《Battlesquire Book I - First Blood》Chapter 8
"Come, mistress, time to rise with the dawn and continue our pretense for yet another day, as you all had agreed was the most prudent course, and I do believe I hear Josie's knock even now. Now doubt she wishes to doll you up with blush and shadow, crushed rosehips and kohl."
Jess grimaced and curled up, but couldn't tune out her familiar's teasing purr, nor her friend's ever more insistent knocks, taking a quick glance at the window, open as always and letting in a crisp, early morning breeze. The dye stained rope she had used the night before was presently hidden under her bed, nothing any more out of place than it normally was.
Bright blue eyes, golden curls, and a beaming smile greeted Jess as she opened the door, and before she knew it, her friend had washed her face with water and was tutting happily as her brushes flitted across Jess's skin.
“Oh truly, Jess, I think I have outdone myself today, and you look gorgeous in the emerald green dress Raphael sent off for!” She frowned. “You would think the boy would have mastered my curves by now, knowing me as well as he does.” She blushed upon hearing her own words before emitting a throaty chuckle, and Jess couldn't help but think her almost angelic friend had just a bit of a naughty streak, after all.
"Anyway, I knew that with just a bit of darning, this would fit you perfectly. And there we are, Jess. What do you think?"
Jess blinked and stared into the silvered mirror Josie handed her with a flourish, her cheeks blushing at the sight of such a pretty girl, and one who looked far more suited to a life full of courts and galas than one trained to deliver death against gravest odds.
Jess swallowed and looked away, more than a little bit discomfited by the girl that had been gazing back at her from the mirror. “She really is beautiful, Josie, thank you.”
Josie arched her brows. “She is you, you know that, right, Jess? You look just as good in a dress as you do sweaty and roaring like a boy with a sword in your hand. Dare I say it, you look even better. Now come! It's off to Etiquette, and I understand that Lady Putrice has a surprise for us!”
Jess couldn't help grinning at her friend's excitement. Truly, Josie was a far better fit for the life Putrice wanted them all to embrace, and Jess had no doubt that, should they have a department of healers worthy of the station, that Josie would be just as happy at finishing school as she had ever been at Highrock. Of course, she probably wouldn't be permitted to be all but living in her beau's quarters, so perhaps it was Highrock for them both, after all.
Her friend tilted her head, gazing at her archly. “Jess, why are you smiling? You are thinking something devilish, aren't you.”
Jess grinned. “Only that you fit the definition of lady far better than I ever will. If Putrice is successful in her secret dream to turn this into another Ladies Academy, I'm sure you would fit right in.”
Josie flushed prettily. "Oh, I could never go to a finishing school, Jess! They are lucky to have any access to healers at all! And besides... well... "
“Only in an academy of war could you be with Raphael? Where professors are far too focused on preparing students for the battlefields of war, trade, and diplomacy to care if they take an adult's interests, as long as it's coupled with an adult's responsibilities?”
Josie chuckled throatily, for all that she was blushing still. "Honestly, Jess, if I wanted to go to finishing school, it would only be to please Raphael, and I serve him quite nicely, just as I am."
Now it was Josie looking smug and Jess feeling her cheeks redden, though she couldn't imagine why.
Jess had prepared herself for anything that morning as she made her way to class, Josie nattering contentedly by her side. She was prepared to be found out, knowing that not all the Highrock servitors looked favorably upon her, or even liked her at all. She grimaced to recall that there were a few who outright despised her. But there were reasons for that, hard truths that had to be taught, and she in the best position to administer those lessons. Yet most folks, Jess had found, had a noble core to their souls, however gruff their exterior.
Yet the animated whispers as she and Josie slowly made their way to class had left her suddenly uncertain, slowing down her pace such that even Josie noticed, and Jess found herself having trouble swallowing, her heart racing so fast in her chest.
Josie frowned, gazing at Jess curiously. “Jess, dear, whatever is wrong?”
Her cat, contentedly observing all from his favorite perch, flashed his mistress a mischievous grin. “The thought of mortal combat just hours away, when the midnight bell tolls of death to come, fills you with darkest exhilaration. But the thought of facing your nemesis in silks and lace all but fills you with terror.”
“Hardly, Twilight,” Jess swallowed. “If only this stupid dress allowed for a dirk.”
