《World of Elestia: Seasons of War》(Summer) Interlude II: Fated One


She couldn't believe it! Everything was going as planed Oliver was dying under her assault of electric attacks but then he did the impossible and started absorbing her electricity throught his hand.

''What the hell is happening!'' She screamed completely baffled by the turn of events.

Then Oliver pointed his index and middle finger toward her and looked at her with pity in his eyes. As if she was some sort of weak and defenseless creature! Then he uttered three words that sent her blood boiling. ''I'm sorry Maikoh.''

As if that wasn't insulting enough he then used her own lightning against her. She screamed as she felt a powerful surge of power hit her and the world around her went black.

- - - - -

She woke up with a gasp, she looked around and tensed when she noticed she was still in front of the abandoned factory. She lifted herself up from the ground expecting Oliver to come out and attack her at any moments...

But as she waited and waited nothing happen and the world stood still. With some trepidation she peeked inside the factory and saw it was completely empty. She looked around some more maybe he was hiding behind another building trying to ambush her!

But as she looked around she noticed something laying on the ground. As she approached she realized it was a metallic collar with the CGO insigna engraved in it. It had been burned to the point it had snapped in half. She putted a hand around her neck and was shocked to feel her bare skin.

Did Oliver removed the collar? Why would he do something like that? Then she narrowed her eyes. Did he think she would stop trying to kill him just because he had freed her? If that's what he thought he would be in for a rude awakening.

''You're finally awake! I was getting worried that my healing hadn't worked!'' A small girlish voice said just behind her. She screamed in surprise at the sudden noise and turned around in shock.

''A flying cat?! You must be an Elestia, well shoo! Get out of here! I don't want to have anything to do with your kind!'' She said before walking away with a huff.

The white translucent cat with butterfly wings flew rapidly and appeared right in the face of the wolf girl. ''How rude Maikoh! Is that how you treat the people who take the time to heal you out of the goodness of their heart?''

Maikoh looked back at the flying cat with apprehension. ''How do you know my name?!'' She demanded with narrowed eyes.

''Of course I know your name Maikoh! After all you are my Fated One!'' She explained as if it made all the sense in the world.

''What does that even mean?! You know what? I don't even care, just stop following me!'' Maikoh said while increasing her walking pace.

''I can't do that silly! You are my Fated One! I have to follow you until my purpose is fulfilled!'' She said with a wide smile on her face.

Maikoh groaned in pure irritation. ''I must be dead and this is my hell, please end me now.''

''Oh don't worry! With me around you're never gonna be in danger of dying ever again!'' The cat said proudly which did nothing to improve Maikoh's mood.

Then she had an idea and she smirked. Her body became enveloped in electricity and then without warning she started running at sonic speed leaving a huge trail of dust in her wake. The cat with butterfly wings cocked her head curiously while watching the girl disappear in the horizon.


''Was it something I said?''

- - - - -

She had ran for what felt like half an hour. She was hundred of miles away from the abandoned factory by now and she sighed in relief, happy that the annoying Elestia was finally gone.

''Wow you're really fast Maikoh! You made it almost halfway through Orchestralia in only a few minutes!'' A familiar girlish voice said behind her.

Maikoh gaped at her in complete disbelief. ''How did you follow me?!''

''You are my Fated One. I am bound to you until I have fulfilled my purpose.'' She replied simply.

''You've got to be kidding me! Alright fine, What's your purpose?!'' Maikoh asked while crossing her arms and glaring at the small cat.

''...Umm, funny I don't remember what it was. I'm sure the All-Mother said I was to guide you to someone and then... I can't remember the rest!'' She said with a puzzled frown.

Maikoh proceeded to repeatedly slammed her forehead against a brick wall. ''My existence is cursed.'' She muttered under her breath. ''Alright fine! If we're about to spent a long time together then the least you can do is tell me your name!''

The cat-like creature cocked her head and frowned. ''I'm sure I used to have a name but I can't remember it at all, oh well! You can give me any name you want, I don't mind!''

''Fine, from now on I'll call you Catori.'' Maikoh said while starting to walk to the north-west.

