《A Gun in a Dungeon》Volume 1, Chapter 3: Returning Assault
These leaves will be my success!
The excited young man prepares all of his materials on the table of his living room. Some leaves are neatly placed in a pail on top of the table right next to the shimmering steel of the gun.
The young man starts scribbling down notes on sheets of paper, discarding it every time the idea presents itself as unsatisfactory.
His ruby like eyes radiate with excitement, his determination on finally completing his work of art is in the borderline of obsession.
He smiles as one idea sounds true, but crumples the paper and frowns the second time the the idea passes through.
Mrs. Hudson mentioned drying the leaves…
He tears only a quarter of a leaf and starts drying it using the stove in his kitchen by hanging it on top of the searing flames of the stove. He was very careful not to set any of it on fire because it would instantly blow up the whole apartment.
When the leaves was dried, he started pulverizing it. Turning it to fine dust that he now named gun powder.
Just half a gram of the powder has enough explosive power to feel that someone is shoving you with full force.
The room reverberates different sounds, from a weak pop! To a full blown BOOM!
Ashé didn’t care if he had neighbors. He won’t even stop for Mrs. Hudson. The success of his creation is on the line.
The night has ended and a new dawn starts to peek over the horizon. Before he knew it, the darkness is now illuminated by the bright and shining sun.
Adventurers has started coming out of their homes and now heading towards the direction of the Dungeon. Merchants has already started to set up shop, all of them on the main road and their own stores are already open. The cafe’s that turn to pubs during the evenings are now preparing for a busy day full of travelers.
While the young man smiles as he look at his creation on the dark living room of his apartment. His ruby red eyes reflecting the very gun that rests on his hands. While everything around his house is now knocked down. Soot is covering various areas of the living room, while the kitchen is now entirely black. It’s hard to recognize it’s even a living room with all the scattered paper on the floor.
The whole apartment looked like a raging tornado of soot came from the kitchen. It was questionable that a person could live in the current state of the apartment.
Even though its evident that he is fatigued by just looking under the dark bags on his eyes and his eyes are extra red from having no sleep at all, it doesn’t stop him from using his new opus.
The weapon that he himself invented with blood, sweat, and tears. The bread and butter of all of his achievements.
The Gun
A brand new type of weapon that is invented by Ashé Krow that will revolutionize the industry.
While carrying a huge log of wood, he quickly runs down the flight of stairs and heads toward the back door of the apartment complex, where Mrs. Hudson’s small, tidy garden is kept along with an apple tree.
The backyard of the apartment complex is very small, it’s about the same size of an apartment. It’s surrounded by a tall wooden fence. Mrs. Hudson could see her garden because of the window that is just behind her living room.
He grabs one of the apples that has fallen on the ground and places it on top of a wooden log.
The hefty gun on his right hand, he reaches inside the pouch on his belt filled with fine red dust. He cocks the hammer of the gun back and fills the top chamber of the gun with the red dust he calls gunpowder, filling it until no space is left, after that, he closes the compartment. He then gets a metal ball and drops it in the mouth of the barrel, securing it by ramming the mouth of the barrel a few times with the ram rod that is concealed on the a special compartment attached to the outer barrel of the gun.
He then outstretches his right hand, lifting the gum, taking aim on the poor apple that rests on top of the wooden log. With the grin of a successful man on his face, he pulls the trigger.
The body of the young man flies back, crashing to the wooden fence and breaking it. His whole upper torso is now on the other side of the wooden fence, wood chips are scattered all over the soil while an old man stares in awe because of the sudden sound and the young man that suddenly erupted from the other side.
Ashé slightly raises his whole upper body. He tries to support himself with his right hand but he couldn’t move it, instead, a sharp pain starts to escalate on his whole arm up to his shoulder. He cringes from the pain but a smile immediately forms in his face.
“Ha-hahaha-hahahahahaha-haha-HAHAHAHAHA!— ”
Even though his right shoulder has been dislocated, he laughs on the face of pain. Eventually, he passes out from the mixture of pain and fatigue.
“Krissa, there was an explosion at Hudson Street!”
“Where on Hudson Steet?!”
“At Mrs. Hudson’s house!”
The Guild is in an uproar because of the townspeople reporting explosions starting from the evening until the early morning. They say that a faction war may be happening, but some argue that monsters has breached the Wall and adventurers are taking care of it. Because the Guild Headquarters are just 10 blocks away from Hudson Street, all of the people living there has evacuated to the Guild Headquarters. They speculated that the Guild has sent adventurers to dispatch of a monster that has escaped the Dungeon, but the Guild has confirmed that they have not done such a thing nor report an escaped monster.
The people has grown more concerned as each time passes, even the Guild is growing awry. Inside the headquarters, the people that had evacuated has started to put on worried and concerned faces. Parents start comforting their children while they cry. Adults are talking over each other as they discuss about what could have happened. Some people has even go by far as plead to the Guild members to tell them what is happening. The whole reception room of the Guild headquarters are in the borderline of chaos.
