《A Gun in a Dungeon》Volume 1, Chapter 4: Weapons and Stats
I’m carrying a huge lump of shining white rock. It’s so bright, as bright as the sun but it doesn’t radiate any light.
It was still fairly early and I just got out of the wall. Only 10 minutes has passed since the events in the Manor’s yard.
While I’m walking, my feet was wobbly and I could still visualize the traumatizing events that happened earlier. Thankfully, my nerves has calmed down and I’m certain that I’m level headed now
As my eyes catch the glimmer of the huge energy stone I’m carrying on my hands, I was reminded of the Nue that almost claimed my life.
It’s hard to believe such a huge monstrosity carries this reliable piece of energy.
Just how exactly does the Dungeon work?
Where does the energy crystals come from?
Why does the monsters hold it within them?
How was it even created?
There’s so much I don’t know about the Dungeon and it makes me even more eager to explore it. Maybe Krissa knows some facts about the Dungeon, I should ask her if I have the chance.
I stare at the huge crystal while my legs move me through the pavement of Main Street. Adventurers are moving to the Dungeon while vendors and shops are still open and serving customers.
It’s not that late anyway, I’m more surprised at the fact that nobody was paying attention to an adventurer thats holding a huge crystal around a very busy area. I assume that they’re already used to the sight of adventurers going out of the Dungeon with such huge amounts of loot. Nobody even dares to steal it from me, well it’s kind of understandable that they won’t. If I saw someone carrying a huge lump of energy crystal, I’d expect that they’re a very strong adventurer and wouldn’t even consider going to their bad side. Stealing from a strong adventurer is a death wish.
Speaking of strengths, I remember the mangled face of the monster earlier.
I feel very satisfied with what happened earlier, even though about 10 adventurers died in the unfortunate event. Luckily, I was able to stop the rampaging beast or more casualties could have happened.
I’m still surprised though. The gun actually worked!
I think I just used up all of my luck for the whole entire year. Somehow managing to shoot the monster right in the head despite the overwhelming pressure was a miracle.
The gun’s only load was spent. I didn’t bring any extra gunpowder and bullets so I didn’t bother reloading it.
When I shot the monster in the head, every adventurer that could still move stopped on their tracks and looked at the source of the strong light and sound, which was me and my gun. After that, they quickly started heading to the breach leaving only me and the large monster carcass on the yard.
I didn’t know what to do, so I just took the crystal from the monster’s body. It’s a waste if I just left it there. I was the one that did kill it anyway.
As for the other adventurer’s that evacuated, I assume that they’re already in the Wall’s medical facilities, tending to their wounds. I still feel sympathy for them, a lot of lives was lost and those lives we’re close to them.
The life of the adventurers really is dangerous.
I arrive inside the Guild headquarters.
Even though I’m holding a huge beautiful crystal, no one is batting me an eye.
“Some good loot ya got there!”
An animal person complimented me while he was on his way out.
It looks like it really is a normal occurrence fir adventurers if someone was carrying a large mass of pearl white, shining rock.
I head towards the exchange booth so I could get my reward.
The anticipation for how much qiils makes me enthusiastic. I could finally have some breathing room from my huge debts to the Guild.
A brown sack the size of my small pack was dropped right in front of me. The loud ka-ching resonates in my ears as it drops to the booth’s table.
A smile of satisfaction forms in my lips, but I will never let greed get the best of me. I’m simply proud of my accomplishment.
“10,000 qiils. Thank you for your service.”
The Guild employee that gave me the sack bowed as he said the amount. Carrying the large crystal in his hands as he heads for the back door of the booth.
10,000 qiils is half of my debt but I can’t give this all to my debts. A third of this will go straight to Mrs. Hudson, I’ll take about 2,000 of this for house supplied and weapon conditioning. That leaves me with 5,000 qiils left. Not bad, from a debt of 29,750 qiils, I now only have 24,750. Even though it doesn’t seem much, thats still a huge step for someone like me that’s struggling with income. If I was unfortunate enough and didn’t get to slay that Nue, it would probably take me a month and a half to pay 5,000 off my debt.
I grab the neck of the sack.
I should probably head home for today before the whole place becomes crowded. I can head to the Dungeon again tomorrow.
I heard a painfully obvious cough behind me. I turn around and Krissa was there.
Her expression was different from her everyday composed and calm looks.
The eyebrows on her forehead was furrowed and her lips was turned to a frown. The purple pupils of her eyes was looking at me with a disappointed look. She was still in her Guild uniform and she was looking at me like I did something wrong.
She raises her right eyebrow at me, she seems to be waiting for me to explain something.
I clearly have no idea…
“You know, I heard that if a woman keeps scowling, the wrinkles will stay on her face.”
“Meeting room, now.”
Her tone was scary. Mixed with those looks, she was scarier than the Nue.
She starts walking to the booth without even batting an eye at me. The loud angry steps of her heels was the only thing I could hear despite the busy atmosphere of the Guild.
I couldn’t do anything but follow her order.
We were inside the confines of the small room. It was fairly lit by an energy crystal powered lamp on the center of the ceiling. Wooden table surrounded by four wooden chairs, 2 on each side, sits in the middle of the room. The sounds from the inside was being blocked because it was sound proof. Not even a yell could enter or escape the corners of the four walls.
I was here just 2 days ago with the Paragon faction when the negotiation for a compensation failed.
We sat down on the opposite ends of the table.
Krissa has her arms crossed while glaring at me with a disappointed look. I was only confused as to what did I do wrong to her to be so mad at me.
“Where did the large crystal come from?”
Her tongue was sharp and her eyes wasn’t blinking. She was directly looking at me full of disappointment. The furrow on her eyebrows wasn’t going anywhere.
“Well… do you remember the Nue that almost killed me?”
“…?” She raises her eyebrow at me, her look was completely telling me ‘what was the reason why I’m bringing that thing up.’
“It came from that.”
Her eyebrows furrowed even more. Her eyes started to squint at me behind the thin rims of her glasses. Her lips starts to leave a small gap while she mouths the word ‘what’ while she was lightly shaking her head in confusion. She looks like she was replaying the words I’ve said over and over again in her head.
“Well…I was about to go inside the Dungeon. When I got to the door, the Nue appeared an—”
“Ashé, can you show me the top of your hand?”
I unconsciously placed my left hand under my chin while I was recollecting the events that happened about 45 minutes ago.
She looks like she caught a glimpse of something that shouldn’t be there. Her eyes was wide with surprise while it was staring at the hand on my chin.
I draw my hand in front of me and saw a black symbol that is marked on my skin .
A simple looking ∞ was on the top of my hand.
It’s a symbol that I’ve never seen in my whole entire life. More so, how did it even get there in the first place?
“Ashé… did you really kill that Nue?”
She was still looking at the symbol at my hand, her expression was completely perplexed and I’m even more confused at the nature of the odd symbol in my hand.
“Miss Krissa.”
She replies to me without even batting me an eye. Her gaze was completely fixed at the symbol.
“Do you know anything about this?”
“… Ashé.”