''...Well alright then! So where are we going?!'' The newly named Catori asked excitedly.

''Now that I'm free from these nutjobs. I think it's time I use these powers from some well earned retribution.'' She said with a malicious smile.

- - - - -

A small village stood in front of her, it had only been rebuilt recently and many of the buildings were still left unfinished. Men and women wearing heavy armors could be seen patrolling the walls of said village.

Maikoh scoffed in disgust. The village was called New Xilo and stood where the old one had burned down. But in her mind the town had nothing to do with the old Xilo. Her old village would have never accepted the protection of these bastards after what they did.

She wasn't here to enter inside the village today. Even thought it had been mostly rebuilt after the fire. She was afraid that it would look similar enough to her old home and bring back too many painful memories.

Instead her focus was on a particular building, built a few kilometers away from New Xilo. It was a drab gray looking building made entirely of steel. It was heavily fortified with barb-wired fences and guard towers. She could see armored soldiers coming in and out of the facility and she narrowed her eyes at them.

''You've controlled this place for far too long murderers. Today I will make you regret ever setting your sight on my old home.'' She muttered to herself.

''Maikoh, this place look really creepy, can we go play somewhere else?'' The voice of Catori asked behind her,

Maikoh scoffed in response. ''If you don't want to come, stay here and wait for me. These damn tin cans are going to pay.'' She said before she went into a sprint toward the enemy base.

As soon as she was a few hundred meters away she hid behind a bush and looked around for any place she might sneak in. After a while she had to admit that the knights had left no opening. Every possible entrance was fortified and heavily watched by cameras and guards.


Then she saw a trio of knights leaving the base and heading toward the woods and an idea formed in her mind as she smirked evilly.

- - - - -

Maikoh had to admit she was a bit curious about why the knights would wander into the woods like that instead of partolling the town. So she decided to discretely follow them while hiding behind trees. She followed them until they found a herd of deer-like Elestia who were busy grazing on the lush grass growing in the woods.

The knights discretly went their separated way and surrounded the wild Elestia on all side before unleasing a torrent of fire toward one of the Fawna who cried out in pain as it caught on fire.

The Fawna struggled and tried to put out the fire but eventually it became too much and it just collapsed on the ground. A Flodeera screamed in pure rage toward the armored man who had attacked the younger Elestia.

The Flodeera tried to stomp on the ground... but nothing happened, so she resorted to charging at the man and tried to punch him. But due to the heavy armor the Knight didn't feel anything and the Flodera was left with an aching hand.

One of the other Knight laughed. ''Restrain the bitch, Jack. We'll make her watch while we kill her whole herd!'' His partner did just that as the other two knights began to kill the other Fawna with ice and Lightning all the while they were laughing as they watched the Elestia struggle to stay alive. ''They're so easy to kill now that the Earth Dragon is dead!'' He exclaimed with another laugh.

Meanwhile Maikoh's blood was boiling inside of her. She didn't really like Elestia, but she wouldn't say she hated them either. Like most people she had once hated them in the early days of the Invasion but with time she got to realised they were just feral creatures trying to survive. Not the conquerors people thought them to be, that would be the dragons.

However even if she didn't really care about Elestia, the knights blatant disregard for the sanctity of life completely pissed her off. Since early childhood she had been taught by the adults of her village that you should only kill animals when you had to, you had to make their death as painless as possible and you always had to make sure you never waste any meat on the animal you had killed. She saw Elestia the same way and the fact that they blatantly disregarded the morales of her people so close to the resting place of her old home sent her over the edge.

With a war cry she drew both of her gun and started firing on the Knight with the Ice powers. The Knights recoiled in shock as the electric bullets made contact with him but the armor managed to block each of them only leaving dents in his armor.

Maikoh growled and started pouring more power into one of her gun and aimed straight at the Knight's head. This time the armor couldn't handle the full force of her power and the helmet gave way. The Knight gave out a final pained yell before he slumped on the ground completely unmoving.

