Black clouds of smoke, line the top of the banquet hall.
The fire from before has ceased, dying down into smouldering embers.
Thankfully there weren't too many burnable items down here. Just the large tables, some festival food and a good amount of unlucky goblins, otherwise I don't know if I would be able to breathe. I'm not exactly educated on smoke inhalation but I do know that too much of it can kill me.
Although it does appear to be getting thinner, that must mean there's be an exit somewhere so why couldn't I find it!
Even with the smoke receding, another one of my senses is under attack. The stench of death is overwhelming and it assaults me endlessly, I don't have the time to stop for a body count but I know my attack killed a lot more than I was expecting it too. Why hasn't the dungeon absorbed the fresh carcasses? Is it the same here as the floor below or is it Oblings mischief?
Broken rubble and charred cracked wood scatter the floor by my feet. Each step causes new pain, like walking on glass, I wonder if I can convince Abi to reward me with some footwear if I survive this ordeal. The river of blood that originates at the entrance leads into the hall and follows the path my attack took earlier, hiding small pieces of the destruction.
As I stand below what remains of the entrance, I can see there are a still a few dozen goblins alive in this room. Conglomerating at the side of the altar behind Obling, the horrible thieving bastard, their stares full of hate and anger. I don't think I would be wrong in saying I can see a little fear in them too. I know that face, I've experienced it many times myself. Not to mention I've just killed a vast majority of them in minutes. A glance to each side of the small hallway outside the room confirms there are still none following me. An ambush here would be terrifying, my mana isn't unlimited and I've already used more than half of it. I can't afford to use it recklessly but I didn't have the time to think about being conservative, not whilst I was running for my life.
The stupidly named goblin looks furious. He's comically hopping between feet and screaming about his ritual circle covered by fresh blood and burnt by fire. Every second he does this is closer to another point of mana for me so I won't interrupt him, not just yet at least.
"Raaahhh! Stupid humans! Stupid, useless, creatures!" He turns around and leers at me.
"Yous suppose to gives me power, yous know how long that circle takes to draw?"
"I don't give a fuck! Do you know how long those boxers are going to take me to clean?"
He gawks at me as if he doesn't understand the meaning of what I just said before realising that I'm talking about his prize. Grinning evilly once again he hails the group behind him.
"Org, do yous want these...boxers, as rewards for killing the sacrifice for me?"
Org steps out of the remaining goblins with no show of emotion.
"No. Hes kill Kroll, Gorb and Borg. I kills for dem."
Poor Kroll. I actually did like that guy. Idiot.
He begins to approach me and seeing no way out behind me in the everlasting corridors, I decide to prepare for battle instead.
Fuck it. I've got this.
Org steps across the blood as if it isn't even a hindrance to him whilst I, on the other hand, keep losing my balance slipping slightly. How can he move like that when I feel so unstable?
I stop before he does when I find a dryer, less slippery patch of stone. This could be a result of the fire and I'm grateful to myself for more stability. A few meters away from me he halts his advance and slightly tenses up.
This reminds me of the time I came across Eto. Except for this time, we're not surrounded by perpetual darkness, nor is my opponent almost dead. Instead, we are stood upon a field of crimson, catered with destroyed stone and surrounded by dissected goblins. Overseen by many spectators, each awaiting their own turn in the banquet hall from hell. Luckily for me, I have seen Org fight and he isn't anything special, so I'm not too worried over him. I'm assuming this will be just like the two brothers before him, a piece of cake.
Or should I say a slice of cake, hehe?
Obling starts to chant some nonsense that I can't quite understand and suddenly, Org is upon me.
Dagger in hand and thrusting forward, I have no chance to counter his speed at this range. My only option is to evade. I jump to the side, avoiding the close attack but slipping on the fresh wet blood as I land, losing my footing in the process. Org is already in front of me again, not wasting a moment, swinging down with his dagger. After being caught off balance, I can't raise my scimitar fast enough, all I can do is lean back. Orgs blade cuts right through my face leaving me bleeding from the top left of my forehead, down through my nose and stopping on my cheek. Luckily, he missed my eyes otherwise this would be over as I'm still outnumbered and trapped here. Straight away his dagger is closing back in on my head from another angle. Fucking hell, he wasn't this beastly before, this must be one of Oblings tricks. Or maybe he's that relentless because I killed his brothers? Either way, I'm not going down like this, not by a shitty goblin!
"Sphere of Illuminating Light!"
When a light stronger than the one that is currently inhabiting a room is increased by tenfold, it causes the muscles in within the eye to relax and contract at the same time, this is how pupil dilation occurs. So, in dim conditions lit only by crystals on the outer wall, this spell becomes more powerful. Not as strong as when I used in on myself for the first time, whilst enveloped by darkness, but strong enough to earn me a few seconds and that is all I will need.
Brightness fills and dazzles the room, I can't quite tell what made me think of this magic. I didn't really want to use any spells as I'm low on mana as it is, but I also didn't want to let Org kill me.
Sorry, Org.
Not wasting the opportunity I have created for myself, I bring my scimitar round full swing, no mana involved and decapitate Org, the arm shielding his eyes goes with them.
