《A Curious Bird》8. Little Ol' Me


Evolution complete.

[Blood Magic Mastery] - Lv. 1 acquired.

[Blood Armor] - Lv. 1 acquired.

[Mana Sight] - Lv. 1 acquired

[Will] - Lv. 1 ---> [Will]- Lv. 2

Aariv stretches his body and then checks his stats.

Name: Aariv

Species: [Incognita] - Lv. 1


[Peck] - Lvl. MAX

[Passive Skill: Flight] - Lvl. MAX [Passive Skill: Night Vision] - Lvl. MAX [Stealth] - Lvl. 12

[Appraisal] - MAX [Pain Resistance] - Lv. 9 [Peck] - Lv. 5

[Scratch] - Lv. 9 [Hypnosis] - Lv. 9 [Will] - Lv. 2

[Ice Magic Mastery] - Lv. 1 [Ice Manipulation] - Lv. 6 [Forest Magic Mastery] - Lv. 2

[Forest Manipulation] - Lv. 5 [Earth Magic Mastery] - Lv. 4 [Earth Manipulation] - Lv. 7

[Water Magic Mastery] - Lv. 1 [Water Manipulation] - Lv. 8 [Wind Magic Mastery] - Lv. 5

[Wind Manipulation] - Lv. 8 [Ice Arrow] - Lv. 8 [Ice Claws] - Lv. 5

[Stone Claws] - Lv. 7 [Vine Whip] - Lv. 8 [Stone Spikes] - Lv. 7

[Stone Wall] - Lv. 3 [Ice Wall] - Lv. 3 [Barkskin] - Lv. 1

[Stoneskin] - Lv. 1 [Roots Strike] - Lv. 3 [Wood Wall] - Lv. 2

[Fog Create] - Lv. 2 [Water Bullet] - Lv. 8 [Wind Bullet] - Lv. MAX

[Gust] - Lv. 8 [Bubble] - Lv. 6 [Ice Spikes] - Lv. 7

[Passive Skill: Danger Sense] - Lv. 1 [Blood Mastery] - Lv. 1 [Blood Manipulation] - Lv. 1

[Blood Armor] - Lv. 1 [Mana Sight] - Lv. 1


[Available Stat Points: [50]

[Strength]: 156

[Endurance]: 132

[Wisdom]: 205 (+35)

[Agility]: 185

[SP]: 223

[Mana]: 345

[Blood Magic Mastery] - Lv. 1 - Allows the user to use blood magic.

[Blood Manpution] - Lv. 1 - Allows the user to manipulate blood. [Mana] cost: 15

[Blood Armor] - Lv. 1 - Coat yourself with blood and harden it. [Mana] cost: 50

[Mana Sight] - Lv. 1 - Allows the user to see mana.


"[Will] have also level-up," Aariv said. "But I still do not know what it does. The description doesn't tell me much, all it tells me is that I can manifest my will but what does that mean?" He couldn't understand how he had acquired the skill and how he could manifest this 'will'.

Something was behind.

Aariv immediately turned around to see a forest fox hissing and growling at him.

[Forest Fox] - Lv. 18 - A species of foxes whose fur is green like leaves and has some control over nature.


[Strength]: 28

[Endurance]: 19

[Wisdom]: 27

[Agility]: 32

[SP]: 87

[Mana]: 78

Aariv relaxed. "Oh, just a forest fox," He said. The forest fox was acting cautiously and wasn't attacking him. The fox pounced on Aariv but was caught mid-air by an eagle, Aariv just watched as the eagle flew off with the fox.

"Huh," Aariv said.

Aariv then took flight. A troll carrying a club had thrown a rock at Aariv but it missed him and snapped the branch he was on in half.

The troll roared in anger but shut its mouth when Aariv looked at it.

[Intimidate] - Lv. 1 is acquired.

Aariv appraised the troll.

[Troll] - 10 - A species of huge humanoids monsters that are able to wield primitive weapons. They also have some regenerative properties.