“Announcement, People of Agartha. There has been a report of an explosion at Hudson Street, please avoid the area at all cost. I repeat…”
Krissa has gone to the announcement booth and rang the alarms. The whole city was being restless. Some adventurers that are supposed to be having the day off in the Dungeon have put on their battle armours and weapons, preparing themselves as soon as they heard the announcement.
“All available adventurers that are near the area. Please head to the Guild Headquarters for briefing. I repeat…”
A large crowd of more than 300 adventurers has shown up in front of the Guild Headquarters. All of them are filled with unease, not because of the explosion on the area but because they’re going to Hudson Street.
“Everyone, we will be proceeding to Hudson Street, 10 blocks from here.”
Krissa was holding an energy crystal powered device on her mouth called a megaphone as she speaks. Her voice are amplified enough to be heard by all of the adventurers even though they are chatting loud amongst themselves.
“We are aware that this is Mrs. Hudson’s territory we are approaching. Please keep an open mind. We are protecting the city from the source of the disturbance.”
Faction wars are a natural occurrence in the City, it happens about once or twice a month. The faction wars are supposed to be a formal event that two sides has agreed on doing. A specific arena or an area will be used as staging for the two factions, both of which are to be agreed on by all respective parties, including the Guild. A war between two factions are always used A faction war that has been done without the Guild’s consent would be dangerous because an arena has not been set up and innocent civilians could be involved. Peace and order is the number one priority of the Guild, casualties because of other factions within the city walls are prohibited. Those that break these rules are given severe punishment.
“Everyone please, proceed to Hudson Street and investigate. If a faction war is happening, please seize the two parties by force. Otherwise, eliminate.”
Krissa commands the entire battalion with ease and confidence. She radiates the aura of a leader. Her words are strict. Every adventurer is paying attention to her, not even saying a single word to interrupt her command.
“Dispatch!” She points her hands toward Hudson Street while she yells through the megaphone.
“Aye!!!” All of the adventurers respond with determination.
They starting heading towards to southern part of east main, directly towards Hudson Street. An army of adventurers in different levels, all ranging from level-1 to level-3. The high-leveled adventurers are in the Dungeon. The whole army is mixed with races. From humans and demi-humans alike, all from different factions, have joined forces to protect the city from whatever danger is in Hudson Street. Their cowardice early has disappeared because of the Guild manager’s magnificent speech of command. They now hold their head high and their weapons all in their arms.
“Gorg, Andil, please wait a moment.”
Krissa called two adventurers that are in the back of the battalion. Gorg Ushfer and Andil Strummorg, both level-3 adventurers and from the same faction.
Gorg Ushfer is a dwarf that is a stocky, 6 feet tall, and covered in brown hair. His muscles are bulging from all sides of his body. While both his arms are legs are comparable to a tree trunk because of its sheer size. From just his looks alone, you could determine that he could lift a whole building by himself.
Andil Strummorg is a handsome elf that left this homeland, Lintelfier, to pursue a career of adventuring. His long blond locks are shining like the beautiful sun, his ears are protruding from the sides of his hair. He is fit from training and exploring the Dungeon almost every day. He emanates elegance and supremacy from his handsome face. The elves are known to be the most handsome and beautiful of races, nobody could compare to the aesthetics of the elves.
The two stopped and turned their faces to the voice that called them. The elf gives a majestic bow and the dwarf gives a charming smile to Krissa.
“Krissa, it’s nice to see you.”
“He-he, ye need us?”
“Yes, I would like the both of you to accompany Mrs. Hudsons apartment complex.”
Both of them are startled because of Krissa’s sudden request. An intensity of fear is shows through their eyes as it starts trembling. They elf breaks into a cold sweat while the dwarf gulps a mouthful of air.
“Y-y-y-you w-w-want u-us tttt-tt-to??…”
They both speak in unison, even their stutters are synchronized.
“Please?… what if there’s a monster, or a murderer inside?”
Krissa responds with plea to their trembling voices, she puts both of her hands to her chest and stares both of them directly in their eyes. Her huge eyes and the tone of her voice are like that of a spoiled beautiful maiden asking for a request for their husband. She leans in closer to the two adventurers, the arms that is on her chest are almost touching the two muscular bodies. Andil’s face blushes slightly. The fear the once was in his eyes was quickly dispelled by the beauty that lies in front of him. While Gorg’s face contorts into distraught.
“The only murderin’ thing there is tha’ lady!”
Gorg scolds at Krissa in disagreement, turning down the request in a heartbeat while Andil’s face cowls in disbelief.
“Ehe-he-he-he, sorry Krissa. Just give us one minute here…”
He wraps his arm around Gorg’s shoulder and he turns both of their backs against Krissa. He then leans to Gorg’s ear.
“Look here, you big piece of shit! This is my chance to finally show off to Krissa!”
Even though his voice was full of anger, it was hushed enough that it would not reach Krissa’s ears.
“I ain’t goin’ ta no suicide mission just so you coul’ get some coochie!”
