《World tag#001》Chapter019


After the strange sensation passed I started to think more clearly and also I felt my senses were more keen, more alive.

- So practically speaking the time I have is the time I can go without drinking or eating... I don't suppose you have a cafeteria down here?

- I'm afraid not, no prepackaged meal. After the end of this conversation you will have to look after yourself.

- Joy! Sigh... If the clock is running it's time for an abridged version of the introduction, then maybe I will know what questions is better to ask.

- Sure, the lore data was short anyway.

- Imlaren is now a peaceful world but in the distant past was once ruled by three great tyrant, Ausas the great sea-serpent ruled all the seas and islands, Ulbilgar the ancient dragon ruled all the western land, Llanfil the immortal witch was empress off all the east.

- When finally a hero defeated Ulbilgar the empress tried to cross the sea to take the dragon's land. Ausas found insulting that that the witch made no offering to him, so the raging sea swallowed Llanfil's fleet.

- From that day no one have seen nor the sea-serpent, nor the empress. The lands and lore today still reflects that division: The Islands; Dagon's Lands and The Empire.

- So there are other sentient creature, and seeing my avatar some must resemble humans... Still dragons, sea monsters and witches... We are not in Kansas anymore eh Toto... If there was still doubts about it...

- If the system setting is of a peaceful world, what's my objective? Don't misunderstand, I'm not eager to fulfill fantastical quest, but then why?

- ... ... I've not enough data to answer your question, the system was supposed to engage automatically after a successful test. This coupled with the lack of response of the Creators allowed me to fill in.


- Please tell me it's not a glitched, I've had my fair share of those kind of games in my days... Just considering the implication is making me...

- Rest assured all the rest of the system is 100% functional, consider this new life free of burden a blessing. For the rest all I can tell you about the four function of your menu, you can learn faster touching each pillar.

- Wait, I remember one was locked?

MenuAvatar StatusMapSkill listLife's tree

- Life tree? What the... I've a bad feeling...

Life's treeHuman II (conditions not met)

- Well really useful... No, wait, maybe it means evolving is possible?

Still mumbling I walked to the first obelisk and cautiously put my hand on it. A info dump was discharged into my mind, all about the menu and it's various functions. Well no new information, really I already guessed most of it but a confirmation from the source is always good.

The next one was about magic, and if previously I had various doubt in this field now all the data was now memorized and, hopefully, always at my disposal. Like I guessed before MP or mana is the fuel for any magical activity, and while most sentient magical race can manifest an effect from birth and without the need of speaking, most race need time to learn new magic tanks to the help of books or a mentor. Most of the magic's apprentice still need word to help concentration but with practice it's not strictly necessary.

- So my learning curve was really abnormal... Or this whole external agent it's the cause...

There are no strict magic element branch all it's considered a pure manifestation of the mage will. And turn out my little barrier experiment only consumes mana if an external force interferes. Also it's a kind of magic considered lost in the time of tyrants.

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