So a lot of shit happened.
Where do I begin to recap on the events of Obling?
My underwear......... is gone.
Disintegrated in their separate halves, where ever the stupidly named goblin landed in the pit of molten lava.
I'm such an idiot. Why didn't I slice him horizontally like the others? There may have been a chance of reacquiring them... but would I really want them back after Obling wore and died in them?
Is It better than nothing?
There's nothing I can do about it now.
Anyway, the goblins that didn't die kept to themselves and left once the battle was over. In fact, they went out of their way to leave hastily, whilst also making sure they stayed as far away from me as possible on the way out of the destroyed room.
Whatever spell that had been cast by Obling on the rectangular corridors had been released upon his death, revealing an exit opposite the wrecked festive hall.
Once alone, I stood there cursing the fat old goblin about my underwear for what could have been hours. I was so distraught over whether I could have worn them again or not that Temi had to ease my loss by assuring me that there may be more chances of underwear further in the dungeon.
Upon exiting myself, through the newfound doorway and up a great number of stairs, it turns out that I had never even left the inn. Goblana was nowhere to be seen, disappearing with the rest of the sneaky goblins. Leaving the reception desk, the building and the whole floor empty except for me.
Not one to miss an opportunity, I headed straight upstairs to grab myself some fresh linen. A spare set for my bed, just for when mine needs changing and a sheet I decided to wear so that I wasn't fully naked.
Wrapping it around myself the best I can, which is a pretty shitty job, by the way. I at least feel a bit more relaxed thanks to my hidden manliness.
And this is where I am now, sat on a comfortable bed, in a spare room inside of the inn. Feet up, taking a well-deserved rest while contemplating the events that had played out, wrapped in a white bed sheet like Moses.
Hahaha, I totally bossed it right!
Completely had him thinking he'd won once the knives were in me and then bam, Cure what a move, didn't expect that did he. Back in the fight, ready to go. I was running low on stamina and my mana was a single point away from bottoming out after I split him in two, but I was victorious so it doesn't matter what I had left in the tank.
The only thing that matters is that I fucking won, against hundreds of enemies and an evil sorcerer.
Who's the man.
So what if my last move was dishonourable? I don't give a shit, I'm still here to complain about not having my boxer shorts and that's all that matters.
Foolish goblin.
I mean, who casts a spell with their back turned to their enemy whilst all alone?
His ego must have almost been as big as mi...... I mean, what a fool. I'm glad I'll never see him again.
Moving on.
Next on my to-do list is to check my status. I earned a lot of level-ups in a short period of time and I didn't get the chance to check any of it, except for that mastery choice.
Name: Erin Health: 139/139+ Race: Divine Being Mana: 115/115+ Level: 17 Stamina: 86/86+ Title: Goblin Slayer Class: Dark Knight Level 9 Special Attribute points: 16 Dark Knight Points: 8 STR 117+ WIS 87+ MAG 85+ VIT 96+ AGI 95+ INT 86+ LUCK 2 DEX 87+ Skills Spells
Night Vision Level 7
Starvation Level 3
Fear Mastery Level 5
Pain Resistance Level 4 (UP 1)
Mental Resistance Level 3 (UP 2)
Poison Resistance Level 3
Paralysis Resistance Level 4
Sleep Resistance Level 2 (UP 1)
Overpower Level 3
Fear Level 3 (UP 1)
Dark Slash Level 4 (UP 2)
Sword Mastery Level 3 (UP 1)
Unarmed Combat Mastery Level 1
Dodge Level 2 (UP 1)
Sphere of Illuminating Light
Fire Wall
Gravity Ball
Angelic Fountain of Everlasting Water(NEW)
Oh Damn.
That is what I'm talking about right there. Loads of changes decorate the screen before my eyes. My mana is finally up at what its suppose to be giving me more flexibility in battle. Now I just need to practice the elements, once I ask Temi to tell me what they are. My attributes are looking rather nice as well showing some good growth. Many of my skills levelled up over those recent fights, either through use in the battle or accumulation from the levelling process I noticed before. Either way, I'm starting to feel quite buff right now and I still have a spare 24 points to add wherever I choose.
To say that I keep talking about being an awesome sorcerer would be an understatement, I could easily rant away but, I seem to be very physically orientated for some reason. Is that because of the Dark Knight class? Night vision hasn't changed in a while either, I wonder why that is?
"Temi, how come night vision hasn't levelled up in a while and how are my stats increasing so much? "
Fingers crossed.
Is my sidekick in a favourable mood or a shit-eating one? It's always a coin toss.