He grumbles back, his deep and manly voice is full of torment.
“Krissa! Hahahaha, yes we gladly accept your request.”
Andil quickly turned his face to Krissa and granted her request. His awkward laugh is clearly obvious but Krissa does not pay it any heed.
“Wa— EY!— ”
As Gorg was about to contradict his statement, Andil quickly covers his loud mouth using his hand.
“Great! Let us move with haste!”
Krissa’s eyes lit up, like a child that just received some candy. She happily starts walking behind the batallion of adventurers, passing both Andil and Gorg.
As she passes the two, she looks behind them and gives a beautiful smile. She nudges her head, signaling them to start following.
Andil’s face starts to melt with happiness, smiling like an idiot. His face is as red as tomato. Gorg is still wrapped around his shoulders, staring at the smiling idiot with an irritated look. Gorg’s veins are starting to pop from his forehead.
Gorg elbows Andil’s stomach, losing his grip around Gorg’s shoulder. Andil struggles with the pain as he tries to catch his breath.
Gorg follows behind Krissa and Andil walks behind the two of them. His hand is still on his aching stomach.
The whole of Hudson Street is full of adventurers except for one particular place, the apartment complex.
Inside of Mrs. Hudson’s apartment, the kitchen that was once filled with soot is now spotless.
The unconscious young man was lying on the a soft sofa in the living room. A cushion is placed under his head. The shimmering gun was at the coffee table near him, next to a cup of tea.
Ashé’s shirt was taken off and bandages were wrapped around his whole right arm. Bumps, scratches, and splinters are covering his face and chest. The dislocated shoulder was still out of place. His eyes was closed shut as if he was in a deep slumber.
Mrs. Hudson was sitting right next to him on a wooden stool. She was angry but worried at the same time because he almost destroyed her tidy garden and he was very reckless with his actions. Although she was very annoyed of Ashé, she carried him to her apartment and also tended his wounds. While she sits beside Ashé, her eyes instinctively catches the sight of glimmering steel placed on top of her table.
She sighs because of the sight of the weapon. Different scenarios has started to accumulate in her mind.
Is this the reason why he was very eager in taking the bag of leaves?
She takes a deep breath before taking hold of the handle attached to her cup that was filled with tea. She takes her time sipping the flavourful brown substance while she observes Ashé’s condition. She notices that his shoulder was still dislocated. She was too busy bandaging the numerous wounds on his body that she didn’t even catch a glimpse of hte oddly positioned bone in his right shoulder.
She pushed the unconscious Ashé’s back and positioned him to a sitting position. His whole body moves limp like a rag-doll but his breath were steady and deep. Drool is coming out from his mouth while his eyes are shut tight.
Mrs. Hudson grasped his shoulder blades with her left hand and his bicep with her right. She was getting ready to apply force on the dislocated bone to relocate it.
Knock, Knock. “Hello, Mrs. Hudson? We’re sorry for the disturbance. It’s me, Krissa.”
Mrs. Hudson got startled because of the feminine oice that came from the complex door. She lets go of the young man’s shoulder and arm, his whole body loses balance and lands on the sofa. She quickly went to the door with composure but her expression was perturbed. She has immediately concluded that the Guild must be here because of Ashé’s loud explosions.
She opens the door and was greeted by three figures; a beautiful woman, a scared elf, and a trembling dwarf.
The elf and dwarf’s eyes are both trembling. They’re both covered with sweat and all of the hair on their body is standing up because of the sight of the sweet, ordinary looking old lady behind the opened door.
Mrs. Hudson catches a glimpse of the commotion happening outside. Many, many adventurers are walking up and down the whole street and scanning the area. She was a bit surprised because of the many number of people that are in her street.
“Hello dearies, what seems to be the problem now?”
She amiably asks Krissa with a grandmother’s calm smile after witnessing what is happening outside of her apartment.
“We apologize for the trouble, Mrs. Hudson. The townspeople heard numerous explosions near your area. The Guild launched a full scale investigation on your street. We would like to ask you if you know anything about it.”
Krissa replies to Mrs. Hudson with a gentle and composed smile accompanied by a slight bow. Her actions reflect a true example of a Guild Manager.
“Ah… sorry, Krissa, dear, the young man that occupies one of my apartments caused that.”
Mrs. Hudson looked down on her feet but she confesses in a proper way. Krissa widens her eyes in surprise while the two adventurers behind her was dumbstruck.
Not a single soul in the City of Agartha has ever considered living in the only apartment complex in city, which is owned by Mrs. Hudson herself. That is why their reactions was full of surprise and disbelief. Someone crazy enough, stupid enough, and suicidal enough has decided to live under the same roof of the terrifying old woman, infamously known as Mrs. Hudson.
“S-someone e-e-else li-li-li-lives here?”
“I salute ‘im, the bravest man of all of Agartha.”
The elf trembles with disbelief while the dwarf looks up to the sky, his fingers on his forehead and his body standing straight, saluting like a soldier.
