《Waltz Under The Moonlit Night》Chapter 7 One Last Farewell


"What the hell is with my luck?! Did someone curse me or something?!" Yusuke shouted in despair.

"Maybe It's because you cheated on so many girls," Yuna said.

"I don't want to hear that from someone who barfed all over my house!"

Seriously...Those two are always arguing. But I do feel bad for Yusuke. Forced to chug a whole can of beer, House wrecked, barf all over the place, and finally getting sucker punched by me and Yuna. Just who did he piss off to be cursed so badly? I still have to pack up for my departure, but seeing the state of Yusuke's apartment, I feel really bad if I didn't at least help clean up. What a dump this place became after everyone drank themselves to death.

"Fine, fine. I'll help clean your cheap-ass apartment," Yuna said

"Well, I'm already way too late for practice so might as well clean up," Yusuke said.

"I'll help too, of course," I said.

"Where the hell are the other four?" Yusuke asked

"Your cute juniors are still passed out and those two 'responsible' adults left a long time ago. They said something about a part-time job and dashed outside," I replied.

"Not only did they cause this mess but they also ditched!?" Yusuke gritted his teeth in anger. Looking at his face, he's probably pondering on what he's going to do to them if he runs into them next time. I'm also mad but thanks to them, this day was far more amusing that i'd anticipated. Don't get me wrong, I'll still slaughter them the next time we meet. Jeez, I can't believe I looked up to those two music geniuses.

"Forget about those two, let’s get to cleaning!" Yuna said cheerfully.

"Yeah..There's no use thinking about those two idiots," Yusuke sighed.

And so, we began cleaning up this poor excuse of an apartment. Things were going smoothly and we were cleaning up this mess at a fast rate. Those two juniors finally woke up but were too hungover to do anything. They were about to barf but thankfully I managed to drag their asses to the bathroom before another mess was made. You know, if you ignore the smell of barf, this atmosphere of cleaning is pretty peaceful. A huge contrast to the mess that was last night's celebration. I'm leaving today, huh? Now i'd wished I had postponed that. It's really painful to have to leave such good friends behind. I wonder if they'll forget me as time pass by. Sigh...there's no use in thinking about such things.

"Well, I guess that's all. This place is cleaner that it's ever been. Thanks for lending a hand, guys." Yusuke said.

"Don't mention it. It was us who messed up the place in the first place," I said.

"Anyways, I heard you're leaving this evening," Yusuke said.


"Yeah. I have a few hours left to pack up all my stuff,"

"You haven't packed yet? Man, you should've told me. Now I feel bad about having you clean up this mess,"

"Haha, It's fine,"

"Jeez. Da-chan's always so careless,"

"That I am," I replied.

"Well, see you guys then. I have a shit ton of things to do," I waved a goodbye and left the premise.

"Yeah, see you at the station!" They said as the door was shut.

Well, I have three hours to pack for a six month stay. God i should've packed a long time ago. Why the hell am I such a dumbass? My body's so sore too. Sigh... I guess I better quit complaining and get to work. The heat of the sun was also something that was really bothering me, but at some point, I just didn't give a shit. I Lifelessly strolled to the way home while smoking a cigarette to distract me from the immense pain my body was feeling. I glance around me and saw many people staring and giving disaproving looks. Some mom even said "Don't look honey," to her child. What the hell? I'm not some hopeless delinquent, you know!? I'm a prodigy with a bright future and you all will be hearing my name soon enough, I wanted to shout. But thankfully, I was still sane enough not to make an embarrassment out of myself.

Time seems to blur by and now I had finally finished packing. With an hour left before my trains departs, I didn't really have much time to relax. With much hesitation, I grabbed my luggage and head to the train station. My father called me earlier today and said that he'll be wiring me some money for my stay at Inaba. It looks like I'll be staying at an apartment. I asked if there was any relatives and he answered in his usual manor. "All our relatives have pretty much left Inaba, so you're on your own. Don't worry, I'll send you some money to rent an apartment or something,"

And here I thought I would be getting a warm welcome. It's a shame but I feel like it's not a problem at all. My goal isn’t meeting relatives I haven't met in years, It's to see what my father meant by his words. And if it ends up being a fruitless endeavor, then I'm not sure what I'd do. Well, thinking too far into the future won't help me now. Man, I should've grabbed a bite to eat before I took off. Now I'm in a cab, with no food at all. There are some cups of noodles in my luggage but it would be extremely awkward if I made cup noodles in someone's car. I guess I better make do with an empty stomach.