[Strength]: 143

[Endurance]: 106

[Wisdom]: 43

[Agility]: 49

[SP]: 102

[Mana]: 57

'I can take him on.' Aariv thought. He launched wind bullets at the troll. It hit and left gashes in the troll's body, causing it to roar in pain.

The troll began throwing rocks, which Aariv dodged and began firing wind bullets, and ice arrows at it.

Aariv then dove down at the troll activating [Barkskin], [Stoneskin], [Blood Armor] and coating his claws in hard stone as the troll raised its club. He slashed his claws at the troll's eyes, blinding it. The troll covered its eyes with its hands in pain.


It then began swinging its club wildly. Aariv barely dodged and was then hit, sending him flying and slamming him into a tree. Aariv got up, checking for injuries. Noting that he didn't have any broken bones but had bruises forming, he flapped his wing and took to the sky.

The troll was still swinging its club and stomping around, but the gashes on its body were healing, however, it was still blinded.

Aariv wills the roots of nearby trees to grab the troll's feet, causing it to trip and fall to the ground. He formed spikes to penetrate the troll but was unable to, barely cutting into the troll.

The troll roared in pain and begin thrashing around breaking the roots that were holding its foot. It got up stumbling.

"Resilient huh," Aariv said.

"RRROOOAA—" The troll roared but was cut off when a wall of dirt slammed into its jaw. Waves of wind bullets and ice arrows hit the troll, riddling it with injuries.

Aariv impaled his claws in the troll's face and began tearing and pecking away at the troll's face. When the troll tried to crush Aariv by slapping its face, Aariv let go of the troll's face and flew away, dodging it and repeating.


The troll fell.

Its body was bloody and filled with injuries. Its face was unrecognizable and pieces of the troll's skull could be seen and its eyes were thrown out.

Aariv was covered in blood.

Defeated [Troll] - Lv. 5.

Experience is awarded.

[Incognita] - Lv. 1 ---> [Incognita] - Lv. 2

[Incognita] - Lv. 2 ---> [Incognita] - Lv. 3

[Barkskin] - Lv. 1 ---> [Barkskin] - Lv. 2

[Stoneskin] - Lv. 1 ---> [Stoneskin] - Lv. 2

[Blood Armor] - Lv. 1 ---> [Blood Armor] - Lv. 2

[Blood Magic Mastery] - Lv. 1 ---> [Blood Magic Mastery] - Lv. 2

[Blood Manipulation] - Lv. 1 ---> [Blood Mani—

Aariv ignored the notifications.

He lands on the troll's dead body and began eating it. "You were much more trouble than you were worth," Aariv said swallowing a piece of the troll.

He heard a rustle of leaves. Aariv turns his head to see a forest fox staring at him. Aariv stares back in silence

After a few minutes, the fox flattened its ears and runs off.

[Intimidate] - Lv. 1 ---> [Intimidate] - Lv. 2

Aariv took a look at his wings. It was coated in the troll's blood. "I need to clean myself," Aariv mutters before he flaps his wings and flies away but not before opening a pit over the troll's dead body, causing it to fall into the pit. Then he closes the pit.





Aariv looks at his reflection in the pond.

In his reflection was an owl covered in blood with dark feathers, eyes that stare into one's soul, and two small pairs of antlers growing out of its head.

He had antlers.

"Must be why I experience so much pain when evolving," Aariv said. "Hm, Interesting." He then went back to cleaning himself.





"Much better," Aariv said shaking droplets of water off his feathers. He then scans his surroundings. "You know...I never stop to appreciate the nature around me.

Trees with lush green leaves, bushes; it mostly peaceful if you ignored the monsters fighting each other.

Aariv then went to find a tree hollow and begin testing out his blood magic.





It prowls the forest, its dirt brown scales blending in with the dirt as it approaches a bear. A bear with steel-like fur that was standing on its hind legs to try and scare it, but the bear's throat was crush by it.

It then begins devouring the bears.

Then it stops. It sniffs the air. Something was challenging it.


After roaring, it dug underground.

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