《World tag#001》Prologue2???


- Welcome to tag#001, please select your avatar.

- Thanks... wait, what?

- Please select your avatar.

- Did I fell asleep with the VR glasses on again? Wait, why I don't feel my body? And why everything i think is being written here? What in #@€!£$ is happening???

- Please calm down, every chaotic thought will extend the time to finish the reading and alignment of your neural matrix, and please select your avatar.

- Well if you want me to calm down, then why don't you tell me what's happening? And why do I have to choose an avatar, are we trying to mine minerals on exoplanets? And what's up whit the robo-voice?

- No, no mining involved in the selecting of your avatar, my way of "speaking" is due to your matrix's interpretation and I'm sorry to announce that your last body ceased is function and is scheduled to be cremated in 13 min. Please select your avatar.

- ... ... ... Sooooo I really must be asleep, @£$& I hope to remember it, the idea is bland but the old style A.I. maybe can make a good starting point for the game the guys in R&D... Who I'm kidding, it's not like they will listen to the last wheel of the IT compartment. Aahh Sometimes I really worry why I still try to help.

- Why do you think this is a dream? Please select your avatar.

- Really? Come on, ok ok let's play a game of choice by elimination:

1. It can't be a VR introduction because I don't feel anything at all, my body, no floating sensation, my need to breath even, so VR excluded;

2. Let's go the extra mile and say the R&D finally found the break-through with their VR helmet and they are pulling my leg with a joke, considering our relationship I believe they would pull a more disturbing tale more than my death;


3. Please don't make me even consider that a story like the one I used to read is coming true.

- So, you see, it must be a dream, it's the only way.

- Yes, I see, with limited information you're bounded to false conclusion, but why the n°3 is so illogical? Please select your avatar.

- Sigh, I have a theory ok? I used to read mountain of books and novels, play games and so on, mind me I was a casual, but do you know what's the theory I've made out of it? That if in any way you're special you're in, good and bad, love and hate, happiness and pain, all are dished out on the protagonist. Well i choose always roundabout ways in my life, where we can say I'm protagonist of my own story, to be invisible, unknown. Because of this life choice I'm proud, ok maybe a little bit bitter about it, to say I'm not special in any way, maybe only in being the perfect average person.

- ... I think now I know why your matrix meet all the search parameters,and also that whatever I say will be taken as a dream talk. Now that your alignment is complete, and you refused 3 times the avatar choice, I can only procede to place your avatar on #001 and fuse your matrix with it.

Avatar chosen: human standard 1

Name chosen: ...

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