The drive was quick and I left the cab with a feeling of mind numbing hunger. I probably will just buy a bento box and eat it on the train. With food as my motivation, I dashed to my station. I had thirty minutes of time to buy whatever I want. There are dozens of stores selling many mouthwatering foods. From classic bento boxes to fresh from the sea sushi, there’s practically everything here. Let's not waste much time and start spending, hmm?


As I was browsing through the stores looking for what might be tempting to by, I was approached by two familiar faces. It was of course Yuna and Yusuke. Well, they did say they were going to meet me at the station.

"Yo, Adachi! It's rare for you to be browsing through food. Did Yuna's gluttony rub off on you?" Yusuke said in a playful tone.

"Jeez, how cruel. I haven't had anything to eat all day, you know," I said.

"That's so like you!" Yuna angrily said. "But I'll let it slip this time because I'm sure you were busy packing up. Here, take this," she said with a slightly flushed face and offered me a box.

"Eh, What's that?" I asked.

"It's a bento box I made on my own. Take it and eat it already," She said proudly.

Well, isn’t this a treat. Yuna may be a glutton but her cooking skills were pretty top notch.

"If you insist," I grabbed the bento box quickly. "Thanks for the food, Yuna. I owe you one,"

"N-no problem," she stuttered.

"How romantic. I feel like I'm in a shitty romance flick," Yusuke said.

"Like hell it is!" Yuna gutted him.

"Sheesh, can you two keep it quiet? You're making quite a scene," I said and sat down on a bench nearby.

"How am i supposed to be quiet when this guy is so annoying," Yuna said

"And how am I supposed to be quiet when this rabid gorilla keeps attacking me," Yusuke said

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered

I opened up the box and inside was a wonderful selection of foods. Rice with nori, Karage, omelets, and a small serving of vegetable. It gives off the vibe of a classic, homemade meal. Yuna really did go all out, huh?

"Man, this looks amazing, Yuna," I said.

"Yup, my cooking's always the best,"

"I'll definitely miss it," I said.


"Well, then. Ittadakimasu," I said and dig in. "So good!" I said after taking a bite out of the chicken karage. Crispy on the outside and succulent and juicy on the inside.

"You better hurry up. Your train's leaving in twenty minutes," Yusuke said.

"I know, I know. I just wanted to savor Yuna's cooking for the last time before I'll be gone for months," I said.

"Inaba, huh? Why did you decide to transfer to the middle of nowhere anyways?" Yusuke asked.

"Well, it’s my mother's hometown. I guess I want to see where she grew up,"

"I have a friend who moved to there. His name is Okimura and I believe he goes to Sasaki high. If you meet him then do me a favor and tell him I said hi. I haven't talked to him since middle school. Man, brings back so many memories. We were rivals, you know?"Yusuke smiled genuinely.

"I'll make sure to tell him that If I ever meet him," I said. I haven't gotten the name of the school I will attend but if it's Sasaki then it must be fate.

"Haha, Be careful though, he's got an ass of a personality. But once you get to know him then he'll be less of an ass"

"...I'll keep that in mind,"

"Anyways Da-chan. I heard that Inaba is known for its many seafood delicacies. Make sure to bring me some, All right?"

"Jeez. Always on about food, huh?" Yusuke asked.

"Shut up, shit face!"

"Yeah. I'll bring back tons of seafood for you. Don't worry," I chuckled.

"Well, I guess I’ll be leaving then. Don't wanna miss my train," I stood up.

"Yeah....Just don't forget about us will ya?' Yusuke said jokingly.

"Of course I won't. How could I?"

"I'll miss you guys. Seriously. Well, see ya then," I said and dragged my luggage to the station.

"Hey Da-chan," Yuna said.

"What is it?" I reared my head.

"Don't...Don't break your promise, all right?" She said.

"Of course I won't. I'm not the type of person to go back on my words," I assured her and smiled as gently as I could,

"Yeah...Good luck on your trip," She said.


And with that, I head to my station and quickly boarded the bullet train. Luckily, there was no one beside me and I got the seat next to the window. As I stare into the blue sky, my heart flutters heavily. Was this the right decision? I asked myself over and over again. All I could do was hope that It really is the right decision. But why does my heart flutter like this?All I have going are my father's word. He said that this trip would help me improve. Just why did I agree to this in the first place? Agree to the plan of the man I hate. But still, I feel like this is something I have to do. It's not something based on rational and logical thinking, but something based on this strong feeling in my guts. Sigh...I wish I could go for a smoke right now.

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