《The Legend Of The Insanely Overpowered Mage》Chapter 8: Sarah's happenings


Right after Tenur flew off into some part of the forest, Andrew was brought back to their home, or his grandmother's home. It was a small cottage, with the living room directly attached to the hallway entrance. The door was basically woodplanks nailed together to form a barrier that separated the outside world's view into the interior of the house.

Inside, there was a leather couch in the middle of the room, facing a fireplace that had firewood stacked neatly beside it. A table was also located in between the couch and the fireplace, allowing one to place their drinks onto the table while relaxing on the couch.

Currently though, Sarah's mother was sitting on the couch, watching the scorched mark in the fireplace. She was wearing her casual attire. Her casual, home, relax attire. It wasn't tight, and it hung loosely on her shoulders. Because of such a feature, many people were wearing these types of clothes due to its simplicity.

She was still staring at the scorch mark when the front door opened, revealing Sarah with Andrew in her arms.

"Hey mom, I'm home." She said as she carried Andrew to the couch and let him sit down beside her mom.

Her mom did not respond as she continued staring at the scorch mark. It was as if her mom's eyes were glued to the fireplace.

"Mom? Are you okay?" Witnessing the strangeness of her mom, she couldn't help but asked. Still, her mother did not respond.

"Mom? Mom.. Mom!" Sarah touched her mom by her shoulder and instantly her hand was repelled by her mom's hand.

"Do you know the origins of your child, Sarah?" Della asked her daughter. When Sarah looked into her eyes, there was despair within.

"Uh, why?" Sarah replied with a question.

"Answer me! Do you know who the father of your child is?" Della stared more intently at her daughter this time, intending to cow her into answering. Her technique worked and Sarah spilled the beans, though she still didn't want to.

"W-well.. Andrew's father is.. our neighbour, Tenur.." Sarah looked slightly embarassed at the mention of Tenur's name.

"So that impudent child impregnated you.. This is unacceptable! You were supposed to marry into a rich family! Not to another boy who lives in the same village as you!" Della looked angry and distressed.

She then stood up and faced her daughter face to face.

"Tell me, did you willingly did it with him? Or did he... rape you?" Della had tears in her eyes. They looked like they'll fall themselves.

"W-w-well mom.. His mana impregnated me actually... So he technically didn't do it with me..." Sarah explained shyly.

"Thank god.. So you didn't lose your virginity, yea?" Della looked at her own daughter with eyes desperately requesting the other to say 'yes'. Sensing the emotion, Sarah replied what her mother wanted to hear,



As Sarah was being dragged out of her house after changing herself into proper clothing, a few village boys were looking at her with lustful gazes. Of course, every male would act like that after seeing Sarah's already large cleavage that was further highlighted by the dress she wore.

Sarah herself was unwilling to go, but her mother still dragged her to go after changing herself as well. Right now, Andrew was left at home as not to lower the scion's impression of Sarah. If the scion that they were to meet found out about Sarah's child, he would undoubtedly be skeptical of Sarah being a virgin.

The mother and daughter squeezed through crowds, went through alleys and streets to reach a considerably large mansion that housed the scion they were going to meet. The front gate was enormous, since it towered nearly every passerby that walked past it. The fences were also taller than normal fences, highlighting the nobility of the scion.

As soon as they reach the gate outside, a guard came out to greet them and allowed them to pass though the gate. Passers-by had gazes of admiration as they saw the mother and daughter enter the insanely rich mansion.

The path leading to the mansion's front door was surrounded by fields of greenery. There were flowers neatly planted along the path's edges. Not a lot weeds can be seen growing on the field, either.

As they walked deeper into the land, a fountain was placed in the middle of the path, with the path continuing around it. The fountain was a sculpting of an angel holding a vase that poured water into the pool beneath it. Along with the trimmed trees surrounding the edge's of the path, it certainly imprinted good impressions onto guests.

Just as they arrived at a large, wooden door, the guard opened the door for the pair to get in. After that, the guard closed the door and went back to his own duty.

Within the house, there was two large stairs leading up to the first floor of the mansion. The walkways were covered with mattings that proved the richness of a noble. There were two doorways on both side, each with an ajar door.

A butler then came down from the stairs, as if right on cue.

"This way, ladies," he bowed while gesturing for them to move up the stairs.

