《Almighty Dung [Dropped]》Chapter 5


Looking out for random stalagmites, while taking golem in consideration was the most strenuous and nerve wrecking thing in this fight

Dung felt it was all strange from the beginning. As he knew, the system never showed enemies' skills in appraisal if one didn't have special item of some sorts. Golem's HP was absurdly high for its level and had little to no meaning if he couldn't even deal single point of damage

The whole quest was nerve tearing struggle, giving no rest to the player, but was that all it was to it?

People would die hundred times already in his place, if they lost their focus for even a single second

Would anyone be able to formulate plan of his own in this situation?

,, The game won't give impossible missions. As for difficulty, it depends on quest ''

That's what Dung believed

,, There has to be a way ''

The hall started trembling

,, It's time ''

Dung took a deep breath and focused wholeheartedly

,, Stalagmites never hit the golem, so I won't know if it deals any damage to it if it does, but anyone would subconsciously dismiss this idea. I think the gap lies within this detail. If not, then I really have no other ways of killing it ''

Stalagmites started raining down. He focused to not get hit, but even more so on stalagmites above golem

,, That one! It will fall so close to golem, but it won't hit, but what if I...''

His untouched MP pool decreased by 15 and falling stalagmite weirdly halted for less than a second in the air, then continued diving down. But during this halt the golem stepped one more step than it should have

- Shadow bind!

* Bang

The stalagmite smashed down heavily onto golem and fragmented into pieces


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Big red numbers appeared above golem's head

,, That's it! ''

Dung rejoiced, but didn't let his guard down and continued avoiding falling stalagmites, while thinking

,, I have 15 Magic, which equals to 150 MP. Shadow bind costs 15 MP. I have no MP potions so I have exactly ten attempts. The golem has 2250 HP. It needs exactly 10 hits to die. The cool down of shadow bind is 50 seconds. The golem won't always use skill tremor when my cool down is up, so I need extra time. I have about 13 minutes left. I should barely make it in time, but I can't afford even a single mistake. I have no HP potions too. I learned its skill pattern and can avoid its attacks, but I can't be distracted even for a second ''

Seeing the light of hope, Dung gave his all and continued his struggle miraculously

Golem didn't reveal any more intelligence after speaking that one time and continued falling in his trap. After 9th hit, golem's hp was down to 195/2250. Dung had enough MP to cast shadow bind one more time and remaining time was 1 minutes and 38 seconds. He felt numb after this inhumane unfair battle, but he was getting excited

,, Finally, I can take this thing down, get the rewards and I swear I will sleep for 16 hours. I'm so fucking spent ''

The last chance came. Dung grinned and cast shadow bind on the falling stalagmite and smiled in relief, but then his smile froze. The stalagmite missed by a single centimeter

,, H, how is this possible? ''

Dung was sure of his accuracy

,, What went wrong? ''

Dung didn't notice how golem's eyes gleamed more brightly right before he cast shadow bind

Pent up dissatisfaction turned into anger and he started cursing like a ruffian to piece of rock while dancing between stalagmites


- Aaaaaaaah, Fucking piece of shit! What else do you want from me?!

Time was running out, but no matter how indignant Dung felt he would not have another chance

00: 59 seconds remaining

Feeling desperate, Dung roared and ran towards golem while avoiding the rain of stones

- It's not over yet!

His eyes shone dangerously

[ Are you sure you want to use 1 SP to learn skill Sap? ]

- I've never been so sure!

[ Learned F grade skill Sap ]

[ Sap(F)(Passive) - For each successful attack on enemy, steal 1 static MP ]

This was a trashy skill nobody cared about, but Dung had no other choice but to waste his precious SP gained from previous hidden quest, because this was the only thing that could save him now

The golem cast attractive force, amplifying the speed at which he was approaching


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Dung's HP reached dangerous level instantly as he took golem's smash almost head on, but he didn't care and rained down punches on golem's tough surface

- 0

[ Passive skill Sap activated, restored 1 MP

- 0

[ Passive skill Sap activated, restored 1 MP ]


Finally he finished barrage of punches and jumped back. 15 MP was restored

00: 20 seconds remained

The hall started trembling and shaking once again

The rubble, which reached up to 4 meters now lessened the distance from ceiling to floor, causing Dung to have less time to react to falling stalagmites

- Aaaaah!

He kept dancing between falling stones shaped like thin cones while seeking the best moment

00: 10 seconds

,, Not yet ''

00: 6 seconds

,, Come on ''

Finally the opportunity showed itself. The stalagmite appeared near golem at convenient angle

- Now, shadow bind!


The dust flew in the air

Dung fell on rubble with his butt and panted while grinning. He showed his middle finger at golem which had broken down into pieces

- Game over, motherfucker

[ Hidden quest ''First battle'' completed

Time used: 29 minutes, 58 seconds


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