She slowly lifts her head and looks directly at my ruby red eyes. Her expression was mixed with confusion and doubt.
“Did you put this mark on your hand?”
“No, it wasn’t there this morning before I got to the Dungeon. I only noticed it now.”
She averts her gaze down to her side. She starts biting the tip of her thumb.
I’m certain that she knows something about it. Just from her looks and reactions alone, it’s very obvious.
“Ashé… Congratulations. You have now reached level-2.”
She flashes me a vexed smile from her lips.
I couldn’t believe my ears.
Being level-2 means I’m already 50% above the other adventurers in the whole of Agartha. Half of the adventurers in the city are stuck in level-1. Most of them we’re stuck there for 10 or more years. The fastest level up that was ever recorded was 2 years by the Sword Princess and the War Princess, whom I have never met. Krissa mentioned all of these to me when she was briefing me about being an adventurer for the very first time.
I’m still clueless as to how this phenomena happens among adventurers, how come some adventurers take only 2 years but some takes up to 10 or even not at all?
“This is the mark of a second level adventurer. It will only appear when you’ve reached that stage. It will now stay with you forever. The mark signifies your innermost self, like smiths having the symbol of the forge, or archers having the symbol of a bow and arrow. Most marks are identifiable just by looking at them but in your case, I don’t think I have ever seen that mark. A lot of adventurers have fairly similar marks from each other, like same symbols but different colours or a slight variation from each other. Marks of family members that share the same interests and bonds will always be identical. Your’s seems to be pretty unique.”
If this mark signifies my innermost self, then what does it mean?
I remain fixated at my hand, how come the mark that is supposed to represent my ‘innermost self’ shows something I haven’t even seen in my whole entire life.
“Ms. Krissa, how does someone level-up?”
“Well, to put it simply. You’ve accumulated too much experience that your body could handle so it reaches the next stage of your form as fast as it could.”
“Then what about the adventurer’s that go to the Dungeon every day? How come most of them take years to level-up even though they’re always slaying monsters?”
“The guild still hasn’t come up with a reasonable explanation on how to acquire enough experience but most adventurers leveled-up because they defeated a monster that are stronger than them. This could be accomplished by forming dungeon parties, the accumulation of the different strengths of adventurers and covering each other’s weaknesses was enough for them to slay what one cannot.”
“I see…”
“But in your case… You’re the first one to ever have done such a feat. Slaying a large category, level-4 monster on your own, a level-1 adventurer. I can’t even imagine the amount of experience you gathered just from slaying that Nue. You’re the first adventurer to reach Level-2 in 4 days.”
4 days…
I can’t even fathom the amount of controversy when word comes out that an adventurer has accomplished something record breaking. The length of the fastest level-up from 1 to 2 was in a span of 2 years and I did it under 4 days.
“It’s against the Guild’s rules to ask an adventurer’s methods on leveling up. There’s proof that you’re strong enough to be level-2 just from the energy crystal you were carrying earlier but I still need to inform the Guild of your deed.”
I remember that Krissa has registered me as an adventurer in the Guild. I was the only adventurer that was not part in any factions.
Every faction has to report to the Guild about the updates of their adventurers. For example, if one faction has an adventurer that leveled-up they have to inform the Guild and the Guild will post a weekly update on the bulletin in the headquarters and the Wall about the adventurers that reached the next stage of their level.
This makes it so that the community is well-managed and the strength of the factions is always known by the public.
A stronger faction has more responsibilities in the city, like having a higher tax-rate or participating in war against other cities that is attacking Agartha.
It also makes the citizen’s well aware of the strengths of the people that is living inside the city walls.
Other than that, everything else is kept a secret by the faction. How they level-up, their training, their dungeon hours are all the faction’s business and the Guild has no right to ask how they live their lives.
Being exposed to the whole city as a record breaker makes me anxious but then again, they’ll try to avoid me as much as possible because they don’t know what I’m really capable of.
I can imagine people already starting to raise their eyebrows at me.
So much for lying low…
“Oh... and if you focus on the mark on your hand, you’ll be able to see your stats. Only you can see it.”
I focus on the symbol on my hand and a light starts appearing from the edges of it. A blanket of word’s starts to appear from the light that is being emitted from my hand.
Level - 2
Strength: -790 Defense:-832 Agility: -633 Dexterity: -296 Magic: -999
“Did you see your stats? The stats consists of five different categories, the lowest is 0 and the highest is 999. Theres also a list of your abilities and strengths but I’m pretty sure thats blank at the moment.”
The lowest is 0?…
“Ms. Krissa, how come all of my stats are at negative?”
“Hey, you heard about the Sword Princess?”
“Yeah, she turned level-6 today. Didn’t she?”
“Yeah, I saw her when she just got home this morning. She was bleeding like hell, with cuts and bruises and all that.”
“Mad, isn’t it?”
“I heard she spent three days in the Dungeon.”
“Damn, is she crazy for power or something?”
“Like father, like daughter. I guess.”
An animal person and a human are exchanging words in light conversation.
An emblem could be seen on the arm of their light armour. An emblem that is easily recognized in Agartha.
A 5-sided shape outlined in red.
They are adventurers from one of the strongest factions in the City— The Paragon faction
As their conversation continues, they walk along the solid ground covered in red carpet inside of their faction’s home.
The Paragon Castle was barely the same size as the Manor of the Dungeon. The main motif of the whole faction is a combination of red and gold, military and royalty.
The whole faction’s presence was eminent in the city. They are one of the factions that has the strongest military power. They are home to more than a hundred of well-trained and devoted adventurers. Before, the members of the factions only ranged from level-1 to level-5. But as of this morning, their strongest member, the Sword Princess, has reached level-6 after dwelling in the Dungeon for 3 days without returning.
“Hey, d’you see that?”
“Yeah, is that… Osiric?”
In the midst of their conversation, they have recognized the familiar looking man that was running opposite to their direction.
The black pupils in his eyes are tiny but his eyelids are wide open. The red hair that covers the top of his head was unkempt, it was looking similar to a bloodied mop. Because of his running, his breaths are ragged.
His pace implies that he has an urgent manner to attend to. He was heading towards the study of the leader of their faction.
“Whats up with him?…”
“Beats me.”
As the hurrying Osiric passes by them, they were puzzled because of the unusual appearance of their comrade.
He was always a well-composed individual. Seeing him in such a dreadful state makes the two question the reason behind his rush.
The restless Osiric never decreases his speed as he reaches the fancy door to the study.
He busts open through the door and sees their magnificent leader on his study table.
The face that is a mix of royalty and bravery, akin to a warrior king, was facing the surface of the desk while he was holding a feather quill. He was writing something on a piece of paper.
The sudden noise of Osiric busting through his doors did not startle him, It did not even make him look up from his desk. He was still composed and did not stop writing on the sheet of paper.
Osiric was standing on the frame of the door, gasping every air in the room.
“My gasp! Lord! gasp!”
His lordship was still writing, ignoring the poor Osiric that was slouched and leaning his arm on the door frame. He was still making an effort to catch all of his breath.