''Kevin!'' The Knights with Lightning powers cried in shock and despair. Then he turned toward where the shot had come from but Maikoh was still hidden behind a tall bush. But it did not stop him as he sent a bolt of lightning toward her hiding place.

Maikoh was hitted by the electricity. But being a Lightning Nature herself the attack did not do much harm to her. But unfortunately the reverse would also be true, her powers wouldn't do much to that Knight. She turned toward Catori who was watching the whole ordeal from further away. ''Hey can you do something about that Knight?''

The translucent cat shook her head. ''Sorry, but as a servant of the All-Mother I swore to be a pacifist. I will only use my powers to protect and heal.''

Maikoh internally groaned at that. ''Great, just great. Fine I'll do it myself!''

''I don't know who you are, but you'll soon regret attacking the defenders of humanity- ack!'' Before he could finish his speech, Maikoh had charged at the man with supersonic speed and delivered a powerful kick to his stomach that sent him skidding until he painfully collided with the trunk of a tree.

The Knight holding the Flodeera in his arms looked in shock at what or rather who had attacked his partner. He looked at the girl with canine ears and large fluffy tail with shock and disgust. ''What sort of freak of nature are you!?''

Instead of answering him Maikoh focused her attention on the Knight she had just attacked and started to slowly advance toward him. The Knight slightly regained his composure and lifted a hand toward her. She responded by firing two bullets at his arm. As expected the bullets did not do much to harm him, but the recoil was enough to throw off his aim and sent his bolt of ligthning into the sky.

She was now just in front of him and she picked up his helmet and carelessly threw it on the ground to see the fear-stricken face of the Knight. Without a second thought she grabbed the man by the neck and started chocking him as hard as she could.

The Knight tried to hit her arm but she wouldn't buldge so when that did not work he tried to electrocute her with his remaining power but she still did not flinch at the assault. His face was starting to turn blue from the lack of oxygen.

''R-release him or I'm going to kill this Flodeera!'' The other Knight exclaimed while igniting his hand with a flame.

Maikoh responded by drawing her gun with her free hand and point it at him. ''Go on kill her, then there will be nothing in the way to block my bullets.''

Seeing that he had lost his bargaining chip he rudely pushed the Flodeera away and started to sprint away, abandoning his companion to his fate. Maikoh shook her head in disgust. ''Pathetic.'' She noticed that the man in her hand had stopped struggling completely. She continued to chock him a few seconds to be sure he was dead and then carelessly let his limp body hit the ground.

Then she took the chase toward the fleeing Knight. With her unnatural speed she had no trouble catching up to him. In his panic the Knight took a knife from his belt and threw it at the advancing wolf girl. But the knife only bounced uselessly against her as it made contact with her skin. ''What sort of monster are you?!'' He screamed fearfully.

She smiled sadistically as she picked up the knife from the ground. ''You can thank the Cult of The Great Ones for making me the way I am.'' Then she used her power to coated the knife into electricity and charged at the man before stabbing him in the stomach.

''Agh! Why are you doing this?! We're here to protect the people!'' He said while trying to shakily back away as blood slowly drip on the ground from his wound.

Maikoh laughed humorlessly at that before she approached him and drew back the knife making him yell in agony. ''Protect the people? Just like you protected Xilo by burning it to the ground?''

''W-what are you talking about? Xilo was burned down by a feral Dragonling, we were the ones that killed it and helped rebuild the town!'' He yelled back in indignation.

Maikoh had enough of his lies and took his helmet off before taking the knife and slashing his throat with it. The Knight grabbed his neck uselessly trying to regain his breath but eventually his eyes became dull and he collapsed on the ground dying shortly after.

She disgarded the knife on the ground and sighed and relaxed slightly once the light of life had left his eyes. ''D-did you really have to kill all of them? And with such brutality too?'' The trembling voice of Catori asked behind her.

''If I had left them alive they would have reported me to their base. Beside they're Knights of Humanity, they deserve to die after everyone they killed in their so-called fight for justice.'' She replied with disdain. Then she looked down at the dead man. Maikoh had an idea to enter inside the base. But seeing all the blood that was leaking out of the armor she decided to go back where the other two dead knights were.

