《RETURN, A Dark Lord story.》Part 6 Arrival. Chapter Twenty Eight. Arrival And A Surprise.


On the heavy cruisers of detachment T, time had passed slowly. The necessity for silence had weighted heavily on the crews who had to watch for and eliminate any extraneous emissions which could compromise their stealth status. Sound itself did not matter. While dropping a heavy bowl with a clatter would not carry beyond the ship to the emptiness of space, a stray emission which should not be there could betray them. So, they had to shut down any unnecessary device not adequately shielded. Since this included any and all entertainment media, the time weighed on all the detachments crews. It weighed heaviest on the assault forces commanded by Major Dris Von Amrk on board the Aspen.

“How are the troops holding up?” Captain Traska inquired on one of his periodic visits to the legionaries.

“Excellently sir” Major Amrk replied a little stiffly, clearly protective of his troops.

“Good. Tell them that I expect that we shall have some excitement very soon. I can’t guarantee it, but that is what the intelligence is telling me.”

“I will pass it on sir.”

Captain Traska considered asking the same question of the forces commander himself. Deciding against it, he simply acknowledged the response and returned to the bridge speaking to other crew members along the way. “Status Commander?” He enquired of his Second in Command on his arrival on the bridge.

“Unchanged sir, nothing new.” Commander Jal Don Trist replied.

“Very good,” taking his seat at his command console. He briefly considered an inspirational speech, then dismissed the idea, it just wasn’t his style. Looking down at the blank features of his command desk, for the thousandth time he wished that he could power it up and go to work. But again, he couldn’t.

“A contact sir.” Advised the fleet legionnaire manning the scanner console.

There had been a number of these, all false so far. But as always, interest stirred.

“Isolate.” Came from the commander, as both he and Captain Traska walked over to observe.

“Isolating sir. Confirmed on passive that it is a ship.” Interest peaked and speculation swirled around the bridge.

“Calm down everyone. We are still at stealth mode.” Captain Traska didn’t raise his voice. Then to the operator. “Can you confirm type of ship? Also any details?”

“Sorry sir, the ship is too far away for passive at this time. It is forty degrees above the ecliptic and sixty degrees off the planet. It’s way out there sir. Ships of yellow quad are closer, so they may have a better view.”


“Not that it matters much.” Commander Trist muttered.

“Sir the ship stopped as soon as it entered normal space. It is running full scans of the system. Weapons emissions as well sir. My assessment, a pirate ship, smaller than a destroyer sir.”

“Good, a definite catch. But is it the one we are looking for?” The commander was practically rubbing his hands together.

“Do you have the signature of the pirate ship Master Moon in your system to compare?” The Captain was deliberately projecting an aura of calm.

“As it gets closer, about half the distance as it is now sir.” The operator confirmed. She looked up, “I’ll nail him down for you sir. If it is Master Moon I’ll find him sir.”

“You will indeed.” The Captain smiled. “Carry on.” Then to the commander, “Pass the word about the contact, emphasise that we are still in stealth mode and that it is unidentified. It is vital that we maintain the element of surprise. Send the word.”

“I will attend to it personally sir.” He left

“Now we wait.” The words murmured by the captain, “Cat and mouse.”


On the bridge of the Master Moon, all were waiting for the scanning to be complete. Lista was being very through and Amard was watching the repeater closely.

Finally she raised her head “The only evidence of the Empire I can find is the moon base and observation droids at the mouth of the tunnel, all inactive as well as the ones watching the natives. There is also a geostationary satellite, but it also is on standby.”

Raising his head, Amard confirmed Lista’s report.

“Are we absolutely sure Lista, Amard?” Paranoia had kept Thurgod alive in a violent profession. “Jenna, Tyrone, Fastos, should we scan again?”

The three looked at each other. Fastos spoke for them. “I think that we should continue to scan, but the longer we wait, the greater chance of the Legion arriving and discovering us. We should go to the planet, but keep scanning as we move in.”

Tyrone and Jenna looked at each other and nodded. “We agree, let’s move in.” Jenna spoke for the pair. Thurgod sat still, there were evident dangers, but the treasure lured him in, called to him and trolled for him. He looked at his crew. “Jenna, get us moving in, fifty percent thrust. Lista keep on the scanners, Amard keep monitoring and Tyrone, stay alert, if necessary be ready to blast anything else that looks imperial.” He paused, “Fastos, watch for anything in the viewer. You never know, something may appear.”


