《Almighty Dung [Dropped]》Chapter 6


[ Hidden quest ''First battle'' completed

Time used: 29 minutes, 58 seconds

Evaluation: Excellent

Talk to instructor Yulin to get your reward ]

[ You have defeated Level 1 Rock golem (Elite), summoned creature

Received 0 Exp ]

- Huff, puff, thank god there was no exp, I can't afford to level up just yet. However, since this thing was summoned, I guess there won't be any drops too, what a shame

Dung lamented and groaned while he stood up, patted dust off his butt when he caught his breath and intended to get out of the room, when something shiny caught his attention. It was coming from where golem had fallen

Dung had a strange expression

- Since when did summoned creatures drop items, or is it that game couldn't handle the power of this almighty Dung and decided to make an exception just for me?

Though still puzzled, Dung still neared the rubble. It was ridiculous for summoned creature to drop anything. For example, killing necromancer's skeletons would always give 0 exp and no drops. It was a common sense

- What's this?

Dung noticed green light coming out of rubble and instinctively remembered green eyes of golem

- Did its eyes drop?

Dung had a strange expression. Still, he decided to see the loot. This battle was tough, so he still had some expectation

- I was right? What the hell is this?

[ Gleam eyes

Level Requirement: N/A

Grade: Legendary

Engraved skill: Gazing void - negates any skill below S grade. Cool down 24 hours

Durability: Indestructible

Can not be dropped

Can not be traded ]

Dung's mouth went agape

- This...haha, how could the rewards for this damn quest be low? But a legendary item...and it's countless times more rare than accessory.

Dung hastily equipped the item. There was no change to him at all. Just his pupils started giving off green sheen. He knew he could use the engraved skill at any moment.


,, So this was why my shadow bind didn't work last time...this item is too precious, how could mere training ground have it? ''

Though Dung was curious, he didn't dwell on questions too much and went out of stone door, which had disappeared during the fight.

There was Yulin outside staring at him as if he was a monster

Dung found it funny and decided to act cool

- Thanks for the entertainment, master Yulin. It was a great warm up


- Oww, what's wrong, master Yulin

,, Why did you hit me, old hag, I completed your quest excellently ''

- You...you...

Seems master Yulin was still speechless from shock. After some time, she restrained her emotions and said

- What a monster

- Is there something wrong, master Yulin?

Dung smiled sheepishly while scratching his head, epitome of naivety and innocence

- Sigh, you say anything wrong? This training area was left by my master. It can see through person's capabilities and modifies the challenge so challenger has to use everything at his disposal. I've never even passed the test once...but you...no, the truth is the stronger the challenger, the harder the exam. One might be strong and skillful but can everyone use their gifts with 100% efficiency? You are one lucky bastard, I guess you got gleam eyes?

,, Wow, what a truth dump, nearly all my questions were answered, can she read my mind? Oh well... ''

- Yes, I got them, but I suffered a lot, master Yulin. I almost received brain injury from all the calculations in battle

Dung acted shameless

- You... didn't you say it was just a warm up? Sigh, alright, I know what you want, I can't afford to offend a freak of a nature like you either. One day, you might become the pillar the world might have to depend on. But until then, you are still too weak. Dung, will you become my disciple?


[ Hidden quest rewards:

3 SP

9x training cards

3x advanced training cards

Reputation in beginner village +200

Favorability with Yulin reached Max

You can become Yulin's disciple and gain free pass to training ground every 2 weeks, 5x skill efficiency gained in training grounds

Received title: Unyielding (+15 willpower) ]

- I am willing

There was nothing to contemplate about

,, 3 skill points? Not all hidden quests are this generous. Now I can buy some real shaman skills with this, kuku, and I'm merely level 1 ''

Dung was wholly satisfied with this chain of events. After saying farewell to master Yulin, he exited the game, came out of capsule, did some stretches and slept on bed like a dead log

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