《The Death Simulation》A Demon's Flames
A blue text appeared on top of her head saying: “Are you willing to help her out?” Then, in our individual quest logs. We clicked on it and it said “Free the earth tribe, Accept/Decline.” We all nodded towards each other as we clicked: “Accept”. As we all clicked accept, the NPC named Lesley started speaking: “My father’s name is Darius Velto, he was the leader of the earth tribe. For years, my family also known as the royal Velto family has ruled over this part of the forest. This dungeon used to be our castle, but now it’s merely the Demon King’s playtoy. We used to be at tribe that worshipped the man that was the strongest. For ages, the Velto family was never challenged because of our rigorous training and our achievements. This is because it was the Velto family who founded this dungeon, this cave used to be our safe haven, where we could kill animals from the outside and bring them back here, while we farmed our crops inside the dungeon safely. However, during my father’s glorious and prosperous reign this all changed. An enormous demon, leading a demon army killed lots of our men whilst invading this dungeon. The demon called himself the Demon King, and said he wanted to challenge my father for the throne of the tribe. My father, accepted his challenge. My father was heavily out matched, because the demon was stronger, faster than my father. Even though he had a larger body, I couldn’t even get a visual on his speed. Not only that, but the demon had ranged attacks as well, he cast out fireballs attacking my father. In the end, my father was burned and shamed. He was tortured, then put in a cage. Healed again, tortured and has had this cycle for a repeated 10 years. I, was stripped of my chastity by the demons here. I was abused, tortured and used to make more demons. Since these demons grew up rapidly fast, they could reach adolescence in a matter of 1 year. Even though they were my children, I absolutely loathed them. They abused me like the other demons, treating me no better. And believe me, six of the ten guards just now was my own children that I gave birth to. I hope you swordsmen can help me, and the rest of the tribe! Our ancestor’s wish to leave this dungeon and seek the legendary town in the other side, however the dungeon’s back doors never opened. But I believe, if you free my father there will definitely be a way to do it! So please, I beg of you.. Free my father and defeat the demon! I will be waiting for you at the town closest towards here..”
As the NPC stopped talking, we decided to stop there for the day. After all, we were going to stop anyway. However, instead of being bummed out like we were 30 minutes ago we were all more cheered up about the news. Jingxi said: “Dude, I can’t believe this was that easy.. Damn, what a let off. This should make up for the time we spent in the 1st part of the maze.” Luke continued on: “Yeah! We’re gonna survive this crappy MMORPG and get back to playing NBO one day..” Hailey and Peaches chirped: “Yeah! When we get back, let’s meet in the real world. This time, we’ll meet as friends!” We all agreed, that we were going to finish this death MMORPG. We all quickly exited the dungeon and ran towards the closest town to the dungeon. As we ran back, in the jungle we saw many people farming. Guilds ranging from levels 30 - 50 were farming there in groups, as those groups greeted us on our way back we spread the news shouting: “WE FOUND THE 2ND BOSS’S boss room, meet us in Shinpong if you want to come with the clearers to raid it tomorrow. As we went back towards the 2nd town where we normally had our inns booked, several infobrokers were in the front of the door of our inn. As they interviewed us, me, Luke, Terry and Jingxi stood infront of the two girls so they didn’t have to answer any “inappropriate questions” that would give them terrible thoughts, while Leo answered the infobrokers. “Is it true that you guys found the 2nd boss room so fast already?” They asked. Leo answered: “Yes” They asked again: “How did you find it” Leo answered: “A unique quest.” After that I said: “That’s all we’re going to tell you, and we’re raiding the boss tomorrow. At 10am, everyone at the Shinpong Square that are high leveled enough can come with us to raid the boss.” After that, we excused ourselves from the pesky infobrokers and went into the inn. As we went into the inn, all of us went to the card playing table while Hailey did her thing. She prepared us chinese cuisine, 4 dishes of different kinds of meat, vegetables and fish. Truly, she was a great chef. As we feasted on the magnificent dinner we had, Hailey suddenly stood up said: “Everyone, thank you for bringing me so far along this route with you all.. Without you all it wouldn’t be possible for me, to get so far. So I hope tonight’s meal will show my thanks towards you all, and also energize you up for tomorrow’s boss battle!” We all clapped, as Hailey did a bow. We finished eating our delicious filling dinner and we all went to bed early, getting rest for our boss battle tomorrow.
