《World of Elestia: Seasons of War》(Summer) Chapter 9: Tension and Mystery


Oliver was in what looked like a tropical jungle but as was usual when he entered Draconid Gems it seem weirder than the ones on Earth. For one the grass was blue, but that was not surprising to him since that was also the case in the other Draconid Gems he had visited. Blue grass just seemed like a common thing on this planet. The other thing he noticed is that while the trees had normal leaves the trunks were completely made out of stones. Oliver shook his head, Celeste just did not make sense to him.

''About time you showed up. I was beginning to think you forgot about me.'' A female voice said above him and when he looked up he saw the majestic Phoenix that had saved the life of Thomas on his last mission. She was perched on one the on the rock-like branch of a tree.

''Sorry I thought you needed as much time as possible to recover from your injuries before I spoke to you.'' Oliver with a sheepish expression.

The flaming bird nodded in understanding. ''I see, that is considerated of you, but while I am in this gem I cannot feel any pain. So if you're here I am assuming you want to finalize our contract as Elestia and Chosen, am I correct?''

Oliver nodded but before that he had a question of his own. ''If you don't mind why did you risk your life to save that boy? If I had been an asshole and refused to put you in a Draconid Gem you could have died there.''

''If I want to be honest... I am really bored with life.'' She responded simply.

Oliver recoiled in surprise. ''What do you mean you're bored with life! Don't tell me I just befriended a suicidal Elestia!''

''No... well not completely I must admit the idea of ending my life has entered my mind a few time. But I always tought it would be such a waste. I want my death to have more meaning than that.'' She responded in her elegant but cold voice.

''You're kind of freaking me out with how casual you are with your own death.'' Oliver admitted with a small frown on his face.

''Sorry if I disturbed you, I suppose my situation must seem bizzare for species other than my own. You see in a manner of speaking my species is more or less immortal. Other Elestia can kill us over and over again but we will always rise back from our ashes. And as such we get to experience life for much longer than any other life forms should. Even the Kitsubi with all their wisdom cannot compare their lifespan to ours.''

Oliver cocked his head curiously. ''Just how old are you?''

''To be honest I have lost count after the first two thousands years. But I can tell you that I was there when the current dragons were born. And I was also there when the Rainbow Trees withered and died and drove all the dragons insane.'' She responded with a look of remorse.

''The current dragons?'' Oliver asked curiously.

''Ah I guess you wouldn't be familiar with the dragons life cycle. You see while dragons always had long lives they didn't used to be quite as long-lived as the current ones. Usually a Dragon would live from between a few centuries to a millenia but then they would die and the Rainbow Trees would put their spirit inside a new egg and they would be reborn anew. Just like us phoenixes, but without the burden of the memories of their past lives. But when the Rainbow Trees died the cycle of reincarnation of the dragons was broken. This is why they are so obsessed with staying alive. Because once they die, there won't be a next life for them this time. They will stay with the All-Mother for eternity.'' She finished solemnly.


Oliver frowned, he guessed that explain a few things but he couldn't say he felt any sympathy for them. After everything they did to humanity he didn't care about their reasons for doing it, he would still kill them for it no matter what.

''I see but I think we're getting sidetracked, what was your reason to heal Thomas and put yourself in danger?'' He asked her once again.

''As I said I'm bored of life, I feel like I've seen everything there is to see. But seeing you with your Elestia battling other Elestia with such convinction I felt like you could be the one to bring some change in this world. When I saw that boy on his deathbed I decided to help him by absorbing his injuries and see if you would be kind enough to help me in my time of need. To be honest there was no real threat to myself, if I had died from my wounds I would have simply been reborn from my ashes. After all there is only one way to kill a Phoenix.'' She said proudly.

''What is it?'' Then he shook his head realising that might have sounded threatening. ''Sorry if you don't want to tell me that's okay.''