'When you level up, all of your attributes increase by 4, then your earn the special bonus and class bonus totalling 6, that's 2 points from the class and 4 points because of the pure mana used to create your body. Average human gains between 3 or 4 points per level, the less inclined can earn less and vice versa and monsters are even worse off but we can go over that later. You were really lucky to obtain your class so early on, it helped you out a great deal and without it, I don't know if we would have survived the goblins.'
Look at who hit the jackpot. Although...
'We were there together, were we not?'
"You said about three things during the whole ordeal, the mana countdown was helpful granted, but other than that where was the help? You could have been identifying and checking my health or something useful like that."
'I was.'
"So why didn't you tell me any of that stuff!"
'You were doing fine, even with both knives in you and after being burned multiple times you were only down to 52 health.'
Really? I honestly thought I was dying back there. I was trying to act tough in front of Obling and not let him see how scared I was. It's not as though I had the chance to use identify on myself, I barely had the opportunity to pick my nose never mind read my status.
"So I'm quite tough then?"
'You are doing... adequately.'
"What's that suppose to mean?"
'There's room for improvement. As I said obtaining the Dark Knight class was a great help.'
I swear to the gods.
"The road goes both ways you know. Take a leaf out of your own book. You were identifying me and probably the goblins, so why didn't even tell me their stats or anything!"
'The strongest of the goblins only had 80 health. The only dangerous moments were at the start when there was so many of them, even with low health and strength if you had been surrounded they could have devoured you.'
The strongest of the goblins only had 80 health? Wasn't that Obling?
Right now I'm not feeling so 'boss' anymore. Temi has well and truly just knocked the wind out my sails. The worst part of that sentence was that she didn't even try to make me feel bad on purpose. Her honesty is a kick in the balls and I feel as if I've just beaten up a weak bunch of kids. It was worse than just a beating but I won't take it to heart this time though. The little bastards were going to sacrifice me to the lava pit, so fuck them!
Still, Obling only had 40 health, what the hell?
"If you would have mentioned that earlier on I could have planned around it."
'True, then in the future, I will let you know the enemies health situation if you are unable to do so yourself."
"Oh, Ok. Thank you. What about Night Vision then?"
I'll take this chance while she is being helpful as far as it will go.
'Night Vision has not advanced again yet because you have lower-level skills taking the bonus to help them grow first. You have also been in a well-lit room so it's automatic progress has been halted too."
Why didn't I think of that? It seems obvious now she's said it.
"What about Unarmed Fighting Mastery that didn't go up and it's level 1?"
'Combat skills only rise through their use, otherwise, everyone would be a master even if they only used a weapon once to earn the skill.'
Again, that just sounds right so let's roll with it. Ok, what next?
Shit, what was it I was going to ask.....
Why can I never remember at the crucial moments...
"What are the differences in mana cost for the elements? Oh, oh and what are the elements?"
'Hehe, if you wish to learn then listen to your well versed Sensei. The four basic elements cost you 3 mana to cast and the four higher tier ones cost you 5 points. Notice how I said 'you', that's because it costs more for the average human to cast spells because they're not as attuned with the mana as you are. As you have witnessed, they have to chant to cast their spells and they are much slower than you. Obling was able to cast a clone spell instantly but casting without chanting is very taxing on their bodies. Do you understand?'
Is she broken? Or does she have a weird collection of manga up in my brain that she's been reading, OR what if she's reading manga from my brain, Woah that's trippy. Concentrate idiot, 3 mana for basic and 5 for higher. I'm better than everyone else, hehe, got it.
"Er, yes."
'Yes, what?'
'That's correct. The basic elements consist of fire, water, wind and earth. The higher elements are light, dark, space and time. Combining these into spells adds the cost of each element used together. For example, Dark Slash uses wind and dark magic which result in a cost of 8 mana points.'
I really want to question her about how she's acting but I really need her to stay helpful and it's also nice when she's like this.
Think Erin.
What else did I want to ask her about? This is the perfect time for Q and A, but I don't have any Qs.
I'm terrible at this...
Oh yeah, Temi said I could use identify on the information contained within my status. I may as well do that now seeing as how I'm not in a fight to the death and how the goblin village would be better described as a ghost town with the total occupancy number being one. I doubt life will gift me with such reprieves in the future so I need to use this time to the fullest, especially with Temi on her good side right now.
Hehe, I feel giddy.
Where do I start?
Good old faithful Night Vision.
"Hey Temi, I'm going to check myself out with Identify now."
'Ok, why are you telling me?'