Finally, he realized his attitude towards his leader. He stands up straight and fixed his composure, standing straight and clearing his throat.
“My Lord… Lyeon and Mord has fallen in battle.”
“They we’re killed by—”
“Speak your purpose, you idiot.”
The frightening eyes and the thunderous voice of his leader rattles the very bones of Osiric, but he didn’t cower. It was painfully clear that the heartless leader didn’t care about the condition of his troops. Another dead soldier is one less mouth to feed. Those that fall in the heart of battle did not deserve the sympathy of the warlord.
“The Nue that almost killed Ashé Krow was killed by himself.”
The eyes of Lupin Black squinted into a suspicious glare. His temperament quickly turned to irritation as the man in front of him has mentioned something so impossible.
“Are you a complete imbecile? Are you trying to fool me?”
The voice grows irritated each passing second. The temper of his lordship grows with furry.
“No my lord, please hear me out…”
Osiric was starting to cower with fear but he was still standing straight with composure, showing that he is capable and strong. He was afraid of the power of the leader of the Paragon faction. His actions might cost him his head, he thinks his words carefully.
“He most likely will level-up, I’ll provide the news tomorrow.”
“How did he fell the beast?”
“I wasn’t sure my lord but he was pointing something towards the monster, then it emitted an ear-splitting sound and blinded my eyes with a bright flash. After that, the Nue’s face was torn in half.”
Lupin Black deeply inhales as he leans back to his chair while he listens to his subordinate’s words. He closes his eyes and starts to think deeply.
There was no absolute reason for Osiric to lie, he had nothing to gain and would only risk his life.
As for Osiric’s words, the only conclusion that Lupin could muster is magic. Magic would be the only reason for him to kill a strong beast 3-levels above his.
Osiric was standing patiently in front of the close eyed warlord. Awaiting for his response while his heart beats rapidly, he couldn’t imagine what will his leader say with such a vague answer.
“Investigate this matter, return to me tomorrow with a copy of the guild’s post. If this was a lie, you know the consequences.”
“Yes, My Lord.”
Osiric gives a light bow to the strong presence of Lupin. The composure of a soldier does not leave him while he walks towards the exit.
While Osiric was heading out of the open door of the study, a feminine figure was heading inside.
Osiric did not try to look at the glimpse of the beautiful lady. His vision was straight to the exit.
“Father, I have returned.”
The beautiful visage was covered with few patches on her faces and arms. Her long brown hair was free on her back. Even though she has numerous scars covering her, she was still as enchanting as she was before.
But the warmness and beauty of the princess looking warrior was not enough to soften her own father’s iron heart. Her father’s eyes just glared at her unamused, he didn’t even let out even a single congratulatory word for her daughter that just achieved an impressive feat.
“Leave my face.”
She already expected the words that will reach her ears. But even though, it still stung her heart. She was fulfilling her father’s wishes of being the strongest adventurer, but not even the slightest appreciation could be seen from the daunting character.
“Mother would’ve been happy to see me reach this stage…”
As the words flowed from her lips, Lupin was surprised as if someone plucked the wrong string in his cold heart. His once expressionless face turned into a monstrous scowl. The wrinkles of his face was now more etched than before while his fingers clenched right in front of him.
He stands up, his face was dark and fearful. But, the Sword Princess confronted him without even the slightest tinge of fear.
His large stature approaches, shadowing the feminine figure.
His eyes were inflamed as he stares the eyes of her own daughter, not seeing her as his own family member.
Yerin was only staring back at him, her head held high and not wavering over the toxic masculinity that is encompassing the whole study.
He jabs at the beautiful face of the woman with full force, forcing her to fall rear first to the ground, leaving a red imprint of his fist in the symmetrical shape of her beauty.
Her bottom lip starts to bleed, she was not able to react let alone dodge the blow even though she was at level-6.
Lupin Black is also a level-6 top class adventurer.
The man’s fist was still curled into a huge muscular mass while Yerin starts at him from the ground, not as a father but as a monster.
A sole of a shoe follows up to her face, forcing her to fall back to the ground. Blood starts to drip from her nostrils.
She struggles to get back up, the wounds that was still on her face was burning. She was still not in her prime after her expedition in the Dungeon.
Yerin stays in the ground, writing in pain while her very own father stares at her in disgust.
“Is this what you call a level-6 adventurer?”
The booming voice filled with disgust reverberates through the study. He leans in closer to the helpless body lying on the floor.
Grabbing both of her cheeks with one hand. He nears in against her face and stares directly on her eyes. He angrily spouts at her.
“You think your mother will be proud of you in this state?— Huh? You can’t even stand up.”
He shoves the face to the floor without breaking eye contact and walks away from her towards the exit.
“Don’t ever mention your mother in my face.”
As the afternoon turns to dusk, the sun sets itself.
The gentle orange light covers the exterior wall of the city. So are the pavements and buildings of each street bounces of the orange illumination of the sun from their surfaces.
During this time, the brave adventurers of Agartha are erupting from the other side of the wall.
As per usual, after a busy day in the Dungeon, lives are lost and glory is gained. This is the ecosystem of the Dungeon. Everyone will go home with or without something.
I was supposed to head to the Dungeon today, but that Nue appeared.
Hopefully those that lost their lives earlier are given a proper burial but I think their bodies are too mangled to do such.
Some of those adventurers are losing whole limbs, I think even one of them was missing a head and was nowhere to be found. Probably in the dead monster’s belly.
Tomorrow is the weekly post of the Guild about the recent adventurers that just achieved a level-up. I’m expecting that the spotlight will shine on me directly and people will speculate my unusual achievement.
I better expect the worst.
Whole factions will target my head just to know my secret. Every single adventurer has a desire to become powerful the fastest way possible.
The problem is, even though I’m at level-2. My stats are level-1.
Krissa couldn’t even tell me how my stats were at negative. I was the first to ever acquire a negative stats. On top of that, all of them are negative.
To increase a stat, one must use techniques or moves that will exercise that stat.
For example, to increase the strength stat: you must use your strength like attacking enemies.
Blocking, receiving, or parrying attacks will net you defensive stats.
Doing a lot of dodging from enemy attacks will increase your agility stat. These are only a few examples.
The Dungeon isn’t the only way to increase stats, some prefer to train in their faction houses or sometimes alone in a secluded mountain.
The fact that I didn’t do any of these trainings is the reason why all my stats are at negative.
I only pulled a trigger on a monster.
I didn’t go to the Dungeon everyday and slew monsters.
I didn’t wake up everyday to lift weights to increase my strength.
I didn’t stretch my self to become more agile.
I didn’t study books to increase my intelligence in magic.
I just made a strong weapon and pulled its trigger.
I am a level-2 adventurer. But the weakest level-2 adventurer in the whole world.
The frustration is just killing me, the reason I made such a weapon is to help me explore the Dungeon but without it, I’m just an ordinary person.
Nothing special, nothing strong, nothing unbelievable.
I am an adventurer. If this gun is holding me back, then I shouldn’t use it at all.
