《Demon Forever》08- Forging talismans and the strange phenomenon


“Cain. In what areas do you think we should expand into?” Allan asked.

These last days, he had remained in the store to act as a protector to Arkul who still had to recuperate his soul energy.

“We could hire an enchanter or many of them. We have enough ingredients to support their expenditures. We could then sell talismans on our own. The main issue would be to find an enchanter that wants to work for us.” Cain said.

Arkul then said: “I will be the enchanter. No one can match my knowledge on enchantments.”

Allan looked at the translucent talisman he bought from Rudolph.

He had leveled up too fast and the talisman had become useless for him or his entourage.

His hand then burst on fire as he burned away the talisman.

Cain appeared hesitant but said: “If we could increase our manpower for hunting and purchase a bigger building, with Arkul as an enchanter we are sure to attract more clients. Talismans are not cheap but everyone needs them to be used as protection. Mr. Arkul, your talismans, what grade are they?”

“In my weakened state, I can probably forge talismans of grade 20.” Arkul said, shocking the whole room except for Allan who had no idea what they were talking about.

Arkul saw that Allan needed some explanation. He said: “Each grade is comparable to a tier. For example, a grade one talisman is comparable to the might of 1st tier human realm. A grade 18 talisman is comparable in might with a 9th tier Immortal realm.”

Cain then added: “A grade is comparable to the tier the talisman’s stored power can unleash.”

Allan nodded and said: “I get it. Arkul said grade 20 which means it’s the 2nd tier of the God realm.”

Arkul who was nestled on a pillow in his blue bird form said: “We will only sell one kind of talisman. The only talisman that everyone will want. For that to happen, all I ask of you, is to give me beast hides of the 9th tier of the immortal realm and above. As for the rest, I will be using my own ingredients.”

Edwin and his son were trying to figure out what they had missed.

Allan himself was annoyed and said: “Arkul, can you please not sound so mysterious when you could just say everything so we can understand?”

“I said I will be using my own ingredients. I meant to say, I will be using my own blood, soul energy and fire to create talismans. Other enchanters use demonic cores hoping to find a wisp of the soul of the demonic beast inside and then start forging talisman...Just prepare what I asked and once the hunters have returned from the hunt, I will show you how easy it is to craft Talismans. Enchanters have more knowledge about it than you do. It’s that knowledge that they protect with their lives. There is nothing special to it for me though.”

Several hours later, Edwin had already prepared the hides that Arkul had requested.

Between taking care of the clients and making sure that there were no thieves, all that Cain had in his mind was the session of talisman forging that was to take place on the fifth floor.

Allan was cultivating crosslegged not far from the slumbering blue bird.

There was a few hundred demonic cores on the ground around him that were slowly dissipating.

Inside his inner world, his avatar was reading a translucent book. The /Light Emissary/ art.


“Fortunately, there’s even sword arts. Only the basics are unlocked...Good...Once those demonic cores are all absorbed, I should start training here. As for the other miscellaneous arts, I’ll do an in-depth analysis of them later on.”

The inner world shuddered.

“Oh...I just reached the 8th tier of the Human realm. My inner world now has close to a kilometer in diameter.”

He ignored the event and refocused on the sword arts.

To him, his fire attribute divine body was his trump card. He had to learn how to fight properly rather that throw fire everywhere to end a fight.

“Since I just reached another tier, I might as well start now...hum?”

He looked outside. A blue bird was kicking him in the face.

Allan opened his eyes and asked the blue bird: “Are you not supposed to be half dead?”

Arkul ignored him and said: “Time to forge talismans. Look everyone is here.”

Alistair then advanced and said: “Congratulations on reaching the 8th tier of the Human realm, Sir.”

“Congratulations Sir.” The rest of the hunters said.

Arkul was annoyed: “Enough. Everybody take a seat around the table. We’re starting now. Allan, you’ll be my assistant.”

Arkul then started explaining: “The first thing that I am going to talk about is: soul energy. The more you have the better. It can be used in almost all areas. For example, today we forge a talisman with my ability. For that to happen, three things are needed. My blood, My soul energy, my fire and a beast hide.”

Arkul then exhaled a fireball the size of a human fist.

