《Youth Unsupervised》Chapter 10- Pale Moonlight
It had been over a week since I'd seen Saki and I think I might have been starting to go a little bit crazy. I'd been thinking about her nonstop. In the day I could distract myself with things like games, manga, or even Hiromasa's company, but the nights were the worst. I didn't have anything to drown out my own thoughts so I was forced to wonder where she was, if something happened to her, and when or if she was coming back.
It seemed unlikely, after being friends with her for this long, that she would simply disappear for the entire summer break, but I don't pretend to know the first thing that was going on in her head. That fantasy I had of my feelings for Saki fading had long since passed. It was clear to me that they weren't going anywhere and I was just going to have to deal with the rushes of bliss followed by the pangs of longing.
I decided I was long overdue for a trip to the store. All that was left in the fridge was a jar of mayonnaise, and my stock of instant noodles was completely gone. A little fresh air might not have been such a bad idea either.
I walked several blocks from the house, to the convenience store I usually went to. One of the light panels in the stripped boarder around the top of the building was still cracked, and had been for a few months. The sales woman at the counter greeted me as I walked through the sliding glass doors. I got a hand basket and started to walk up and down the aisles, grabbing stuff that only took some hot water to prepare.
I reached out to grab a bowl of tempura udon, when someone's hands slid around my eyes.
"Guess who?" Saki said softly in my ear.
I smiled. "Hm. The devil, maybe?"
She giggled and removed her hands from my eyes. "Close enough."
I tried to hide my smile as I turned around to face her. "Are you stalking me now?"
She shrugged. "Well, watching you sleep through the window just isn't as fun lately."
"You should try getting in the bed with me. I'm a lot more fun that way." I grinned.
She laughed. "I'll keep that in mind. What are you up to anyway?"
"Shopping. What does it look like?"
"Oh, yeah. I guess you would have to shop for yourself, wouldn't you?"
I went back to grabbing things off the shelf. "What are you doing here?"
"I was on my way to your house and happened to see you here, so I thought I'd mess with you a little."
"Yeah, sounds like you." I turned the corner to the next aisle. She followed with her hands folded behind her back.
"God." She peered into my basket. "Don't you buy anything healthy?"
"Not really. It's my dream to die at forty."
"I guess I can't really talk." She picked up a candy bar and studied it. "It's not like I can cook either."
"Who says I can't cook?" I asked.
"You mean you can cook?"
I shrugged. "A little. I just don't see the point when it's just me."
She smirked. "I'd love to see you in one of those frilly pink aprons." She shoved the candy bar into her pocket.
I sighed, reached into her pocket, retrieved the candy bar, and dropped it in my basket. "Let's not start getting into who wants to see who in what."
She chuckled. "You sure are getting handsy."
I shook my head and walked down the aisle, skipping the next few, until I got to the refrigerated section. I grabbed a few different flavored rice balls and plopped them in the basket, then a salad, which I shook in Saki's direction.
She grinned. "Your mother would approve."
I grabbed a few bottles of tea and fruity beverages before I went up to the counter and checked out.
"Thank you," the sales woman called after us as we left the store.
We stepped to the side of the door and I rummaged through one of the bags until I found her candy bar.
"You don't have to do that." I said, handing it to her. "Steal, I mean."
She snorted. "What would you know about it?" She peeled away the plastic from the top of her bar.
"Nothing. Why don't you tell me about it?"
She just rolled her eyes and took a bite of the candy.
"So, why were you on your way to see me anyway?" I asked.
"To tell you to clear your schedule tomorrow night. I will be at your house around nine."
"See? Now, wouldn't that have been much easier with a phone?"
"But then, how would I get to see your pretty, smiling face?" She finished off the chocolate bar.
"You're always welcome to stop by. In fact, you're welcome to come home with me right now."
She chuckled. "I wouldn't want you to get sick of me."
"That would never happen," I said softly.
She smiled and stuck the empty candy bar wrapper in my pocket. "Tomorrow at nine." She waved and walked off.
I watched her go, regretfully. I hoped that time would pass quickly, even though I knew it wouldn't. Still, getting to see her for just a little while had me grinning like an idiot again. I did fall asleep a little bit easier that night.
The next day Hiromasa came over. He looked as excited as I was to be seeing Saki. As promised, there was a knock on my door a little before nine.
"Ready?" she asked as soon as I opened the door.
I leaned against the door frame. "Not really sure how to answer that question, since I have no idea where we're going or what we are doing."
"Hi, Saki." Hiromasa chimed from behind me.
"All you need is yourself," she said.
We didn't really have a choice but to accept that as an answer. Hiromasa and I put on our shoes and joined Saki outside. She grinned, and after I locked up, she started to lead us away from the house.
The sun had already set and the streetlamps lit our path. There were a few people out and about because of the nice weather, but I was sure whatever Saki had planned was not going to take place in a well-lit, populated area.
"So, the whole not meeting at that apartment thing is odd," I said as we walked.
Saki nodded. "It's a long walk from there. I thought it might be easier to take the train."