She saw that the Flodeera was there and she was mourning the death of her youngs. Fortunately not all of them had been killed she could see that many Fawna were mourning with her for their lost brothers and sisters.

As she approached the Flodeera tensed and took a defensive position while looking at her. Maikoh lifted her arm in surrender. ''I'm not here to pick a fight with you. I need the armor of that man so I can have my revenge on these bastards.''

The bipedal deer glanced toward the man Maikoh had chocked to death and she nodded reluctantly allowing Maikoh to pass throught. She looked at the slumped corpse of the man and realised something, she had no idea how to remove a Knight's armor.

She looked in the back and noticed nothing that could help her remove it. She tried to pry the corpse out from the hole made for the head but it was too small for the rest of the body to pass through. Then her eyes lingered on the symbol on the chest of the armor. It was a shield emblem with a Dragon being pierced by a giant sword drawn into it. The symbol of the Knights of Humanity. She noticed that the symbol looked oddly worn down. She decided to press on it and to her surprise the shield embedded itself into the armor and it made a loud hissing noise before the lock that kept the armor in place gave way and opened up in the back.

Not losing anymore time Maikoh pulled out the corpse of the man and let it carelessly fall on the ground. She sighed as she watched the armor who looked ready to swallow her whole. ''Here goes nothing, I guess.''

She stepped inside the armor and as soon as she was fully inside the armor came to life and closed on her. Maikoh groaned irritably as she realised something too late. Her tail made wearing this armor really uncomfortable. She gritted her teeth and shook her head, she would just have to grin and bear it until she was inside.

- - - - -

Entering inside the knights base had been surprisingly easy. She supposed that they were so arroguant they did not think anyone could steal their armor. There were fewer people inside than what she had expected. When she thought of the Knights of Humanity she always imagined a vast army with thousands of soldiers in armor, but walking inside the base she only saw six people. She supposed a good portion of them were patrolling the town but that was still a very small number.

Then again having a huge army was probably impossible in today's world. She didn't know how many people had died in the Invasion. But she knew that the population of the world was a lot smaller than it used to be. And as such what constituted a major army today was drastically different than in the Old World.

She watched the Knights walking around the base with a critical eye. Some of them were busy sparing with their armor on, one other was outside his armor and was busy polishing it with care and she saw a trio sitting at a table with their helmet off and eating a nasty looking potridge.

A few gave her weird looks as they caught her staring so she decide to go in in the bathroom to not raise too much suspicion right away. The bathroom looked like your typical public restroom you would see in the Old World. The fact that these monsters had access to something like running water after all they did pissed her off for some reasons. Back when she lived in Xilo they had to go to the well if they wanted to have any water. Before the Invasion they had plumbing obviously, they might have been isolated but they were not backward. But like most towns after the Invasion the plumbing had stopped working after a few weeks.

''There you are! I was afraid I had lost you, you know you look kind of scary in that armor!'' The horribly cheerful voice of Catori said out of nowhere.

''What are you doing here?! Get out of here immediatly, you will blow my cover!'' Maikoh hissed while her blood ran cold at seeing that the flying cat had followed her even inside the base.

''I can't leave you silly you are my Fated One!'' She replied cheerfully.

Maikoh felt her eyes twitch at that. ''Yes I know, you said that a thousand times arleady! Can't you at least hide while I'm in here?!''

''Who's there?!'' A deep and gruff male voice shouted from inside one of the stalls before the door bursted open with a kick. Coming out of the stall was a Knight with an armor on. But the armor looked larger than any other she had ever seen and it also was a much darker gray color than the one she was wearing. She also felt an opressive aura of raw life force emanating from the man. ''This is the armor of Gabe, but you're clearly not him. You have two seconds to explain yourself before I kill you where you stand.''

Realizing that her cover was blown Maikoh responded by throwing an arc of electricity toward the large man. Unfortunately he reacted quickly and slammed his fist on the ground creating a large pillar of rock that blocked the lightning before it could reach him.