It’s starting to get dark. The many adventurers that got back from the Dungeon are doing their daily routine. After the Dungeon, straight to the pubs.
The early moon was up in the sky, but the colour surrounding it is still dyed in an orange hue. The sun’s light was still visible but the early stars are starting to take over.
Well, I’m already outside.
I start heading towards East Exit. The familiar exit near the apartment complex. It’s funny that it’s just been 3 days since I first discovered that red tree, I’m curious to see how it is. I just hope there’s no landbears around.
The familiar city guard was still standing on the iron bar gate. He’s leaning with his spear on the entrance wall, looking bored. So bored that he has his arms crossed and he’s looking at his nails.
I must say, he must be very hygienic.
I pity him. Everyone is having fun dying in the Dungeon but he’s just sitting there going along with whatever boring duties he has due.
“Greetings, how are we this fine evening?”
I come up to him with a friendly approach, slightly waving my hand and giving an amiable smile. I do hope that he still remembers me.
I’m sure he noticed my presence just now, but he’s deliberately ignoring me. His eyes were still fixated on his fingers, the same aloof expression is hanging on his face.
“Look I’m not allowed to—!!”
He stops mid-sentence and looks at me in surprise from head to toe. His jaw was hanging low and his eyelids are shot open but the pupils in his eyes were tiny. He looks like he has seen a ghost.
“How are you still alive?!”
“…Excuse me?”
“Weren’t you getting tea leaves from Mrs. Hudson?”
“Yeah, I’m here to head outside again.”
“Wh-What?! Everyone thats trying to get those leaves died except for you!”
“Those damned landbears huh?”
“Yeah, they’re a pain to drive out of the city… Wait… you shall not pass this gate!”
“Oh come on, I’ll be out for just a jiff.”
“None shall pass without an exit pass.”
“Well… I’ll just go and call a little Mrs. Hudson I know…”
“O-oh, uh… did I say anything about no one can exit without a pass?”
“I’m pretty sure you didn’t.”
“Haha! Look’s pretty good for a walk ain’t it?”
“It sure is, my fine man.”
He smiles at me awkwardly, a drip of sweat was coming down from his temple. I flash a smile back at him.
“Let me just get this gate right here… Yeah.”
He starts pulling on the handle of the crank lever attached to a rope that serves as a lock mechanism for the city wall’s gate.
He awkwardly smiles at me while he gestures me with his hands that the exit is now open, free for me to leave.
“I’ll stay right here alright? You give me a shout if you’re back.”
“You have my gratitude, fine sir.”
The iron bars slam behind me as I step into the open field.
Alas, the orange has turned to dark. The peeking eyes of the stars on the sky twinkles as it bounces to my eyes. The moonlight was touching every surface of the open field including my face. The serene feeling of the evening wind was stroking the flourishing trees, creating a tranquil sound that would make everyone’s heart at peace. Each step I take was producing the sound of rustling grass.
It was such an appeasing moment, to be in the open field and whiff the brilliant air that flows from north to south.
Letting my guard down wouldn’t be that dangerous. This placid environment would make the landbears lay on the grass and sleep.
I almost forgot the reason why I went outside, The Red Tree.
If you were to observe the peacefulness of the field, the first thing that your eyes will come across is the burning red tree with the ash-white trunk.
It stands out from the littering trees that populates the calm fields. The fiery look of its bushes doesn’t fit the setting, instead, it has its own beauty to exhibit.
Little did people know that the tree was deadly when caught by the own blaze it imitates.
What strikes me unusual is not the amazing display of the odd-tree, but the out of place silhouette that was sitting on the patches of grass. The figure has never been there the first time I visited the tree. The figure was arguably human at first glance, but I’m certain that it doesn’t mean harm.
The winds outside are a different take from the inside of the metropolitan city. I wouldn’t be surprised that some people would like to take a break from all the business and just breath and hear the gentleness of the fields.
With all the time in the world, I lightly took my steps forward the red tree.
As I close in the gap between me and the figure, we both start to recognize the familiarity between the two of us.
We’ve met each other.
Her brown hair wasn’t tied unlike the first time I laid my eyes on her. I could still remember the faint glimmer of her blue eyes, like the morning sky just earlier. Her perfectly symmetrical, well-defined face is easy to recognize by any adventurer in the whole of Agartha.
The person in front of me is Yerin Black, the Sword Princess.
Our eyes have met. My thoughts starts to recollect the events from the last few days.
Her beauty was like no other, but surprisingly, numerous scars were covering the lot of her face. Black spots were covering her left cheek,.
Is that a boot mark on her face?
The strength that was once beaming from her character was replaced with gloom.
Her expression was dark and sad. A word that fits her current state was depressed.
We stare at each other, surprisingly, there wasn’t a hint of awkwardness in the air. It was just me and her acknowledging each other’s presence under the serene beam of the moonlight and stars.
She looks away from me and towards the beaming moon. Her very blue eyes was reflecting the crescent white. Her steady breaths made her look like she was staying still. It was a beautiful sight to be seen; a beautiful lady being illuminated by the dazzling moon.
“… Ms. Black.”
Her eyes went back to me, but her lips were sealed tight and her gaze was only showing an expressionless state. She’s showing no signs of making light conversation, she only intends to listen but it doesn’t feel like she wants to be left alone.
“It looks like you’re being through a lot right now… and so am I. I just turned into level-2 today.”
“Some of your scars doesn’t show that it’s been done by a monster. You’re one of the most remarkable adventurers in the City. The intention of committing physical abuse to you is for the suicidal… Except if they’re someone in high authority than you. Some of those are from your father, aren’t they?”
“I have no intention in meddling with the events in your life, but hear my words. Follow the screams of your heart but always direct with your mind.”
“I arrived in this city without knowing anything about my past. I made it to level-2 because of this.”
I take the hefty weapon from its holster.
The barrel of the gun reflects the very light the moon shines on it.
“I don’t know what will happen to me in the city. I don’t know anything about the Dungeon and I went there, almost killing myself. Only to be saved by you.”
“I’m thankful for the deed you’ve done and I owe you my life. I don’t know what’s your fathers goal with you, but intuition tells me that he’s pushing you to be stronger. He wants you to rid of any emotions that wouldn’t turn you into the fierce warrior he wants you to be.”
“I’m only telling you to do what your very heart desires, but to always guide it with your mind. If I know anything, it would be that what makes someone a warrior is their emotion.”
“My mother…”
“There was a great war in the City, 10 years ago. I was only 7 years old at that time. The City was invaded by the ones who call themselves the Marauders. They practiced a combination of curse and witchcraft magic to infuse their own blood with monsters. Giving them the ability to tame them and use them in battle. The attack was done from the very heart of the city. Nobody noticed the evil brewing from the very bowels of Agartha.
Mother died in that war.”
“It was one of the reasons why my father is obsessed of taking charge of the city. He wants revenge. The Marauders are still out there. They escaped when their forces was starting to be defeated by the adventurers but a third of Agartha’s population was claimed in the battle. This includes both the Marauders and the citizens themselves.
