《Demise of the Gods》Chapter 25: Hunting
"It's all coming back slowly to me..........Susan what the fuck did you do to me you bitch" he asked himself looking at his bloodied fist from smashing his fist into the tree in a sudden fit of rage.
He was speaking off impulse and his thoughts felt as if they weren't his own.
Instant regret overcame his mind upon calling Susan a bitch, his conscience was playing on him, he had no right yet at the same time it felt so natural and from before he could tell things weren't what they seemed.
He dropped the bow and quiver of arrows and sat down on the ground calming himself and waiting for the bleeding to stop.
Things he hadn't known before stormed his mind, with one thing standing out about the rest.
He thought about when he left the satyrs and nymphs earlier before and he remembered upon leaving he clearly thought about a Viribus seal.
What was a Viribus seal he asked himself.
This limits my body doesn't it?
The thought came immediately to his head.
He sat there listening to the breeze blowing through the leaves of the trees making a whistling sound along with the birds chirping, a peaceful scene which could calm anyone down.
His mind began to clear up and he began to understand, all restrictions which were placed on him were slowly being removed, for better or for worse.
Everything was uncomfortable.......tense........not passing no matter how idyllic the environment was.
He could remember a fragment which was of him asking Susan to seal various aspects of himself, she placed a total of 3 seals, one on his memories, one on his emotions and one on his body to restrict him.
He had done something horrible and this was the only choice he had left in the past.
I need to know.........should I find a way to break these seals now or just wait for them to break on their own?
The sole thought about breaking the seals right now instilled a gut wrenching fear of what would happen if he did, all actions have consequences, something he knew very well.
His mind was getting surges and things which were hidden were slowly making their way into the light.
The name of the seal which restricted his body was the Viribus seal however he couldn't remember the names of the other two.
The more he thunk about everything, the more his brain went into overdrive and then it hit him suddenly like a punch to the face.
It was surging within him for no reason, spurring at different intervals then suddenly leaving without a trace.
His mind right now was like the sea with waves of bloodlust coming up on shore.
He kept trying on and on, taking deep breaths and trying to zone his mind by focusing on the environment...........it was to no avail.
If this wouldn't work, he would have to find something else to calm him down.
He picked up the bow once again and strapped the quiver to his back and ventured deeper into the forest.
He walked on the balls of his feet, taking small steps ensuring he wouldn't make any loud noises from moving through the grass and dry leaves.
All the time tracking through the woods had finally paid off, he could hear the sound of a wild boar nearby which seemed to be squealing.
He began to run on the balls of his feet aiming at the specific portions of the ground which contained no dried out leaves and using the grass to cushion the sound of him running.
The squeals grew louder and then he could see the shadow of the boar move directly in front of him at a high speed as if it was running from something.
Upon reaching within the boy's vicinity, the boar immediately calmed down about 30 meters away on the grass in between the trees.
It was black in color weighing at least 70 kilograms.
It didn't seem to notice his presence.
What the fuck was that
It was something he could remember from the time he was in the passage to reach Mephisto.
Immediately he hid directly behind a tree.
The boar seemed to be afraid and all of a sudden it began to rampage.
He shut his eyes and proceeded to focus.
Zoning all the sounds in the environment to find what he was looking for, the direction of the screeching sound, however as soon as he began to do this the sound immediately stopped.
He took a second.
Looking in all directions, focusing on the sound of the grass to see if anything was approaching as the trampling of the grass would give it away.
There was nothing besides the boar.
It felt as if paranoia was taking over.
He cleared his mind and looked at the boar wilding on the grass.
He took the bow of his back and drew an arrow from the quiver.
The bow was over a meter long and the arrows seemed to be a little bit over a half a meter and were thick in nature.
The bow seemed to be made of sturdy wood but what seemed to catch his attention was the string.
The material seemed to be tougher than normal and tenser.
He put the arrow in the bow and began to pull back, it was tense but he felt stronger than ever and drew it with ease.
For a child............I swear...................
Taking a deep breath he took aim.
Soft whispers could be heard from his surroundings and it invoked a spontaneous reaction to release and fire the bow.
The arrow shot off at lightning speed despite its thickness and weight, the bow had a harder drawback but the speed at which it released the arrow paired with its power was not to be trifled with.