“Sorry Mrs. Hudson, but could I see this man?”
“Yes dear, please come in. I’ll make a cup for you and your friends.”
Krissa went inside the apartment complex, following Mrs. Hudson. The two adventurers both unsheathed their weapons as they started to head inside of Mrs. Hudson’s domain. Andil was holding a broadsword while Gorg has a war-axe.
As they enter Mrs. Hudson’s living room, a shirtless young man covered in bruises and bandages enters their field of view. He was still unconscious on the sofa and his shoulder was still disfigured.
“Oh!.. I forgot about that again. I must be getting older these days….”
Mrs. Hudson starts grumbling while she approaches the unconscious Ashé. She returns him to his initial position earlier before the tree visitors came. Hand in one shoulder and arm on the other. Mrs. Hudson’s face has a casual look while she was holding the young man but the three visitors that are spectating the operation was cringing and clenching their teeth.
Mrs Hudson thrusts her hands.
Ashé reawakened because of the sudden surge of pain, letting out the most hurtful scream that could be heard throughout the whole apartment complex but he collapsed instantly, going back to slumber on the couch.
Krissa’s eyes was growing even wider as she recognizes the face of the senseless young man on the couch. Her heart starts to fill with worry and confusion, she thinks that Ashé was involved in some kind of commotion that eventually lead him to this state. The two adventurers behind her was shocked of Krissa’s unexpected reaction. Especially Andil, his thoughts starts coming up with misunderstandings.
“Mrs Hudson! Who did this to him?!”
She was shocked as she started to walk towards the side of the senseless boy, kneeling beside him on the floor near the couch.
“Dear, he did that himself.”
Mrs. Hudson stated with a matter of fact tone.
Krissa looks at Mrs. Hudson with eyes of disbelief.
How could someone inflect so much damage to themselves?!
“Krissa, do you know this man?”
Andil worryingly asked Krissa, he was taken aback because of Krissa’s reactions due to the injured man. His head was starting to fuel with envy.
“Yes, I’m his dungeon adviser…”
His heart aches in pain from envy. Krissa has refused to accept people that inquired her as their dungeon adviser. This is one of the main reasons why she chose to climb up the ranks of being a guild member, to avoid having inter-personal interactions with adventurers.
He unwittingly clenches his teeth and his shoulders starts to tremble. He looks like a sulking child. His majestic hair is covering his eyes.
Gorg starts patting his back out of pity.
“Mrs. Hudson, It is my duty as his dungeon adviser to know what caused for him to be in this state. I have the authority to know.”
Her eyes directly looks at the Gun on the table. When Krissa looked in the same direction, she was greeted by nothing. Only a cup filled with tea on a saucer is on top of the table.
Mrs. Hudson was already holding the gun behind her hands without even Krissa noticing.
“You see… This young boy is a huge fan of experiments. Now, look at what happened to him…”
“I-I see…”
“Let me go to the kitchen, I’ll fetch you all some sweet tea.”
Mrs. Hudson starts walking towards the kitchen, concealing the gun in her hand, hiding it from the field of view of the three people in the room. As she arrives at the kitchen’s table top, she opens her tea cabinet and places the gun inside while taking the jar of tea leaves. She effortlessly prepared the tea on the pitcher that is prepared on the table top.
Krissa was staring at the unconscious Ashé, her eyes was still filled with worry but her head was filled with anger because of his stupidity. It’s a dungeon adviser’s priority to always keep their adventurer alive. Ashé’s safety was her duty. She looks at his face that is full of scratches and his scruffy hair, she starts reaching for it.
The watching Andil was filled with jelousy. His jaw was dropped, revealing the uvula and tonsils of his throat. His nostrils are flaring and his heartbeat was unstable, even Ashé’s heart was beating better than his. He just wanted to punch the unconscious man on the sofa repeatedly until he doesn’t wake up.
Krissa’s hands were almost in Ashe’s scalp.
Ashé starts moving his head, regaining his consciousness. His eyes slowly opens 3 times, adjusting his vision to his surroundings. He sees the face of the beautiful purpled hair woman.
Krissa’s face was shocked but relieved at the same time. Her lips starts to curve downward, forming a soft smile while her eyes starts to focus on the Ashé that is slowly starting to wake up.
Mrs. Hudson arrives at the scene of Ashé’s awakening. She was carrying a tray with a pitcher and three cups with a saucer, all with fancy floral designs. She places it on the coffee table.
Ashé’s eyes was only half open and his voice was still raspy. His whole body was still recovering from his condition earlier.
She starts smiling even wider as a surge of relief flows down on her. The Dwarf on the corner of the room near the entrance of the apartment has his arms crossed, leaving a neutral expression on his face. While the elf is fuming as he sees the face of the young man starting the wake up.
Ashé’s eyes lit up, opening wide instantaneously as if he realized something important.
The three visitors reply in unison.
“Yes! The Apple outside!”
Ashé sprung up instantly on his feet and heads directly to the window that displays the backyard.