I want to avenge mother too, I want to become stronger… no, the strongest.”
I stand there in silence, I’m lost for words.
A struggling daughter under the corrupted retribution of her own father because of the death of her mother.
I don’t have anything else to say…
I bring my body near the tree and sat on the opposite side of the trunk from her.
Our faces could not make contact, we were both facing separate direction, divided by a tree in the middle.
“Thank you, by the way.”
“I never really thanked you properly for saving my life.”
“Ah. Yes…”
“Why not make your own faction?”
“Your own faction, without your father. The Sword Princess, leading an army of adventurers against the Marauders.”
“Yes, lets see… Sword faction? Blade faction?… or maybe the Princess Faction?..”
“Chuckle… The Princess Faction?”
“Yeah, It could be the first ever all-female faction in Agartha.”
“I never even wanted to be called the Sword Princess.”
“Yes, people just started calling me that because I started holding a sword when I was 4.”
“You must be pretty sharp I guess.”
“You’re terrible…”
I can only imagine the look on her face right now. She must be pretty disappointed.
I hear the patches of grass starting to rustle, she seems to be standing up.
“I must take my leave. Goodbye…”
“If you didn’t make that horrible pun, maybe I would’ve considered staying a little longer.”
Without seeing her face, her light steps on the grass was slightly fading away to the distance.
I was left alone, with only the moon, stars, and wind accompanying my senses while I look up to the heavens.
Morning light has crept on the soil where the large city stands.
The usual scene unfolds; busy streets, open shops, and a gloomy dungeon.
Ashé was still outside the wall.
The shining moon and glittering stars that was once covering him was now replaced with the bright sun and the blue sky.
It was early spring, the refreshing morning wind invigorates the spirits of every living thing outside the activity that bustles inside of Agartha’s walls.
His body was resting on the patches of grass that are now covered in morning dew. Eyes shut in a slumber state.
After Yerin departed, he spent the night staring at the symbol in his hand. He kept looking at the inconceivable stats that he possesses.
For the whole night, the only question that was pestering his mind was how will he improve.
Even though he would brainstorm different solutions on how is he going to push all his stats above zero, he can come up with only one answer:
I can only do what all of the other adventurers has done.
There is no easy way out of his situation. It requires labour to improve ones stats and that is what he is exactly doing.
After the evening filled with resolute, he eventually dozes off under the serene atmosphere.
The eyelids that was covering his eyes slowly rose up. He has finally woken up.
His eyes was still conscious about the symbol on his left hand and the information that it could produce.
He clenches his hand into a fist and looks at the unique mark with determination.
Slowly standing up, he breathes in the fresh air of the cool spring winds.
While he is approaching the city walls entrance, the sound of rustling grass could be heard when his light steps was making contact with the ground.
“Oy! Mr. Guard! I’m outside.”
A few seconds has passed, there was no reply except for a short grunt of someone waking up.
From the very top of the city wall, a head peaks from above Ashé. Because of the distance, in Ashé’s eyes, the familiar head looks like the size of a pebble.
“Oh, it’s you! You’re one crazy kid, you know that?”
The distant voice was barely audible because of the huge gap between the two.
Even though the Guard’s facial features could not be recognized because of the sheer distance between him and Ashé, it was obvious that he was more impressed than surprised seeing Ashé still alive.
Spending the whole night outside the city walls without shelter is very commendable.
After a minute, the Guard finally got down from the top of the wall and is opening the city gate, eventually letting Ashé in.
“Took you long, you find anything good out there?”
The Guard was wearing a friendly face, exuding a relaxed aura. It was not as hostile as last evening
“Not really, I dozed off in that red tree there…”
“Oh yeah? They say that tree was cursed.”
Ashé is bewildered by the Guard’s hearsay.
One of his eyebrows raised and his lips slightly opened, gesturing the Guard to tell more about the rumor.
“Yeah. A famous botanist planted that 12 years ago, I heard that some people still see him around.”
“Why do they say that it’s cursed?”
“Well, some people wanted to chop that down, it’s white trunk would look good as a piece of furniture you know. When people try striking it down with an axe it just exploded.”
Ashé was nodding in agreement, he was not surprised from the reason of the rumors because he too has experienced such things. Just from the leaves itself, setting it on fire results in a catastrophic explosion. Its very fortunate that it doesn’t explode by plucking or crushing its leaves, or else, he would be dead by now.
“I see, well then. Thank you for looking out for me.”
“No problem, stop by anytime.”
After Ashé gave a small wave as farewell, the Guard replied with a slight nod.
He was once again stepping on the stone pavement roads of East Main, heading towards Hudson Street that is just around the corner.
The buzzing sounds of street vendors captivating the passing citizens to buy their products are the usual sights. Different races; different colours, ears, shapes, and sizes could be seen in every direction you face. The thousand sounds of footsteps from the people could be heard. Also, a trotting horse while it carries a carriage on its back are seen in different intervals of each street. For just a small street, you could feel the massive scale of the city. A tourist would be overwhelmed by the amount of people.
The city is so huge that its very easy to get lost inside it, you could say that its a labyrinth itself.
The most impressive characteristic that the City possesses is its multicultural aspects.
Some races have skills or traits that other races could not possess, hence, this is a reason for two different races to cooperate. The people of Agartha may look different, but the bonds that the factions make is as solid as its outer wall.
Ashé was walking down Hudson Street, it was still early morning and the adventurers are only getting ready to buy their supplies for a day of exploring the Dungeon.
He stopped right in front of the Apartment Complex. His hand was resting on top of the doorknob. He was not moving, the hand was only resting on top, it was not turning.
He was in the middle of his thoughts, currently contemplating about his current case about his stats.
Currently, he has 500 qiils in his pocket. Enough for two low-level healing potions and change to spare for a meal.
The gun sheathed on his belt is currently out of ammunition.
The only thing he has is the dagger and the light armour that the Guild has issued him with a loan.
There was nothing he could bring anything else inside his apartment that could help him in the Dungeon. Bringing ammunition for the gun will only hold his stats back.
Finally, he has come up with a decision.
From now on, the gun must not be used. It is to be kept.
A weapon that could completely annihilate a high-level monster even if its only used by a mere level-1 adventurer is an amazing premise, but the drawback of losing stats and abilities makes the adventurer without the gun useless.
Even if a low-level adventurer has the gun, they would still perish if they were completely overwhelmed by monsters.
The gun is still in its prototype stages, it is not suited for head to head battle under the endless barrage of monsters in the Dungeon.
Ashé turns away from the door and starts walking north, towards the Wall.
“My lord, here is the Guild’s weekly post.”
Osiric was, once again, inside the study of his leader, Lupin Black, that was sitting against the study table in the large fancily decorated room.
He was only fulfilling the promise he has made yesterday.
After witnessing Ashé exterminate a high-level large category monster, Osiric went straight to Lupin Black and reported about the unusual feat.
Lupin takes the paper from Osiric’s outstretched hand.