The majestic bird smiled at him before responding. ''As you saw my kind can heal any injuries by absorbing them inside ourself. It is a painful procedure but it is worth it when we want to protect someone important to us. But our power do not stop there. With our power it is even possible to revive someone who has died.''

Oliver looked at her with mouth agape. ''You can really revive anyone?... could you- no that is selfish of me to ask.''

The Phoenix nodded. ''I assume you have lost someone important to you. Not surprising, after all the rampage the great dragons have done during the Invasion. Unfortunately I cannot revive someone who has been dead for years. Once a soul has entered the cycle of reincarnation it is imposible to revive someone who has arleady been given another life. And there is another thing you should know about the process of reviving someone.''

''What is it?'' He ask curiously.

''We phoenixes can only revive someone at the cost of our own life.'' She said solemnly.

Oliver eyes widened. ''You mean...''

The bird Elestia nodded. ''If I ever revive someone I will not be reborn from my ashes. My spirit will join the All-Mother once and for all. That is the only way a phoenix can truly die.''

''I see... so you really want to become my Elestia?'' Oliver asked trying to change the subject.

The Phoenix nodded. ''I have been loyal to Vulcan for a long, long time. But even I can see that the path the dragons are leading us toward will be nothing but mysery. They are not the guardians of peace and order they once were. They have not been for a long time, I was a fool for not realizing it. They have rejected the task set to them by the All-Mother ever since the Rainbow Trees died.''

''I see, then it seem like you and I have the same goal, to bring down the dragons and bring back peace on Earth and maybe even Celeste. From this day foward I name you Ember, do you accept to be my Elestia?'' He didn't know why he was talking so formally, but something about the elegant bird almost forced him to show respect.


The Phoenix smiled. ''I am oblidged to accept my new role as your loyal servants. From todays foward my life is yours.'' And then she looked at him with a small smug smile. ''...Champion of Harmony.''

Oliver eyes widened in shock, but before he could ask how she could have known that, the world faded to white all around him.

- - - - -

On his way back to New Ringabell City, Oliver had tried to call back Ember from her gem and make her explain how she could possibly know of Harmony, but the Elestia had refused to come out since then. He could almost feel her laughing at him from inside the red gem. With irritation he put the gem back in his pocket for now and set his gaze back toward the wall of New Ringabell.

Fortunately it seemed like the settlement had not come under another attack while he was gone and the people manning the gate let him step inside as soon as they recognized him. Oliver recoiled slightly when he saw all the animal-like people walking around the town. He had almost forgotten about all the refugees of Bajoon.

Maybe it was his imagination but they seemed a little less disgruntled than the last time he saw them. He still received a few wary glance from people who noticed his Draconid Gems but most of them seemed like they at least tolerated the existence of Chosens now.

He made his way back toward his house eager to take a shower after the long journey he had just came from. The small house came into view after a few minutes of walk and he smiled as he opened up the door.

He lowered his backpack on the floor and let himself fall on one of the sofa with a content groan. But before he could truly relax he felt himself rise in the air and started panicking as he floated in the air. ''You came in the wrong house burglar!'' A familar voice said to him.

''Clara it's me, drop me down!'' He pleaded to her, much to his dismay she took the command too literally and released her grasp on him making him fall back on the wooden floor with a loud thud.

''Oliver it is you! I didn't think you were arleady back from your mission!'' She said with a tone of relief at seeing him still alive. ''I hope you didn't run into that crazy girl again this time.''

He chuckled nervously in response. ''Yeah...about that.''

Clara sighed and her lips turned downward. ''I should have figured you wouldn't stay out of trouble. At least you're safe, but next time I'm coming with you. I don't care how much you protest.''

Oliver knew he wouldn't be getting out of this one so he could only nod reluctantly. Clara smiled ''Great! Tonight I'm making a vegetarian pizza, I hope you're hungry.''

Oliver internally groaned. Ever since he started to live with Clara she never made anything with meat in it. And she wouldn't allow him to buy some either, the only way he had been able to enjoy any meat was when he went to Restaurants in New Ringabell. Unfortunately due to his failed mission he might not be able to do so as often for the next few weeks, which meant...