From the window; the tidy garden was on the far left corner of the backyard, the shining apple on the log was still standing on the middle, untouched, and the broken fence was sitting on the far right.
Ashé was now full of life, he didn’t even notice the bandages and wounds that are covering his body. He was moving like he has regained 100% of his strength although he has only just recently woke up from an unconscious state. His voice was full of disappointment and disbelief, he was disconcerted because he was unable to hit the apple with his gun. In his head, he is a failure even though he has made a working gun.
Everyone in the room was stuck on their places, staring at Ashé in disbelief except for Mrs. Hudson. She was standing near the coffee table with a casual but straight face while her hands are conjoined together in front of her. The other three on the other hand has their mouths open.
“Wha— wait, Krissa? Why are you here?”
He strikes a confused look at Krissa but he didn’t receive an answer, she was just staring at him in awe under her thin rimmed glasses. Ashé stares at her back, raising his eyebrows as he waits for an answer.
“..!! T-the citizens has reported that there we’re explosions on the street. The Guild has launched a full scale investigation of the area.” Krissa has finally snapped back to reality and gives a startled response, slowly standing up. “Mrs. Hudson has told us you were the reason for this distrubance?”
She has finally composed herself, but a hint of doubt could still be felt in her words. Both the adventurers behind her was still startled of what is happening.
“Ah… that, yes. I was the reason for the explosions. I was only experimenting with something.” Ashé’s eyes starts to lower to his feet and his voice starts to decrease in volume. He has finally realized the scale of what he has done. “I will face any punishment that the Guild may face on me.”
Krissa was surprised because of Ashé’s response. She expected for him to make up an excuse and avoid all punishment but he faced his sins head on. He was ready for the consequences of his actions. Her heart skips a beat because of Ashé’s honest actions that differs from your regular adventurers.
“B-but, I still feel like I’m in pain. Can this wait until tomorrow?”
Ashé starts to hunch his back and he touches his right shoulder that was dislocated earlier.
“Yes, dear. You also need to call of the poor adventurers outside. They must be tired of investigating.”
Mrs. Hudson calls out on Krissa. The adventurers will keep looking for something that they won’t even find, not until the investigation was called off.
“Ah, yes. I almost forgot. I will stop by here, tomorrow. Ashé, I will talk to you about this, In detail. Thank you for letting me in Mrs. Hudson.”
She regains her composure and gives a slight bow to the two. She heads outside of the apartment complex. The two adventurers follows behind her. Andil leaves a nasty last look on Ashé, but Ashé could only stare back in confusion. The three has left the building after the sound of a door has shutting has been heard.
Ashé stands up straight. He was only faking the pain he was feeling in order to make the tree of them out.
“Mrs. Hudson, where’s my gun?”
“So thats what you call it, a gun… I kept it in my tea cabinet. I made sure not to make them see it.”
Mrs. Hudson’s voice sounds tired for putting on an act, she acts like a mother that is starting to get sick of her 20 year old son’s actions. She was starting to tidy up the coffee table by picking up the tray with the cups and pitcher.
“Mrs. Hudson, Thank you… and sorry.”
It was early morning and a knock on my apartment doors notifies me that someone is outside.
I was wearing my light armour and sharpening my knife with the whetstone I bought the other day before heading home.
I’m preparing to head to the Dungeon today but Krissa told me yesterday that she’ll stop by. The person on the door must be her.
After opening the door, I was greeted by the beautiful woman wearing her thin rimmed glasses and her white blouse, accompanied by the green skirt and moderately high heels. She was wearing her Guild uniform as usual.
Now that I think about it, I never really saw her wearing different clothes. Well, I’ve only lived here for 3 days anyway…
I wonder how she casually looks?
“Goodmorning Ashé, I’m here to talk about yesterday’s events.”
“Yes, please come in.”
Her expression was composed but she doesn’t look pleased to see me at all.
I gestured for her to walk inside my apartment. After closing the door behind her, she turns to me.
“Ashé, I’ll be brief. You are penalized by the Guild, worth 20,000 qiils.”
20,000 quiils?! I already have a loan of about 9,750 qiils that I haven’t paid yet. It looks like I have to go the extra mile in the Dungeon today.
“I…I see. I’ll face the charges. I’ll pay every single penny.”
Krissa sounds slightly surprised by my response. Her hands was on her lips and her eyes were wide behind her glasses.
“Is there something wrong?”
“N-no… It’s just that, I expected you to complain but you just accepted it without a word…”
She lowers her head, averting her gaze on me. Her hands starts fiddling with each other and her pale face has a slight tinge of pink.
“I already told you… It was my responsibility that so much happened. I might as well face the repercussions.”
I unconsciously placed my hands behind my head and shrugged my shoulders. My eyes couldn’t make contact with Krissa.
I feel so embarrassed right now! What’s with this weird flattery all of the sudden? I just thought of doing what I think I should do. I don’t want any more issues to form from just a small matter. If I started it, I’ll face it to the end.
