《World tag#001》Chapter012


The fact that the level-up, and resulting questionable gain, is possible and painless put my original plan back on track. Meaning exploiting as long as I can this UNKNOWN room, cheap I know but for me preparation is akin to salvation.

Cringe saying apart, let's see what can be done with the single point or if it's better to hoard them and choose something big.

Still the thing that keeps bugging me is this system, sometimes it's linear and simple but other times ,the names and interface for example, it seems like a rush job...

Better squash the frightening idea I'm having now, for the sake of my mind health.

- Skill list!


Intuition I

MagicSkills points: 1

- Mmmmm... even if is seems like a display it's not touch operated...

Mumbling after trying to use the mirror/display like a touch-screen, but seeing like the rest of the system goes the most simple solution may be the right one. The new menu that opened confirmed this theory.

- Skills points!

Skills points: 1Available upgradeHp +10

Mp +10

Atk +1

Def +1

Dex +1

Wis +1

Exp +10%

Well for my gamer self this is sure a no-brain decision, so following the first thing I did in games when available...

- Exp +10%!... please?... and how I'm supposed to select it now?

No response followed my rhetorical question, so I tried various things with a "I choose you" between, until I found the right sequence.

- Skills points, select Exp +10% upgrade!

Skills points: 0Selected: Exp +10%Related bonus skills unlockedMenu HUD

-Wait, what?

In the time I made that "witty" retort my vision of the world changed abruptly, making this situation I'm in more and more strange.

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