Twilight nodded solemnly. “It would have been a wise precaution, mistress. One never knows when enemy agents will be lurking between billowy skirts and petticoats.”
“Ha ha.” Jess stuck her tongue at her cat, earning not a few odd looks for the exchange. “Besides, only Prisci wears billowy skirts. Even the most feminine among us are more sensible than that.”
“I heard that, Jessica!” Snapped none other than an elegantly coiffed Prisci, curls of silken fire swept up in a waterfall of ringlets flowing down her left shoulder, neck bare to both sensual and elegant effect.
Jess swallowed as piercing hazel eyes captured her own.
“When the deluded girl talking to invisible familiars seeks to counsel me on fashion advice, then I consider my choices well made, and the effect well-served!”
Jess sighed. The girl really did have such a spark to her, with the regal air, beauty, and arrogance of a queen. Jess knew she would be completely smitten by Prisci, if she weren't such a bitch.
And why was Prisci now gazing at her so strangely? An elegantly gloved hand reaching up almost as if to touch Jess's cheek before she abruptly spun around, refusing even to glance Jess's way.
Jess gasped, fists clenched tight, holding back a killer's instinct as strong arms wrapped around her waist.
A powerful chuckle sent shivers down her spine. “If it isn't my lovely shieldsister, looking utterly adorable in a dress! I missed you in the training rings, Jess.”
Jess couldn't help smiling, turning to gaze into her shieldbrother's twinkling eyes. His grin told her he was teasing her, rubbing her head as affectionately as he would his own sister, she was sure. He knew darn well what she was going through, and looked quite well turned out himself, wearing doublet and hose of finest cotton and silk, shirt sleeves as lily white as the clouds, a wonderful contrast to the rich sea green of the rest of his outfit.
“That is because Lady Calenbry has finally deduced that there are far more important things than risking her health and figure, howling about the training fields like a man,” declared none other than Lady Putrice herself, at last opening the door to the grand room Jess always thought ill served as just a lecture hall for the most boring of subjects.
The crowd of students had hushed as one, and Jess grimaced, fearing the direst of lectures, yet strangely, Putrice's smile was almost... forgiving.
And Jess frowned to see not a lick of malice in the woman's eyes, gazing so boldly back at her. Jess blushed and forced herself to lower her head, having no desire to antagonize the woman any further than she already had.
It was neither the time, nor the place.
Besides, how could Jess hate her? She didn't hate Jess at all.
Jess could no longer deny it, which meant that every lecture, every attempt to sway, influence, or lead Jess in the path that currently had her in dress and petticoats had been a cause Professor Putrice had believed in, not an excuse to torment her student, as Jess liked to pretend it was.
And then Putrice smiled. “'Tis all right, Malek. No need to bow. We are mentor and properly respectful students, and I am wise enough to see that you but jest with your friend.”
She then turned to the class at large. “I have wonderful news for all of you. Something of a surprise, I confess.”
A breathless pause, everyone staring at Lady Putrice.
“We are not attending class today. Rather, we are heading to the private salon upstairs where we shall be putting into effect all the diligence and practice we have exerted in mastering our lessons this semester!”
Excited whispers at this, more than a few students suddenly glowing with excitement.
“Oh Lady Putrice,” Prisci gushed, eyes twinkling with a warmth she had never once flashed at Jess. “Are we having a private gala right now?”
“Indeed we are, dear Prisci, and best of all, you have all been excused from any other responsibilities you might have today, given leave to relax and indulge yourselves with some of the most eligible nobles to be found in the north!”
Even Josie hitched her breath at this, eyes gazing with wonder, before abruptly shaking herself out of it, flashing Jess an almost apologetic grin. The boys, however, looked only mildly intrigued.
Lady Putrice smiled. “And not all of them are boys. Some exquisite specimens of elegance and beauty await your most graceful overtures, young sirs. Now come. I expect decorum and charm in all you say or do. You may think of this as mastering the softest of the diplomat's arts. Courting friends, allies, perhaps even more.”
As one the cluster of students and professor made their way up winding staircases, down a long hallway to the grandest of double doors, more than one student murmuring excitedly that they had never been down this corridor before, nor expected such a grand portal at the end.
Jess caught several frowns from peers, however, each and every one belonging to a fellow Squire taking etiquette along with Jess.
“Malek, what's wrong?” Jess whispered to her friend as Putrice gave a rap to the door.