No level up from org?
Still following my brief plan I retrieve the dagger from the dead hunter's hand, as I cancel my spell, instantly launching it toward the evil sorcerer with all the strength I can muster. My aim is true, which is amazing since I like to keep hold of my possessions. The dagger goes straight through Oblings head and out the back, sailing across the Magna pit before embedding itself into the wall, on the other side of the room.
"Yes!" I didn't expect that to be so successful.
No goblins move a muscle as they stare at Obling.
Who also does nothing but start cackling and his body disperses in a cloud of smoke.
"Did I win?"
Ooooh, that sent chills up my spine Temi. Remember the good old days when I only had to deal with a snarky system? Ah, fun times. Not at all like now, facing off against carnivorous ugly green people led by a deranged older goblin called Obling who turns into smoke. It's a strange new life.
'You have 16 mana remaining Erin.'
"Thanks, Temi."
The cracked cackling laughter of Obling gets louder as he reappears on top of his alter. The laughter turns into screams as something just behind him breaks off the skeleton construction.
"AAArrrrggghhhh. Filthy human!"
I know I never got round to using the hot spring, but I'm not that dirty.
Yea I know, not the time for jokes. It's only because I'm confused as to what just happened. I swear that dagger went through his head.
Obling is raving at his bone creation, shouting nonsense again. This prompts the rest of the goblins to slowly start to close the distance between us. Blood from my wound has found its way into my left eye, causing me to squint, partially taking away half of my vision. I don't want to cast heal again, but I feel like I have no choice. I need mana to heal myself so that I'm able to fight effectively but I also need that same mana to fight with. Which of these is the correct decision? I don't know which one would be better right now? Whilst contemplating an unchoosable choice, the goblins have used my distracted mind to gain more of the ground between us and circle around me.
Now I'm fucked.
The goblins close the perimeter carefully to make sure I can't escape this time and Obling is still screaming at his alter in some incoherent language. The only thing I can do is fall back on what I know, I swear to the gods I will practice the basics of magic properly if I escape this hell. I promise.
'17 mana'
Okay, concentrate Erin, if you wanna live out this new life with a mediocre name like this then fucking concentrate!
"Come on then you ugly, shit eating, goblin bastards!!"
All at once, they close in faster, blinded by rage, competing at who's going to be the first to taste the meat? Who's going to be the one to claim the reward from Obling? Who's going to be the one to shut up the guy throwing insults at them?
"Fire Wall!"
At this moment in my life 'tried once', means true and tested in my book. The goblins dive and claw through the air centimetres away from me as the wall of fire appears around me horizontally, once again. Searing my skin and making it look as though I have been chopped in half by pure flames, it incinerates anything that comes into contact with it. It doesn't last for long though as it pushes out away from me, just as it did when I made my escape, frying and melting anything in its path. Which is almost everything except for Obling and his sketchy skeleton alter. I doubled the mana cost up to catch the surrounding idiots near me and it worked like a charm.
You have levelled up
All stats increased
Special attributes points awarded
Skills increased
Nearly all the goblins are dead and any that remain, daren't approach me again. To them, I am the god of fire, finally free of whatever compulsion drove them to attack me in the first place. They no longer have any will left to fight, not after so many of their kin lay lifelessly on the floor. At least I didn't commit genocide and end them all.
My spell has left a scorched ring around my midsection, now covered in blood and burnt all over once again I really want to use Cure on myself again. However, with Obling taking notice of the situation finally, I definitely don't have that option now. If I can kill him with my blade that would be ideal but I doubt it will be that easy.
Picking up a flaming piece from one of the goblins from the floor I launch it, once more, at Obling.
This time it goes through his body and two more Oblings appear at each side of him.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid humans. Yous know how long it took to get all goblins to see me as dungeon!?"
"I don't give a shit. Give me my underwear or I'll take them off your headless corpse myself!"
Skill Acquired: Fear Level 1
"No, no, I tell yous yes. Alter is magic, it can take powers from others and gives them to another. Just put some bones in and it works."
"Evil magic?"
"No, no, j..just thief magic, yes. Just steals from others and gives to me."
Steals from others?
So he's probably done this a few times before, I wonder how long he's been here and how he tricked the goblins.
"If yous join me, wes can share the powers, yes?"
I wonder if he's taking power from the dungeon as well? It could be what Abi was trying to tell me before but I still don't know. I do, however, now know that the goblins where being tricked somehow seeing as how they've lost their resolve for battle. I don't even care what he says now, I can't trust a single word this evil sorcerer says.
"Wes can take more powers from the dungeon aswell."
That answers that.
Fucking Obling!
How dare he trick the dungeon that gave me my boxer shorts. My loveable little stalker.
How fucking dare he!
Obling can sense the rise in my anger as his fear must be growing. Only being level 1 doesn't stop him from acting against me by sending all three of his bodies rushing forward. My resolve to help the dungeon to stop being drained by such a horrible 'thing', surges within me and I raise my sword ready to put my skills to use.
