadly, men's tools are as fallible as the people who make them, and in a society where the potential of an individual is determined solely through their magical level, this seed of promise may yet turn venomous. Note: This fiction is also allowed at webnovel under author skalnor This book is now available on Amazon, Ebook coming soon: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B08N3K5D4G Discord Server: https://discord.gg/wP5ehQjeFz
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