He missed the boar by a mile and the arrow made its way through the gaps of the trees and seemed to have impaled a tree a great distance away, so far that the boar still had no sense that he was there.
He made a full 360 looking for the source of the whispers.
They grew louder and louder with each passing second the voices became slightly more recognizable yet still distorted.
It was his voice paired with many others in a conversation.
As the voices began to get audible to the point where he could recognize what they were saying, it felt like 10 more popped into his head.
Multiple conversations all happening at the same time, a noise parade within.
He tried his best to put up with it whilst breathing deeply, but it didn't seem to help one bit. It felt as if his mind was slowly being ripped apart.
He fell to the ground on his knees, dropping his bow to the side and grabbing his head in agony as it felt as if it was on the verge of exploding.
The boar heard him as he hit the ground, it looked at him with his hands grasping his head and gave a loud squeal and began to charge at him.
With each second the voices grew louder and the boar closed in at him extremely fast.
About 3 seconds away from collision, he couldn't take it anymore, the voices paired with the loud squealing was enough to make a grown man go mad.
As he lifted his head he could see the white tusks directly in front of him at chest level mere moments away from impaling him.
"I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP" he screamed as he grabbed the bow at his side immediately.
It all happened in a split second, upon grabbing the bow he instantly grabbed it by the top limb and took his left hand and grabbed the boar by its tusk and with the swing of his left hand he threw it on the ground.
It didn't even get a chance to even attempt to get up, upon it hitting the grass he immediately bashed its head in with the lower limb of the bow in rage.
The first strike did nothing for him, the second made him feel a little tingly and by the 12th strike bashing in the boar's skull, the voices had stopped and he felt happy.
Meanwhile back at the lake, all the satyrs were busy having sex with the nymphai all except for Ja'eh.
Something made him feel uncomfortable around the nymphai on this day in particular, something wasn't right, the others didn't seem to feel the same way but all he could feel was danger, something was lurking about his mind told him.
He sat against a tree watching the others and he had no idea what to do.
His mind was blank right now, he pulled out a horn which was in a pile of all their belongings and walked to the water and filled it and began to drink.
"Ja'eh, what are you doing?" Quo'ah asked a couple of meters away whilst fucking a nymph against a tree.
"I don't know Quo-"
They could all hear something, a dragging sound coming from the forest ahead.
All fun and games were over and all the moaning and screaming had stopped, the satyrs rushed over and grabbed their bows and the nymphai jumped into the water.
It was threatening to the point where it even scared them.
They all drew their bows and the nymphai looked on prepared to cast magic if push came to shove.
"Ay ay ay, put the bows down, it's just me" the boy said as he walked out the shadows of the trees with his entire body covered in blood whilst dragging a dead boar on the ground with his bow strapped to his back.
Upon seeing the boy Ja'eh took a deep breath out and dismissed the feeling he had before.
"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU" Ja'eh shouted upon seeing him in that state.
The boy glanced at the nymphai then responded.
"Eh what happened to me?.....oh this........its nothin............I'm just..........chillin" he said.
He was the center of attention right now, not because he was covered in blood but because of his attitude, as if it was normal to him.
They stared at him for awhile before they all dropped their weapons and the nymphai climbed back out of the lake.
Some of the satyrs upon seeing the boar walked over to him and pat him on the back.
".................See you got a boar there" Ja'eh said.
"Told ya I woulda get somethin to eat" the boy said.
"And the bow?"
"Uhhh didn't get a chance to use the arrows as you can see"
"You mean-"
"Yea, had to go oldschool"
"You alright though?"
"Yea man, can y'all just take this boar, I wanna go wash up by the lake there" the boy said as he dropped the boar's leg to the ground and walked past Ja'eh.
All of the nymphai could be seen standing at the edge of the lake looking at him as he made his way there with a grin on his face walking past each one of them.
*Sniff *Sniff
"You -"
The nymph didn't even get a chance to say what she wanted and the rest of them looked on as he ignored them and jumped into the water.
He didn't care about who they were, he forgot why he was even here in the first place, for his injuries which felt non-existent at this point and was the last thing on his mind.
It didn't take them long to realize he was ignoring them all whilst he washed the blood off his arms and face.