I slice at the first Obling within range and open his throat. The daggers they carry aren't long enough to worry me, he should have used his magic. Unfortunately, though the Obling I just killed, disappears in smoke once again leaving me open for the other two to both sink their blades into me. Excruciating pain, like I have never felt before shoots throughout my body. One of the knives has pierced my lower back, maybe hitting a kidney and the other was sent straight into my chest, definitely puncturing my lung. It's a huge struggle to breathe, I cough blood and land on my knees. The two Oblings disappear in a black cloud and a single one appears behind their fading mist.
"Do yous know how tricky that is to cast? Pounding head right now! Stupid humans, but Oblings winner once again. No one can kill Obling master of illusion, ruler of the dungeon, killer of mans!
I can't even talk. The illusory knives that were jammed inside me disappeared with their ugly green counterparts but the wounds didn't. I'm glad I didn't use mana to heal my wounds earlier now that I'm this state. My chest burns and my mouth is full of blood, even though I have no need to say the words, it's become a habit and I still try.
The feeling of a summers day falls over me, the perfect temperature coupled with a light breeze. My wounds shine yellow, only the knife injuries though as I can't afford to double up here, healing my body and scaring the shit out of Obling at the same time.
Skill: Fear Level 1 has reached Level 2
"No! Hows can yous use so many magics? I will not lose here! The great Obling is the King of the dungeon!"
"King of losers more like. Your just an old, ugly goblin leeching off the dungeon. Without it or people to give you powers and without these goblins to help you, what are you really? Fucking useless!"
"Raaagghhhh, just dies"
Obling's two clones get called back into existence but this time he doesn't disappear behind them. Instead, he drops to his knees and almost passes out.
I know that look.
He's dry.
He managed to summon his clones and I don't know how long they'll last for, but he is definitely not going to be casting any more spells. The two Obling's before me don't move a muscle, they must be mentally connected to the main one and since he's down for the moment I won't waste this chance. I leap forward decapitating one of the Obling's, this causes the real one to take what action he can. He gathers himself quickly and runs forward at me with his clone and like before, I attack the closest one slicing its throat and turning it to smoke whilst the real one tries to sneak attack me from the side. I'm no expert in fighting or martial arts but I am better than an overweight goblin. I evade his dagger easily, elbowing him in the nose in the same motion.
Skill Acquired: Dodge Level 1
Skill Acquired: Unarmed Combat Mastery Level 1
Blood gushes out of his nose as he falls back to the ground. He quickly turns and crawls back to his alter, all spectating eyes on me from the sidelines waiting to see what will happen next. Obling stops in front of the remaining section of the skeleton and pulls out a vial from his robe, he uncorks it downing the strange-looking liquid within. He starts spouting nonsense to his alter once more, I'm guessing that he is attempting some final boss type of spell of his?
Yea, that's not happening!
"Dark Slash!"
From behind the sad excuse of a goblin, the jet black blade of air flys vertically through Oblings body and straight through the centre of the alter. The force of the attacks slits the ground in two carrying Obling, and what remains of his alter, over the verge into the molten lava below.
Fucking goblins.
I loved those boxer shorts.
You have levelled up
All stats increased
Special attribute points awarded
Skills increased
- In Serial57 Chapters
World Of Elite
Born to a family of exceptional Elites, Rin Kagane was unfortunate enough not to manifest any abilities.While her siblings fight the monsters from the Rift and keep humanity safe, Rin tries to do everything she can to keep up.But martial ability means nothing in the face of raw power.When reality comes calling, Rin makes terrible choices that take her down the wrong path.Follow her as she tries to find her place in a world where she doesn’t easily fit anywhere.
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Demonic Requiem | The Epitome of Evil
He feared none but himself. As a human, Elias walked a cruel path which only got more vicious as he became a demon. Born as the son of the most powerful man in the continent, but lived a life no worse than a slave. His only friend being solitude. The further he endured, the further he began to lose his humanity. Even a point came when he lost all rationality and lived as a senseless demon. But no matter the obstacle. He endured. He learned. He survived. He evolved. As the rumors of his endeavors spread, many dreaded him, many worshipped him and many bowed before him.Nonetheless, Elias continued to walk on his path. The path of a demon. As time passed, Elias terrorized the world with his evil and devious means. People deemed him as a threat who could no longer be ignored. Many empires united. They allied, and an all-out war started. But, be it the cruelty of fate or their foolishness, the alliance lost. Elias stood as the lone survivor, but alas, he lost his life from an unforeseen cause. But for better or worse, his story still seems to have not ended. Elias gets reborn back when he was young, and the path he walked once, he will walk again, but this time the one who suffers will not be him. What to expect: This story is based on the concept of "What if a villain, gets a second chance?". Hence it contains a lot of torture, torment, and inhumanity. Revenge or such feelings do not drive Elias, so it's not a revenge story. There won't be any rape scenes or incest. It's also not a story like that. But expect some cruelty and torture along the way. Also, it's a slow-paced novel. In short: A lunatic who terrorized the world with devious power and cruel means gets reborn, this time becoming even more powerful and ruthless. Link for the Cover Art:
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