《The Dyson Sphere Dungeon》Explanations. Part 1



The Terastructure Dungeon Mewtwo Wishes To Talk With You


'Uhh what?'

'Should I accept it?'


PHI:I would recommend it as they know a lot about this world that I can not tell you right now as you have neither the power or have fulfilled the requirements to ask.

'Wait, I thought it costed a lot of power to get info from you'


PHI:Normally you are correct but in this case you are asking for advice and I am not giving away anything that could be gained from more than a few seconds of thought.

'So you can give advice or confirm things so long as it would not give anything major?'


PHI: You are correct, if a little misunderstood.

'...I will take it as a good thing. So I guess I should accept?'



'Ok then I accept the meeting with Mewtwo'


System. Please wait for us to set up the meeting.

'... I thought it would take us immediately'


System: The meeting room is now open teleporting avatar there now.

#Teleportation sound and music#

"Ahh hello Celebi I am Mewtwo, although I think the notification from before told you that. Anyways, I wanted to talk with you about many things and ask you a question that I will get to later. So if you have any questions feel free to ask. Or if you want me to, I will do some basic explanation of things and then we can go from there." Mewtwo begins to explain.

"I will take the latter." Celebi states, after all, she has no clue what to ask.

"I figured you would, so I will answer some of the most common questions. One, why am I named after a pokemon? The reason is potential and strength, the more potential you have the more powerful you can become, your pokemon name reflects this. I was originally named ralts but once I got powerful enough my name changed to Kirla and changed again later to gardevoir." Mewtwo explains while beginning to walk around and make hand gestures.


"Ok but why is your name Mewtwo now?" Celebi asks, because Mewtwo does not explain that.

"Ahh that's a bit more complicated, the reason for that is because I figured something out, you can change how much potential you have by finding another planet and claiming it, and depending on the planet and how many you control colonize or claim you will get a legendary pokemon's name in my case I was originally Latios and then got bumped up to Raquaaza and then finally I became Mewtwo, although I don't really know if there was any difference between when I was Raquaza or Mewtwo." Mewtwo says while a little confused as she does not know the difference or feel any different as far as she can remember.

"So there can be more than one dungeon with the same name?" Celebi asks.

"Yep, It gets very confusing after a while but can be somewhat alleviated by avatar looks, after all I have known 38 rattata and raticate dungeons' '. Mewtwo says annoyed at all the misunderstandings that occured because of that.

"That sounds annoying." Celebi sympathizing cause she had the same name as 3 other people in her 3rd grade class.

"It is, after a while I refuse to speak with anyone who has not either reached a third evolution, is a legendary or is a mythical, and you fulfil the third condition. Anyway, the next question. What is an avatar used for and why do they not reflect my previous life's race? An avatar is an entity created by whoever reincarnates you as a copy that you can control if necessary but is an identical copy of your personality and is loyal to you. Also as far as I have seen every tech dungeon is reincarnated from a science world that has also created the pokemon franchise. Mewtwo states as that has saved so much sanity for her.

"...How many know that others are reincarnated?" Celebi asks worriedly.

"Just about everyone, ok next question what are the types/subtypes for and how do they work? The Type shows weather you focus on technology or magic, while the subtype shows how powerful you have become in that aspect, the subtpes go as this from weakest to strongest, bit, byte, kilobit, kilobyte, megabit, megabyte, gigabit, gigabyte, terabit, terabyte, quetabit, petabyte, That is stage 1 there are three stages in the tech dungeon line bit/byte, building and structure, The byte/bit has the most stages but has the weakest difference in power, while the building stage has the following, building, kilobuilding, megabuilding, giga building, tera building and queta building, and yes the naming scheme is not very original, I know. Finalay the structure stage which goes in the following, structure, megastructure, terra structure and mega structure. also please note that the system doesn't recognize the stages and that this is the designation the way we see it, also the power difference between me and you is roughly the same as a bit vs a petabyte. Explained in what is arguably a lecture.


"I'm that powerful?!" Celebi says, startled.

"Oh yes, also quick question: how big is your fleet?" Mewtwo asks curiously.

"Umm one moment let me check... I have 200 Corvettes, 85 Destroyers, 45 Cruisers, 23 Battleships, 10 Carriers, 5 Dreadnaughts and 1 planet cracker. Celebi states like it is obvious.

"... I am really glad I decided to do diplomacy instead of attacking. My fleet is 2 Carriers, 4 Battleships, 18 Cruisers, 33 Destroyers, 52 Corvettes, and 85 stealth ships, I have dedicated most of my production to stealth ships but even then they don't have many if any weapons plus they wouldn't even scratch the armor of your cruisers and your dreadnaughts would feel nothing,also why do you have a planet cracker?" Mewtwo asks, a little worried.

"I have no clue I had it when I checked my fleet control." Celebi says while mewtwo becomes very surprised.

"Wait you woke up with those?!" Mewtwo asks surprised and a bit fearful, because it is not normal.

"Yeah doesn't everyone wake up with something?" Celebi asks, confused.

"No. I have never heard of someone waking up with anything more than 1 drone to help them start building stuff." Mewtwo explains and then asks "Do you know who reincarnated you?"

"I don't know their name as it was unreadable by me, but they called themselves the strongest of whatever she is." she says.

"Hmm the only entities I know of that could do this are the supreme gods but you could hear me say those words which means there are more groups out there but we don't know what they call themselves or any of their names. Ugg it's a lose lose situation." She says annoyed at the lack of info.

"I might have more, she said that normally we would go to ****** ***** omniverse when we die." celebi inputs hoping to be helpful.

" ... You just said omniverse right?"

"Yes I did"

" The that explains it. In my old world an omniverse is a whole bunch of universes inside more universes inside more with infinite possibilities, and the fact she said that it was his implies there are more omniverses and that they could all be in one giant omniverse. Well why bother about something that doesn't affect us right now, so the next question is how do I build stuff? you use the factory assembly line and drones to do that. To have them build and then command your drones to start building, it is recommended to have half your drones to build more drones as they are RIDICULOUSLY important, they are the only way to build research and more."Mewtwo says relieved and begins explaining something else without giving Celebi a chance.

"So I should, after this meeting is over, begin production on more drones?"

"Yes, I cannot stress how important they are. I have seen too many dungeons be conquered by others simply because they neglected drone production."Mewtwo says leaving no room to argue.

"ok, ok I get it," Says Celebi, a little scared now.

"Good now I have a question for you right now. Could I be your friend?" Mewtwo asks out of the blue to a very shocked Celebi.

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