They all moved back over to the satyrs who couldn't help look at the boy and began socializing once again.
Hours passed and the moon's light illuminated both the lake and the forest.
The nymphai and the satyrs started a fire and roasted the boar and ate it.
As for the boy, since he had come back from hunting he seemed isolated and stuck to himself, just sitting by a tree eating and looking at the others.
It was like a dating mixer with each satyr and nymph trying to pair up, from what he could observe some of the nymphs seemed uninterested and socialized amongst themselves talking, laughing and giggling.
Quo'ah walked over to the boy and took a seat next to him.
"Are you alright?" Quo'ah asked out of concern upon seeing him brooding alone in a corner.
"Yea..........just here.............so whats the deal with you guys and the nymphs?" he responded trying to make small talk.
"This is how we mate" Quo'ah answered.
"Yes it is mating season right now and it is about time we started a new generation of satyrs"
"So how does that work? I mean eh.........you can probably understand what I mean" the boy said bashfully.
"Oh you mean for reproduction, there are no female satyrs, only males, this is how it had always been and the nymphai have always been our companions, we are spirits so the rules of humans do not apply here"
"Ah I see.............so how long until you guys go to sleep?"
"I do not know, why do you ask?"
"No reason..........but anyways, go have some fun for me too, I'm trying to deal with my shyness towards women............ I think I just wanna sit here for awhile, I'll come by you guys just now when I muster up my courage" the boy insisted with a smile on his face.
"Ah I see, we will be waiting for you" Quo'ah said as he got up and walked back over to the nymphai.
He sat there looking at the ground and focusing on hearing what the satyrs and nymphai were talking about in a group.
"He said he is shy, that is why he is not here with us"
"Ohhhhh such a cutie"
"Should we go to him?"
"How good do you think he is?"
And just like that the bait's been set.............
Time went on and the sky seemed to have reached its peak of darkness with the moon hiding behind the clouds.
They showed no signs of going to sleep with everyone talking loudly.
In the time he spent sitting there, various nymphai came all trying to make small talk with him but he showed no interest by pretending to be overly shy.
He looked on and then he could see one of the nymphai who was only socializing with the other nymphai get up and begin to walk in his direction.
As she made her way towards him slowly he looked at her.
Her hair straight, plump lips with an oval shaped face with brown eyes, a small nose and a great body fully naked.
She had finally reached infront of him and she looked down at him smiling.
"..........Wow so beautiful" the boy said out loud speaking his mind.
It could be heard by the satyrs and the nymphai and as he looked at them he could see Ja'eh and Quo'ah smiling rooting him on.
"Thank you" she said as she took a seat next to him on the grass a little distance away from him.
He bent his head down and looked at the ground avoiding eye contact.
She looked at him and his expressions showing how shy he was and giggled.
He looked as though he didn't even have the confidence to break the ice and just like that she began to talk on and on, rambling non-stop.
About a half hour passed and he just sat there pretending to listen to her whilst knocking on the tree he sat against.
"Are you not interested in me?" she asked as she pushed her breasts forward.
"I am.........its just..........I'm not accustomed using words" he said softly.
"Oh...........hehehe" she said whilst giggling as she got up.
She walked over by him.
"What are yo-"
She put her finger on his lip and sat on his lap.
He could feel her breasts against his chest and her warm crotch through his pants.
He grabbed her waist as she sat on top of him.
All of a sudden he could feel her one of her hands move down his pants and grab his cock and begin to stroke him.
"Ohhhh" she moaned as she leaned in to kiss him.
"You know when I entered down here I couldn't take my eyes off you" he said.
"Me too" she said as she kissed him on his neck.
*Sniff *Sniff
She kept kissing him on and on his neck and both her hands made their way to his pants button.
"I want to feel you inside of me" she whispered in his ear and then she moved her head down and kissed him on his chest and began to make her way down.
Everyone looked on at them and Ja'eh and Quo'ah had a proud look on their faces.
"That's nice and all, but unfortunately for you, I'm done playing around" the boy said with a smirk on his face.
"What do you mean?" she said as she raised her head and looked him in the eyes as she moved in to kiss him on the lips.
"A wolf that hides in sheep's clothing" the boy muttered.