''Can you please not put sugar on it this time? Sugar should not be in any pizza!'' He said with a disgusted face.

''No promise~'' She said in a sing song voice before walking in the kitchen.

Oliver groaned as he put his face in his hands. He liked Clara but she had a tendence to put sugar on everything, even on things it didn't belong on. His theory was that she really hated vegetables just as much as him but she threw sugar on it to mask the taste just so she didn't have to eat Elestian meat.

Lifting himself from the sofa he decided he could go with a nice shower and once he came out hopefully he won't be greeted with an abomination of a supper...

- - - - -

The Pizza was just as filled with sugar as he feared. But thankfully that was now long in the past. A few days had passed since his return to New Ringabell and him and Clara were now getting ready to go on their next mission. Or that would have been the case if they hadn't received a knock on their door.

Clara opened up the door and was shocked to see who was on the other side. ''General Clementine?! What are you doing here?''

''I know I said that from now on I would let you chose your missions on your own. But it seem like someone specifically requested you. At first I was just about to send Xofamai but the client insisted that you two also accompanied him.'' Olivia said with a puzzled expression.

''That is strange do you know who this client is?'' She asked curiously.

''Let's just say it's not one of our usual client.'' Olivia replied with a bit of mirth in her voice which made Clara even more curious but she knew she wouldn't get more answers at this point so she just decided to go with Oliver see what that was all about.

Olivia said they were waiting for them at the gate when Clara asked why they didn't let the client enter the city Olivia replied the gatekeepers were reluctant to let them enter inside the town. Which sent a millions questions flying in Clara's head.

Finally they arrived in front of the gate and saw that Xofamai was waiting for them. The Gatekeepers looked relunctant to let them pass but once he saw the glare from Xofamai he quickly lowered the stone gate with his Earth Elestia.

Clara expected to see thousands of different person in her head but she would never have guessed who was waiting for them. ''Hello children and hello Thanatos spawn it has been a long time.''

''You?!'' Clara exclaimed in shock. Standing in front of them of them was not anyone she thought of. It wasn't even a person at all, it was an Elestia. Specifically a Kitsubi, one they had met on the very first serious mission they had ever went through.

The Earth Kitsubi chuckled. ''I suppose I never properly introduced myself the last time we met. My name is Azalea.''

''Our General said you requested us, but no offense but I've never seen an Elestia requesting help from the Resistance.'' Clara said with a puzzled expression.

''I suppose it is a bit unorthodox, but about a week ago I received a message from my old tribe. It seem like my sister has been killed.'' She said while looking down on the ground mournfully.

Clara gasped sadly at that. ''I'm so sorry for your loss.''

Azalea shook her head. ''Unfortunately my sister was not the only victim. It seem like multiple Kitsubi of my tribe have gone either missing or have ended up dead since last week. We live close to a clan of Vulcan Kitsubi and my tribe suspect they might be guilty of killing our kins. My clan is powerless at defending itself after the death of Gaia the Earth Dragon. So I must ask that you to assist me in protecting what remain of my tribe.''

Xofamai nodded without hesistation surprising both teens. ''Of course we will do everything we can, show us the way to your tribe miss Azalea.''

The Kitsubi nodded gratefully before leading the way toward their next destination.

- - - - -

This was the first time Oliver had ever been inside a swamp. They really weren't that common in Orchestralia and he was grateful for that. The smell was horrible it was almost as if someone had smeared rotten eggs all over the area, he couldn't wait for this mission to end arleady.

They arrived in front of a tribal looking village with a wall completely made out of wood. A male Kitsubi popped his head above the wall. ''Halt! Who goes there!''

''It's me Azalea, I bought help from the Resistance.'' The gate was soon lifted and all four of them were allowed to step inside the village.

