《Waltz Under The Moonlit Night》Chapter 6 Don't leave


The eerily quiet night went on as I stood atop of Yusuke's balcony, admiring the surprisingly pleasant scenery. The scent of cigarettes could by smelled as I continue smoking, without a care in the world. For a farewell party, it sure is really quiet. Well. That’s thanks to the wonderful Minami-san, who made everyone drink so goddamn much. How ironic. She was the one to scold Osamu for offering me a drink, when she's to one who ended up getting everyone wrecked. I checked the time on my smartphone and It was already 2 am. I guess I better head back, get some needed rest, and start packing for my long stay In Inaba. The next semester of school is still a few days away but I'm going to Inaba later this evening. I want to explore a bit and get used to the place before going to school.

With a solid plan in mind, I went back inside the apartment and headed to the front door, while avoiding all the corpses on the floor and the pools of literal barf. This place smells like a dumpster and I can't wait to leave. I feel bad for Yusuke because he'll have to clean up all the mess we made. I gave him a look of pity as I watched his calm, innocent face while sleeping. Because he won't keep that calm face when he sees the state his apartment is in.

As I was about to reach the front door, something held onto my foot. I looked back, and a corpse had risen from the dead.

"O-oi, Da-chan. T-that you?" Yuna stuttered with a pale face. "Ugh. I'm about to hurl." she said as she stood up slowly.

"Shouldn't have drank too much, huh?" I said.

"Shut up! Minami-san was so scary, you know. And why the hell aren't you drunk!?" She asked.

"Cause I'm not an idiot and didn't drink," I said.

"Damn coward," she said.

Looking at her face that's getting paler and paler, I was worried.

"You look like you're about to throw up. Let's go to the bathroom, before you make more of a mess in Yusuke's place," I grabbed one of her shoulders and ler her into Yusuke's bathroom.

"Y-yeah," She said weakly.

"Um... Da-chan. I don't think I can hold it anymore," She said

"What do you-" I was cut off as Yuna puked all over me.


I pushed her off but the damaged was done. My entire body is now drenched in her fucking puke that smells absolutely putrid.

"Hehe, I'm sorry about that," She smiled sheepishly before continuing to puke all over the floor.

Great. Just what I needed. What the hell's up with my damn luck these days. Aah, and this was my favorite T-shirt too. Why the hell is she smiling so innocently? It's like she's saying "I did nothing wrong," It's really pissing me off.

"What do you mean sorry!? You just puked all over me, you know!? And you ruined my favorite T-shirt too! You better take responsibility," I shook her over and over in frustration. Which was something I later would regret. Shaking a drunk person repeatedly wasn't the best thing to do, you see.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" she apologized repeatedly before puking all over my face second later.

"Gaah! What the hell!?" I shouted as I wiped all the puke that got on my face.

There was a moment of an awkward silence as I tried to rub off as much of the puke as I can, and Yuna was still puking all over the place. Once she was mostly done, her pale face turned to me and smiled. What is it now?

"You're a dumbass aren't you, Da-chan?" She giggled.

"What do you even mean by that?" I asked

"I mean, what kind of cruel person shakes a drunk, helpless, young maiden like that,"

"You're the one who puked all over me," I deadpanned.

"My bad, my bad," She said with an unapologetic smile, "I ate five boxes of pizza, you know,"

"That's why you shouldn't eat too much and drink when you're underage,"

"Haha, teasing you never gets old,"

"Anyways. We both are drench in horrid puke. You go wash up and I'll find some change of clothes," I said.

"Aw, are you pissed off?"

"Why would I be pissed off? I'm only drenched in puke and my favorite T-shirt is only ruined," I said sarcastically.

"Haha, you really are pissed off," She said and went to the bathroom.

An hour passed as the whole situation was resolved. It was tiresome but now we're laying on Yusuke's bedroom, staring at the white ceiling, and wearing Yusuke's clean clothes.