Then he kicked the slab of rock and sent it straight toward Maikoh who had no time to react before it slammed into her and sent her crashing on the door which immediatly gave way and fell on the floor as she was sent tumbling in the main quarters.

Every knights stopped what they were doing and watched in confusion as Maikoh lied groaning on the floor. Then the same large man from earlier stepped out of the restroom and yelled. ''Attention soldiers!''

''Yes Duke Axton sir!'' Every Knight said at the same time while saluting.

''This is not one of our Knight! She has infiltrated our base for unknown reasons and took the armor of one of our Knight. We must deal with her as a traitor to humanity!'' He said loudly for everyone to hear.

By that time Maikoh had completely rose from the ground but she could feel that the armor she was wearing was slowly falling apart thanks to the massive blow she had substained. That and the fact that it restrained her movement so much made her decided it wasn't worth wearing it anymore and she pressed the button to open the armor.

As soon as the armor opened up she jumped out of it, sighing in relief as her tail was finally free to move around. And without hesitation she drew both of her guns and started firing toward the only Knight who wasn't wearing his armor. The man cried out in pain as a bullet pierced his heart before he fell on the floor like a puppet who had it's string cut.

''You bitch!'' A woman yelled before a torrent of high pressure water was sent in her way. Maikoh used her lightning speed to get out of the way and ran behind the armored woman before delivering a kick carried by her supersonic momentum.

The impact was enough to sent the Knight flying and she crashed on the ground with a loud clang. Maikoh pointed her gun at the fallen Knight fully intending to end her life. But she was abruptly stopped when she felt herself being levitated in the air and lost her aim.

The same massive man in armor from earlier produced a loud booming laugh as he approached the Knight who had captured Maikoh in their psychic grasp. ''Good job squire Elissa, you and the others leave the base and leave this problem to me. But keep your strenght boost focused on me. I have a feeling I'll need it against this foe.''

''As you wish Duke Axton, you heard him men! Let the Duke deal with this intruder we'll only get in his way as it is!'' The other knights weren't too happy at the declaration but they knew she was right and quickly left the room.

Elissa waited until everyone had left to let her grasp on Maikoh falter. As soon as she did the wolf-girl jumped backward and fired electric bullets at the massive man in front of her. The Duke easily took one of the table beside him and used it as a shield against the oncoming attack.

''This is the first time I ever had to face a hybrid like you. I don't know if you work for that damn cult, but it doesn't matter. You made a terrible mistake when you decided to hurt my men. You you will have to pay the price.'' He slammed his fist on the ground, the ground cracked at the force of his punch and a large stalagmite formed and was aimed straight at Maikoh.

She used her speed to try to get out of the way. But she had reacted too late and felt a cut on her arm. She growled as blood poured out of her wound and retaliated by picking up a chair and cloaked it in her own electricity once she was sastified with how much voltage was contained in the chair she hurled it at the man.

Much to her disbelief the Duke took the chair in his hands and didn't even flinch as electricity coursed throught his body. He then he threw it back at Maikoh with such force that she was sent crashing against the wall leaving a hole where she had impacted it.

''How unfortunate for you, but my armor is anything but standard Dragon Slayer armor. It was forged using the iron scales of a Lightning Dragonling I have slain. You are not getting out of this alive.''

Maikoh responded by screaming in rage before charging at him fully cloaking herself in electricity. She slammed into him at full force and much to her satisfaction the massive man groaned in pain at the assault. But that victory was short live as he grabbed hold of her left arm and she screamed in agony as she felt her bones snap under the intense pressure.

''Here's a little advice in case you manage to defy all the odds and survive what come next. Coming close to me was a very big mistake. My squire used her Mind Nature to boost my physical power to ungodly levels. My name is Rick Axton, but my enemies call me the Atlas, let me show you why.''

He punched Maikoh in the chest. The hit was so strong that it created a shockwave that send all the chairs and table crashing on the ground. Maikoh was propulsed into the air and destroyed the roof in the process. As she screamed in fear and agony she lost track of how long she spent spiralling in the air. Everything hurted, but for some reason her arm felt the worse.