“This wasn’t the first time you did this. When the Guild asked the Paragon faction for compensation because of what happened to you, you never really complained that you didn’t get it even though you we’re betrayed and all… Instead, you even admitted that it was your own fault even if it clearly wasn’t… Yesterday you even confessed that the reason for the explosions was you. You didn’t even try to make an excuse or something…”
Her face is even glowing with more red while her lips starts forming into a smile. Her gaze was still averted to me but it’s slowly making eye contact as words flow out through her smooth lips.
My face feels like its burning I could feel my heart pounding with all these compliments as it starts flooding my ears.
“I’ve been part of the Guild for 5 years since I was 14… I’ve met and advised countless adventurers but they’ve never been as honest as you… I’m just surprised that an adventurer like you exists.”
She looks up to my blushing face. Her cheeks was also warm as the light from the window shines on her face. Her lips and eyes were genuinely smiling at me.
I was so taken aback by her beautiful expression. My heart skips a beat and my whole body is burning!
“As your dungeon adviser, don’t die on me. Okay?”
My eyes widen as her words reaches my ears. A smile forms in my lips without even me noticing it.
“Yes” I give her a nod.
She looks at me with smiling eyes. The sight of her pretty face is breathtaking, with her amazing smile and purple eyes that reflect my very frame. I was astonished. I smile there with her as my heart starts to calm itself. My breathing is beginning to regulate but my smile isn’t leaving my lips.
“Okay. It looks like you’re preparing for the Dungeon. I’ll be at the headquarters if you need me.”
She heads for the door and I opened it for her. She looks back at me and gives one final wave with her delicate hands before she went down the stairs.
I close the door and ponder about our conversation.
Right now I have a debt of no less than 29,750 qiils to the Guild.
A trip to the dungeon could net me only 500 or even 600 qiils if I’m lucky enough.
An energy crystal’s worth is not in its quantity but in its size and quality.
Killing a large category monster could earn me a lot, enough that I could pay maybe about half of my debt but…
I don’t think I could kill one just yet…
Even with the help of my gun. I still need to find a way in order for me to reload it quicker. After shooting a monster, reloading would leave me vulnerable and eventually cost me my own life. Without no one to cover for me while I reload is basically asking to get killed by the monsters.
If I was to use the Gun, I only have one inaccurate shot that I could use, so I need to make that shot count.
I can’t hide for cover because a monster could appear anywhere in the Dungeon. Covering while reloading isn’t an option.
My two options are two find a part member that could cover for me while I reload or use the Gun only once in a fight.
I stare at the gun on top of my living room table. The gun holster I made was strapped on my waist. I had the opportunity to buy some leather yesterday before evening.
I grab its heavy frame and the shining barrel reflects on my eyes, securely holstering it to my waist.
I arrived on the other side of the breach, within the Dungeon’s grounds.
The eerie look of the Manor still sits on the center of the large gloomy yard. The withered trees that are littered around the place makes the place even more eerie.
I’m a bit late to arrive but early enough that I got to catch up with a few adventurers still heading for the Dungeon.
I stopped by a few potion shops so I could buy a healing potion just in case. Currently the qiils I’m carrying is less than 50. I need to earn more than 500 today. I can’t bear having a debt around my head. With my current economic situation, it will take me about 7 years to pay for everything. I won’t be able to buy and upgrade my equipment as my ranks increase if the debt carries on.
I step towards the Manor but I hear screams coming from inside. That’s a bit unusual? Usually it’s just silent in the entrance of the Manor.
When I entered the Manor’s huge entrance, an object starts flying full force directly to my chest. Before I could even react, it hit me in the stomach enough to feel pain. A short burst of air escaped my lungs but I wasn’t knocked off balanced.
I turned the semi-circular object on my hands. I feel a warm disgusting liquid starting to drip through my gloved hands…
A head?!
A face, obviously from an adventurer’s, was formed into a terrifying expression. His pupil’s was turned to the back of his head so all you can see was white in his eyes. The eyebrows was furrowed, forming wrinkles in the poor man’s forehead. The mouth was wide open, his yellow teeth was showing as if the head was cut off during mid-scream. The overall expression of the head was that it looked like he saw the most terrifying thing in his entire life.
When I caught a glimpse of the head, I quickly let it go and it dropped to the ground.
Before I could even let it go, my sense felt another object was being hurled towards me.
The black object was getting bigger and bigger until I realize what it was…
A headless body…
The headless body flew right at me, knocking me back from the Manor’s entrance. I land back first on the soft gravel path of the Manor. The body was on top of me. I was dizzy from the sudden impact and I’m starting to regain my senses. When I looked at my right, I saw the terrifying head facing right at me. My senses was knocked instantly back at me as my eyes flew open because of the hideous sight.
What the hell is happening in the Manor?
I pushed the body off of me. I caught a glimpse of the Manor’s entrance. Dozens of adventurers of all races starts heading out from it, running away from something, they’re running for their own very lives.
