《The Dyson Sphere Dungeon》Rebirth


Well I died. Quite embarrassingly too, and no I am not telling you how. Guess I will wait to see what happens next.

'... Hello?'

'... Anybody?'

'... Ok then, I'll wait.'


You have been noticed by ***** ********** *******.

She has decided to reincarnate you as the megastructure type dungeon Dyson Sphere.

Do not disappoint her.

'Uhh what? Umm is this normal?'


From: ***** ********** *******

I can guarantee you that this is not normal.

Normally you would be thrown to ****** ******* Omniverse.

But you caught my attention and due to my status as the strongest of the ten *********** I have a lot of pull here.

So my advice is just accept it for what it is.

P.S. From now on I will sing my letters as *****.

'... Ok then'

'Guess I'm a dungeon now.'

'...How long do I have to wait?'


From: *****.

Oh sorry my mistake I will send you off now.

*Insert weird telopration music and sounds here*


Welcome to the dungeon system+helper I am you personal helper phi, you are the mega structure type dungeon dyson sphere, the pinnacle of technology dungeons and also have the ability to use magic, a feature reserved only to magic dungeons, non tech races, and mega structure dungeons. To see your status please say “open status menu”

'Ok, why should I?'


Because in a few days your dungeon will open and if you're not ready you will probably be destroyed. Although due to your immense ... size for lack of a better word it is highly unlikely they will find your core

'...Ok good point.'

'Open Status Menu'

Name: Celebi

Race: Dungeon. Type: Technology. Subtype: Megastructure.

Avatar Race: Phoenix: Look: Catkin.

Power Output: 3.846×1026 Energy per second.


Power Storage: 1.0x10^50 Energy(0% full)

Size: 1.1×1017 square miles(550 million earths).

Distance from star: 1 AU

Skills: Identify(Max), Fire Magic(Level 1), Earth Magic(Level 1), Darkness Magic(Level 1), ********** ** * **********(***), Dungeon Modification(Max),

Technology: Factory Assembly Line, Drone Control, FTLE(Faster Than Light Engine), Fleet Control, AI Thinking Speed(Active), AI Emotion Suppressors( Currently Off), Perfect Recall, Research Stations, AI subprocesses, Multiple Core redundancies, AntiMatter Generator And Storage, Matter Converter, Nuclear fusion, Sensor Suite,

Assistant Name: PHI

Blueprint Store.

Research Options.


'... of several questions, one why am I named after a pokemon, two what does the dungeon type and subtype mean, three what is a avatar, four what is power used for, five why am I so large, six what do my skills do, seven what is all that technology,'


As this is your first time asking question(s) about your status I will do it for free, any subsequent questions using me will require 1x10^27 Energy. one your name refers to your potential the stronger the pokemon the more potential and as your the strongest dungeon tye your name will be a mythical pokemon name. Two the dungeon type and subtype mean what dungeon and how powerful you are, three a avatar is used by dungeons to interact with anybody not spawned by you, four power is used to fuel any thing created by you that was created from your factory assembly line, five the reason you are so large is because you are a hollow complete sphere around a star that is 1 au from it, six I will only tell you about one of the skills Identify, Identify lets you analyze anything recognized by the system to glean information, seven use identify on them.

'...Ok That was a large info dump, please give me a warning next time an info dump is about to happen, anyways that is a lot to process, well identify Everything..



Warning Info Dump Incoming.

Fire Magic: How proficient you are in Fire magic.

Earth Magic: How proficient you are in Earth magic.

Darkness Magic: How proficient you are in darkness magic

********** ** * **********: ** ******* ********** ***** **** **** **** *** ******* ***

Dungeon Modification: Allows you to modify the dungeon part of you.

Factory Assembly Line: The main factory plant that you will use to create items Requires drones to work. Power requirement: Variable, Depends on the object

Drone Control: Allows you to control drones you have created current drones:1

FTLE: Stands for Faster Than Light Engine and allows you to travel faster than light and input FTLE in Ships you build, Power Requirement: 1x10^30 energy for your Dyson Sphere, 1x10^10 energy for standard ships,

Fleet Control: Allows you to control ships you control ships you have built current ships: 200 Corvettes, 85 Destroyers, 45 Cruisers, 23 Battleships, 10 Carriers, 5 Dreadnoughts, 1 Planet cracker,

AI Thinking Speed(Active): Allows you to think at the speed of light, Deactivating allows you to perceive time at a normal speed of 1:1

AI Emotion Suppressors(Currently Off): Allows you to turn off your emotions and think in pure logic.

Perfect Recall: Allows you to recall any memories you record.

Research Stations: Allow you to research anything you can think of that is tech based

AI Subprocesses: Allows you to delegate certain tasks to your sub processors that will do the work for you

Multiple Core redundancies: If your main processor is destroyed your conscience will be transferred to another core

AntiMatter Generator And Storage:Allows you to create and store antimatter safely and use it for either power generation, weapons, propulsion, Shields and more,

Matter Converter: Allows you to convert matter into another type of matter at a 1:2 ratio for each element

Nuclear fusion: Allows you to use Nuclear Fusion for either power generation, weapons, propulsion, Shields and more.

Sensor Suite: Allows you to conduct scans on materials, planets, stars, and more!

Blueprint Store: Allows you to spend power to buy blueprints

Research Options: Allows you to delegate some research stations to research options to add to your technology or magic options,

*Filler Due To Author Mistake. MC Cant See This, At Least Not Yet,*

Setting/options: Allows you to Change how you see the system and notifications. Note that sufficiently powerful entities can bypass these.

'Gahh To Much Info! ... Ok i'm better now so i'm quite powerful? Also why do I need a planet cracker? Guess I will just have to experiment and find out'

*3 minutes later*

'Ok I have ordered my ships to do a mock battle so why aren't they moving!?... wait I forgot to deactivate my AI Think Speed. Deactivate.'

AI Thinking Speed Deactivated.

'Ok Now there moving I separated my ships so that each side has half and any excess ships were not participating except for the planet cracker which was on its own side.. Oh wow the Dreadnaughts are ... ridiculously powerful one of them just took down 3 carriers, 7 battleships, 14 cruisers, 23 destroyers, and 85 corvettes, but it died to the planet cracker, well the battle is over side green won which was the planet cracker by running to the other side and sniping the ships in order from most powerful to weakest.'


The TeraStructure Type Technology Dungeon Mewtwo wishes to talk to you.

'Uhh what?'

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