Finally after what felt like eternity she crashed on the ground in the middle of the same forest she had killed the three knights earlier. She tried to gather the last of her strenght and get out of here. But as soon as she tried to move she felt the intense pain in her arm return. She looked down to see what was wrong and to her horror she saw nothing. Where her arm should have been she could only see a bloody nub with a few bones emerging from it.

She felt like she was about to throw up and the amount of blood she was losing could not be healthy at all. Finally her mind couldn't handle what was happening to her and she collapsed unconscious in the middle of the forest...

- - - - -

Where was Oliver?! He should have been here a long time ago! But to her dismay she saw the knights come out of their makeshift base and Mika was with them. Her hands tied behind her back and her mouth covered by a piece of cloth.

The knights were soon join by three other who ran toward them. ''What are you three doing here?! You were supposed to wait for us in town at the execution site.'' The voice of a commanding woman said with a disapproving tone.

''S-sorry my Queen, but after we announced that we would execute a child the townspeople threw us out of their settlement and demanded that we bring back her back safe and sound or they would retalliate against us.'' A man said clearly scared of having to be the one to announce the news.

Maikoh felt hope rising up in her chest at this. Maybe Mika would be saved afterall!

''What are we going to do?'' The man holding Mika in place asked with an unsure tone.

The one they called the Queen swore under her breath. ''It look like these people are not going to accept us as their protector. But we can't just walk away, this location is important strategically. It's right in front of Doremi Forest, the biggest forest in all of Orchestralia that contain some of the most dangerous Elestia in the world. We can't let them wander south into settlements. And...''

''And?'' The same Knight as earlier asked with a raised eyebrow.

''The main Musican tribe that live north of that forest have not shown their face since the start of the Invasion, but if they're still alive they could take this opportunity to try to retake their native country from us. I don't believe in all those urban legends about how they could control the dead during the Musican War, but they could still be a major threat.''

''I see, so what are your plans?'' Another Knight asked curiously.

''Let's kill the girl right now and then conquer the town by force. This position is more important than the people who live on it.'' She commanded with a cold uncaring tone.

''No!'' Without thinking Maikoh rushed toward Mika in hope of taking her away from these crazy people. But before she could reach her she was pinned down by a Knight. ''Let me go, let me go! You psychopaths!''

''So we had a little spy huh?'' The Queen said with a hollow laugh. ''I'm feeling generous today, leave right now and I will spare your life in fact you can even go warn as many people in town as you want, their life or death don't matter to me. But this traitor is staying with me, I cannot allow someone who dared conspire with the enemies of mankind to live.''

''Let Mika go, you bitch!'' She yelled before spitting on her armor.

The Queen did not react immediatly instead she backed away and walked toward Mika who looked at her warily. ''That's too bad, I thought it would be nice to allow you to not see this, since you evidently care about her. But since you're being difficult...''

With that she lifted her arm in one fluid motion and let out a huge stream of ice consumed the bounded girl. Maikoh screamed in despair as she wacthed the frozen form of the girl she onced called sister. And then to add salt to the wound the Queen kicked the ice statue and the form of Mika was reduced to mere shards of ice on the ground.

''I'll kill you! I swear I'll fucking kill you, you bitch!'' Maikoh screamed in pure rage.

The Queen seemed to sigh at this. ''As I said I was going to let you go, but if you're going to dare threathen the life of the savior of this world, I can't let that go'' The armored woman walked toward the still restrained form of Maikoh and aimed her palm toward her.

But before she could freeze her just as she did with Mika a strong gust of wind blew away the Queen and all other Knights, along with the man who had been holding down Maikoh. ''What?!'' The woman screamed indignantly and when she saw who was responsible for the sudden attack she turned livid. ''Justin Jones, what is the meaning of this?!''

Instead of responding to her the Knight with glowing green stripes on his armors took Maikoh in his arms and started running at full speed. To say she was shocked at the development would be the understatement of the century. ''Why are you saving me?!''

The man didn't respond immediatly instead he waited until there were a good distance away and would be sure no one had followed him. ''I swore an oath to protect the people of this country...and it seem like I'm the only one that took it seriously.''