Fortunately it seemed the putrid smell of eggs was not present inside the village. Flowers of all colors sprouted all around the village masking the noxious smell of the area. The Kitsubi who saw the humans walked inside their village did not seemed scared of the new arrival but still kept a careful eye on them in case they got any ideas.

Azalea guided them in front of a large hut. Once they entered inside they saw a large bond fire in the middle of the room and sitting further away in the back of the hut was an old looking Kitsubi, he had all of the nine tails that were iconic of the Kitsubi species, making him at least nine hundred years old.

''It is not everyday that humans enter inside this village.'' The old fox said with a chuckle. ''I assume Azalea told you of our plight?''

''Yes Elder Methusela'' She replied with a bow of her head.

''Very well a lot of Kitsubi suspect the Vulcan tribe to be the guilty party, however I have my doubts. They can be brash and we had some disagreement with them in the past, like with all other Kitsubi tribes. But I do not want to jump to conclusion and punish them for a crime they might have not commit. Your job, before all else, will be to confirm whether they are truly guilty or not.'' Methusela in a formal tone.

Xofamai nodded in understanding. ''Very well but before we begin I would want to adress one issue. As far as I know Kitsubi do not use any human currency. So how are you planning to pay us for our service?''

The elder smiled at that. ''Why the answer should be obvious, we will pay you with what we Kitsubi treasure the most, knowledge.''

''No offense but how do you know you'll have any knowledge we want?'' Oliver asked incrediously.

The elder chuckled at that. ''Believe me we Kitsubi might have been in this world for only ten short years but there's almost nothing that happen in this world without a tribe learning of it and despite our disagreement most tribes share their knowledge with all other tribes... with the exception of the Thanatos tribe.'' He said the last part bitterly.

Xofamai looked a bit uncomfortable at that remark but cleared his throat. ''Anyway we'll be on our way, we'll report back if we find anything.'' With that the trio exited the hut and left the village in search of clues.

- - - - -

After a few hours of searching and a lot of climbing much to Oliver dismay, they founded themselves on top of a small mountain with another village. The village was made entirely of stones and it was build on a small island in the middle of the ravine.

They began to cross the bridge, but for some reason they all felt really hot. Oliver and Clara decided to look down and both of their face paled when they realised they were standing on top of an active volcano and under them was a lake of lava that would burn them alive if they ever fell off.

''A-are they crazy?! Who would build a village on top of a volcano?!'' Clara exclaimed in shock.

It was Xofamai that responded to her. ''It make some sense, after all these Kitsubi worship Vulcan the Dragon of Fire, it is said the Vulcan can control volcanoes and create new ones, if he so please.''

Much to their surprise another voice talked to them. ''You are mostly correct, we don't really worship Vulcan. Not in the way you think anyway, we only have a high amount of respect of him. And according to our legend the first incarnation of Vulcan was the one that formed the four continents of Celeste by forming mega volcanoes that would go to errupt and create massive stretches of lands.''

They looked at where the voice was coming from and saw a small orange Kitsubi, with a pair of massive ears, equally massive eyes and it had three tails.

''Aww it look adorable.'' Clara cooed at the small fox.

The fox in question blushed at the compliment but then fixed them with a glare. ''It's not often humans come this far. And I can see that you're Chosens, now speak your business before we have to resort to more agressive solutions.''

Xofamai sighed. ''I suppose lying to a Kitsubi would be foolish at best. Very well, we were sent by the Gaia tribe to investigate who is responsible for the murder of their citizens.''

''And let me guess we are the prime suspect?'' He asked with a deadpan expression, when he got no response he took that as a yes. ''Let me be clear we have no reason to kill the Gaia tribe and I don't know who you think we are. But we of the Vulcan tribe would never stoop so low as attacking Elestia after they lost their powers. We are the strongest Kitsubi tribe, we don't need to resort to such cowardly tricks.'' He said with pride evident in his voice.