The 63rd day of the simulation. We woke up at 8am, and did our standard routine. Except this time, Hailey prepared us dimsum to eat instead of the normal sandwiches we had. She said: “This is all I can do to help us fight better..” We all ate up and got ready to move out, as we moved towards the teleporter I noticed that there were infobrokers everywhere, stalking us. I whispered to the whole group: “Stalkers..” They nodded and we went to one of the cross roads and made a run for it. Hailey said: “God, their really annoying..” Terry spoke up and replied: “Yeah.. Their like umm.. Real life reporters.. This must be like how real life celebrities feel like..” Luke replied: “Yeah, hate reporters.” As the conversation went on like that, as we discussed the specifics of reporters and infobrokers, we finally arrived to the teleporter pad. We all shouted: “Teleport! Shinpong!” A blue light shined as we were blinded by the flash temporarily.
As we arrived, we noticed a large bunch of people were surrounding the teleporters. Mostly younger kids, and I spotted that these younger kids were mostly non clearers. They were probably scared to die, so they only attacked the low level mobs. But today, they all gathered here. And one kid stood out and shouted: “Three cheers for the Crimson Vigilantes!” The kids started cheering on us, they were relying on us. At this moment I knew We were, their last hope to go home. As the kids cheered and we waved hands, we made our way to the clearing group’s meeting place, now renamed as “Clearer’s Square”. More or less, the same people that came with us last time were there. In total, once again there was 102 people with 17 teams with the Crimson’s Vigilante’s 7 people taking up team 1. I started speaking: “We all here, are gathered once more.. To carry the hopes of all the kids outside there waiting for us. We, are here to fight for our freedom. We are here, to free ourselves from the death simulation. Let us show the chinese government and the rest of the hong kong and Macau citizens that this isn’t impossible. Let us give them hope!” Everyone cheered at my starting speech. I paused, and signalled everyone to calm down. I continued speaking: “My guild has reached the top floor, and when we did we found that there was no way in. After we came back down, we saw a NPC trapped in a cage. It then gave us a unique quest, and said something about a dungeon. Once it was done talking it said it would wait for us in the town closest to the dungeon. That’s why, I think it’s the quest we need to go to the next part. So everyone, let’s do our best and win this boss fight!” Everyone cheered after my speech and explanation. As the clearers began to march through the road formed by all the cheering kids, we went to the teleporter and teleported towards the town closest to the dungeon. The town was a small town, it was a town with quite much straw huts and the NPCs there looked like tribals as well.
As our clearing group of 102 people arrived to the NPC, with the Crimson Vigilante’s leading. We then approached the NPC and a blue tab appeared, which was visible to everyone. It said: “Are you ready to challenge Flammot The 7th, Fire Demon King?”, We clicked “Yes”. A second after we clicked “Yes” Lesley started speaking: “Thanks for coming! All you have to do is follow me and protect me until I lead you into the secret dungeon throne room. It’s not in the top floor, it’s actually in the bottom floor!” After hearing that, we were surprised.. After all, it was pretty smart of the AI to hide the boss in not the top floor of a dungeon.. But the lowest floor? No one could’ve predicted that.. However, we were at the same time excited and as the NPC led us towards the dungeon (running obviously) I shouted: “Charge!!!” We all shouted “Hyaaa!!!” As we all charged towards the dungeon, all the mobs in our way were effortlessly slaughtered. They were wiped out completely, overkilled. Even the dungeon guards stood no chance, as we stored towards them. After that, a dusty, stone vault covered with moss suddenly opened in front of Lesley. She said: “Here.. Follow me.” As we approached inside, the entire clearing team started to suffer injuries. Here, the mobs were stronger and faster than the ones we had faced in the original dungeon.
