《The Emperor Wouldn't Approve(GL)》Ch. 1 Lonely Empress


That night, the Khiling Kingdom had a storm brewing, yet to be done.

"Lady Sunny... You shall be banned from the Royal Palace !" Shouts Lord Kel.

As Lady Sunny rests her knees upon rusted iron, for Kel's amusement

"Lastly, you shall reside with Frosty Palace, until your end." Lord Kel smugly says.

"Any objections, ...No, Well I bid you farewell, My lady," Kel says mockingly.

"Yes, your majesty, I bid farewell," said Sunny.

Still feeling eyes upon her, Sunny graceful walks into the snowy palace. Never looking back once, at her husband. A man who's just a soul crusher, it's better to live in seclusion, than a superficial world. That finds the chains of pain and tragedy around her, amusing.

Honestly, our marriage was of convenience, for his selfish greed. Just from a night of seeing beauty, in need of all the praise. But, was given a bride from another kingdom with, no desire to not wed. However, life doesn't care, nor does society either!

She hurried to the Frost Palace. Shivering the further she went, till she saw her new residence.

Entering the palace, that smell of nothingness and felt cold as ice. But nothing new, just a place to reside and lay her head.

She wondered what her life would be like if there never was that ball or her duties.

Four years ago...

That fateful night, I saw her... I forgot to breathe. As our eyes met, she waved out to me 'come here.' So we met each other in the middle of the ballroom. What a time to it was, despite the fire that drew a moth-like me to her. She was the most beautiful person there, with her brown skin that complimented her white eyes. We danced, laughed, and sung, but as a maiden, we're to be proper ladies. Who cares about love, only power, and money matter.


But with her, the world just froze with just us two. Though we never paid attention to the stares of two girls dancing, for the sake of it. However, the reality wasn't sweet like candy but a bitter lemon.

"Ah, what a great time it was indeed but, my heart mourns her." Sunny yawned.

Wiping her tears, off her cheeks.

If only I met her again when we were free and naive. But she always said, "If I were to leave... would you cry or laugh?"

"Cry ...I would cry!" Sunny cries, as sleep takes her.

A/N: Did u guys enjoy, if so comment or vote? Thanks for reading and supporting my work?

Also, how do u think the story will end happy or sad? Or bittersweet?

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