Yet her friend only shook his head, face set in hard lines, and Lucas, of stocky build and a Squire as well, flashed several hand signs that Jess recognized at once, even as Malek grimly nodded.
The chambers ahead were the province of Squires.
And now Lady Putrice had secured them for her own purposes.
Before Jess could even think of a response, the grand doors before her were slowly opened, revealing an almost palatial suite that quite took her breath away.
As vast and spacious as any ballroom, carved, obviously, into the mountainside itself, the massive chambers all but glowed with gentle light from the half score chandeliers of finest crystal tinkling softly overhead, magelights by the score giving the grand room a gentle warmth like sunlight and rainbows, the floor lined with fine woolen rugs of deep sea blue, and Jess was awed by the glorious tapestries depicting scenes of battle, triumph, and glory lining the walls.
The grand domed ceiling itself was a masterwork fresco of clouds, stormy seas, and magnificent castles floating in the sky.
The entire hall was like a work of faerie wonder, and Jess could all but feel the magic subtly echoing through the masterwork. Though art was something she could only appreciate, the energies she felt flowing through the chamber she sensed with exquisite clarity.
Artists and mages both had done their part to forge this grand chamber out of bedrock, and Jess could only guess at how old this structure truly was. One thing she sensed immediately was that the magics resonating through the chamber had only the loosest association with the elemental arts.
It was a revelation which left Jess the slightest bit disoriented, not protesting in the least to feel Malek's powerful grip gently steadying her, even as her eyes caught sight of what seemed a score of the most beautiful lads and lasses she had ever seen, graceful and exotic both, features just a tad finer than those stamped upon the features of most of Erovering's peoples, their skin was somewhat paler, locks of flaxen gold and eyes of cornflower blue the norm, not the exception. Come to think of it, their complexion matched her mother's perfectly.
Jess swallowed as it all clicked together in a heartbeat, Malek's suddenly tightened grip upon her shoulders letting her know that he had figured it out as well.
“Class, come greet our guests. They have traveled for some distance to attend our little get-together, and I do believe they are anxious to meet you.”
At which point no less than half a dozen young men slowly approached, appraising eyes turning into subtle nods and smiles as if they liked what they saw, that bold handful showing no fear in approaching Jess and her peers with honey laden compliments and crystal glasses full of what looked to be the richest of wines.
Surprised glances sent Lady Putrice's way, earning only the most tolerant of nods. “By all means, students, savor both the wine and the company. This is our private little gala, after all.”
At which point the graceful music of harp and flute began to resonate through the chamber, a delightful little air that all but invited the more bold of students to dance in the center of the great chamber, and it was then Jess blinked in surprise, her cautious glance caught by the brilliant gaze of a young man even then offering her a glass of wine.
“I couldn't help but notice how effortlessly you seemed to float in your gown, my lady. Perhaps you would allow this unworthy noble to steal a bit of your time?”
Jess blushed and smiled at the compliment, unable to help herself even as her heart began to race. Yes, those eyes hinted at all sorts of possibilities. The way his smile grew at her frank appraisal made it quite clear that he was willing to be just as coy or as bold as she would like.
Jess chuckled throatily at that. She couldn't help it. Never had she been the subject of quite such frank appraisal, dressed up in petticoats and lace, blush and kohl.
Strangely, this left her feeling awkward and shy, her chuckle aside, and she dipped her head, embarrassed by her own blush.
Gloved fingers concealing a warrior's strength caressed her chin. He smelled of cinnamon and the most exotic of spices, infecting Jess with a sudden hunger no Highrock fare could quench.
“There is no need to be shy,” the young man of powerful build and sensual eyes assured. "My peers and I have heard wonderful things about the quality of company to be found in these sacred halls, and wanted to make an adventure of it, traveling further south than we normally do, and truly, I am glad that we have."
Jess smiled at that.
When gentle fingertips brushed her cheek, she did not turn away.
“My name is Javiar. May I have the pleasure of your own?”
“Jess. Jessica de Calenbry.”
Javiar grinned. He really did have a lovely smile, Jess thought, suddenly wondering what it would be like to kiss him. She took a sip of her wine, glancing about her, both pleased and surprised at how quickly formality had been replaced with sweet overtures of dalliance.