Departure from the norm could only mean trouble.
"What have you been doing, Saki?" Hiromasa asked.
She shrugged. "Nothing exiting. How about you?"
"Nothing either, really," he said. "You should come and hang out with us more often. We miss you." He threw his arm around my shoulder and grinned at me. "Right?"
I nodded. "Right."
He leaned over toward Saki and put his free hand up against his mouth to pretend to whisper. "If you would rather hang out without this guy." He pointed his thumb at me. "Then that's fine too."
"Shut up." I shrugged his arm off and shoved him.
He laughed and we continued on our way to the train. I didn't recognize the stop we got off at, but Saki continued to lead the way confidently.
After a while, our surroundings started to seem familiar, but I couldn't place them, not until we approached a small stone building secluded by trees. I hadn't been to this place since elementary school.
"A swimming pool?" I asked.
Saki grinned. "Of course. No better way to beat the summer heat."
"But, it's closed, isn't it?" Hiromasa asked, as we approached the chain link fence surrounding the pool.
"Sharp as a tack, as always, Hiromasa," Saki said and started to climb the fence.
Hiromasa reached out like he was going to pull her back, and then thought better of it. He looked around the area frantically.
"Relax," I reassured him. "Everyone would have gone home by now."
Saki dropped to the other side and beckoned me with that smile of hers. I started my climb. The fence wasn't impossibly high, only a few feet above our heads, enough to deter children and animals, not nearly high enough to propose a serious challenge. I landed on the other side next to Saki. Hiromasa didn't move.
"Well?" Saki asked.
"I don't think this is a good idea." Hiromasa looked around nervously.
"Obviously, genius," Saki answered. "I don't have any of those, only fun ones."
He didn't say anything. Saki sighed and turned to walk away.
"Have fun on the train ride home by yourself," she said.
Hiromasa gave me a pleading look.
"It's alright." I grabbed onto the fence. "You really can go home, you know?"
He started to chew on his fingertips.
"I guess I'll just stay here and see Saki in a swim suit all on my own." I grinned.
His look switched from worried to determined and he started to climb the fence. I had probably been spending too much time around Saki, baiting him like that. He landed next to me and Saki turned around with a smile.
"Glad you could join us," she said.
We approached the blue water of the pool. It was a pretty decent size, and all that water looked so peaceful without anyone in it. To the left of us, were several levels of cement steps carved into the hillside meant to serve as seats for people taking a break or watchful parents. Beyond the fence that surrounded the entire area, much like the front, was a dense formation of trees.
"The pool looks great," I said. "But, there is one problem. Neither of us brought anything to swim in."
"Don't worry. Neither did I." She started pulling her t-shirt over her head.
Hiromasa immediately started slapping my shoulder repeatedly, as if I wasn't aware a woman was stripping not five feet from me. She tossed her shirt to the side, unzipped her shorts, and began to take those off as well.
I thought Hiromasa's eyes might pop out of his head. I know this was highly unusual, but it's rude to stare too hard. I guess I couldn't really judge him too harshly. I was having trouble finding somewhere to look myself. Black with a little bit of lace. I might have guessed.
The thing I realized next both filled me with relief and sadness. She didn't have any bruises, which meant that whatever was going on at home probably wasn't physical abuse. To be honest, I didn't know if that was better or worse.
She flipped her shorts away with her foot and stepped to the side of the pool. She didn't check the temperature, merely dove headfirst into the water.
"Come on," she said after surfacing. "It feels great."
I pulled my shirt off and threw it next to Saki's clothes.
"You're getting in?" Hiromasa grabbed my arm.
"Well, we came here to swim, didn't we?" I stripped down to my boxers.
Saki wolf whistled from the pool.
Not being one for finesse, I merely jumped into the pool feet first and swam over to tread water next to her.
"So, not like I'm complaining, but we could have brought stuff to swim in. I'm pretty sure bathing suits would be easy to steal," I said.
"Would have ruined the surprise," she said. "Besides, they cover about the same amount of skin. I never really saw the difference, you know?"
"I'm sorry. Were you trying to make a point of some kind? I was distracted by the lingerie you're wearing."
"Dick." She splashed me.
I laughed and shielded my face with my arm.
"Are you coming in or what?" Saki asked Hiromasa.
Hiromasa turned around to take off his clothes and then approached the pool slowly with his arms wrapped around himself.
"You do realize I could have seen your naked chest even if you were wearing swim trunks, right?" Saki asked.
"Yeah, but..." Hiromasa trailed off.
"Will you just come on," Saki said.
Hiromasa didn't move or say anything, merely cast his gaze to the side. Saki gave an aggravated sigh and swam to the edge of the pool.
"You know," she said, grabbing the edge of the pool and pulling herself up and out. "I'm getting pretty sick of this pattern." She put her hands on her hips and leaned her face into his. "We do crap and you always hesitate. Then at the last minute, end up doing it anyway, so why not cut to the chase this time and get in the pool?"
