《Another World? Never Saw This Coming》Chapter 3 (STATUS quote)


After John passed out from blood loss Riley internally sighed and used rudimentary healing magic on John.

Once John’s leg was healed Riley tossed him in the back of the cart and continued down the road.

A few hours had passed and Riley was getting annoyed by the fact that her conversation partner was still out cold and she realized she didn’t even check what race he was.

Riley looked back at John she had first guessed him to be from the Giants who averaged around 6-7 feet in height but judging by his face she thought he might have been an elf however one thing confused her his ears were rounded not pointed and although she had a small idea of what he might be she immediately dismissed it as impossible.

John finally woke up about three hours later and groggily climbed into the front seat next to Riley

Riley: “took you long enough you idiot how could you not realize your freaking leg was open!”

John: “I was a bit desperate to travel with you and when I found out that not only were you a girl you were also part wolf it was a bit much.”

Riley: “huh how are my wolf ears weird I know you’re an idiot but what are you some Elf noble or something?”

John: “Mmh no I’m just a Human and when I said I’m not from around here I meant not from this planet.”

Riley: “No, no Humans died off 300 years ago there’s no way….”

John: “Hah well for one you called me an Elf but from what I remember from my planet Elf’s have pointed ears my ears are round see.”

Riley: “how do I know you’re not just a lying deformed Elf and Giant hybrid?”

John: “I figured you wouldn’t believe me just by talking but it does add up like the fact that I know nothing about this world actually here let me show you actual proof.”


John then pulls out his phone turns it on and starts playing music.

Riley:” WHOA HOLD ON stop! Please stop it that hurts my ears!”

John:” how could you not like A*D*!!!” (*removed)

Riley:”Ooof my head all right assuming you are a human and from another world I guess you really are screwed huh.”

She said while looking at John with pitying eyes.

John: “Why such pitying eyes do you plan on leaving me now!”

Riley: “no I don’t sadly but the only stories I have heard of humans are stories of immense prosperity or horrible destruction. However seeing you I have no idea how that’s possible you really are useless.”

John: “Ouch. Mmh although even if you say that I’m sure you have a fair amount of interest in the stories I can tell.”

Said John haughtily which caused Riley to flick his forehead.

John: “HOLY CRAP THAT HURT geeze just how strong are you???”

Riley: “What a wuss.”

This banter continued for a good while until Riley decided it was time to make a camp she explained to John that he would have to sleep in the cart because she only had one tent.

John agreed and helped set everything up and started pestering Riley for information about the world and about why his leg was now fine.

John: “So you used magic on my leg right?”

Riley: “So what if I did?”

John: “What do you mean so what? My world never had magic.”

Riley: “Holy crap your persistent. Fine, I guess I could explain magic to you. Camp is set up and there are a few hours till it gets dark."

After Riley says this she sits down next to John and cracks her knuckles.

Riley: "Ok then from the beginning Magical Power is in every living creatures blood, allowing everyone and anyone to manipulate it however the amount of magic power one can use varies strongly from every individual. Not to mention some special individuals or certain races are equipped with unique magic."


John: "Ah do you have different types of magic?"

Riley: "Actually yes we do. Now onto the types of magic in this world obviously there are the basic magic’s water, fire, air, electric, healing, earth, etc. If you wanted me to list all of them it might be morning before I finish. Very few individuals have ever used more than 4 of these elements.

John: "Ok got it so someone who can use more than one magic type is rare."

Riley: "Correct! Now due to you being an idiot you might ask how does one invoke magic”

Riley says haughtily while puffing up her chest.

Riley: “well the answer is a bit complicated but it’s usually done by drawing words of the spell in the form of diagrams or formations. However those with unique magic can directly manipulate magic. Skipping all of the complicated malarkey involved with diagrams.”

John: ”Ok now how do I check my magic?”

As John once again magnificently shows his ignorance to Riley (truly he’s becoming worthless) she looks at him with dead fish eyes.

Riley: “you're telling me you don’t even know something so basic, children figure it out the moment they learn to speak.

Truly you are and idiot of legend the fact that you lived to this age must have been a miracle.”

John: “Just give me an explanation already I’m getting fed up with the insults.” John exclaimed tiredly.

Riley: “Fine now hold on for someone like you this might be difficult to comprehend so you better prepare yourself first.”

John: “That literally dripped sarcasm so thick I might suffocate.” John quipped.

Riley: “Just Imagine The Word STATUS”

John: ‘it was that simple!?!?!?!’ “Thanks Riley although venomous I do actually appreciate the information I think I’m finally getting the hang of things now”

John: ‘STATUS’ the moment he pictures the word status in his mind a video game menu appears. orz* (*Google it)

After John recovers from the fact that it’s exactly like a video game menu screen he checks his statistics

Name: John Montem Age: 18

Occupation: traveler Level: 5

Title: Idiot of Legend Abilities: Language comprehension

Unique Magic: Manipulation Alignment: Neutral Good


Strength: 16 Endurance: 34

Agility: 14 Defense: 5

MP: 10 Stamina: 50

John: “now I’m no expert but I think these stats are complete garbage.”

Riley: “They can’t be that bad you are one of the legendary “Humans” after all.”

John: “huh well here it goes I’m level 5 Str: 16, Endr: 34, Agl: 14 Def: 5, MP: 10, Stamina: 50.”

Riley then proceeded to double over laughing at how trash Johns STATUS was shouting things like “LEGENDARY HUMAN MY TAIL!” while tears streamed from her eyes John was just looking down in shame.

Riley: “Whew I haven’t laughed that hard in years, that was the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.”

John: “are they really that bad what are your statistics?”

John was still holding onto the slight hope that his statistics weren't as bad as they seemed but that notion was quickly destroyed.

Riley: “ah mine are…..”

Hey guys sorry for 3 day delay i got a sinus infection and had to help a friend move SORRY so without further ado here is chapter 3 thanks for reading my story feel free to comment!

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