I finally got my feet under my body after being bewildered by the people that are suddenly retreating.
That scream!
A big mountainous adventurer flies out of the Manor’s entrance. Landing on the gravel path right in front of me on his back. He looks like he’s in pain but still conscious. Numerous claw swipes was covering his muscular body. The leather tank top hes wearing was shred into pieces. His bald head and stubble beard reminds me of someone.
Mord is one of the first adventurers I met when I first got to the Dungeon. He and his group offered me to join their expedition and as a result, I was used as bait when a large category monster suddenly appeared.
“Lyeon! Take care of Mord!”
Another familiar voice reaches my ears. It was Osiric, the leader of their party. He was walking backwards, facing the Manor’s entrance while his sword was drawn, brandishing it right in front of the dark entrance.
Lyeon quickly runs towards Mord, he quickly grabs a potion from one of his leg holster and quickly rubbed it in Mord’s wounds. The wounds quickly closed itself but Mord was still in pain. He must have a few broken ribs that cheap low-level potions couldn’t heal.
“How did this fucker get back here?!”
Osiric was clearly frustrated while he was bracing for what was about to emerge from the Manor. Sweat starts flowing down his temples. His face was clearly terrified but he holds it back and faces the unknown assailant head on.
A large monster jumped outside of the Manor’s lips. It’s ugly face, huge striped body, and snow white mane is something I could never forget. The scaly tail that was supposed to be on the end of the monster was nowhere to be found.
A Nue…
The Nue…
The very same monster that I encountered during my first day in the Dungeon along with the three people that I first stepped in with.
Osiric brandishes his sword in front of the monster, catching its attention. He dodges one of its swipes but unfortunately gets hit by the quick follow up of its other paw. He luckily avoided the claws of the paw that hit him directly on the face. He flies to the side and lands on the floor but he slowly starts to sit up. His eyes opens up as he see the sight of his comrade…
Mord is slowly standing up, finally recovering from the pain. He was holding his war hammer on one hand and his ribs on the other. Pain was still evident on his face, he was breathing heavily. It was obvious that he’s suffering from both pain and fatigue with his looks. He probably was tanking all of the blows from the monster to protect his part members. He slowly starts moving towards the monster… Step by step, eventually turning to a skid, then into a full sprint.
The brave adventurer starts running towards the hideous monster, fingers clenched on the grip of his war-hammer. He raises it above his head, preparing for a string directly on the monsters face.
Lyeon yells at his advancing party member while Osiric was only staring in dread.
Three sharp claws pierces through the large body of the adventurer. Blood was coming out and covering the lower part of his body.
The hammer that was supposed to strike the monster’s face was only stuck in his hands on top of his head, suspended in mid-swing. It then slowly falls from his side as his grip loosens. His whole body releases all of its tension the body lies limp while still stuck on the monster’s claws.
The Nue flings the dead body out of its claws like a play toy, throwing it to the dark green grass. Blood was flying everywhere as the body was in the air.
The dark green grass was now covered in crimson. Mord’s eyes was staring blankly on the air, blood was coming out from his lips. He has ceased breathing.
The two friends of the fallen adventurer was staring at their dead comrade’s body. The looks on their face was full of mixed emotions of fear, sadness, and extreme emotional pain.
All the adventurers including me was reminded that there was still a monster right in front of us. There was clearly more than 20 level-1 and level-2 adventurers in the courtyard but they were still no match from the level-4 Nue, no, the Nue could may as well be level-5.
The high-level adventurers are missing in action. It was too late and all of them must be in the lower parts of the Dungeon.
The Nue changes its target, it was now heading towards the white haired man that was kneeling right in front of me in breathtaking speeds.
Osiric finally lets out a scream to his comrade, finally coming to his wits.
The monstrous animosity catches up on Lyeon, It quickly pounces on top of him and bites sideways through his body. It repeatedly slams Lyeon’s body to the ground while he was still between the monster’s fangs. The sharp fangs of the monster was biting through the man’s body. Lyeon couldn’t even scream at the pain while he was repeatedly being rammed against the ground.
The adventurers around me finally reawakened, I spear flew directly to the monster but its tough hide made the spear fail to pierce through its body. Not even a scratch formed on the spear’s wake.
The monster spits out the adventurer near Osiric. His eyes starts to form tears while his mouth was trembling.
I was paralyzed on the ground as I see the chaos starting to unveil in front of me. The Nue was fighting numerous adventurers.
One of them got on of their head slashed, the other his arm.
A female elf that was starting to cast her magic was quickly interrupted as the monster pounces on her, biting her head off.
Every adventurer was screaming, they were either fighting or dodging for themselves. Even the formation of the parties we’re scrambled.
The adventurer’s weapons was no match to the thick stripped skin of the monster. Their weapons could penetrate the monsters huge, muscular body.
The howl of the monster was enough to stop some adventurers on their tracks.
Nobody dared to turned their back against the monster because they we’re too worried about what could happen if the monster has left their vision.
No one could escape the claws and fangs of the Nue.
