《Guardians of Midgard: The Legend Begins》Chapter 18: Like A Ticking Time Bomb (Vol. 2/Raw)


Chapter 18 (Raw)

Such an unambitious son you have.”

“Master,” Cassandra said while splitting out blood. “That was not necessary everything under I had everything under control!”

“My dear apprentice. You still have much to learn. Your attachment to your son impairs your emotions.” He snorted, “you are not fit to train the boy. For now on, I will see fit to his training. From this point on, the boy's mana core is very unstable and it could rupture. The sole cause of it is likely the Elder Fire Dragon's mana doing. It took advantage of your mana that was synchronizing with the boy's core. The leak will worsen as the seidr seal that is currently incarcerating the dragon inside of Eddie will deteriorate and that would be the end of this world.”

“Pardon me, Lord John. Is Sigmund really that powerful?” Walter asked with doubt. “How powerful are these creatures. I find it skeptical. ”

“Woden spoke of elder dragons are enormous as a mountain range. If I have to give a precise estimate, they are nearly the sizes of the Himalayas.” John said.

“By the gods, forget how something that enormous could ever fit inside an two year old infant! Something that colossal can obliterate this world!”

“That's just the icing on the cake. Cassandra's Hand of Mojlnir destructive power can generate over one thousand megatons. For an example: according to scientist, the dinosaurs go extinct millions of years ago when an asteroid the size of an island, miles wide slammed into this planet with a destructible force over 100,000 nuclear weapons. Each nuclear weapon is of the hundredth megaton scale. Every surface of the planet was vaporized not even bacteria survived. The sun could not penetrate the earth's surface for more than a thousand years.


“A similar calamity will befall this planet if Sigmud should ever reemerge from his incarceration. This time the world would not freeze for thousands of years. It's blazing mana will scorch every surface of the earth for all eternity until it decides to destroy the Earth's core and be done with this planet. Or he could choose to obliterate this planet and its solar system of the constellation charts of the Yggdrasil Tree. Woden believes, according to his estimate that Sigmund primary breathfire attacks can generated over 500 trillion megatons of kinetic energy. ”

John starred cold at Cassandra. “The Greeks long ago believe an artifact that contains all the evils in the world. According to the legends, a woman name Pandora was the first woman created to walk upon earth. She was known for opening an artifact. contained all the evils in the world. This jar was better known as the 'box'. When she opened the box, all the evils flew out such as 'death' and 'anger' before she could close the box, sealing 'hope' inside.

“And that my dear is the Pandora's Box you've just opened. Death is only the beginning of our eternal nightmare and despair. We will become its corrupted minions. Each elder dragon has the ability of corruption, like the Undead King Elder Dragon Nidhogg has the corruption to resurrection of the undead and Shialla the Frost Elder Dragon has the corruption of ice and turn almost any living thing into a Frostspawn. We are still fortunate that Sigmud failed to escape from its captivity, but time is not on our side. ”

“Then how do we shut this Pandora's Box,” Katheryn spat sarcastically. “The sooner we seal away that demon's mana the better.”

“That's not possible. There are only two ways to close Pandora's Box. One is to kill the boy. Or we pay a visit to the Whispering Sisters.


“On Hel's names as if I let you do that!” Katheryn retorted violently. “Not even the Sisters! They demand too much and only in return when they sentence us to death even if no bargain is to be made. The only way out of that shrine without a sealed contract in your own blood is your life. Don't you remember what happened to your daughter when she fail to end her deal of the bargain?”

John furrowed a brow, “The choice is yours. Allow me to take my leave an tend to my wounded hound.”

“Mother, master's right. I have ever intentions of seeing the sisters again. But I dare not leaving Eddie's side for a longtime. Never imagine this quest would come so soon.”

“You'll know that they will do everything in their power to make you fail a bargain.”

“I can't be harmed by them immediately. Their power mainly derives from the Fairy Queendom. As their sovereign, they must obey the laws set by the first Titania. Even they can't sentence fairies to death.”

“My dear daughter in law, you always one one to walk the plank towards a school of hungry sharks,” She glared. “Do as you wish. Walter will see to your wound. By the looks of it, its not healing at a normal speed.

Kathryn gathered Eddie into her arms and marched away just as Rosa hurried past her with a wooden case in her arms. The cover had tribal markings of Valkyries. In the case were the vials of potions. Walter's primary profession on the preserve was to be Stan's number one Potions Master.

“Lady Kathryn is right. I can feel the corruption spreading throughout your body. It is having a significant effect of your regenerating abilities. I fear my potions won't help. Cassandra, I recommend you return to the Fairy Queendom and hibernate in the royal chamber to cleanse you of this corruption.”

Cassandra grunted with disapproval.

“I don't have time for that. My son needs me! I need to be by his side!” Cassandra coughed in between each sentence.

“Malady,” Rosa attempts to comfort her.

“Just give me the damn potion!”

Inside the case was a potion, to relieve a person from the symptoms of elder dragon corruption. The vial had a ultraviolet hue to the liquid substance that Cassandra drank. She shivered as the effects had such a burning sensation spreading throughout her body. Cassandra mustered her will to fight against a brief moment of pain. The corruption aura within her chest area began to dissipate. Her wound started healing more rapidly. Katheryn sprinting back towards them, looking very surprise and energetically.

“Come quickly! He's be back!”

“That quickly,” Rosa marveled with excitement.

Cassandra winced as she stood up to her feet. Her armored had a cavity the size of a baseball the went straight through her heart. Several fairies clustered around her and started repairing the celestial armor.

“Easy does it,” Walter said with concern.

“Stan has brought with him the king of Vanhold, traveling with his wife and daughter. And the Elvin king of Elkwood is also here with his henchmen and many more. They request your presence, Cassandra.”

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