《World tag#001》Chapter001



My hand, stretched toward the ceiling, appear in my field of vision while i scream against the voice. Sigh talk about a weird awakening, still for being a dream the absolute void of sensation was really strange.

- Better start moving or i will surely be late to work.

Still there's something bugging me, did I forgot something? The sudden fit of pain hit me like a stab in the head.


Rolling on the floor, screaming like mad and holding my head the pain, just like it appeared, suddenly dissolve.

- What the @#£$ was that? An aneurism? Just like uncle Tom? Jeez the doctors told us all that it can be genetic but if they told me the pain was going to be so intense maybe I would have listened...

There are still lights flashing in the back of my eyes and more than before the sense of incongruity attract my attention. And then i realise what my brain was trying to tell me. The room, all the room, where am I?

White carpet, white bed, no windows, soft light coming from the ceiling and nothing else, only a closed door on the right.

A continuation of the dream, I'm still asleep? No the pain was too real, I shudder only at the thought of it.

Did something happened and I'm in an hospital? Well that would explain the pain and why I don't remember coming here.

But why did my unholy scream did not alert anyone? Late shift? No no at least someone should come, better wait. I sit on the bed facing the door and start the waiting game.

The paranoia alarm start going full blow in my mind again, too strange, this whole situation is too strange. ok better start doing something while watching the door or i will go crazy.


Carpet? check, sintetic one, pretty soft actually and strange colour but check normal for me.

Wall? check, white plaster and I believe, from my summer working repainting home, water based paint, normal.

Bed? check, white metal frame, soft pillow, white cotton sheets... wait... no tags, no tags anywhere.

Not on the pillow, not on the sheets even on the matress... OOOOKKKKK strangeness level up.

There's no way an hospital would use untagged merchandise, but still there's something else that's bugging me.

With fear starting to grow I recheck the room, this time almost inch by inch.

Nothing on the floor, and then it hit me, carpet? Carpet? What was I thinking when i considered it normal? No way that, in a room that need frequent cleaning, carpet is normal especially if the only tracks imprinted in it are mine. And it's too clean pratically new, and soft as it is really good at muffling sound.

Knocking lightly on the wall there is no hollow sound anywhere, just like if they where full concrete and no windows...

- What the..!

I crunch down as fast as possible trying to stay as still as possible... When I was staring at wall while walking around the room, a small window opened with a man behind staring at me.

- $%=! So there is really someone monitoring me here.

An experiment? A quarantine? Putting down for now the hypothesis my mind was start to feed me, I slowly stand up. If they are watching from the beginning there's no merit in hiding now.

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