“What about the satellite?” Tyrone asked.

“Watch it.” Was the reply. “It should stay inactive until the droids on the planet tell it to wake up. But watch it anyway. ”


Tension ran high in Detachment T as well. Being closer, the Kauri, Captain Quill’s ship, was able to identify the Master Moon as it slid into the system on an intercept course to Trilla, The active scanning being carried out only added another layer to the tension.

“Stay calm everyone, so long as we stay in stealth mode, they can’t see us.” Captain Quill admitted that he was speaking as much to himself as to his bridge. “Come in, come in.” He whispered to the pirate ship. “Just where we want you!” Turning to the Captain, temporary Major, commanding the Legionaries on board the Kauri, he asked, “You have put in place the emergency plan in case we have to board the pirate ship?”

“We are ready sir. I am for the troops.” He left for the shuttle bay.


On the Aspen, there was muted rejoicing. “It is the Master Moon sir. You have her. She is deep in the system, and even if she starts to run you can still take her.”

“Good.” Captain Traska turned to a Lieutenant standing close by. “Alert Major Amrk, he will be on for action shortly.”

“Yes sir!”


Moving in on a steady fifty percent thrust, tension was still thick on the bridge of Master Moon. “The moon base appears to be vacant as was announced by the Legion. There are no emissions that I can see.” Lista announced. “Do you want to ignore it or destroy it as a precaution?”

Thurgod considered. While satisfying, like the satellite if he destroyed it, automatic sensors would warn the legion who would surely dispatch a ship to investigate. On the other hand, there were no signals being sent out to announce the arrival of an unauthorised ship into the system. They would have picked up such a signal immediately. While there might be signals later, on the balance he would have more time if he left the moon base alone.

“Leave it, I see no advantage to destroying it. Automatics would bring an investigation and a fleet ship could be here in a few periods. It is an unnecessary danger. Still nothing on the scanners?”

Lista was disappointed, she would have enjoyed the destruction. “Stray radiation, no indication as to source. Nothing suspicious. Amard?”

“I agree, nothing.” Amard nodded.

Thinking of all possibilities, Thurgod came to a decision. “Lista cut active scanning, put passive on automatic. Tyrone, drop main screens, keep particle impact screens up. Put missile launchers on standby, set plasma beams to standby as well. Jenna take us in and land as close as possible to the Tunnel.”

Tyrone and Lista both acknowledged the new orders and set to work on their tasks. Jenna brought the thrusters up to full power.

“You want to land?” Jenna asked “Not go into orbit,” As she monitored the increased thrust.

“Yes, I think that that will be safest.” He went on to explain the plan that Extsu had laid out for the expedition.

“I am not sure that plan is necessarily the best.” Jenna protested, “I think that at least one officer should be left behind.”

“Why do you suggest that?” Thurgod spoke in a neutral tone. This usually meant that he was getting suspicious, “and who do you think should stay?”

“Amard Petter.” This was followed by a vehement “No!” from Amard, who protested voraciously about being left behind.

“Yes, he can stay with the guard and I can lock the bridge for safety.” Jenna cut into Amards protests. “But, if we need to move fast, he and Quintas can bring the ship on line so they will be ready for us.” Not having a bridge officer on the ship at all times was contrary to Jenna’s training and thinking.

Thurgod gave a narrow eyed look, not revealing that he already had been briefed by Tyrone. “I will think on it.” Was all he said.


There was a spike in tension on the legion ships when the pirates went to full thrust. Sighs of release followed as the ship swept on towards the planet. All the crews on the Legions heavy cruisers drew a deep breath and smiled in anticipation.

“They brought it!” Captain Traska.

“Yes sir. They are in now and heading to Trilla, full thrusters now, but reducing.” From the scanner operator. “They are on a course for a parking orbit, one that could be prior to landing on the planet.”

“Excellent, good work.” Then a nod to Commander Trist, sent him hurrying from the bridge.

As the Master Moon slid into its orbit around the planet, the scanner operator stiffened, “Captain, there is another ship!”

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