Hiromasa's face grew red and his eyes darted all around, like he wasn't sure where to look.
"What's the matter? Do I make you nervous?" Saki asked in a low voice. She circled around him until he was trapped between her and the pool. "You're already here. Why are you being so difficult?"
"Come on, Saki," I called from the pool. "Leave him alone."
She grinned. "I could, or...." She pushed him backwards into the pool.
His back hit the water, creating a big splash. He came up choking and gasping for air. Saki laughed and jumped back in pool.
"What is the matter with you?" Hiromasa yelled.
"That list is pretty long." She backstroked her way over to me. "It feels good now that you're in here though, doesn't it?"
He blinked silently a few times.
"Yes," he grumbled.
"I'm kind of disappointed, though." She swam over to him and rubbed a lock of his wet hair between her fingers. "It's all plastered to your head now."
"If it'll keep you from messing with it, maybe I should gel it down every day."
"No such luck." Saki stuck her tongue out at him and grabbed a hold of his wet head, swaying it from side to side.
"Quit it." Hiromasa splashed her in the face.
Saki laughed and retaliated with a splash of her own. They sent wave after wave of water at each other until Saki retreated behind me and grabbed hold of my shoulders.
"Save me," she pleaded.
"Yeah rig..." I started to say, when Hiromasa's splash hit me right in the face.
I gagged on water and sent a wave back his way. "Asshole."
Saki hid her face behind me.
"Nice try," I said, and flipped some water over my shoulder.
Saki squealed and moved away.
Pretty soon we were in an all-out splash war, sending water flying at each other and laughing like little kids.
After a while, Hiromasa put his hand up.
"Quiet for a second," he said, which was met with a few more splashes. "Seriously. Shut up."
We stopped splashing and I finally heard it. His phone was ringing from inside his shorts. He swam to the side of the pool, pulled himself out, and tried to shake his hand somewhat dry, before reaching into the pocket of his shorts and pulling out his phone.
He put the phone up to his ear. "Hel..." he started, before grimacing and pulling it away again. Someone on the other end was screaming loudly.
He put the phone back to his ear. "I'm sorry, mom." He paused. "Still at Kaito's. I left it in the other room."
A smile spread over Saki's face. I made a futile grab for her arm as she slipped under the water and swam in Hiromasa's direction. She came up at the edge of the water and threw an arm over the side.
"Is she alright?" he asked.
"Oh, Hiromasa," Saki moaned. "Don't touch me there."
Hiromasa fastened a hand over her mouth before she could say anything else.
"N-nothing," he said, into the phone. "Just the TV. I understand. I'm on my way."
He lowered the phone and took his hand away from Saki's mouth. "Why would you do that?"
"I was just playing around," she said.
He glared at her, made a disgusted sound, and grabbed his clothes off the ground.
"Everything alright?" I asked.
"Yeah, not too bad. Kanna is running a fever and mom doesn't want to leave her alone to go get her medicine. Dad is working late. Anyways, I have to go. See you guys." He walked off briskly in the direction we came in.
"If you go commando, your shorts won't get soaked," I called after him. "Seriously."
"Thanks," he hollered back.
Saki sighed, kicked off the side, and relaxed her body to float on her back.
"What was your plan for getting dry?" I asked, making my way over to her side.
"The air," she said.
"Because that doesn't seem like a sure fire way to get sick."
"Stop whining. It's really warm out. You'll be fine." She was quiet for a minute. "Do you think he's mad at me?"
I smiled. "Feeling remorseful?"
She shut her eyes. "Don't be an idiot. Monsters don't feel remorse."
I nodded, letting her keep her lie. "He won't stay mad for long. He's not one to hold grudges."
"You've known each other for a while, huh?" She flapped her arms slowly, propelling herself a few inches through the water.
"Since kindergarten."
"Who is Kanna?" she asked.
"One of his sisters. He has three. All younger than him."
"Sounds like a pain."
"They aren't too bad," I said. "Kind of rambunctious sometimes, but that's just how kids are."
She flipped over and propelled herself to the other side of the pool, then got out. I swam over to her and folded my arms over the side.
"Done swimming?" I asked.
She nodded and walked over to the lowest of the thick stone steps, leaving a trail of water as she went. I pulled myself out as she lay down on her back. I still didn't have much confidence in the drying at night plan, but I lay on the step above her anyway. It didn't really matter to me if I went home soaking wet. The step felt a little warm under my back, despite the fact the sun had already been down for a while.
Her hair splayed out behind her and hung like a curtain over the sides of the step. She looked really pretty bathed in pale moonlight. I wasn't sure where she was at that moment. She certainly wasn't there with me. Her mind was adrift somewhere. For the first time since we'd met, I saw that same sad, hurt look her eyes. That lonely girl from three years ago was still there, buried under all that fake stone skin. I wanted so desperately to reach for her, but I couldn't. She wouldn't accept any words of comfort and anything romantic would be lost on her, so for now, I would have to settle for the only thing I could say.
"Saki, the moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?"
She smiled. "Yeah, it is."
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