"OUCH" she shouted upon feeling one of his nails sink into her back.
They could all see it, he drove his fist straight into her face pushing her to the ground a couple meters away.
As she raised her head they could all see her nose bloody and her nose out of place showing it had been broken. She began to cry loudly and began shouting in a different language to the nymphai seemingly begging for help.
"WHAT THE-" Quo'ah shouted only to be interrupted by a crushing presence with a stifling fear.
"Shut the fuck up" he said with a serious and dangerous tone as he got up with a grin on his face.
As he looked at the crying nymph on the ground he could hear the sound of arrows being pulled back and the buzzing sound of the nymphai channeling their magic in their hands giving a blue light, all aimed at him.
"Calm down, it isn't what it seems,[looks at nymph] ain't it........... bud"
"Whats going on here boy?" Ja'eh said
"I'm surprised you people haven't noticed it"
"Noticed wha-"
"Didn't I say to shut the fuck up? You'd best fuckin listen to me you fuckin children, I'm in no mood for unnecessary bullshit" he said angrily, immediately shutting her up.
It went quiet, this presence they were in, so intimidating awakening the fear of death within them all, this bloodlust thickening the air to the point where they felt as if they were being choked, all of this being emitted by one man.
They all knew they were stronger than him but his aura made them think twice about trying him.
He took a second and waited for his bloodlust to subside once more.
"Ah yes so back to what I was saying before I was rudely interrupted...............that thing on the ground is no nymph"
CalmdownCalmdownCalmdown.........Can't they let me fuckin speak in peace
"You see.....everything has a certain smell to it.........every single race has a scent which distinguishes them and kin of each race although different are extremely similar and well how do I put it...........that thing over there although it smells similar to a nymph, it isn't, I thought I was being paranoid when I first saw you all but ............. just now when she got close to me I confirmed my suspicion, that thing over there is clearly different from the rest of you"
"HE'S LYING SISTER" the nymph on the ground shouted.
"DO YOU THINK WE WOULD BELIEVE YOU OVER ONE OF OUR OWN WITH SOME BULLSHIT STORY" one of the nymphs shouted as she launched a blue ball of energy at him.
Their eyes couldn't keep up, it was like a frame shift in reality, he suddenly disappeared and when he had reappeared all they could see was him lifting the woman off the ground with one arm whilst choking her.
"So little "lady"...........[looks her in the eyes] .......................what are you?" he asked with a sadistic smile on his face.
All of a sudden they could see him taste the blood on his fingernail from which he stuck into the nymph from before.
"Oh............how surprising........a hag......" he said with a condescending look on his face with eyes filled with disappointment.
He did it in an instant, he crushed her windpipe so easily and tossed her dead body aside on the ground.
"WHAT DID YOU DOOOOOOOO" the nymph shouted as she began to cry and fell to her knees.
The place once relatively quiet due to intimidation was now overrun by the crying of the nymphai and the aggressive talking between the satyrs.
He could hear it run through the air...........an arrow aimed directly at his head.
They all looked on in shock as he caught the arrow way before it had even reached his head and snapped it like a twig with his index finger and thumb.
"Word of advice...............try it again and I'll rip your jaw out" he said with a friendly smile as he turned and looked at one of the satyrs who fired at him.
"About time you showed yourself to me hag" the boy said as he looked at the body on the ground.
Dirt could be seen rumbling beneath the body he had tossed aside and then a screeching sound with an increasing volume could be heard emanating from the body.
The hands began to twitch and the skin color slowly turned into a moss green and sooner than he expected the body began to move on the ground shaking frantically.
He looked up at the moon hiding behind the clouds.
"Hide your eyes for my hunt begins now............may the clouds stop you from seeing this red night to come" he muttered to himself with a sole teardrop running down his face and then he redirected his attention to the enemy in front.