However we all noticed one thing, in this part of the dungeon, there was no humans/tribals NPCs. That led me to believe that what she had told us during the beginning of the quest was true. Even though she was a NPC I felt a bit.. Sorry for her. Hailey was obviously upset after noticing that what the NPC said was indeed the truth.. I went next to her and said: “It’s alright, we’ll make sure we rescue her father and ensure that they can live in peace.” Hailey sobbed: “But.. She was abused, I can’t help but to cry thinking what if that happened to me..” I replied: “I won’t ever let that happen, as long as I’m here I won’t let anyone mess with you.” She cheered up and said: “Ok.. Gantic Qianbei” (前輩).” I put my arm over her as we walked towards the next corner, and then as the next monsters appear I let go of her and I attack them ferociously. I show my rage and hope that this will help to avenge Lesley. Even though she was a NPC, both me and Hailey had felt sorry for her. As we fought through, after going up 5 floors we reached.. The bossroom. Lesley said: “After we enter here, there will be no return are you ready? Once you are I’ll open this room..” I shouted to everyone: “Drink up your health potions, and let’s get ready to pummel this boss to the ground!” We all drank our health potions, after that I heard everyone shout: “READY!” After that, I clicked “Ready”. As the enormous stone doors opened, we all ran inside along with Lesley. Inside the boss room, I spotted a cage, however the person there seemed.. Unconscious, so I decided to not open the cage. I thought Strange.. Why hasn’t the boss emerged yet? Soon after that thought the boss approached under Lesley, and luckily the people nearby her were fast enough to dodge the boss’s attack.
After that, the boss appeared. The boss was a Enormous fire demon, with two black horns. His face was like that of a bull, but it was red. His body was black and red, and his hands were standard human hands. His feet were like that of a bulls, two black hooves. He held a large hammer, a flaming red hammer. I started to get all groups into position like the last boss fight. A constant amount of switches took place, however the boss’s HP still only went down by 30%. While he was down by 30% of his HP, most of us was exhausted and low on hp. Most of us were down by 50% hp already.. As the boss charged towards us, as if seemingly knowing that we were losing, he managed to quickly knock out two players to 10% hp, making them vulnerable to death. I rushed to the boss as I activated my special move Infinity Slashes. Trying to help, managed to successfully knock the boss off it’s balance. However, the boss used it’s fireballs to push me away and push me towards the cage. I painfully hit the cage, as the cage burst open. After that I heard the boss shout : “Noooooooooo!” As the cage burst open, a black man, with a spear burst out. He looked around, and he yelled: “Demon, I reclaim my throne today!” With that, his spear glowed blue and he used a 30 hit combo move on the demon, the demon was knocked back. He then said: “Your petty tricks won’t work on me this time, nor will your minions be able to save you.” After that he looked and me and continued talking: “It was brave of you to fight him, but now let me take over.” I nodded, as the other members of the clearing party quickly tended to the two players who hit 10% HP.
As the two superpowers fought, I saw that Darius was getting beat back. After that I whispered to Hailey: “We’ve both got almost max HP back thanks to regen, we need to help him before it’s too late.” She nodded, and then we both ran towards the boss. Seemingly knowing what I meant, the rest of the Crimson Vigilante’s which had all regenerated their health rushed towards the boss. Darius shouted: “Stay back! This is my fight, and mine alone!” I yelled back: “NO! This fight is for all of us, and we also need that monster dead.” After that, one by one the Crimson Vigilante’s started activating our own special combos. As me and Hailey went last, Hailey shouted: “Heavenly Piercer!” Her rapier glowed blue, as she started to continuously stab the boss. After that, she yelled at the top of her lungs: “Switch! Jason finish him off!” After that, I unleashed my ultimate sword skill once more Infinity Slashes. As I unleashed my 14 slashes across the demon’s body it yelled in pain as its health points hit zero. After that, it vaporized into nothing. Forever deleted from the program. After he was defeated, Lesley got up and congratulated us: “Thanks! You’re truly amazing! And thanks for saving my father, our tribe will be now moving to the next part of the maze since fire demons will still be lurking around this area.” After that, we saw the tribe members who we fought ruthlessly to get to this bossroom come inside. After that, the doors behind the boss room opens and they run out towards the 3rd part of the maze.
Before Lesley left, she said: “As the person who defeated the boss, I feel like you should receive this. This is what dropped off the demon king, and I believe you should receive the defensive powers of his very essence, consider this a gift and farewell.” After that I received a level 60 clothing named: Guihuo (Demon fire) Coat. It was a black and red clothing, it had a flame pattern in the waist part of the shirt, and had the rest of the clothing was black. As I put the clothing onto me, since I had leveled up to level 61 after defeating the boss and clearing this dungeon, Hailey said: “He looks a bit more.. Attractive”, after that she blushed and didn’t talk again. I shouted towards everyone: “Well done at this boss battle, and I invite everyone to the feast tonight at Shinpong. Everyone can come, so we can celebrate the defeat of this boss! Long live us!” Everyone cheered, as we returned back to the town closest to the dungeon and teleported towards Shinpong.
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