《Guardians of Midgard: The Legend Begins》Chapter 14: Kings Rurik And Elwin (Vol.2/Raw)


Chapter 14 (Raw)

Two hours have passed since the battle outside of a ruined village of Ahmad. King Rurik sent a unit of what was left of his vanguard to investigate Ahmad and rescue any survivors if there was to be any. His vanguard didn't like the fact that they were leaving their king's side untended. It was quarter to seven in the evening when the king returned to his men and the Elven hawk-riders army.

News spread like wildfire of Stan's return to the Citadel. Princess Cecily stood on the parapet of her father's keep, staring out into the horizon where the sun began to set through her eyeglasses. Its beautiful orange gleam was very spectacular to onlookers. Fortunately for her, where she stood was the best scenic point in the entire kingdom. There, she listened to her father, King Elwin and Stan conversing tactics. Her maid Matilda would approached called out to her with utter concern as she stood to close to the wall's edge. One mistake such as a slip of footing could be fatal, sending tumbling over the parapet into the moat that was no less than a hundred meter fall to instant death.

Cecily awed as her eyes could not take the eyes of the handsome redhead Elven king. His hair was almost crimson as the Thunder God Thor and her idol Cassandra. He had a nice trim goatee. His golden armor was very exotic with the falcon crest engraved into his chest-plate. His pointy like ares just like the orcs made him look more monstrous than human much to Cecily's intuition.

“My spies stationed at Muspelheim reports orc are amassing vastly in numbers,” King Elwin said it solemnly. “The Elven council has made a decision that this matter cannot be ignored. We acknowledge the alliance between elves and mankind. The likes have never been seen since Ragnarok.”

“All do respect, your Majesty. Ragnarok is nothing but a myth. A fabulous fairy tale that was written by an Earthling scholar of the twelve century.” Sir Robert said. “Still, how can we be sure to trust whatever Woden the Wanderer says?”

King Rurik gritted and glared at his right hand man as he brought his fist down onto the planks of a large rounded dinning table. “Do not forget what the Great Wizard after all he has done for us for many generations. And don't forget who he was the All-Father before Ragnarok robbed him of nearly everything he had in his previous life. ”


“I assure you. The events are legit. Woden has been since the first generation of elves. My great grandfather served beside him in his sons during Ranarok. He was there when the absolute Thunder God Thor and the Midgard Serpent battle to the death and joined them into the afterlife,” King Elwin said. “Woden is cursed to forever walk the Midgard for all eternity, watching over his creation and descendants.”

“I'm sure we have more pressing issues to debate about,” Stan cut in. “The orcs and the undead are truly troublesome that we must not take likely. King Elwin, what I'm about to say to you may anger.” King Elwin nodded in compliance. “My daughter in-laws first husband, Lancelot of Reveirra—the Phantom King is still breathing.”

“Damnation!” King Elwin slammed his goblet onto the round table, rattling the dishes filled with nourishment. The atmosphere in the room became tensed that there was an absolute silence. “Is this true, Ferguson?”

“Very much and I have every reason to believe that he was behind the attack on my grandson's school and nearly abducted him. A close associate of mine was able to make it out of Langley with his mind intact and was able to record everything on film on his phone.”

Stan received many blanked stares and shrugged shoulders. He grinned, knowing that this side of the universe that most people have little to no knowledge of the modern world of Midgard and its advanced technology of skyscrapers, automobiles, electronics etc. King Rurik is the only person that had knowledge of Midgard. Not as much as is daughter in-law Cassandra.

“Still can't believe he's alive. I would love to run my lance straight down his throat after what Lancelot did to my master and his family on his daughter's wedding night.”

“The sooner we head to my place, every will be much clear. Lancelot body is being consumed by the darkness of the Eye of Ymir. He needs holy a divine source of mana or energy to battle the effects of darkness corroding him. This is why he hunted many elves and devouring their souls.”

“You mean the Imperial Star that the Cormack and Riverra Clans guarded for many that has been lost of these two clans?” Sir Roberts asked skeptically, scratching his chin.