The two women tried to walk as elegantly as possible, though Sarah was a bit forced. She was also pulled by her mother to go up the stairs all the way. The butler maintained distance between himself and the ladies while he still escorted the pair of mother and daughter up the stairs.

The two of them were then guided into a room on the right side of the stairs. The wooden door had a golden handle, and it looked brand new. The butler knocked on the door a few times, before hearing the words, "Come in".


The butler then opened the door for the guests to enter. Della and Sarah walked elegantly into the room after the door was opened for them. There was something in the room that made Sarah dare not to walk like she did before, in fear she would anger and trigger the wrath of that unknown.

Within the room was a young man sitting behind a long table, on a chair that looked to be like exclusively made for him. He wore a suit, that was no different from the butlers here. The only thing that set apart him from the other two servants beside him was the monocle he was currently wearing. He seemed to be reading a book before his guests arrived here.

When he looked at the pair of mother and daughter, a charming smile was present. The smile could have tamed any girl's heart, but it hardened Sarah's resolve to reject the marriage proposal her mom made.

The boy removed his monocle, before standing up and greeting both Sarah and Della by kissing the top of their hands. it was a tradition his family had when greeting female guests.

"My name is Sebastian. Would madame be so kind to introduce herself as well?" the boy asked after kissing Sarah's hand.

"I am Sarah, daughter of Van Desil and Della Henck," Sarah responded with a surprised tone, seeing as the young man before him did not introduce his family names as well.

"Please, sit down, madames," Sebastian then pulled back two chairs for both of them to sit in.

He walked back to where he was sitting before, this time closing his book and putting it aside. The monocle was kept in his pocket as well. He looked brilliantly handsome in the suit he was wearing, the sexiness was highlighted by his tidy hair.

"So, tell me, what does the two madames wish to discuss with this humble acquaintance?" Sebastian asked politely.

Sarah was shocked beyond words. Sebastian's politeness was way beyond anything she's ever encountered. No noble would treat a villager with such respect, other than him of course.

Della then replied, "If your nobleness recalls, I have made a marriage proposal using my daughter not long ago. This is the one that I'm proposing to you." Della then gestured at Sarah, showing her off to him.

"Mhm, a fine woman indeed, Mrs. Van. But, let me ask a question first, is she willing to marry me?"

The pop up of the sudden, inconsiderate action caused Della to panic a little. Under the table, she was making signs to tell her daughter to respond that she wishes to marry him. But Sarah betrayed her mother's hopes in order to stay with the one she wants.

"No, Sebastian. I am not willing to marry you, for I already have the one I decided to live with, for decades, centuries and last of all, eternity," Sarah responded with a polite smile at the end.

"Very well then, Sarah-" Before Sebastian could continue, Della protested.

"Wait, Sebastian. Why not just marry her even if she's unwilling? Certainly you can do that, and I, as a parent, allow it too! Why not reconsider-" Della wasn't able to finish since she felt an intense cold raidiating from Sebastian's next words.

"You are a fool, Della. One who is not willing to marry another will betray him and cause him unbearable troubles. Plus, from your speech, I can deduce that you were trying to use your daughter in order to get to my riches. I am not a fool like the other nobles and royals. I do agree that your daughter is a wonderful person, but that doesn't change what she feels about me. And speaking of which, she already has the one she loves. Why not just marry her off to him?:" Sebastian said aloud.


"Because you're a despicable fool, Della. You have let your greed blinded you from giving your daughter happiness. From now on, if you are to contact me again, I shall behead you right on the spot," To back up his words, he extended both arms, which suddenly had ice spikes jutting out. The size of it grew to the point where it was as long as a dagger, and the razor sharp edges could make one sweat even by looking at it from a distance.

"Now, leave. Not your daughter though," Sebastian finally commanded.

The two butlers went and grabbed each of Della's arm, and she was begging to be given another chance. Sarah swore she heard the word, "Pathetic", muttered by Sebastian under his own breath.

Just as Sarah tried to exit, Sebastian said loudly again.

"Stay, Sarah, we have matters to discuss," His tone got serious and there was no room for negotiation left for the victim.

Obeying the command out of fear, Sarah sat back down onto her chair opposite of Sebastian's. After the two butlers brought Della out, the door to the room closed with an omnious 'click'.

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