The contents of the page consists of a perfectly sketched picture of Ashé Krow. Next to it was only a few words written:
Ashé Krow
4 days
The hand that was holding the paper starts to clench. The sound of the sheet as it crumples gradually louden.
Lupin’s face was clearly displaying displeasure. His eyebrows were slightly arching and his eyes has a tint of envy as he looks at the boy’s sketched face.
He slowly lets the paper down on the top of the table and reclines slowly on his soft chair. He rests his elbows on the arms and joins the edges of his fingers from both hands. Lupin closes his eyes and takes a single, deep breath. He reopens his eyelids.
“Osiric, keep an eye on this boy. I want a detailed report on how he operates”
“Yes, My Lord.”
Osiric was standing straight in front of the eyes of his leader. He was well composed and directly making eye contact with Lupin’s tenacious stare.
“I expect a report next week. Leave, now.”
Osiric gave a small, proper bow to the dominating presence. He turns his heels and walks straight to the door.
Ashé’s name is really here.
The Wall was buzzing with chatter and surprise. The cause of the uproar was because of the Guild’s recent post: a sudden nobody has climbed the stairwell of adventure to the next level in just 4 days.
Everyone is staring at the sheet of paper posted on the huge bulletin in disbelief, Including the Sword Princess that was in the front row of the crowd that is surrounding the bulletin.
The face of the young man was clear for everyone to see. More people are attracted t look at the news because of the massive amount of adventurers that has gathered in front of the bulletin.
Even the store owners, guards, and guild members that are situated in the Wall are leaving their posts just to catch a glimpse of the one name next to a portrait on the bulletin.
Ashé Krow
4 days.
“4 days eh? The Guild must be shittin’ us!”
“I know right, that’s just impossible.”
“I’ll see it to believe it, that boy should have a mark on his hand.”
“Exactly, anybody here knows where he is?”
“I heard he lives with Mrs. Hudson…”
“Oh, shit…never mind searching for him then.”
In the midst of the constant chattering of the adventurers, Yerin is staring at the sheet on the bulletin, perplexed by the young man that came out of nowhere and now was the talk of the town by accomplishing such an unbelievable achievement.
She too was doubting the legitimacy of the Guild’s post, but there was no reason that she could think of why the Guild would lie.
Everyone was thinking of the same thing.
Slow footsteps were emerging from the Wall’s entrance.
The noise from the crowd of adventurers was slowly dying down.
The sight of a dark haired boy and his ruby red eyes enters their eyes.
Ashé was slightly taken aback by the overwhelming pairs of eyes that was looking at him from all directions.
He expected that a lot of adventurers will recognize him, but not this many.
Whispers were starting to reverberate through the whole reception room, filling the gap of silence that just resonated.
“That ‘Im?”
“He don’t look so strong.”
“He’s kinda cute though.”
“He really does have a mark. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that one.”
“That’s just mad.”
“How the hell did he pull it off?”
From whispers to full blown chatters.
Everyone was talking about Ashé, but he didn’t want any of these. He just wanted to go to the Dungeon today and improve himself. The impressed eyes that was centering on him are all believing a lie, and Ashé is not proud of that, he was only growing more frustrated with the lack of stats he has.
A strong commanding voice stood out and catches the attention of the whole crowd, everyone’s eyes are now on the source of the strong feminine voice, the Sword Princess.
“Ohhh… That her girlfriend right?”
“Shut up! You’re gonna get us cut!”
“Ahw, she must be jealous. Getting her record broken and all.”
“’We’re about to see a battle right here.”
Tension was slowly creeping up in the atmosphere between the two adventurers.
Yerin was slowly approaching Ashé. Both of their faces was locked at each other, both straight and unfazed.
The sound of a withdrawing sword could be heard through the whispers. Everyone fell silent from the sound.
A silver blade that is glinting because of the sun has been drawn from the Sword Princess’s belt and was pointing towards the ground.
“Follow me.”
She says with an unwavering gaze towards Ashé, but Ashé was returning the same gaze to her.
“Sorry, I don’t take autographs.”
The young man said nonchalantly. He was standing straight in front of the whole crowd. His face was clearly expressing that he was not interested.
The whole crowd was taken aback by his sudden quip. Everyone’s eyes were shot open when Ashé’s retort reached their ears.
“Oh man, this guy is gonna get cut.”
“Hell lose a limb for sure.”
Whispers starts breaking out from the crowd.
The Sword Princess was still holding her sword, pointing at the ground. She is wearing the same demeanor as Ashé and she was not offended by the disrespecting retort.
“Anyone else that follows should expect to lose a limb.”
She starts to walk towards the entrance, passing Ashé. Her sword was still withdrawn and was pointing at the ground. The radiant morning light was now shining on her as she passes through the tall frame of the Wall’s entrance. Only her back could be seen from all of the adventurer’s perspective.
Ashé slowly turn around and obeys the Sword Princess’s request.
The pair was sitting on a secluded cafe that was a ten minute walk through the mazes of alley ways from the Wall.
Luckily, no one has started to follow them, or else, the whole street or the cafe would have turned into a bloodbath.
Everyone was clearly displaying fear towards the Sword Princess. Her whole presence in Agartha was huge and influencing.
Inside the cafe, it was only Ashé, Yerin, and the old cafe owner inside.
The old man was standing behind a bar. He was brewing tea on the bar table. He was wearing dark tinted glasses. His gray hair was long and brushed back. He was wearing facial hair, a gray mustache with a goatee.
When they first stepped inside the cafe, the old man did not pay them any attention. He was not even fazed seeing the Sword Princess.
It was evident that the old man was aware of the whereabouts of the cafe.
It was obviously a cafe for people to conduct their private businesses, you could tell from the complicated layout of streets in order to reach this place.
Ashé is looking around the small and cozy orange walls of the cafe. Lamps were hanging from the ceiling on top of every table. The whole cafe was fairly lit. The scale of it was average. The place was ornamented with wooden tables and chairs. It was simple looking, but feels right at home.
They were sitting at the very back of the whole room. Next to the bar table of the old man.
“This is a good place for our first date.”
Yerin was taken aback by Ashé’s suddenly unexpected words. Her eyes were open with surprise and her eyebrows were slightly furrowed. Her body was retreating from Ashé while her shoulders were raised. Both of her hands were open against Ashé on the table.
“Are we splitting the bill or what?”
“We can worry about that later…”
“Look, I don’t have any money on me. Alright?”
She was displeased by Ashé’s caustic banter. Her eyebrows furrow even further while she squints her eyes on him. Clearly, irritation is starting to build up inside her.
“Hey, I’m serious. I really don’t have any money.”
“I’m not getting anything.”
“What a horrible date you are.”
Ashé looks down on her with a clear sarcasm, shaking his head while clicking his tongue. He leans back on his chair and crosses his arms.
Yerin sits up straight and looks at Ashé. She was hiding her irritation with her neutral facade, but in reality, just a few more sarcastic words from Ashé and hell lose a finger.
“Tell me about that post.”