She then frowned and looked down at her wine. Grimaced. More and more, it was starting to make sense.
“Do you like the wine?” he asked. “It is rich... but common enough in more cosmopolitan courts, I assure you.”
Jess nodded, peering into Javiar's eyes carefully. He had sensual lashes and rich, full lips.
And not the slightest trace of malice.
Gently, Jess leaned forward, brushing her lips against his own.
"You taste nice," she murmured as he blinked and stepped back, before chuckling softly.
"And you are bold." His eyes flashed with approval. "Come this way, Jessica. Lady Putrice was delightful enough to supply not only the most delectable of culinary spreads, but game tables of chess, king and crown, and of course, divans for us to take our ease upon."
Jess smiled and nodded even as she felt herself being led off, almost as if in a dream, strangely unwilling to fight it. Happy to savor it for as long as it would last.
She caught Malek's eye, surprised to see a powerfully built man beside him, looking sleek and elegant in black, a bit older than the youths their own age, yet not afraid to stroke Malek's cheek as he sipped the wine. Jess saw Malek all but lean into the man's touch, powerful hands now massaging Malek's shoulders, Malek's expression becoming one of sheer bliss before his lips puckered, and he frowned at the glass in his hand.
He grinned in approval, however, upon seeing Jess, favoring her with a wink as Javiar led her off to who knew what mischief, the palm of her hand held so tenderly in his own, and Jess smirked back, freeing her hand from Javiar's grip as if to cover the gentlest cough, wine going down the throat of sweetest innocence, her hand carefully flashing signs all Squires knew.
Malek frowned, looking at the glass in his hand. He flashed a glance at Putrice, eyebrow raised.
Jess slowly shook her head, calm smile in place, allowing her acquaintance to lead her to mischief she would savor every bit as much as he.
His warm patter filled her ears and made her smile. She enjoyed the animated look in his eyes as he lost himself in tales of childhood misadventure. Jess found herself playing the role of admiring damsel, and not minding a bit. Whatever his original intentions, his interest in sharing his stories with her, and their shared laughter was genuine. And to her surprise, she found she quite liked the gregarious little boy Javiar had been, and the bold man he had turned into.
Jess stroked Javiar's strong cheek. "It sounds like you were a wild one, Javiar, and that the cook never forgave you stealing all the sweetmeats!"
Javiar winked. “Nor did my brother, when Father found the savories hidden in his pack, and blamed him for the sudden influx of rats in the manor!”
Jess chuckled. "By the gods, the stories I could share of my own upbringing... the things I would do, the mischief I would get up to... how my brother and I would goad ourselves into the most outrageous of feats, our day not complete lest a cow, pig, or goat had strayed miles from their pens, and one of the other of us covered in dirt and muck and grounded forever!" Jess sighed. "Those were sweet times, when life was simple, and the whole world seemed innocent and pure."
Javiar nodded. “Only now do we realize how complex and nuanced life truly is, bitter and sweet both.” Powerful hands gently stroked her cheek. “Yet I savor life all the more for its fierce complexity, and the absolute wonders it has in store for all those bold enough to seek them out. I wonder, dear Jessica, do you perchance feel the same?”
When he kissed her, she did not turn away, savoring his taste, gazing into suddenly hungry eyes as her heart began to race.
“Javiar, may I ask a question?”
Twinkling blue eyes smiled back at her. “Of course.”
“It might sound silly, but you know that every girl has to be sure. Javiar, do you mean any harm to me or mine?”
He blinked in momentary consternation, before flashing a rueful grin. “I will admit, the thought of dalliance was intriguing... the idea of meeting a foreign woman, losing myself in her arms. But, truth to tell, Jess, I like you.”
His hands stroked her cheeks once more, fingertips caressing her lips, and she smiled.
“Graceful, elegant, incredibly beautiful. Frankly, I'm surprised a man hasn't claimed you as his own, sweeping you up in a life of bliss long ago. If you'll forgive the question, Jessica, how old are you? Seventeen?”
Jess grinned. “Old enough to know what I want.” She stroked his cheeks and kissed him again. Tender lips caressed her own, sensual mouth slowly opening to taste her as she tasted him.
Her heart was pounding and her breath ragged. Every nerve was tingling, leaving her dizzy with sudden need.
With a breathless laugh, she pulled away, smiling to see that Javiar was no less flustered than she.