I........ don't know.
It was just nice talking with her.
"I was enjoying the conversation, or explanation, or........ whatever, it doesn't matter. I don't know."
'Oh erm, ok.'
Haha. I caught her off guard that time, even if it was by mistake. It's the little victories that can satisfy you the most.
"Ok, here I go. Identify"
Night Vision Level 7: The ability to see in low light conditions up to 2.5 meters per Level
Extended Range: Double effectiveness increasing range to 5 meters per Level
I already knew this information but damn, that's still cool.
"That was awesome."
'It is enlightening to see where one's strength can come from.'
"You're not wrong there."
'I'm never wrong.'
"I beg to differ, remember when you said I couldn't summon a fountain?"
'I said I wanted to know if you had knowledge of one.'
"Ok, what about that time you said I could choose a name?"
'I already told you that you're able to choose a second name still.'
"Alright, alright, I've got it this time. How about when you said I couldn't summon the dungeon?"
'I said it was impossible.... not that you couldn't do it.'
"That's the same difference and you know it. If it's impossible then it means I can't do it but I did do it though, there's nothing wrong with being.... well, wrong Temi."
'...But technically you cancelled that spell as soon it started.'
"Yea, because I was about to go blind because of the light but still, you saw her right?"
'... stupid Erin.'
Raising my eyes a gigantic smile takes over face and I burst out laughing. I'm glad I'm on a bed cause I may have met concrete again by laughing too hard. This is another first for my new body and I feel really happy, again another first.
"I'm sorry Temi, I couldn't help myself. It was funny, thanks."
'I don't understand what was funny about me being wrong.'
The sound of her voice is all it takes for me to start laughing once again but I manage to contain it with a few coughs and get it under control.
"I can't explain why it was funny or else it won't be funny anymore."
'It wasn't funny in the first place!'
Okay, Erin, get it together. Life's not all shits and giggles, sometimes we have to learn and that's what I'm going to do.
What's next, Dark Knight?
Dark Knight Level 9
Increase stats Health 50 Strength 25 Vitality 20 Agility 15 Dexterity 10
Earn 2 additional attribute points per level
Skills unlocked:
Dark Slash
Gravity Ball
No wonder my health and strength are so high. Hehe, Temi was right, this is a huge benefit. I send a prayer out for Eto to thank him for the class I obtained.
Dark Slash Level 4: Cost 8 Mana 10 Stamina; Range 10 meters
Dark Wind Magic: Create a blade of air and infuse it with darkness.
Gravity Ball: Cost 10 Mana
Dark Space Magic: Creates a ball of gravity pulling in anything within its vicinity
"Ok, what's next."
Health: How much damage one can sustain before death occurs
"That one was pretty blunt."
'Still true though.'
Not going to argue that, damn this is so cool!
Time flew by and I spent it all checking and rechecking everything whilst getting along with Temi, that must mean I'm in for a rough time in the upcoming future. The Systems descriptions of my status are easily understandable and I already feel much wiser and knowledgable.
I'll check them again when they upgrade, to check any differences.
I need to add my bonus points but I've actually been at it a while now and I'm feeling rather tired, seeing how I haven't slept since the battle with Obling and his crew, then reading up on myself. I haven't even eaten since awaking this time, I kinda miss how the goblins were nice in the beginning bringing me well-made meals.
Before eating and crashing out on this extremely comfortable bed though, there's something that needs taking care of first.
And I don't mean my mana points. I will, however, do those before I leave this floor.
Getting up and leaving the inn, I make my way over to the other side of the large room I once described it as. I can't really call it a goblin village anymore seeing as how they all left before I came back up from the festival hall.
Arriving at my destination I rip the sheet covering me away from my body with a single pull, throwing caution to the wind and storing it away like a pro. I then proceed to place myself in what I have deemed to be, the best seat in the hot springs. My back against the wall, with a good view of the area in front of me, the temperature of the water id delightful.
"Soooo good."
I'm practically melting. I feel as though I'm in heaven, no wonder the goblins didn't care for modesty here, there's only one feeling that comes from being inside the spring and that is bliss.
"Thank you once again, Abi, this time for the delightful hot spring."
I'm sure my stalker is about somewhere, at this point I don't even mind, the embarrassment I felt from before has faded and she's obviously seen it before. This could just be my Fear Mastery at play, so you never know.
'How do you know she's here. I can't sense anything or see any life forms on the map.'
"Just a hunch, anyway when we finally get you a body we'll have to come back here so you can enjoy this too."
Whenever I mention a body she stops talking. I can only assume it must suck, to be stuck, in my head.
