《Battlesquire Book I - First Blood》Chapter 16
The sound of rushing water babbling by a river's edge, a bridge of stone.
"It looks secure, my mistress," Twilight quietly assured as they crossed the massive arched bridge of what even Jess could tell in the moonlight was carefully placed and mortared stone, making their way to the town on the far side, a few flickering lights to be seen in various windows of homes comprised of finest hardwood with slate tiled roofs, sharply sloping, for Northern Erovering was nothing if not snowy in winter, far off as that still was. For the most part, the town was lit only by moonlight, its ties to the shipping trade evidenced by the wharves on the riverfront, presently empty of ships, and the large structures that looked to be storage facilities just beyond.
Malek frowned. "They lumber the edges of the Deepwood near here and ship the logs downstream, I suspect. Look at how carefully they constructed those wharves, so stray logs rolling downstream won't damage them. The stone bridge we just crossed was a masterwork, built to withstand significant traffic, and as grand a structure as any I'd expect to see in Krona, not here in the northlands. Even the high arched shape combined with the gentle rise, that flagrant expanse of stone, makes little sense unless wood filled barges were regularly ferried underneath, and trains of lumber regularly carted over it. Such a structure would be beyond the coin of any but merchants or nobility expecting serious gold from their venture."
Eloquin nodded. "That is correct. But only the edges. Ancient accords are still observed." He flashed a cold smile. "Or at least, such is what the northern lords upriver claim, and the Crown values the hardwood too dearly to bother with any but the most cursory inspections conducted by the most sympathetic of officers."
His hawklike gaze took in the entirity of the town before them. "Whitetown is home to a number of carpenters and woodcarvers, many considered masters of their trade. Most skilled craftsmen are a prudent sort, rising with first light, and unlikely to drink to such an hour as this."
Neal nodded. “Which means only outsiders, merchants looking for trade opportunities, or folk who don't really belong will be drinking at this hour.”
Neal's gaze locked upon Jess and Erica, a now helmetless Rowan joining them as well. Exquisite olive features looked full on at Jess, Rowan's gentle gaze filling Jess's world, even as a gloveless hand gently stroked Jess's cheek.
"You were very brave," she whispered, even as Jess suddenly held her close, shaking but saying nothing, taking deep breaths until silent sobs had passed, no one saying a word when Jess abruptly stiffened once more, nodding to her commander, giving Rowan's hand a grateful squeeze.
Whereas Erica, gazing at Jess so strangely even now, was the most petite of their number, Rowan was powerfully built and as tall as most men, her potent physique hidden by lush curves that had inflamed more than one boy to heights of spontaneous poetry, to the good-natured laughter of all.
Jess sighed. As beautiful as Erica's compact form was, Rowan's lush curves had fired more than one restless night for her, and she'd far rather lose herself in those gorgeous midnight eyes than think about the sudden wrench and snapping of bone, a foolish boy's hopes and dreams ending in blackest horror.
“Jess, are you going to be all right?”
Rowan could feel Jess trembling, her eyes filled with such concern, both their helmets now removed, hair blowing freely in the cool evening breeze.
Jess didn't think, merely pressed her lips to Rowan's. Her friend stiffened only a moment before melting into the kiss, then pulling away with a sultry laugh.
"I didn't think you felt that way about me, considering how often I tease you."
Jess flushed and looked away.
A sharp admonition. Jess cringed and bowed her head.
“This moment, Jess. We embrace this moment, and this moment alone, do you understand?”
Jess felt her heart race with sheerest humiliation, to hear her master use such words with her, to feel the need to coddle her when she must be fierce and strong for them all...when she should be the hardest of all of them. No. She would weep for Gaines no more this night, bitter as her tears might be in the days and weeks to come.
This night she would be hard as steel, as sharp as the most wicked of blades.
Her friends deserved no less.
Fist to chest. "It will not happen again."
Eloquin gave a tight nod, turning to Rowan. His words were direct, his counsel eminently practical.
“Rowan, your figure is lush and hides your power quite well. For all that you lag behind us during our runs, your martial prowess are worthy, and your charms will serve us to excellent effect this evening... if you are willing.”
Rowan's lips curved in a sultry smile. “I learned the ways of womanhood even as my mother trained me with the sword, my master. I will not let you down.”
Something in her gaze. Jess blinked. So that was the prize Rowan was after.
Twilight smirked. “Took you that long to figure it out? She's savored capturing the heart of how many of your peers? Whoever isn't stuck on a willowy waif as the object of their affections. But her true prize has always been Eloquin himself.”
Eloquin merely nodded at Rowan's assurance. He turned to Jess, gazing intently into her eyes. Jess flushed, having to fight not to look away. “How are you?”
Jess swallowed. "I will back up my sister, sir. But give us moments to freshen ourselves and change out of gear and into the dresses you brought, and we will play the pair of courtesans hungry for extra coin."
Eloquin frowned. "I know how you felt about an agent's lessons, Jessica. There were some lines you would not cross, even among your peers. You do understand the risk of this role?"
Jess shrugged. “That he might tip us to top him off? Sleeping with a man I don't care for was a line I wouldn't cross as a student. Now? Our daggers our blackened, my friends are counting on me, and girls are being sold into slavery even as we waste time here. I killed three men tonight, Master Eloquin. This will be but the smallest of added stains to my soul.”