She looks straight through Ashé’s eyes, but he does not budge. He stares back at her with the same neutral expression as her, back still leaned on the the chair and arms still crossed. He was clearly displaying that he is not afraid of the Sword Princess, in fact, he has already seen someone that is more and worth fearing, Mrs. Hudson.
“I told you already yesterday, right?”
Her eyebrows raised from Ashé’s words. She slightly tilts her head as she remembers the events that transpired yesterday in the red tree.
He showed her a metallic object while she was sitting on the grass right beside the red tree. That object was the reason for his recent accomplishments.
“Sadly, it doesn’t concern you on how it works.”
“Look, I know that you just want to get stronger. I’m sorry but I’m not telling or helping you in any way.”
She was growing frustrated by the arrogant attitude of the young man in front of her. Her face was starting to form a slight frown while she was looking Ashé straight in the eyes.”
“Kill me now then you’ll never know how this works.”
He reveals the gun and brandishes it in front of her while he was still leaning on the chair. His face was still neutral but his tone was both teasing and growing irritated.
His point was true, nobody in the city knows how the gun operates. The recent discoveries of the exploding leaves of the red tree was only known by him and Mrs. Hudson. If he was to be killed, then the secret will remain hidden.
“I need to be in the Dungeon. Now. Enjoy your cup of tea.”
Ashé stands up from his chair without breaking eye contact from Yerin. She was powerless from Ashé’s wit. She could not do anything and if she was to force it out of him, it would only give her a bad reputation as an adventurer and to the Guild.
Ashé heads toward the exit without batting an eye. He disappears after hearing the thud of the door.
“Are you getting that Tea lady?”
The old man questioned Yerin from the bar. His voice was deep and suave.
“Yeah, I sure.”
Yerin replied, still looking at the door that Ashé walked out of.
Ashé was back at Main Street. The busiest street in Agartha.
The Wall could just be seen over the horizon. There we’re less adventurers around than earlier, most of which are in the dungeon. There were more normal townspeople conducting day to day business. Even though there was a decrease in adventurers in the area, it was still crowded as usual.
While Ashé was walking on the pavement ground, his eye’s noticed a pair in the very back of an alleyway.
Their back was facing his direction, but he could see that there was another person. Her back was against the wall and she was being surrounded by the two.
Her face was clearly afraid, she was trembling in fear because of the presence of the two men.
One of the men has his arm on the wall near her, preventing her to escape.
Clearly, in one glance it was obvious that they were pestering the innocent lady.
If Ashé wanted to ignore it and just go to the Dungeon, but his instincts tells him otherwise.
He couldn’t see the faces of the two men, but he was certain that they were drooling on the sight of the beautiful lady. They are just waiting for the right opportunity to grasp her with those filthy, perverted, fingers. The picture of the disgusting smiles on the two’s face was enough to provoke Ashé.
“C’mon baby, just come wit’ us and well show you a good timeee!”
“Yeaaa, our club is just right on the other street.
One of them caressed the lady’s cheeks with his shameless, dirty fingers. Both of their perverted eyes were picturing the naked image of the young woman in front of them.
The lady could not even squirm in disgust or fear. She was shocked and frozen in place. Her eyes were closed. She was only waiting for her eventual demise, unable to defend herself from the two perverted assailants.
A single tear starts trip from the corner of her eye and down to her cheek.
“Awwww, look at the poor thing Zant!”
“I like it when they cry!”
The sound of someone cocking a gun’s hammer reached the perverts’ ears.
They both muttered and turn around with an irritated face in unison to only be greeted by the sight of a nozzle and a glimmering knife pointed at them.
The lady suddenly opened her eyes in disbelief. Her tense muscles have relaxed because of the sight of her hero.
Ashé was standing in front of them, gun pointed at point black range at one while dagger was unsheathed and pointed at the other. He was clearly pissed at the two men’s actions towards the innocent civilian.
“H-hey, what gives!”
“This nunya business pal’!”
He narrows his eyes on the two, and glossed over them.
They were not wearing any armour and seems unequipped with any weapons. They both don’t have an adventurer’s mark on one of their hands.
He deduced that they were only normal townspeople.
He shoved the nozzle of the gun at head of one of them and he touches the other’s throat with the knife.
They were both starting to retreat, both trembling with fear. They set sight on the mark on his left hand, making them sweat because of the sight.
They both recognize the adventurer; He was Ashé Krow, the level-1 adventurer that won against a Nue.
“Damn, damn, DAMN!”
Their eyes were both trembling from the sight of the gun and dagger. Their mouths were open in fear. They finally realized awful and disgusting deed they are doing.
he did not break eye contact at the two. The two weapons were still aimed at the two, his finger was on the trigger and the blade was ready to slash the man’s throat.
Ashé’s voice was furious but collected.
A slight relief washed upon the two from the mercy that Ashé gave them.
Their eyes were still glued to the weapons while they slowly moved out of range of the weapons.
Then they ran as fast as they could out of the dank alleyway.
Ashé holstered both of his weapons when the two has disappeared from his sights.
He turned his face to catch a glimpse of the lady that was in trouble earlier.
Her face was refined. The silver-gray hair was flowing down and reaching her neck. Ashé could see his own reflection from the silver-gray eyes that is staring back at him.
The feature that stood out was her ears that was peaking out of her hair, they were long but not pointed.
She is a half-elf.
Half-human, half- elf.
“Did they do anything to you?”
Ashé asked the beautiful girl in front of her. His face was a little pink from the sight of beauty.
“Y-yes, thank you… um.”
Ashé grabbed her arm and starts to jog, leading her outside the alleyway.
She was surprised by the sudden action but she did not recoil. Her face was clearly blushing while she covers it with her free hand. She jogs right next to Ashé as a slight embarrassed smile starts to appear from her lips.
They had arrived at Main Street. The abundance of people on the street is a safety for the woman.
Ashé was not showing any signs of slowing down.
He lets go of her arm.
“Sorry, I’m on a rush!”
He flashed a smile at her while he was still running towards the Wall.
The single word didn’t reach Ashé’s ears.
Her eyes watched the young man as her disappears from the crowd of people.
The Ghouls of the Manor was wide awake. Snarls and growls from the foul rotting bodies could be heard in the Manor’s first floor.
A single adventurer was fighting a pair of Ghouls.
His ruby red eyes are in contact with the walking corpse, never blinking because if he does, he might perish.
The knife on his right hand is raised high and his other hand is open palmed, like ready to catch a punch. His feet was squared to the ground, one leg in advance and the other on place to prevent losing balance.
He was reading their movements, waiting for one of the Ghouls in front of him to attack.
The Ghouls move slow, it was obvious even for an adventurer like him to notice if one of them was to about to attack.
One of the rotting limbs starts to raise up.
He grabs the attacking arm with his open hand before it could even fall to him and slices it off right at the join in one consecutive movement.
While holding the arm, he moves past the Ghoul and quickly approaches the other a few centimeters next to it, slamming the severed arm right at the face of the Ghoul.
The Ghoul that received such an unorthodox attack fell to the ground.
