《An Empires Rising》Chapter 6 – Project Dreamland


Captain, we got bad Naming sense incoming! (Random Bridge Officer)

Raise the shields and power the creativity cannon! (Captain)

Sir, our shilds are failing and the weapons have little effect! (Sience Officer)

Brace for Impact! (Captain)


Well thats that. By the way, what do you think about the new layout? Should I keep it? Or would it be better to do a space after every sentence? I would be happy about Feedback. Also I will try to get up another chapter this weekend. And now, without delay, to the chapter.

Chapter 6 – Project Dreamland

--Tara PoV--

It has been three weeks since the attack against the Berlin office. Since then we were constantly raiding Google offices and getting raided by them. By now we had to increase the security of the Base. Mara had our Contractors build Watchtowers and install Barbed wire in top of the fences surrounding the construction site. The Guards were instructed to search all incoming vehicles. All that slowed our progress considerably.

In our raid we did today on an office in L.A. we discovered several data files mentioning some research in cybernetics. We found nothing which could explain what it was exactly but found out that it was done in cooperation with the American Government in Area 51. That probably explains why they attacked us after we took over Microsoft and Apple. They probably saw it as an enemy invasion on their soil. Well it was exactlythat, but that´s not that important.

We tried placing clones as spies in the US Government and Google but they were found out and killed on spot. We couldn´t find out how they distinguished the clones from the originals. Even we would not recognize the clone if we didn´t kill the original right away.

Today me and some clone soldiers went on a raiding trip to one of the Google offices in the US. We were encountering more and more resistance every time we went over there. Our crews had no problem getting into the US with help of some Mind Control but at the offices there were more guards with better equipment than the times before.


For this trip we expected the worst. Last time they even had some cal. 50 guns which obliterated half of our raiding party before we could take them down. So this time we came prepared with some of the looted Plasma guns and rifles. The base was progressing so well, that we even began to produce an improved version of the original plasma pistol. I had the first prototype with me and the scientists said that it could even penetrate the armor of a German Leopard panzer over a distance of 200 meters.

At first everything looked normal and we quickly fought our way through their defenses and proceeded into the building. But when we got into the main office we were surprised, everything was cleared out of it.

´´Shit it´s a trap´´

Just as I thought that, a soldier came running into the room.

[Mam! There are several armored vehicles approaching our location.] (Soldier)

[Retreat to the extraction Point!] (Tara)

We got out of the building and saw 3 IAV Stryker quickly approaching our location.

[Quick hide and use the plasma rifles we brought with us. They should penetrate their armor.] (Tara)

The troops hid and we waited until the Strykers were in range. Everyone was very nervous when the vehicles finally came in range.

[OPEN FIRE!] (Tara)

The plasma ripped through the first Stryker as expected. But the other two retreated out of range after we destroyed the first vehicle. We were in pretty good cover which they couldn´t penetrate even with their 50. Cal guns.

That’s where the prototype came in handy. With it I could hit them even if they were out of range for the others. After I disabled them completely, we retreated to the extraction point.

--Drake PoV--

Drake was woken up by gunfire and a stinging pain in his stomach. When he looked around the room, he saw Tara cowering against the wall with an unfamiliar weapon in the hand. Just as he was asking what was going on, armed man were storming into the room and shooting at him and Tara.


Drake instinctively reacted and jumped at the incoming men. He beheaded the first one and threw the corpse against the others. When he wanted to proceed, Tara killed the remaining enemies with what he now recognized as a plasma pistol of some sort. She then kneeled in front of him. Drake at first didn´t notice that and looked astonished at his stomach as his bullet wound closed by the second.

[Master, it´s good that you are awake! I tried to wake you up for half an hour but you wouldn´t respond. The eighteen months in Timewarp must have had some side effects. ] (Tara)

[Hmm, you´re right, there might be some side effects to my meditation if it hadn´t been for the gunfire… wait! Gunfire? What happened and who are these dead people?] (Drake)

[Master, it looks like we hit a bump in the road to your world domination. These men were mercenaries hired by google to kill us.] (Tara)

[What? Google? Well you have to tell me what I’ve missed while in Timewarp.(Drake)

[Yes Master but first we have to get you to the base. It was finished yesterday and according to your instructions the workers memories were altered to ensure the safety of the base.] (Tara)

[Could you build it as big as I wanted it?] (Drake)

[We differed slightly from your instructions. It was built approximately double as big.] (Tara)

[OK, get me there and fill me in on the way.] (Drake)

Tara told Drake everything that happened since he started his Timewarp. In the eighteen Months he was out, they had built up a Mayor company. To that came the building of the base and the war against google.

As they came to the Base, Drake was surprised by the size of it. He could easily fit an entire army in there. Now it wouldn´t be long until he could take over Germany and after that all of Europe. But first he needed to upgrade their Equipment and vehicles.

[Tara show me were the cloning facility is located. And tell Mara to come too.] (Drake)

Tara transmitted a mental map of the facility and marked the way to the cloning Facility. Drake thought that this method could become useful in the future for information gathering.

When he arrived, he immediately started to change the clone to his current needs. His plan was to create a clone of Mara that had similar brainpower than him. This clone would be focused on researching. With this he completed what later would be known as the advisor council. Tara was focused on Military matters, Mara was by design excellent in handling economic affairs and the new clone, which he would call Zara, would be focusing on scientific matters.

Half an hour later everything was in place and all personal, except Tara and Mara, was instructed to leave the lab for half an hour. Drake pushed a button on a control panel and the tank, were the new clone was rapidly developing just a few minutes before, was opening.

There stood an almost complete copy of Tara and Mara. Almost, her hair was green and her skin shimmered in a metallic copper red. She stood up and walked over to Tara and Mara who were standing behind Drake. As they stood in a row, they simultaneously knelt down and started to talk in unison.

[Master, we hear and obey!] (Tara,Mara&Zara)

Drake turned around and stared intensely at his three Slaves.

[HAHAHAHAHA, now my slaves is the time to start the second Phase of my World Domination. I call it, Project Dreamland…] (Drake)

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