《RETURN, A Dark Lord story.》Chapter Twenty Seven. Master Moon Arrives at Trilla


Fastos covertly watched Jenna work. While his concerns were reduced, they were not eliminated. Having nothing to do, communications are disabled in hyperspace, he could observe the crew. It was one, if not the most, of his favourite pastimes. Jenna he saw was working steadily on her approaches to the planet. Planning them out and making sure that they were going to be open. She was also laying in an alternate route for a quick exit, along with evasion patterns, just in case.

Lista Thursta arrived first, much to both Jenna’s and Fastos surprise. She was actually quite cheerful, having slept well after leaving Devano and returning to her own room. Jenna looked at her without expression and then raised an eyebrow to Fastos who made a slight face back. Otherwise they all ignored each other.

Lista was pleased, she had her claws well into Devano and was prepared to use him. However she had no intention of betraying Thurgod, at least not at this time. What she had told Devano was the truth, at least as far as she knew it. She was concerned, and she did not want to go up against the Dark Lord, if He was still alive. She was also worried about what was in the tunnels. Anyone who knew anything about the so called ‘Dark Lords Hoard’ would be cautious unless they were fools, she thought. She did not even really believe that the Dark Lord still existed and with the fleet gunning for them, this was better than being blasted into atoms.

“Lista, as soon as we come out of hyper, start scanning.” Jenna said, “If any of the fleet are there, I will need to know so we can make a run for it.” The chance of their survival was low in such a circumstance, but to have a plan was better than nothing.


“I will take care of it.” Was the sultry response. “I don’t want an imperial missile up my arse either.”

“Good.” Jenna replied briefly. At this calm reaction both Lista and Fastos looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

“She must have gotten something really good last night.” Muttered Lista. Fastos smiled. Jenna ignored them both.

The bridge was suddenly crowded as Tyrone, Amard and Thurgod arrived on the bridge almost simultaneously, each of them heading to their separate stations. Tyrone to weapons, Amard to the second pilot’s seat and Thurgod to, of course, the captain’s seat.

Thurgod has his impassive face on this morning, noted Jenna. I wonder if he knows about Devano and Lista. Won’t be happy about it if he does.

Amard had slept well, arisen on time and breakfasted. Now refreshed and awake, and on the bridge with point four to go, just as Jenna wanted, he was back to his happy self. “Station is on line Jenna, ready for action, arrival time in point three five.”

Tyrone was bringing all weapons up to a state of readiness. “All weapons are charged. We are ready for action if necessary. Shields are on standby.” All knew that they would have a hard time against a destroyer or even a patrol ship if it was waiting for them. Anything heavier than that and they would need all the luck that their respective gods could gift them.

“Arrival time point three, warning engine room.” Amard was on his game this morning.

“Acknowledged.” Said Jenna.

Thurgod having taking up his seat started to monitor the bridge systems, “Lista be prepared to start scanning as soon as we are out of hyper space.”

“I have it.” Lista said sweetly, “Jenna already primed me.”


Even without looking Jenna could see the stone look on Thurgod’s face. To distract him she turned around, “I have prepared an escape vector to a nearby star, along with an evasive route, just in case. Amard, I want you at the secondary scanner station to watch the scanners as well.”

At the byplay, both Amard and Tyrone gave snorts. Amard at Lista’s response and Tyrone at Jenna’s plans against the possibility of escape. Thurgod just nodded and assented, “Good to have a plan in place anyway.”

“Will do, just like at the miner’s station.” Amard ambled the couple of steps to the station.

“Time now point two to arrival. Engine room, stand by for shut down and possible emergency power.” Jenna called.

“Standing by, why emergency power?”

Everyone was silent for a fraction, had no one discussed this with Quintas? After the pause, Jenna, as usual the quickest of the mark responded, “Quintus, we are about to come out into space in a system where the Legion could be waiting for us. Be ready!”

“Ready, but why would we want to do that?” Quintas sounded genuinely puzzled.

Thurgod cut in, “Just be ready Quintus, I will explain later.”

“I will be ready, for an explanation! Engine room out!”

All the bridge staff just stared at each other. Then with unspoken consent, all burst into laughter! Amard pounded a safe part of his console, as did Fastos. Tyrone leaned back into his seat helpless with laughter while Lista had to hold her sides as she bent over, equally helpless. Even Jenna leaned forward laughing, shaking her head while Thurgod, who had known the engineer the longest and thus was the least surprised just sat, shaking his head and smiling.

Allowing the release for a fraction, Thurgod brought the crew back, “OK, we have had our laugh, time to emergence?”

Amard coughed and smacked his chest, coughed again, “Time to emergence point zero five. That fifteen passed quick, Jenna stand by.”

“Standing by.”

There was silence, then “Engine room, shutting down. Lista, scan, Tyrone, weapons on line now!”

“Scanning, both passive and active.”

“Weapons charged and ready. Shields online and holding.”

Thurgod spoke. “All stop, hold here.”

The bridge was silent. All were tense. In next fraction all they might know could the white hot blast of an antimatter warhead exploding in their midst or the overpowering impact of a high velocity missile. A gravity bomb crumpling the ship like a piece of tissue paper or the searing pulse of a plasma beam. They waited.

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