"Jeez. I feel like I'm really invading Yusuke's privacy," I said.


"Haha, out of context, we would look like two, home invading perverts," She joked. "Anyways, let’s look for the porn mags shall we? Boys your age hides them well hmm? Got any ideas. Da-Chan?" She asked.

"Oi, stop it! That's just going too far," I said.

"Come on, I can tease him forever If I find something juicy,"

"Like hell I'd let you do that,"

"Fine, fine. I'll stop," she laid back down on the bed.

For a cheap-ass apartment, the bed sure is large and comfy. As I stared into the white abyss that is the ceiling, I ponder on the strange chain of events that happened in the past few hours. Alcohol sure is scary, huh? I wonder why so many enjoy indulging in such self-harming things. Well, I smoke daily, so I'm not one to look down on them. I remember Osamu-san saying such things like, “Forgetting life's endeavor for a while" Hmm, Life as adults sure sounds complicated, huh? Man...I'm itching for a smoke. I guess I'm slowly getting more addicted to it. I should stop...but I can't. I'm afraid I might forget my own mother If i stopped smoking. I know It's a very irrational thought, but I can't help it. We humans are so irrational, hmm?

"Hey, Da-chan," Yuna cut off my thoughts.

"What is it?" I asked.

"When are you leaving?" She asked.

"Probably later this evening," I answered nonchalantly. Yuna gave me a melancholic stare...What is it this time?

"I thought you were leaving in a few days," She said, clearly upset.

"I have to move into a new place and adjust a bit before school starts," I answered.

"Is that so?" she asked dejectedly.

"Don't worry. I'll be back before you even notice I had left," I assured her.

"I know It's childish for me to ask you this, but, please, don't leave..." She said, on the verge of tears.

I thought about it for a while, but in the end, I came to the same conclusion. I feel like I must leave. It's nothing but a gut feeling. But I genuinely feel like this is something I have to do.

"I'm really sorry, but I have to go. This is something that I must do," I said.

"Sigh...I guess it can't be helped," She sighed and lowered her head. "Sorry for trying to drag you down," She said

"It's fine..." I said.

After a long, long, awkward pause, Yuna spoke up, "You know, I might not say it often, but I've always admired you, Da-chan. your drive in pursuing your dreams, you're always there by my side, you never let a friend down, always kept your promises...I've always tried to catch up to you, but I'm always behind...I guess, hearing you leaving, I must be really frustrated...I'm sorry for being such a clingy friend,"

"It’s not your fault, it really isn't. It's understandable why you would feel that way. I'm just another fool who's chasing after uncertain things...But I'll promise you one thing. As soon as I found what I was looking for, then I'll return immediately. It's a promise," I said.

"If you break this promise...Then I'll break your balls," she said, realasing that demonic aura of hers.

"Y-yes, ma'am," I reflexively replied.

"Bwahaha," She laughed.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"It’s nothing," She replied.

"Come on, what is it?"

"I'm tired. I’m going to sleep," she cut me off.

After a minute, she really did fell asleep. Her face looks so calm and...Beautiful while sleeping. I'm really glad we got to resolve things. I guess I'd better keep my promise if I value my two set of balls, haha. I guess I'm heading home now. I'd be really weird if I slept together with her. But before I stood up and left, my body suddenly got really heavy. And slowly, but surely, I too fell asleep, in this cheap-ass but comfy bed.

"Shit.Shit. I'm late for practice!" A voice could be heard from a distance and woke me up.

That person entered the room and It was revealed to be none other than Yusuke. As soon as he entered, his eyes went wide and his jaw practically on the floor. I wonder what's wrong with him this time. But then i realized who was next to me in this bed. It was Yuna, and she was also awake, Face painted a deep shade of red.

"D-did you use p-protection?" Yusuke stuttered and I grew embarrassed.

"Shut up, Idiot! It's not like that!" We both shouted at the top of our lungs and punched him in the face.

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