I started getting on my feet while the adventurers were in disarray.
The single sound of the heavy object on my waist as it shakes while I stand up reminded me that…
I have the Gun.
The whole area around me starts to turn silent. I could only hear the sound of my heavy heartbeats.
I reach for the Gun on my waist. My breaths were heavy as I take it out from the holster.
I face the beast and holds the gun in front of me with my two hands.
The beast has finally found me, it stares at me down. It seems that it recognizes my ruby red eyes, its prey that escaped, one of the reasons why its tail has been cut off. Its face starts to get irritated.
The load growl makes my very bones shake in fear.
I muster up the courage and point the tip of the barrel towards the monster. I tensed my arms as I braced for the recoil.
The very fingers on the trigger is shaking with terror.
Breaths we’re the heaviest and loudest that they have ever been.
Heart was pounding out of my chest.
Eyes are squinted, taking aim.
It pounces.
My whole body recoils as the gun shoots its bullet. A blinding light struck my eyes causing me to close it. The recoil almost knocked me off balance, it pushed me a few steps back. I was holding the gun above my head with my two hands. My ears were ringing from the loud sound.
I’m still standing.
I open my eyes.
The first thing I see is the monster’s face that is now missing the top left quarter of it. Blood starts dripping from its huge open skull.
All of the remaining adventurers was staring at me in awe as blood starts covering the gravel in where the monster’s head lies.
- In Serial28 Chapters
Of Second Chances and Past Regrets
They say that you should live your life to the fullest. To enjoy things while they last, for one only has one chance at living. Once that life has ended, everything will be over. You will be buried along with your memories, untold secrets and countless regrets. What will be left of you will only be determined by your actions during that single chance. From the leaders of mankind who are able to change the fates of billions on a whim to the lowliest beggars, no one is exempted from this unbreakable law. But what if that were not true? What if second chances did exist? What if one had the chance to redo everything in a new life? Would you act the same? Be the same person? Would you be able to let go of the past and start living your new life to the fullest? Or would you revel in the lingering memories of the past, burning them into the deepest parts of your soul in order to never forget the things that have and could have been? Nobody knows the answer to those questions, for they are as impossible to answer as feeling what death is like. This is the story of one such second chance. Follow a mysterious old man on his second journey through the countless twists and turns of life.
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Dust 2: A New World Order
It can always get worse… A new world order is coming, one that will pit one species against another. Life is about to become very hazardous—for anyone who gets in Dust’s way. With every day that passes, Dust is more afraid of what he will become. His powers are growing far beyond what he can predict, and he is reluctant to tell his make-shift family that he isn’t sure when—or if—it will ever stop. His goal is to get to Portland, Oregon and find his aunt and uncle. Ideally he would get there alone, because he’s far too much of a danger to the people around him, but they aren’t willing to give up on him, and an old enemy isn’t far behind. When they reach Portland, Dust discovers a line has been drawn between those who have been changed and the unchanged ones who want to control them. Can Dust protect his new family from being used or will the power within him become a force that will not only destroy his enemies, but the ones he loves?
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Virtual Dawn
A young NPC villager becomes the companion of an overpowered PC, taking him on a journey across the empire and embroiling him in a war between the PC conquerors and ruthless NPC rulers. This is a stand alone novel, consisting of 37 chapters. FINAL CHAPTER COMING FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 2020!
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Assorted Stories of Enthadar; The Legendary Planet
Erevan Burkwood was born a Crow, an omen of death, and as such his father left the civilized world with him. Taught him to fight monsters with spell, blade, and siege weapon. Now as a man he ventures into the world with a ballista on his back and knowledge that he is a Champion. One of the few who can use the Waystones and travel the world with ease.
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Slaves have no names, (hiatus)
Currently going through a rework of already made chapters! So if you see holes in the plot thats because im working on improving it!If your curious might as well read! i will add a new description thingymajig when im done on the rework.
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101 Writing Tips from an Exhausted Reviewer
I've been reviewing stories on Wattpad for a while now and, boy, has that been a journey. Your stories have made me gasp and squeal. Your stories have made me laugh and cry. But, from time to time, your stories have made me cringe. In commemoration of my review store hitting 100 reviews, I thought it was about time to break down my reviewing journey, with the help of a fellow reviewer, @awesomeSTG. This book will contain chapters regarding the common errors I see in stories, it will offer tips on how to make your story professional, and there will also be some sneaky rants about what people expect from a reviewer. Welcome to 101 Writing Tips from an Exhausted Reviewer, featuring two very exhausted reviewers: @ray_of_sunshine9 and @awesomeSTG.Or, as perfectly said by @awesomeSTG: Ladies and gentlemen, folks far and wide! Sharpen your quills, prepare your scrolls, and polish your fire-resistant armours, for we shall finally cool off your burning queries - or scorch you even more - with our word of wisdom (namely rants) and advice! Hear ye, hear ye!And the incredible cover is done by the very talented @g_beckford - thank you so much!
8 193