Xofamai grunted in response. ''Alright but have you or your tribe notice anything suspicious in these swamps that could lead us to the real culprit? If you're really not the ones who did it.''

The Kitsubi seemed to think on that. ''Well I suppose I could ask our Elder if I can allow you to read our records. Wait here a few minutes, I'll come back.'' And with that the fire Kitsubi left them on their own waiting for him to return.

Finally after almost ten minutes the Kitsubi returned. ''It seem like our leader has accepted your entry in the village, 'anything to clear our name of this horrible accusation', he said.'' And with that the gate was lifted up letting the trio enter inside...

- - - - -

They had been lead in into what appeared to be the largest building in the village. Once inside Clara gasped at just how many books were lining up every walls in the interior. Their guide smirked at her reaction.

''This is the library of Vulcanion village, it is our pride and joy.'' The Kitsubi said proudly.

''I haven't seen so many book in one place since the Invasion.'' Clara said with wide eyes.

''When we were so rudely transported from our world by the dragons ten years ago instead of panicking and going on rampages like other Elestia. We Vulcan Kitsubi, decided to learn everything we could about this new world. The other tribes did the same and we shared the information we found together. Learning almost everything we could about humans from their ancient civilisation in the bronze age, to the middle age where kingdoms and empires rose and fell, the industrial age where technology exploded, the World Wars which were the most devastating events for mankind before the Invasion, the famous moon landing, the Green Revolts that put a stop to the usage of fossil fuel all over the world and of course the invention that was stopped too soon, the D.T. Starleap. Which would have allowed you to take space travel to the next step. It is impressive that a species that look so inept at controlling ether could accomplish so much.''

Oliver grew curious at something the Kitsubi had said. ''So it really was the dragons that bought you all here. Did you ever wanted to return back to Celeste?''

''If by Celeste you mean Home then no. I don't really care whether I'm in this world or back Home. But I must admit I am one of the lucky ones. The dragons only bought half of the Elestia here, so a lot of Kitsubi were separated from lovers and family members in the transition. Our chief had a mate and a kit back Home. He try to not show it to us, but we know he miss them terribly. My parents died almost a century ago and my son ad my mate were bought with me. So I have nothing to complain about personally.'' The Kitsubi replied.

''I see so a lot of Elestia must miss their family because of those damn dragons.'' Oliver said with gritted teeth.

But to Oliver's surprise the Kitsubi shook his head. ''Unlike us and you humans, most Elestia don't really care all that much about familial bonds. Most Elestia get chased off by their parents and are forced to fend for themselves once they reached a certain age. There is a few exception like the Fawna Ageing line and the Bunterra, who stay in herds. But even they don't really threat their blood relatives any differently than any other members of their herd.''

Clara looked interested by that information. ''That seem similar to how animals used to act. Which is weird because Elestia are clearly more inteligent.''

''We Kitsubi learned to master our emotions and not let it guide us. But that take a long time to master. Fortunately we are very long lived creatures, so we have the time to learn it. If you see any Kitsubi with a single tail in the wild it would most likely act feral, guided by nothing more than their instincts. That's because ether can only be summoned by emotions and because of that many Elestia grow under the impression that the more feral they act the more powerful they are. But we believe they are better ways to bring out that power.''

Oliver and Clara looked at Xofamai at that and the man grew self conscious as he remembered he too had let his base instincts take over a few times. ''Anyway here it is, this is a record of everything that happened in this swamp since we came here. Most of it is just mindless drivel, like records of when Wind Elestia left for the south and other such things but maybe you'll find something useful in there.''

With that the Kitsubi left them alone. Clara had claimed the book for herself, Oliver still didn't know how to read all that well and Xofamai just didn't care so no one protested at her decision. She turned to the pages until she reached the last few weeks and poured all over what was written.

It took a while and by the time she was done Oliver and Xofamai had fallen asleep. She slammed the book close making both of them jumped in surprise. Oliver yawned and rubbed his eyes before adressing the girl. ''...So did you find anything?''

