《Another World? Never Saw This Coming》Chapter 5 (ROCK and ROLL)


*ROOAAAARR* A gigantic roar echoed all around Riley and John causing them to freeze up in fear and one word was whispered from Riley’s mouth.

Riley: “Deryun”

The instant she whispered that name, a massive creature the size of a school bus emerged from the trees next to the fire, it had gigantic head akin to a crocodile with rows of sharp teeth, black shimmering skin and two glowing red eyes coupled with the massive spiked tail and black claws it was truly a monster.

Riley: “It’s thought to be an instant death monster, I’ve only encountered its kind once and I barely made it out alive. We need to slowly back away.”

However right as she finished saying that the Deryun looked right at them roared and charged at them leaping over the fire, it crashed right in front of where John and Riley were sealing off their only means of escape.

Riley: “Oh #$%$”

John: “Well then.”

Riley then pulled out multiple throwing knifes similar to the one used on the goblin and held them in her left hand readying the knives to throw them.

At the same time John noticed Riley covered a faint blue glow he followed suit and readied his magic causing him to glow a faint orange.

Then it hit the fan.

The Deryun Charged John and Riley at a speed John assumed to be impossible due to its immense form and size, and swiped its left claw at Riley.

Riley countered with a right straight causing blue sparks to fly the moment her fist impacted the monsters claw, however Riley’s counter only stopped the attack for a brief moment, thankfully that was all the time that was needed.

John stepped forward, and placed his hands on the ground, in the next instant glowing orange cracks appeared all over the ground the Deryun was standing on and in the next instant the ground sunk away creating a gigantic pit fall.


John then sealed up the hole and In the next instant the Deryun was now enveloped underground giving the two of them time to run.

John: “That won’t hold him for long I’m not that good at controlling the density of materials yet.”

Riley: “I DON’T CARE JOHN, just focus and keep running, he might lose us!”

Deryun: *GROAAAAH*

John: “Oh it’s ticked.”

Riley: “This is bad this is very, VERY BAD!”

The Deryun was now enraged and was quickly catching up to them. Smashing anything and everything in its’s way

John: “Well only one thing left to do. We fight!”


Riley grabbed John by the back of his neck and threw him to the right while she jumped to the left a second later the

Deryun crashed into the spot where they just were, it then turned and faced Riley.

The Deryun stood up on its hind legs roared and then started charging towards Riley she quickly took up a stance with her throwing knifes and started glowing blue.

It then jumped with its mouth agape aiming right for the spot where Riley was standing however Riley had plans other than getting eaten.

The instant the Deryun opened its mouth Riley threw her throwing knifes into its mouth and rolled to the side.

The knives impaled the inside of the Deryun’s mouth causing it to give out a deafening shriek, as it shrieked it slashed at Riley with both of its claws.

Riley Blocked the blow with both of her arms but it was far too powerful for her to absorb.

Riley: “GURK!” *smash*

The blow sent Riley crashing into the trees John who witnessed this became enraged he reached down, grabbed a nearby stone, and chucked it as hard as he could towards the monster.


Normally this would be laughed at, however due to John’s ability the stone transformed as it left his hand into a needle like projectile, the stone needle penetrated deep into the side of the Deryun, causing it to become even more enraged.

The Deryun then tried to face its new adversary only to find John standing right in front of it.

John placed his hands on the ground, and right as the Deryun opened its mouth to eat him a giant pillar of dirt came out of the ground and smashed into the underside of the Deryun’s jaw forcing its mouth closed.

Blood shot out from the Deryun’s head and it collapsed to the side while the silver tips of Riley’s throwing knifes stuck out of its head.

John looked triumphant but only for a moment as it raised itself back up and glared at him with its eyes burning in rage.

John: “@#$#”

Right then the Deryun slashed its left claw at John, John quickly made a dirt shield but the claws ripped straight through it and sliced through John’s chest.

John looked down slowly and his eyes widened as he saw the giant gash running from his right shoulder to his left armpit blood then sprayed from John’s chest causing him to double over and right as he looked up, he saw the Deryun lowering its head and in in the next instant he was enveloped in its mouth.

Hey everyone sorry for the HUUUUGEEE delay I hope this isn’t a frequent thing as to why it took so long well I got sick (again) Chronic fatigue is no joke also a Huge sponsor hopped on my charity event and now I’m in the process of getting it up and running again if you guys are wondering what it is well here: www.aaronsraceandroll.weebly.com it’s a thing im doing anyways next chapter should be up a lot faster due to the small word count of this one the next one should be a bit longer I figured I would make this a small fast one and put this update just so you know I’m not dead or taking a long break!

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