“The Imperial Star?” King Elwin. “I thought the eye was lost during the Cormack Clan massacre? So that explains why Lancelot is a Phantom Charmer.”


“Phantom Charmers? They are Hel's godi. How in all the names of the gods did Lancelot become a disciple of Hel?”

A godi has interpreted to be the male counter part of a volva. They are Nordic shamans and priests that well trained in in the deadly arts of seidr. They are well known for casting runes like a dice and read the signs the Aesir and Vanir gods bestowed upon them. Reading the signs gives the shamans a warning of what is to become of the future and the choices they must make.

“I'm curious Lord Ferguson. What does that man want with the Sword Empress? According to my sorceress, Lancelot had no love or affection for her during their childhood.”

Cassandra is well known throughout the universe as being the Sword Empress very talented in wielding a sword and her legendary collection of legendary sword which includes Excalibur. The sword in the stone King Arthur wielded. Little is known about her being the reborn Titania in the flesh.

“Of course he does not! All that man cares is power and himself!”

The men turned their heads in the direction of the elegant woman that entered the room. She was well dressed in royal garment. She wore an intricate crown. She is Rynna Olafsdottir. The queen of Vanhold. Her cosmetics and perfume filled the dinning with such an exotic aroma. Sir Roberts lowered his head, stood up from his seat and bent the lady. “Milady, welcome back.” He greeted her warmly and returned back to his seat.

Stan wisely bowed his head in respect, “Your Royal Highness,” he kissed the top of her hand. Likewise, King Elwin greeted her too.

“Lord Ferguson, would be so kind I join in the conversation.” Her husband grunted disapprovingly. The room filled with laughter, but Rynna hushed them with a threatening glaring. Rynna was indeed one of those aggressive and dangerous women. She had an onyx eye with silk like black hair trimmed just above the nape of her neck. Stan saw that she had her blue and while stripe scabbard to her side with a meaning dragon mural. In that scabbard was the legendary sword Frost Fang. Legend has it that who is able to wield the sword and survive its power will be able to control the Ice Elder Dragon.

“Are you positive that lunatic is alive? That is certainly not good news. And I'm not just talking how weak footed and a damsel in distress whenever she crosses path with that man!" She said with a harrumph.

King Elwin and Sir Robert shared the same, “Why was not I inform about this?” King Elwin bark.

“Now you are now informed,” King Rurik said it with an apologetic tone. I see where this is going. Going after the powers of the Fairy Queen.” King Rurik scratched his chin with an apprehensive look on his face.

“That's why we cannot afford for her to come into any contact or know about his existence,” Rynna said. “We must come up with a coherent plan to keep them apart! All her focus should be guarded, protecting and training her son for the battle that is about to come against Blackhaven. Make no mistake about it, dear husband. They will.”

“The queen is right. It will be a major complication. King Elwin, I ask for your assistance to gather a team of your most elite assassins. Make it a high priority that we rid of this man as soon as possible before the battle of Blackhaven. Cassandra will return to the fairy Queendom and make fortifications for the last line of defense.”

“Then me and Cecily will accompany you gentle to Kentucky.”

“Damnation! Like I will let that happen! Midgard is no longer safe to travel back in for the between dimensions,” Rurik slammed his goblet onto the table, spilling the remaining of his wine. “You two will stay put behind these walls!”

“Vanhold fortifications are strong. The Fairy Queendom is the safest and secured place in the universe. Men can't enter the Queendom. Only the male offspring of Titania and her spouse can enter. We are much safer there. Besides, there is some punishment that needs to be inflicted on that woman after keeping me out of the loop of her exile and marriage,” Rynna then looked to the balcony with a mischievous smile, “Besides, I want our little girl to teach that boy of Cassie's a lesson.”

Stan sighed. This was going to be one reunions that will be like a ripe apple turning rotten in the matter of seconds, Stan sighed. Even his wife could not control his furious daughter in-law.

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