Eloquin's gaze hardened, more than one Squire hissing at her words. She forced herself to speak on.
"As much as I hated the lessons those Agents tried to foist on us, I know that I'm built for this role... that my figure is lush, and made up, I look... more than passing fair. I'm curved, and far stronger than people suspect, much like Rowan, for all that she is taller than me." Jess frowned and shook her head. “Don't put Erica in my place. You know she's not built for it, and the thought of sleeping with a man she didn't adore would horrify her.”
Jess looked Erica's way, unable to understand the odd mixture of fear and pity that she saw in her friend's gaze. When Eloquin turned to Erica. Jess caught the way she blanched and looked away.
Jess pled with Eloquin's steely gaze. “Rowan's a sister of my heart. I would not see her put in peril, unarmored, without backup. And you know damned well how hard I trained with fist, throws, and daggers, after Mord.”
Mord chuckled. “I'm so glad I could shape the fires of your heart, deadly one. And how fiercely you have grown on me, this night alone, our bloody work just begun.”
Rowan gazed at Jess with naked gratitude, such that Jess swallowed and looked away.
“Honestly, Jess, I'm glad for the backup. And if anything should happen... I'll handle that end. You just be safe, and watch our backs.”
Jess frowned, even as Rowan put a lacquered fingertip to Jess's lips, carefully, Erica having applied crushed rosehips and kohl to their cheeks, eyes, and lips; both of them shivering in the cool breeze in reinforced bodices and too thin dresses, their limbs having been briskly wiped down with damp linen cloth in the crisp midnight air.
“It will be okay, Jess. Just let me take the risk." Jess trembled under her friend's gaze, seeing at last the pain always hidden behind Rowan's smile.
"I lost my innocence long ago. Only since I honed my fury, proving myself as a Squire, was I able to come to terms with what I had lost, and take joy in the sweetest of dalliances, even if it can never be more than that."
“You deserve more than a romp in the hay, Rowan. Any man who wouldn't love you is a fool!” Jess hotly whispered, “no matter what bitter secrets the past holds.”
Rowan grinned at that. “We will say not another word, shieldsister. Just look fetching and pouty. We are both harlots that dear Gaines favors, having paid us coin to deliver a message, our 'master' having no interest in late night meetings.”
Jess smirked "As arrogant a stance as any lordling might take. Of course, this fool could think it because Gaines fears a trap, happy to let us take the fall, or perhaps a disposable intermediary was always the plan, and dear Agent Cornelius thinks to finish us off."
Neal frowned at that. "Seduction is too deadly a risk. For all that we were trained by agents, this man is one. We do not know what tricks he has up his sleeve, and you two are equipped only with carefully quilted bodices, and dirks we will pass off as harlot's daggers. Your safety means everything to us. So I will have several Squires waiting at the top of the first floor of stairs. If this Cornelius makes a move to court you and you cannot find pretext to avoid it, will bring him down by the stairway." Neal turned to Eloquin who nodded in grim approval.
“It is good that I did not have to say it. You are learning command, Neal.”
Jess could sense Neal's fierce pride with those words, and smiled for her friend.
“And if you must intercept, do not put your safety at risk attempting to seduce. Kill him outright.”
Eloquin turned to quietly address them all, hidden in shadow, but a block away from their target, not a soul to be seen anywhere outside the faint noises emanating from the Whitehorse Inn.
“Correspondence was intercepted. The strike-point has been verified. Our suspected target is less than an hour's journey from this locale.” He flashed the grimmest of smiles. “But as we have learned, unresolved enigmas remain. Our target itself could be a feint from enemies seeking to play us off. If we can coax Cornelius off at a hare's pace and chase him to his warren, excellent. All the better if we find it is different from the locale we have targeted, and reassuring if it is one and the same. But all that aside, our core job is to hunt down every turncoat, spy, and loose end Lady Putrice and her co-conspirators have let fester within our heartland, and burn them out. Completely. No survivors, save the victims of their depredations. Are we clear?”
Over thirty salutes did Eloquin receive, before giving a satisfied nod.
“Very well, then. Neal, you will keep watch. Lucas, Colin, you two know exactly where to place yourselves one floor up, so none mark your presence, fully armored as you will be.”
The pair exchanged glances. “Bored guards outside the nicest looking room, security for a rich merchant?”
Eloquin nodded. "Should anyone catch sight of you, yes. Though you both know how to move silently, in pauses where no eyes are turned your way, and I expect you to use your skills to best effect."
The pair nodded, even as Eloquin turned to Jess and Rowan. “Are you two ready?”
Rowan flashed a jaded smile, gently pinning Jess's hair before draping an elegant fur cloak about her shoulders. "As much as a pair of courtesans looking to make extra coin could ever be.”
She then turned to Eloquin, eyes flashing with the fire worthy of any Squire, no matter that she was dressed in sheerest cotton and lace. "And General? Please trust us. Gentle seduction might just be the way. I fear no man's blade, steel or otherwise, and if I give Neal the signal, he must stand down." Her fingers brushed Jess's cheek. "Come, darling. Let us show these northern prudes what sophisticated ladies of the capital are capable of."
Eloquin frowned, conceding the point with the tiniest of nods. Jess could hear Neal's sigh. She was grateful for his care, but as she and Rowan were taking the front line, it was best that they made the call.
Jess smirked, following her friend, feeling naked, fierce, and vulnerable all at once as they entered the inn.
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