''There's not much but there is something that caught my eye. It seem like it's not just Gaia Kitsubi that have been winding up dead in this swamp but also Fawna, Flodeera, Treemoose, Bunterra, Timberwolves and the last two are someting called Sedicub and Igneoursa. I've never stumbled them in the G.E.E.K before.'' Clara was about to whip it out but Xofamai stopped her by grabbing her by the arm.

''Don't bother I know what they are, they're bears made out of rocks.'' He said with a frown. ''You're thinking what I'm thinking, right Clara?''

Oliver was confused about what he meant but Clara nodded with a somber expression. ''It's not just the Gaia Kitsubi, it look like someone or something is targetting every Earth Elestia in this swamp.''

''Okay but that doesn't prove that the Vulcan Kitsubi are not responsible right?'' Oliver asked with a low voice in case there was any Kitsubi that were close.

Xofamai crossed his arms. ''I think it does. I could see Kitsubi attacking another Kitsubi tribe if that tribe had important knowledge they aren't willing to share and I could also see them attacking Bunterra since it is one of the preys they feed on. But the Fawna, Timberwolves and Sedicub Ageing lines? Kitsubi have no reasons to attack them and they're not a species that kill just for the heck of it. They are very similar to the Musican in the way that they respect nature.''

''But if they're not the ones that did it, then who?'' Clara asked with a frown.

Xofamai sighed and then narrowed his eyes. ''Normal wild Elestia wouldn't have the knowledge that all the Earth Elestia lost their powers. Beside even if they did they would still only target their preys to eat them and as far as I know there is no Elestia that can eat a bear made out of rocks in this swamp... so that leave.''

''The knights.'' Both Oliver and Clara said at the same time and Xofamai nodded grimly.

''But if the knights were here wouldn't the Kitsubi have seen them?'' Oliver asked with a puzzled expression.

''They probably did.'' A voice suddenly said making the trio go on edge instantly. But they relaxed once they notice it was the same Kitsubi that had guided them. ''Sorry I had an errand to run and when I returned I couldn't help but hear your conversation. That's something I haven't told you yet but some of our Kitsubi have also gone missing. Two to be exact, it is not uncommon for Kitsubi to decide to leave the village suddenly in search of knowledge. But if your theory is correct they might have stumbled upon these knights and were... silenced, for lack of a better word.''

Clara clenched her fist at that. ''We have to find these knights and stop them before they can do more damage than they arleady did.'' Both Xofamai and Oliver nodded agreeing with her.

The three of them and their guide left the library but as soon as they opened the door the Kitsubi was tackled to the ground by a smaller ball of fur. ''Daddy! I heard that humans entered our town isn't it cool?'' The young Kitsubi then noticed he was being watched incrediously by said humans. ''Oh... h-hi?''

''Sorry for that, my son is curious about anything that come from outside this village. This year he has been even more restless than usual since he will soon reach his twentieth birthday which is the time Kitsubi leave the village in search of knowledge and wisdom.'' Their guide exclaimed in his usual formal voice and neutral expression. The effect was kind of ruined by the fact that he was still sprawled on the ground.

''I'm going to explore all that this new world has to offer! I'm excited to see all the cities you humans built. From everything I've readed they sound like something amazing!... I kind of wish I could have seen them before they were ruined by the dragons tought.''

''I'm sure you will have a great adventure son, but for now I must guide these humans. It seem we have some dangerous intruder in our swamp and these Chosens are here to deal with it.'' The older Kitsubi said in his ususal refined voice.

The young Kitsubi eyes widened for a moment. ''Ohh... so you're Chosens as well?! That's so amazing! I've heard that Elestia that are trained under a Chosen can temporarely go throught Ageing just like we Kitsubi do, is that true?! Oh I've also heard that there was once a Chosen that was able to tame a Dragonling can you believe that?! And...''

The older Kitsubi shook his head and motioned for the group to follow him. ''He's going to ramble like that for a while, we should go before any more victims are made. I will guide you the last known location of our fellow Kitsubi.''

