《Battlesquire Book I - First Blood》Chapter 9


Jess yawned, feeling both blissfully happy and strangely sore, blinking as walls of exotic silk, divans, and a grand arching roof overhead complete with massive chandeliers sparkling rainbows and the sound of flute and harp washing over everything with a delightful patter of noise.

Gently, she slid free of the arm holding her on the divan, realizing what the odd stiffness that she felt was, though really, with all the nights she had slept under the stars, training for life as a Squire of War, romance upon a comfortable divan should be no problem at all.

She smiled wistfully at a dozing Javiar, grateful both of them were still fully clothed and technically had done nothing beyond the bounds of decorum, for all that they had sundered those boundaries most satisfactorily, and spent some bittersweet moments wondering what it would be like to give up all pretense of being anything other than a beautiful girl in a dress, happily by Javiar's side as he filled her days with delightful stories and company, and her nights with delights of a different sort.

No doubt she would be deliriously happy, giving birth to some of the most handsome children any noble could want to continue his line.

Jess closed her eyes, savoring the sweet fantasy, kissing Javiar's beautiful cheek so softly he stirred not a muscle before slipping quietly away.

Jess, skirts quickly smoothed, slowly made her way from the den of silken cubicles, both flustered and pleased to find upon discrete hardwood stands small decanters of perfume, which pointed to both a degree of thoughtfulness and jaded practicality that Jess both admired and was embarrassed by.

Not that it stopped her from making use of a couple liberal squirts, for all that her dress was free of any stain that she could see.

Jess was almost surprised to see that very few of the guests had proceeded so quickly to the back cubicles, most nibbling the many delicacies on display before them, though more than a few girls were laughing with odd abandon, cheeks flushed, seeming lost in a warm daze, even as their handsome companions plied them with food, conversation, dance, and as much of that curious, bittersweet wine as they wanted.

Jess felt herself flush as whispers and pointed stares washed over her, some girls gazing at her with open disdain, others with frank admiration, every Squire that caught her eye winking and raising their glasses in toast.


Embarrassed as she felt, her fingers twitched, and careful nods answered her.

Savaged reputation aside, they understood, and that was all that mattered.

Jess felt a jolt as Prisci's hot gaze suddenly locked upon her own.

"Jessica de Calenbry. With the social skills of a drunken mule, who, save for this week alone, wouldn't be caught dead in a dress, nonetheless manages to seduce one of the most eligible men at this party. The son of a duke, no less."

She flashed a bleak smile, sipping her wine, her friends gazing raptly on, before she raised it in a half-mocking toast. “If you are going to whore yourself, you could hardly pick a finer prize. Well done.”

Jess had the grace to blush, gossip both shrew and filled with the most jaded admiration washing over her. This was Highrock, after all. A college of war and, in some ways, the most ruthless of all finishing schools, for all that Jess normally refused to see it as anything like that.

But girls who burned not with a desire to master blade or spell came here with another aim. Not to marry the cast-off fops circling the Nobles Council like flies on turds, but rather the hardest and most talented of men, those who would defend Erovering herself one day, their fortunes destined to rise beyond petty sycophants, should turmoil rock Erovering's future. Girls who hungered for the potency of fighting men, or hungry just to test themselves, graced this school's halls. Far bolder than most girls, Jess knew, whatever pretense they mimed for the sake of their families.

Jess swallowed and dipped her head. “I have broken no rule of propriety, Prisci, I can promise you that.”

Prisci smirked. “Clothes on. Well played. Pretenses observed, and still able to lead him on to so much more, should he court you in earnest.”

Jess blinked at her throaty laughter. “Ah Jess, I should have given you more credit! Playing the naive tart so well. Yet when Lady Putrice told you the lay of the land, you were savvy enough to change your tactics right quick, and to brilliant affect.” She tilted her head theatrically, and Jess thought that for all that she tried to hide it, Prisci was feeling the wine. “I think, dear Jess, I brushed you off too soon. You definitely have potential.”


Bold as brass she strode up to Jess, kissing her cheek. “I stare at you too, sometimes. You really are a pretty little thing, when you put on a dress.”

Jess flushed at this, even as their classmates and no few of the young lords and ladies visiting their school gazed at the pair avidly, as if watching a play.

Still, for all that they had never been friends, Jess felt certain courtesies were owed.

She softly pulled Prisci close, the girl's eyes widening at Jess's deceptive strength, melting into a dreamy smile as Jess kissed soft lips before blowing huskily into her ear.

"The wine is spiked with laudanum. It is affecting your judgment. Have a care."

Prisci paled and stepped back, gently pressing lips Jess had kissed, nodding once, favoring Jess with the most curious of gazes.

"Well then, Jess, it looks like you are enjoying the party just fine. I will let you get back to Javiar," she said before slipping into a cloud of gossip and friends once more.

Jess, pointedly not looking toward the silken cubicles so conveniently arranged in the far corner of the massive chamber, slowly made her way to Lady Putrice, even then chatting animatedly with several other Highrock professors and the gentleman who had been flirting with Malek, not that long ago.

“Well, it seems like you do clean up quite nicely, Calenbry. I hope you are enjoying the party, young lady. You never know where you will meet your future husband, but these soirees can be a wonderful opportunity,” opined her mathematics professor.

Jess smiled at the older man, allowing his drivel to wash over her as she did all his classes.

Lady Putrice's gaze was both jaded and approving as she led Jess a few feet from the gossiping professors. "Despite our differences, I really am glad we came to an understanding, Jessica. Now tell me true, isn't it worth a bit of time and care, donning dress and makeup, for the chance to meet a man of Javiar's caliber?"

Jess flashed a smile both sad and wistful.

Javiar really was a sweet man, only a few years older than her, and Lady Putrice had not a trace of malice in her soul, at least towards her. “I regret that we got on so awfully at first. And... yes. The company has been most sweet.” She paused a minute, rubbing her belly. “Sadly I am not feeling entirely settled, as much as I am enjoying the gathering so far. Will you forgive me if I took my leave, professor?”

Suddenly void of all warmth, cold eyes gazed into Jess's own. “Please tell me you are not going to do anything foolish, Calenbry.”

Jess blinked in confusion. “No, don't worry. I'm not going to wrinkle my dress, but hang it before resting my belly. Josie explained it to me.” She shook her head ruefully. “Sometimes I regret not understanding the ways of a woman better.”

Putrice blinked, delicate brow marred by sudden confusion, quickly shaken away, her gaze now one of concern. "Do you truly feel sick? You had bet rest, then. No need to worry the healers with the trifles of over-indulgence when they have far more important issues to deal with." She nodded firmly, as if coming to a conclusion. "Yes. Go back to your quarters and rest, Jessica. And when you feel better? Come back. The soiree will be all night, our guests are housed in adjoining quarters, and will be here for the next handful of days."

She winked and smiled. “And I know one lad already who would very much like to see you again.”

Jess flushed and turned, catching sight of Javier moving with the sleek grace of a hunting cat, slipping past people to approach her.

A gentle hand brushed her cheek. He smiled. “I had a delightful game of chess with you, Jessica de Calenbry. I was hoping we could play another game.”

Jess blushed at that, her grin just as wide as his. “I would love another game, but I'm afraid our last match quite wore me out. Perhaps we could enjoy a rematch together, after I refresh myself?”

Javiar nodded. “I look forward to it.”

Jess savored a final kiss goodbye before slipping out the door as fast as her silken shoes could take her.

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