“If I didn't know better, I'd think you like me.”
He chuckled ruefully. “Indeed I do. And I'd like to know you better. Much better. But hearing you converse, the sweetness of your smile, that means something to me.” Solemnly, he lifted her palm to his lips and kissed her softly.
Her breath hitched.
“Tell me, Jessica de Calenbry, do you by any chance have a beau already?”
Wordlessly, she shook her head. Upon occasion she might have savored sweet kisses and perhaps more with the very few boys who could match her skill with the blade, but the only man she had ever loved had already chosen another, and she loved him fiercely still, though now only as the best of friends. "No boy warms my bed, Javiar, if that's what you're asking."
He nodded, tilting his head, suddenly at a loss for words.
His confidence had been enticing. Yet now to see his lithe, powerful form, his arrogantly perfect features creased with uncertainty, vulnerability, was downright intoxicating.
Softly, her fingertips brushed those strong cheeks, and she couldn't resist tasting his kiss once more.
Powerful hands gripped her tight, intent gaze shy no longer.
And when he squeezed her close, exquisitely proper still as they were both fully clothed, yet delightfully improper as their bodies entwined, and a slow, glorious throb of pleasure built, his gaze was bold and hungry once more. A fierce predator locked upon his prey, and Jess hungered for his kill.
Each pair of divans and the game tables between them had been thoughtfully walled off as miniature silk lined cubicles, and Jess thought it exquisitely clever of Lady Putrice, whatever else she thought of the woman. And soon all thought washed away to the shuddering pleasure of the man entwined about her even now, Jess's eyes widening with surprise, gasping at the fierce heat she felt, shouting into her partner's mouth, as he swallowed her sudden cry with a kiss.
Jess shuddered and closed her eyes as Javiar throbbed against her, cashmere fabric brushing silken lace to delirious effect, before Jess trembled and sighed, resisting not at all when the powerful man caressing her so masterfully, so discretely, squeezed her to the point of breathlessness, drinking in her kisses, shuddering as he too peaked.
Sweetest pleasure to feel his weight on top of her as he sighed, replete, before gently shifting his weight, hands smoothing over her dresses, and Jess was relieved to see not a stain, even as he gently kissed the nape of her neck, tingles coursing through her once more.
“That, Jessica de Calenbry, was completely unexpected, and utterly delightful.”
Jess chuckled throatily. “I don't know what you are talking about, Javiar. All we did was kiss.”
He suckled the nape of her neck once more, as if to mark her as his own. “And I, for one, absolutely delighted in it. I cannot tell you how much.” Gently, he turned her cheek so as to catch her gaze once more. And Jess, suddenly shy, realizing what she had done, felt a fierce blush overcome her cheeks. “Jess?”
“Yes?” Her voice, normally so strong and sure, was now a soft, uncertain whisper.
“I would like us to be more than acquaintances.”
Jess blushed, but smiled. "I promise you, that's not something I normally do with any save the sweetest of friends."
He frowned at that.
She blushed and turned away. “You, Javiar. I would cheat on no boy once I give him my heart. And pillow friends are just that.”
"Ah." Javiar blinked and smiled. "Girls taking other girls as lovers is quite common in Velheim, and in most bastions of culture, it is not even considered cheating so much as... pillow talk between friends."
Jess flashed a relieved smile, even as other fears were confirmed. “Not that my family would understand. We are a bit more... backwards here in Erovering, I'm afraid.”
Javiar chuckled. "Perhaps you should come back with me to Velheim. You would find yourself a welcome edition to my father's court. Oh, I didn't mean to startle you. I am not royalty by any means, but once my family ruled an independent duchy, and though our estates are now modest in size, we do quite well in trade. Perhaps I should have said my father's hall."
Jess grinned. “I have a good friend you remind me more than a bit of. His family also swims in the waters of commerce and trade, and they navigate the currents most masterfully.”
Javiar nodded. “The diOnnis are renowned, even in the heart of the continent. Their network spans nations, and my father has embarked upon ventures to our mutual benefit more than once, with the esteemed duke.”
Jess froze at that, before forcing herself to relax.
“Oh. Forgive me, I thought I heard you say that you were friends with the diOnnis.”
Jess forced herself to chuckle. “I'm afraid that with your kiss, sir, I quite lost track of whatever I had said.”