The trio nodded and followed their guide out of the town...

- - - - -

They had been walking for what must have been half an hour. The further away they went from the town the quieter it became. Until the swamp became completely silent apart from the sound of the wind rustling the leaves of the trees. There was no bird Elestia singing, no toad croaking in the water, not even the sound of crickets and other bugs chirping and buzzing away. The swamp was completely dead silent.

''I have a bad feeling about this...'' Clara said to no one in particular.

Their guide suddenly stopped once they arrive in a small clearing. ''This is it, the last place we heard of our fellow Kitsubi. Lately more and more Wind Elestia have gone either missing or flew away from the swamp. The two Kitsubi were sent to investigate what was happening.''

Oliver looked around and finally noticed something off. ''Hey look at this bush, it look like half of the leaves withered and died out of nowhere.''

Clara approached it and gasped when she noticed something behind said bush. ''What's wrong Clara?'' Oliver asked with a concerned look, she only pointed at what she was looking at in response.

There was three corpses laying on the ground, all three of them were Kitsubi. Two of them were from the Vulcan Tribe while the third one was from the Gaia tribe. ''Did...did they killed each other?'' Oliver asked with concern while warily glancing toward their guide.

Xofamai walked toward them and stared at the three corpses for a while before finally shaking his head. ''From the way they're positioned it look like the two Vulcan Kitsubi were trying to protect the Gaia Kitsubi. Not only that but look at this one, a hole was punch right throught his heart with an incredible amount of pressure. And the Gaia Kitsubi has all the signs that it died by drowning and yet there isn't any rivers nearby. This look like this was made by someone with a Water Nature.''

''But wait from what I read from the G.E.E.K. a swamp like this normally produce polluted Water Elestia. They don't look like they had any acid or poison thrown on them.'' Clara said with a frown as she put the piece together.

Xofamai nodded grimly. ''Which mean whatever did this is not native to this swamp. Look like our theory was right, the knights must be behind this.'' He walked around the bush and look closely on the ground and then cursed under his breath. ''I see some footsteps but it look like they split up in two groups. We could all go together investigate both directions but it would lose precious times where they could kill more Elestia and bring further harm to the ecology of this swamp. But at the same time I'm not comfortable splitting up two Hunters like you two to face something as dangerous as the knights.''

Oliver proudly pounded his chest while wearing a grin. ''Me and Clara faced Boreas together, a bunch of knights is nothing compare to that! Leave it to us while you investigate the other trail.''

Xofamai sighed but relented. ''Alright as much as it pain me you're right, I can't shelter the two of you forever. Despite how young you are you're soldiers. But let me make one thing clear, if you encounter a Duke run away as fast as you can. I'm confident the two of you can face a few grunts, but the Dukes are in a league of their own. Do not face them without me being there.'' He said with a deadly serious expression.

Clara nodded in response and smirked. ''I promise I'll keep Oliver in check if we encounter something too dangerous.''

''Hey! What's that supposed to mean?! I can take care of myself thank you very much!'' He said with an offended glare toward the hybrid girl.

''Sure, whatever you say.'' She said with a roll of her eyes before dragging Oliver within her psychic grasp.

''Hey I can walk on my own! Put me down!'' He yelled until his voice vanished in the distance.

Xofamai shook his head with a smirk, but then that smirk turned into a frown. ''I really hope they won't get in too much troubles, these two really got a gift to attract danger.''

''I'm sure they will be fine Ranger, we should be on our way too. We must stop these knights who think they can do whatever they want in our swamp.'' The Kitsubi said with a determined expression.

Xofamai nodded and glance one last time toward where the two teenagers had left before following the trail, the fire Kitsubi followed behind him at respectable distance. A second tail started to sprout behind Xofamai as he prepared himself to what was to come. Roxanne wasn't here, but he would take any chance to make her take a blow whenever he could...

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