《World tag#001》Chapter020


Touching the third obelisk gave me, just like the first two, all the basic information I needed about it's subject. In this case the data was about crafting. Sure enough almost all my hypothesis proved to be right. Four similar interaction, each one focused on the same results, leaded to a successful transformation of the material in a crafted item or implementation.

- Clearly, just like the magic system, the material, technique, imagination and ability of the craftsmen/woman is fundamental, and influence the final result, sigh... something really never change...

The fourth, and last, obelisk dealt with the previous locked menu, Life's tree. It was the most informative info-dump, being a topic I didn't know nothing about.

- Basically when certain conditions are met the menu will permit an upgrade or a change in the status... I'm correct to think it includes an "evolutionary" jump? Or also a regression?

When I absorbed all the information, about all the system's basics, from the four I inquired the central obelisk.

- I've not access to more information that the ones you already acquired, but I can confirm your speculations. The system permit a change, meeting the right conditions, in every entry of the menu.

- ... ...

- Now that you have completed the last phase, there are two more thing I need to give you.

- Oh? It's already christmas? Time sure fly when one in having fun...

- No, no such holiday here, the things you're going to have will help both of us. First your equipped, crafted items...

- What about them? I'm fairly attached you know?

- Yes, I know, even without your aggressive stance and squinted eyes. Basically your items are made of an materials unknown in this world, so they need to be exchanged with something less suspicious.

- Obviously it will be a fair exchange I hope.

- I don't think you have nothing to fear in that subject, I never lied and never cheated you. The second thing is a skill the system by default give after the end of this stage.


- Ok, ok sorry about the paranoia. So, do I need to take off the armour or you can...

As soon as I blinked, looking down an myself, the exchange was already done. All my items were gone, even my spear and knife.

- What the...

- If you want you can open the menu and confirm the changes. And to quench your doubts check also the items, I will provide the data of the previous ones.

NameRaceAverageHuman IHPMP112120AtkDefDexWis11+1411+161111Exp60/180


Exp +10%

Intuition I


Speech recognitionSkills points: 0

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