He took a beast hide that had been cut into a rectangular shape. It was nine inches long.

The fireball then engulfed the parchment.

“As you can see, this fire is being controlled by the wisp of soul energy contained inside of it. The fire will not burn the beast hide but transform it into an empty talisman. To get there, the wisp of soul energy in the fire will fuse with the beast hide while the fire refines them both. In the next minutes, You’ll see a translucent talisman.”

The fire ate away the scales and skin to only leave a thin translucent rectangular talisman.

“Now, we quench it inside my blood. Allan.” Arkul commended.

Allan took the translucent talisman and then went to the edge of the room where there was a small keg of Arkul’s blood.

He let the talisman bathe in the blood. The scarlet fire then disappeared.

He sent a ball of light inside the keg. The ball of light that he controlled went for the talisman and enveloped it. Allan then willed the light to bring it back up.

Arkul cleared his throat and snatched the talisman from Allan as he said: “The next part is simple. We have to choose what kind of spell we want the talisman to have. Since we used Ingredients of the God realm, This talisman can store the fire of my 2nd tier God realm cultivation. There are many choices. I’m waiting for any ideas.”

Allan was the first to speak up: “A fiery dragon that explodes upon contact. Or that can breathe fire like you do.”

Arkul nodded and said: “It would cost me in soul energy to design such a thing. The buyer will have to pay a fortune to acquire it.”

Alistair said: “A fiery armor that doesn’t hurt the wielder. A shield. Many will want a shield that can rival a Gods power.”


Arkul once again nodded and said: “All good ideas.”

Cain then said: “A rain of fireballs that can destroy an entire city.”

Everybody stilled.

Arkul said: “ That’s the easiest to make, but too dangerous for us to sell. In fact, all of your ideas are too dangerous for us to sell.”

“There’s a possibility that no one will be able to afford them around here.” Edwin said.

“Who do we sell them to then?”Allan asked.

Edwin said:“The sects. In our south of the continent, there is one major sect, which is the Demonic sword sect, and three other minor sects. They are the Fire Ascension Sect, the Green Vine sect and the Immortal wine sect.” He continued: “In my youth, I was brought to the Fire Ascension sect to cultivate. It was very chaotic there, the wars that were fought for the resources to cultivate were really something. Many lives were lost before they could even show their talent. I left as soon as I could to save my life after stealing a magical tome, the /Fire god/ art that I later used to cultivate. I even gave it to my son to cultivate...My point is that we can sell these talismans to the sects. They will be more than happy to pay for some external power. They need it now that they feel inferior to the Demonic sword sect. Giving them more power could turn them into the next major sect.”

“Then what do we exchange for each talisman? Demonic cores won’t cut it.” Cain asked.

“Magical arts. Good ones.” Allan said.

“Magical pills or elixirs.” Alistair said.

Allan contemplated for a moment and asked Arkul: “Arkul. Is it possible to create a talisman that isn’t single use or multiple use but can be used anytime and doesn’t lose its power.”

“Of course I can. Your own body is the proof. You’re a walking talisman that’s what the Fire attribute divine body is.... But you saw by yourself the condition I was forced to endure because of it.” Arkul said.

“It’s just that if we had such a weapon, we might be able to buy an entire sect.” Allan said.

Everyone felt like asking Allan why he would do such a thing.

Seeing the faces of disbelief and shock. Allan cleared his throat and said: “I just figured that since we are expanding and need more manpower. Why not take over a sect and ....”

“STOP.” Arkul stopped him. Before he added: “You and what army?”

“All of us.” Allan blankly said.

“It might not be entirely impossible.” Edwin said with a smile.

Everybody, even Cain looked at him with questions yet to be answered.

Edwin then said: “The Fire Ascension sect should be our main target. Among the three minor sects, They are useless and rely on their numbers to bully everyone even among themselves. For example, in the Green Vine Sect, they are all alchemists and spend their days immersed in alchemy. The Immortal wine sect is just a bunch of drunk monks that make the best immortal wine on the continent. The Fire ascension sect bullies them into supplying them with immortal pills and immortal wine as some kind of tax for protection against the various factions of the Fire ascension sect itself.”

“Tell me then. What’s the plan?” an excited Allan asked.