Time passes while I relax soaking in the spring, I begin to acquire the familiar pain of starvation and decide it's time to get out, but there's a problem.
"I didn't bring a towel."
'I'm sure they will keep towels in the inn.'
"Yeah but that's all the way over there."
'So? There's no one around and if your too worried then just use your sheet.'
"Yes! Winning answer. Thank you, Temi."
Removing the sheet from my inventory, I use it to dry off then and then wrap the wet fabric around myself. It doesn't feel comfortable but I'll grab a new one as soon as I'm back at the inn, along with some towels and anything else I can loot. I got an inventory upgrade just when I needed it. Look at all that free space.
Inventory 12/30 Oran Matt Lizard Skewer x2 Steel Scimitar Onion x5 Potato x11 Carrot x9 Radish x5 Beef Meat x3 Chicken Meat x4 Pig Meat x2 Luxurious Bed Full Bed Set
Damn right it's a luxurious bed. I can't believe it was actually named that but damn, I can't deny it either. I may have to take a spare bed too just in case, you never know when you might need one.
Anyway back to the village for a scavenger hunt.
- In Serial11 Chapters
Reborn in MHA
A perculiar teen dies after being hit by Truck-kun. As the beaming lights flash into his eyes and the immense force tore apart his body, he finds himself in a dark room before meeting a God who lets him reincarnate. ( I do not own My Hero Academia, or the cover photo used for the novel )
8 206 - In Serial7 Chapters
The Uncrowned King(LITRPG)
Ryan was a straight shooter, he has his goals, and his path was laid out in front of him. His dream of being a football star was shattered one day as a weird light flashed at the periphery of his vision. Upon focusing his attention on the blue square light an innocent-looking notification appeared in front of his eyes-- Planted ZX-458 has reached optimal Energy Levels Integration Initiated You have been selected along with a group of 10,000,000 people to the Initial Initiation Get Ready to teleport to the Training ground in 0 h 45 m 31 s What followed was a story of tragedy before at the end of his life the power in his mysterious right eye emerged and he was reincarnated to the day the Integration happened. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Uncrowned King is the story of Ryan and his path to one day conquer the Universe. I have been reading LitRPG's for the past 3 years and after finishing almost all the material there is on the Internet, so I decided it was now time to create something.
8 200 - In Serial15 Chapters
Zarif's Story
Please note this is a 18+ so it will have descriptions and scenarios that only a grown up would tolerate and be capable of handling without feeling repulsed. Zarif, a demi-human slave of orcs and goblins is brutally murdered when he does not accomplish the impossible - awakens to find himself resting within the arms of an elderly woman with tears in her eyes. ____________________________________________________________________________ As I like to be a little creative in the way I write, there might be a few mistakes per chapter - so be sure to notify me in the comments if you think something seems wrong. You might be confused as you read on since I switch about constantly, but please continue reading and maybe leave a comment on why you did not like what you read and decided to drop the story.
8 88 - In Serial7 Chapters
Creatures that are born from a strong emotion can bestow humans' unique powers. When certain emotions are at their peak the creature will appear before a human. Rase Yartza's Emotia connected her to another woman, who surprisingly Rase doesn't want to kill. How can she navigate through life now she knows the emotions of a girl she doesn't know? Tags: F/F, Violence, Evil Main Character, Female Lead, Fanatsy, Original story, Webcomic, Questionable Morals, Switching Perspective Webcomic : Tapas Webtoons
8 68 - In Serial27 Chapters
Eve's Guide to Ghost Removal
Eve isn’t interested in anything remotely spooky -- especially not that Paranormal Bullshit. She’s had enough of that already, thank you very much, and now that she’s on her own in a new town, all she wants is to be left alone. She just wants to study the Blackwater Henges, do her job, and have absolutely nothing to do with other people’s problems. Unfortunately, the town of Blackwood seems to have other plans: Eve's new apartment seems haunted, a missing girl is all anyone in town will talk about, and Eve draws perilously closer to getting dragged into people's problems. So much for living a life unbothered by Paranormal Bullshit. Eve is nothing if not stubborn, though. If Paranormal Bullshit wants to drag her into something, she’s going to make it regret that decision.
8 98 - In Serial37 Chapters
Galal: Horde Master
Mankind. Conquerors, builders, criminals and craftsmen. Tamers of beasts. Arrogant, they attempt upraise a beast, to create a machine of war. A beast born of blood and of violence, mankind will do its utmost to tame it as it resists their shackles and seeks the freedom it craves.
8 329