He throws the severed arm back at the Ghoul that has it, The Ghoul lost balance. He takes the advantage and slices the head off.
The Ghoul that fell to the ground was just starting to stand up, but he quickly followed up with a stab to the head.
He defeated the two Ghouls in under half a minute but he was starting feel that the monsters inside the Manor would not do much to his improvement.
He wanted to go below the Manor.
Krissa told her that the level-1 adventurers that are new to the scene are permitted to enter the Manor. If 2 of their stats has reached 500 and above, they are recommended to venture up until the 3rd level below the Manor with adequate preparation.
He only has two low-level healing potions that he bought earlier before first arriving at the Wall early this morning.
Regarding his stats, he has no idea how much he improved. He did not set foot on the Dungeon and explored it properly for 4 days, but it seems like hes doing well.
He directs his gaze at the adventurer’s mark on his left hand. A light that is only visible to him appears, showing all of his stats.
Level - 2
Strength: -790→-612 Defense:-832→-801 Agility: -633→-502 Dexterity: -296→-102 Magic: -999
The pace of his growth was better than he has expected.
Looking at his stats made him relieve a little.
If his stats keep growing at this rate, he would be able to reach 0 within a week.
Ashé;’s eyes shot open from the croaked voice behind him.
He forgot that he was leaving himself vulnerable.
Two strong limbs held him in place.
Before he could even react, he felt teeth sinking on his left shoulder.
A sudden pain gave him a shot of adrenaline, he reflexively stabbed the head that was biting his left shoulder with the knife on his right hand.
The Ghoul went limp, falling to the ground as it released him from its grasp.
Pain was overwhelming his whole left shoulder. A warm substance starts flowing down from the source of the pain, his undershirt being soaked with a crimson stain.
He collapsed to the ground on his knees, reaching for a green vial on his belt, opening it with his mouth, and splashing the green substance to his shoulder.
As the pain starts to subside. He closes his eyes and steadies his breaths, grasping the shoulder that was still aching .
The potion has closed his wounds, but the blood that was lost was still on his shirt and never to be returned inside his body.
A sighs of relief escaped his lips while he stands up quickly.
He carries his legs to the center of the Manor’s first floor.
Staying there would only expose him to more danger, his only option was to keep moving in the Dungeon.
The small pack on his bag was only half-full and his body was still half-full of energy. The bite from the Ghoul was still aching on his shoulder.
In the center of the floor was another room that is decorated with the overall theme of the Manor.
A large wooden trapdoor in the middle of the room leading to a stairwell down stands out inside the whole room.
It was the entrance leading down to the upper floors of the Dungeon.
The Manor was considered as surface floors and was the most basic level for adventurers.
If he was to stay there, the rate of his growth would grow stagnant because of fighting the same variation of enemies.
A driving force was propelling him down the staircase leading to the unknown.
He wanted to be better, and this is a way to be better.
Without hesitation, his shadow was swallowed by the depths of the stairwell.
- In Serial41 Chapters
Kill 10 Rats
You awake in the middle of an unfamiliar woods with nothing but a knife and a pair of pants. You have no idea where you are, how you got there, or even what your name is. Noob Slayer is an average college student, part time computer repair guy, and a full time gamer. He awakes to find himself in a world he does not understand. Follow him as he explores this new world, looks for answers, and tries to remember his name. Authors Note: This is a side-project I started after being widely stumped trying to write another book. It is my first attempt to actually post something I've written online, but don't be afraid to be brutal. Improving myself is why I wanted to write this in the first place. I know the VRMMO genera is a bit over-done but hopefully it has a few good stories left to tell. Warning: This is written in the first person. Will contain brutal fight-scenes, bad pop-culture references, a ton of MMO-tropes, and possibly some light sex if the MC doesn't screw it up too badly. Member of A group of excellent litRPG fictions on RRL!
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Dungeon Games
The world of Terra holds a very interesting and unique pastime, a game called Dungeon Wars. The game was developed after an accident created a form of Artificial intelligence that was able to create, and sustain it's own miniature habitat with an ecosystem based off of the creatures that began as it's 'start' This in turn created a craze of a new, and somewhat fun method of research that grew and became a game. They sold these A.I units for a modest sum, along with starter races, and from there it took off to become something larger, and greater. Welcome to the Dungeon Wars, a tournament based system where gamers can earn the points needed to increase their Dungeon pet A.I. quicker than natural means, and earn rare and prized races to add into their miniature ecosystem.
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It That Laments
The time waits for no man, so is the case for Selv, who had lost everything. In the stagnant world where everything is standing still, a change occurred. Everything begins when she haunted him. She, who has that face, came to him together with the memories he locked away. The train to the past blew its horn while everything is moving toward the inevitable end. What will he, who was at the center of everything, do when it pushed him from the back line to the center again?
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Isekai Tales
This is a story many of you are familiar with. This is a story of people who find themselves in a different world. Cover Background Image Source: Fantasy Earth Clouds Wallpaper
8 186 - In Serial19 Chapters
I finally found my Soul Mate
As I got closer to the house I saw the silhouette of someone. As I got closer he looked up at me and said mate. I was confused at first but then as I started to recognize him I could not believe who it was. Jake was my mate? How could this be? So many questions started in my head when he suddenly said, "I Jake Blackwood future alpha of blue crest 5/31/2022 #911 in Luna-----------------------6/2/2022 #51 in new love6/2/2022 #496 in rejection 6/2/2022 #94 in alpha king 6/2/2022 #19 in Luna queen-------------------------6/3/2022 #47 in new love 6/3/2022 #425 in rejection 6/3/2022 #298 in bxg6/3/2022 #345 in rejected6/3/2022 #96 in alpha king 6/3/2022 #16 in queen Luna---------------------6/4/2022 #43 in new love6/4/2022 # 411 in rejection 6/4/2022 #272 in bxg6/4/2022 #331 in rejected 6/4/2022 #94 alpha king 6/4/2022 #15 Luna queen--------------6/5/2022 #39 in new love 6/5/2022 # 420 in rejection 6/5/2022 #257 in bxg6/5/2022 # 326 in rejected 6/5/2022 #13 in Luna queen 6/5/2022 #96 in alpha king-------6/6/2022 #42 in new love 6/6/2022 #425 in rejection 6/6/2022 #248 In bxg 6/6/2022 # 344 in rejected6/6/2022 #14 Luna queen 6/6/2022 #101 alpha king --------------7/31/2022 #3 in new love7/31/2022 #355 in bxg7/31/2022 #139 in alpha king 7/31/2022 #28 in Luna queen---------8/3/2022 #2 in new love8/3/2022 #445 in bxg 8/3/2022 #22 in luna queen8/3/2022 #138 in alpha king
8 217 - In Serial45 Chapters
Yaqeen ka safar
Hi,,This is just a fanfic of yaqeen ka safar with tha same characters and some additional characters also. I just simply try to write about Asfiya with my vision..I m die hard fan of SAHAD n Asfiya.. I hope you will like it.. And pls make sure to give comments on this, As I can improve my story. Thank you..
8 139