Something bright illuminated the sky in the distance and when she turned around Maikoh gasped in horror. Xilo was on fire! She was about to run toward the town but the hand of Justin immediatly stopped her. ''I'm sorry but there's nothing you can do now. Once Queen Roxanne set her mind to something there's nothing that can stop her.''

Then she saw a running figure in the distance, she was hoping it was someone she knew. But when she saw who it was instead of feeling relief she felt only anger. ''Oliver... you should have died back there you spineless coward!''

The boy did not hear her scream, he was too far away. She wanted to go run to him and strangle him for leaving her and Mika alone. But the event of the day suddenly caught up to her and she felt herself fall on the snow...

- - - - -

She woke up with a gasp, she looked around and was surprised to find herself in bed, in a room she didn't recognise. The place didn't look inhabited with how dusty and decayed it was, which begged the question who had dragged her here?

Her answer came a few seconds later as a familiar flying feline entered inside the room. ''You're awake! Oh I'm so glad! It's been almost three days since you lost consciousness!''

She arleady felt a headache coming with how loud she was being. She rubbed her temple with her hand but was surprised with how hard and cold her limb felt. She put her hand in front of her face and almost cried out in shock at what she saw.

Her arm was completely made out of metal! ''W-what happened to me?! Are you the one that did this to me?!'' She said while pointing an accusing finger at the transparent cat.

Catori shook her head vigorously. ''I only healed your chest! The arm sprouted on it's own.''

''What?! You expect me to believe that an arm made of steel just grew out of me out of nowhere?!'' She asked while glaring at the Elestia with an unamused expression.

''It's true! Lightning Elestia can replace their limbs with metallic ones when they get injured, it's completely normal!'' Catori replied while crossing her paws and displayed a patient smile.

Maikoh shook her head. ''Whatever, at least I won't have to fight with just one arm. Wait a minute how the heck did you bring me here? And where is here anyway?''

''Oh that's easy! I can teleport you, but it take a lot out of me. I had to sleep a whole day after I did it, I can't do it on command like some Mind Elestia. But these knights would have found your unconscious body if I left you back there!'' She replied while waving her paws around for emphasis. ''As for where we are, well this is just an abandoned appartment building I found. There's a lot of abandoned buildings since the Invasion, so finding a place was easy!''

''I see...thank you Catori.'' She said begrudgingly. But then she started to feel woozy and almost lost consciousness once again.

''Oh no! I almost forgot!'' Catori exclaimed before flying away without explanation. She came back twenty minutes later with a steaming stack of medium rare steaks on a plate.

''I didn't know you could cook Catori... And where did you take this meat from? I hope you didn't-'' Before she could finish her sentence Catori put one of the steak in her mouth.

After that everything Maikoh remembered was a blur. She remembered herself digging in the place of steak like a wild animal and tearing throught all of them in a matter of seconds. It was only once the plate was completely empty and licked clean that she regained her sense.

Maikoh felt shiver down her spine once she realised how little control she had over her own body. ''W-what's happening to me?!''

''Don't worry about it Maikoh, the fact that your body reacted like that mean your instincts are working well. After producing a metallic limb like that you will need to be on a strict diet of red meat to replace all the iron you lost inside your body to produce that arm. I don't know if you're vegetarian or not, but you'll have to forget about your usual diet for the next week or two.'' Catori said with a little frown.

Maikoh shook her head. ''I wouldn't call myself a true vegetarian, if someone offer me meat I'll accept it most of the time. but I don't like killing living creatures myself if I don't need to. But I guess if my body need it I'll have to make an exception.''

''I didn't think you would be the type that want to spare lives with how... bloodthistry you've been since I met you.'' Catori said with a small frown.

Maikoh glared back at her angrily at that. ''I spare creatures that are innocent. The knights are nothing more than cold-blooded killers and Oliver is a traitor who abandon people when they need him. They deserve to die!''

With that said Maikoh lifted herself from her bed and slammed the door behind her. ''Maybe I said something wrong.'' Catori said with a frown on her face.

    people are reading<World of Elestia: Seasons of War>
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