Gently, his lips pressed against hers once more, and she did not resist his hunger, moaning softly as he did delightful things with his tongue that sent her shivering from neck to naval and below. “I think, dear Jessica, that chance met as we are, perhaps there is some method to Mother Nature's mysteries.”
His gaze had turned intent, face radiating such hesitancy that Jess couldn't help but stroke his cheek. “I have known you for only the length of childhood stories and the most... passionate of kisses, but I already know I like you. Please, Javiar, say what it is you are going to say.”
“Would you like to come with me?”
He blinked and swallowed, as if unable to believe the words flowing from his mouth.
He laughed nervously, as did Jess.
"I am sorry for the impulsive words, beautiful girl. Let me try this again and try not to make a jackanapes of myself."
Jess sighed as he began gently massaging her shoulders with his powerful hands. "I am in desperate need, you see. My family demands I make alliances, preferably in fresh territories, even pressuring me to embark upon a trip I had no intention of enjoying. Knowing I would be consigned to a loveless arranged marriage if I did not make some sort of effort and buy my freedom for yet another year, I agreed.”
Intent eyes locked upon her own. “Now I find myself falling for a girl that I find witty, charming, and intoxicatingly beautiful, the daughter of a named lord much like myself, so there is absolutely no way my family could object to you, and I find myself desperately wanting to ask if, perhaps, you will consent to us being more than chance met friends.”
Jess's heart was hammering. She gazed at Javiar, speechless, not having expected this turn of events at all.
Javiar's face twisted into painful angst. “Jessica, I think I genuinely like you. I think even now that that could grow into something significant. Something special.” He frowned and shook his head. “What I am trying to say is... Jessica, will you let me court you?”
Jess swallowed her painfully dry throat, at an utter loss for words.
Javiar's hopeful expression slowly collapsed into regret, and he began to turn away.
Fiercely, Jess kissed him, and lost herself in his powerful embrace once more.
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Jungkook runs through the crowd with tears in his eyes. Tae is closely behind him. How could this happen??Taehyung: "Kookie please stop. You are misunderstanding. It's not like that. Baby please let me explain."Just as Jungkook reaches the door, he hears his name again.Taehyung: "JEON JUNGKOOK!!"Jungkook freezes with his hand on the door handle. He know Tae is serious when he says his full name like that.Taehyung: "If you walk out of that door now, we are done."Jungkook gulps and stays there for a moment. But the image of what he saw upstairs keeps on flashing before his eyes. With one final sob, jungkook opens the door and lets himself out. A/N - story line is all mine. Apologies if any resemblance to another story. Photo credit to rightful owners. This will have a happy ending cause we have sooo much sad stuff in the real world. Atleast fictions should be happy.
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A Daughter of Thanatos( Nico di Angelo )
"Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Irissa asked."Of course! Her dad is Thanatos. Reaper of souls and guard of the doors of death! What did you expect? She'd see unicorns?" Clara Jade Walker was pretty sure she was a normal girl living a normal life before she thought she met this really 'rude', 'arrogant bastard', named Nico di Angelo. One boring school day ago, she was walking to the vice principle's office with her best friend, Andrea(Andy) Philips, they found out that the vice principle was a fury. A "mythical" Greek creature. Wonderful, right?! Their friend, Grover Underwood- who is suppose to be CRIPPLED-, and Nico(the 'jerk') protected them from it. They find out that Grover is a saytr and that they were demigods. (The 'rude bastard' that she hates also is one.) Clare can now kiss goodbye all her beliefs! When she learns that she has to share a cabin with Nico when sh arrives to camp, she absolutely goes bonkers! When they learn more about each other and spend more time with one another, they realize that they have strong feelings for each other. Will fate be generous, or tear them apart??
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His Filthy Consort
The Kinkier .... The Sexier 🔞🔞🔞🔞Keisha, a 19-year-old orphan grew up having thewildest kink ever. Humiliation kink. This strange and unaccepted sexual orientation of hers was hidden by her as she served several rich and influential people with her housemaid services, and frequent nights on their beds. Her life changed when she was brought by the Queen of Raevarno, with the hope of providing an heir to the throne. Attracted to her new master, she found herself indulging in her kink. To her luck, Prince Alaric was just as she had lusted after. A sexy sadist, who can have her gut rearranged and humiliated...© 2022 Unusualdee
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