《The Legend Of The Insanely Overpowered Mage》Chapter 24: Going home!


"It worked! Or should I say, it works?" Denka started giggling greedily after his rhetorical question. He sounded more like an oddball laughing than anything.

"What do you mean by 'it worked'?" Tenur wasn't exactly in the mood for celebrating since his terrestrial instincts kept begging him to touch solid ground.

"Ah, the theory I've told you about," Denka was in a euphoric mood, so it was forgivable if he didn't watch how his own behaviour, "the theory suggested is your mana could contaminate the gargoyle's mana."

"Speak English, troll," Tenur struggled to grasp the true meaning of Denka's words due to the overwhelming fatigue he was feeling right now. It was understandable that the backlash from an overdrive would be an intense session of exhaustion, so there wasn't any real surprise there if one was a trained sorcerer or mage, except Tenur wasn't either. I'm dying! he thought as his body grew heavier by the second.

"It basically means you 'tamed' the gargoyles, even though they're almost immune to all sorts of taming methods," Denka paused a moment, before going on with his explanation of the theory he made, oblivious to both Tenur's insult and suffering, "gargoyles are undead creatures, and undeads consume the mana of the living to continue their life. So there's a fact there, and that fact is the main reason as to why most taming methods end up useless on the minds of undead creatures. These creatures technically have their brains in a state of decay, so their thoughts are mostly done in their own mana pool, resulting in the constant hunger for more mana in order to keep up with the energy consumption they go through."

"Normally, any mana used upon these creatures would be assimilated and used to strengthen it. Yet, fertility mana is, fundamentally speaking, different, let alone sperm-based mana! These mana are not made to be consumed, but to be cultured and grown into living beings or objects. Thus, undeads which are not living cannot consume them. What happens when it does, though, is the corruption of its mana pool, turning its own desires against itself," Denka was getting excited by the moment, "your mana, Tenur, is able to control undead creatures, possibly even taming them!" Tenur was half-asleep at this point.


"Tenur!" Denka shouted when he realised Tenur's state. He jolted awake with a 'wha huh?' and almost fell off the gargoyles if not for them shifting their flight in order to accomodate their master.

"I'm taking the time to explain, and yet, you fell asleep!?" Denka was visibly agitated. The grimoire was glowing blue, green then red every second he was angry, but Denka calmed after sensing Tenur's abnormally weak mana presence. Tenur, now awake, thought it'd look better if he asked a few questions, just to look like he was actually listening and not dozing off from some old man's talk.

"Uh, on a scale of one to ten, how good is that?" Tenur seemed unsure of what he wanted to ask, but decided a dumb question like this was better after all.

Denka sighed before answering, "Ten." Tenur was unsure what to ask after that.

Sensing the situation getting awkward, Denka immediately switched topics. "I see you're tired from expanding so much mana," this was especially true for every second passed, because Tenur's mana presence was diminishing, however infinitesimal it seems.

"All righty, I'm damn tired right now and my penis's growing limb anyway from further listening to your lecture," Tenur stroked it a little, just enough for it to stand again and angle itself unnaturally to a particular direction. "Ready when you are, Denka."

"Just go already," After Denka's reply, Tenur's penis started up again. At the beginning, it only glowed with several mana sparks, before dissipating and allowing darkness to seep in. There was a problem.

"I'm out," Tenur admitted.

"Use the fucking gargoyles, son of a bitch!" Denka swore he never saw anyone as dumb as Tenur was.

"How?" After a few moments of silence where Denka sounded like he was rubbing his imaginary nose bridge, Tenur spoke up. "Go forward to where I point gargoyles?"

The gargoyles obeyed the command, and soon, they were moving again, back to Tenur's home which would be expanding soon.

"By the way, where's Laura?" Tenur muttered as he lost sight of her.

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