- In Serial423 Chapters
Re:Direction The Peak (Cultivation Tale)
Reaching the peak of battle in a world where power had no meaning left him empty. Now that he reached a world in which Might is the only thing that matters, he will rise to the peak once more. ~ ~ ~ Cultivation Tale: It's about cultivation duh~ ~ ~ ~ The first volume finished at chapter 268 after 1000 pages. The second volume is ongoing right here starting from chapter 269 and called Re:Direction 2, The Throne. ~~~ [Winner in the Royal Road Writathon challenge October 2020] [Winner in the Royal Road Writathon challenge April 2022]
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Kreig Goes Apesh*t (An AU of Returning to No Applause)
An AU of my previous story, Returning to No Applause, that asks the simple question of "What if it all went wrong?" When Kreig first appears on Earth again, after being stranded in another world for 130 years, he finds himself faced with weapons and guns. In a fit of instinct, he accidentally murders one of the many Fighters, causing what can only be described as a massacre to take place. The story that follows this simple premise is completely opposed to the one told before, focusing less on character improvement and more so degradation. It should come as no surprise that I personally recommend reading the OG story before checking this one out, and if you've already done so, great! Swell havin' ya! Any such readers might remember that I mentioned writing a story like this a while back, and... Here we are. This is in no way a continuation or sequel, nor will it be very long. Expect around 15 chapters at most depending on various factors. All and all, the 5-page length will remain the same (apart from chap. 1) and so will the release time, Sundays at 20:30 EST (I think?). All that aside, I sure hope you'll enjoy this! It'll obviously be very different from the OG story, but I personally think that's a good thing. Cheerio!
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The War of our Stars (SWTOR Fan fiction)
YAH, PICTURE! Also, I used "The Old Republic", as I couldn't fit in "Star Wars"....... Yes, the title does mean something. I guess this is a SWTOR Alternate Universe Fanfiction? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I used glowtxt, Microsoft word, and paint to make that. I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE, I got it when I searched up "copyright free". Also, I just used glowtxt, but if whoever made glowtxt wants me to stop, I'll get rid of it. Whilst this is a fanfiction of SWTOR, the setting is VERY different, you will not see any SWTOR characters within this Novel, there will be places both made up and already existing in SWTOR. Take for example, whilst the Dark Council still exists, it will have completely different members. Also, there are minor changes to the history before and during the Old Republic, but there is little overall change, with the main character starting out at a similar time to a starting character. Star Wars the Old Republic Fanfiction. You'll understand the title, not in the first chapter, but as Frederick goes to outer space. Before the Rule of Two, there were multitudes of Sith and Jedi. Numbering thousands of both Sith and Jedi, a great war between the Empire and Republic has existed since time immemorial. From our World, a young boy named Frederick is born into the Galaxy of Star Wars, born into an Imperial Family, he lives up to the expectations of becoming a powerful Sith. But all he wants to do is to survive.... But by surviving, he does more so than simply surviving. Many have made star wars fanfictions, and this one will probably...... (I have read, watched and played Star Wars, so here you go) NOTES: Action and Adventure are a bit light for the first few Planetary Arcs. I'm terrible at comedy and romance will come will really late. Absolutely terrible until Corellia.
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In a new world, so lets go it alone!
when the zombies came surprisingly little changed, the zombies came and were quickly destroyed by the worlds various governments. but what if I were to tell you the zombies were a test by the gods? to see if humans were worthy of joining the new world. well that's the truth, but I'm not much of a people person, well not a human people person, maybe I'll have better luck with none humans, but until then, let's go it alone!
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A new name, new system, new life, what could possibly go wrong? Everything, that's for sure. Mistakes turned to regrets, regrets turned to loathing, loathing turned into something sinister. That's were I was currently was. Now, an opportunity arises amidst the cesspool of sin, my time has arrived. My chance for fame and glory starts today.
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Engagement [Book 3: SEKTOR V Trilogy]
Highest WP ranking so far: Sector #1 (out of 1200) Top 0.08%In the epic culmination of the SEKTOR V Saga, the final vestiges of Humanity are scattered across the far reaches of the galaxy. After the apocalyptic loss of their homeworld a century earlier, Maddy, Gus, and Næsta Kynslóð scientists emerge from their Black Hole-orbiting cocoon. Joining forces with ET allies, Colonial settlers, and a teenage prodigy, they race to save Humanity from the crushing galactic grip of the Zeta Alpha Draconian Coalition.With the odds stacked heavily against them and time running out, the Terran Alliance must coalesce in a last-ditch effort to end Zeta oppression and free the Humans and Hybrids enslaved on Earth.
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