“Simple. There are three early-stage God Realm cultivators at the head of the Fire ascension sect. Three factions that rule an entire sect. All we have to do is eliminate the three at the top and we take control. With how fast we cultivate, all the riches the Fire ascension sect has amassed the last thousands of years will be ours.” Edwin said.

“We still need to cultivate, then.” Allan said.

Arkul then said: “We will continue as if nothing happened. As a matter of fact, let’s forget about this conversation. We all work hard and cultivate. When Allan reaches the Immortal realm, his fire attribute divine body will level up as well to reach the Middle stage God realm. He will be stronger than the three patriarchs physically. If Cain can also become a god during that time, It will help immensely. If the rest can reach the 9th tier of the Immortal realm, it will be of some help as well. As for I, I will be in this room forging talismans if you need me.”

The twelve dragon warriors then left, leaving Arkul and Allan alone in the room.

Allan just found a comfortable chair and sat down.

He closed his eyes and found himself inside his inner world.

He was back to reading the sword arts.

He summoned the glass sword made of light. It flew from the main hall to him outside.

The moment he touched it, he felt a connection that he had never felt before. It was like he was holding his very life in his right hand.

He closed his eyes and started remembering the myriad of stances that he could choose from.

It made no sense to him, but he tried to dance, executing every stance he could remember.

Slowly, he started remembering more and more. It was as if he was caught in a half-trance.

He continued for as long as he could.

Outside, the same phenomenon as the first day he opened his inner world was happening again.

More and more primordial energy was poured into his body without him knowing about it.

As the sword dance appeared to have reached another level, Allan started to see a hazy figure fighting against him with the same sword techniques.

Allan smiled. He was happy even though it wasn’t really him laughing.

The hazy figure soon looked like Allan himself. A mirror self.

Outside, more and more primordial energy was furiously being poured inside of him. It was as if his body was calling for it to come back where it belonged.

Without him realizing it, the Golden palace looked even more like a sun as it absorbed the primordial energy.

The sword that he was using was made of a light even more blinding than before.

The wings inside the first door in the main hall looked even more beautiful and gave off even more light than the sword.

The space of the inner world was using the scraps of primordial energy left behind to level up as well.

As he danced in the air, he did not realize that a pair of wings had appeared behind him just like the double sparing with him.

The double seemed to be the only one not in a trance but had a smile on his face.

Allan who still had to emerge from the trance kept fighting as if his very life was in danger.

His inner world became bigger and bigger until it could not find more place to expand.

The inner world now had a diameter of one kilometer and it kept trying to expand without any success.

More and more primordial energy appeared and soon the world was full.

Even with nowhere to go, Allan being in that trance still called for more primordial energy.

The world exploded. The palace exploded.

All that was left in the void was the uncaring Allan who was still fighting an invisible enemy.

As the world and the palace reappeared, the light appeared in a flash as well.

With the palace in the middle, there were at least two kilometers of radius. The new world was four times bigger than before.

From time to time ripples would appear showing that the world was unstable.

As Allan executed sword techniques, one after the other, the trance continued.

He wasn’t as awkward as he had been in the beginning.

The space of the Inner world could not be expanded anymore, but the rifts of instability in the inner world had to be mended. They would need soul energy to be repaired.

Suddenly, Allan let the sword leave his right hand.

The fight continued.

The sword, controlled by Allan, went to attack the same invisible enemy that just retreated to the side as the sword whistled past him.

Outside, his Fire attribute divine body was going through some changes.

One had to reach the Immortal realm with a normal Human realm body. Allan defied the heavens by having a divine body before reaching the Immortal Realm.

The fire attribute divine body then became the Divine body of fire. His affinity with fire had once again increased to an alarming degree. He had even surpassed Arkul in that aspect.

His body was writhing in flames. The chair he had been sitting on turned to ash in a second. Then the room was immediately caught in a hungry fire.

He was now comparable in strength with a mid-stage God realm cultivator of the 4th or 5th tier of the God realm despite only being a 1st tier Immortal realm in human cultivation and 4th tier of the human realm in the sealed demonic cultivation.

His current strength was due to the might of the Divine body of fire.

Outside, Gold sword city was in a frenzy.

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