《World of Elestia: Seasons of War》(Spring) Chapter 14: Crisis At Bajoon


Clara had spent half of the night awake due to how early she had gone to bed. Oliver however had been so tired that he awoke early in the morning. The two of them went to the mess hall for their daily free breakfast. Being a member of the Resistance had a few perks. You had two free meals a day and a monthly allowance of free Elestia food. Enough to feed three Elestia a month, any more than that and you needed to pay it yourself. Not only that but once they went up in rank the pay would be amazing too. But right now they were only Rookies and earned around three hundred musica per mission that is except for the last mission which had earned them one thousand musica each due to it being a C rank, even thought it had secretly been a B-rank mission, but Xofamai had opted to not mention that to the General.

Today's free breakfast was a bagel made with sausage. It was one of their most common meal but one of the ingredient always changed. Some days it was sausage others times it was bologna or ham and if they were lucky it was bacon. Honestly it was much better than what Oliver had anticipated for military food.

Most of the meat had come from a pig-like Elestia called Typhoorcin. Killing animals in this day and age was punishable by death in most settlements and was considered an act of genocide. So most people ate Elestia nowaday, a fact which made Clara recoil with disgust. She took the sausage out of her meal and gave it all to Oliver who had no qualm eating it.

As they ate their breakfast in silence both teens could hear some members of the Resistance whispering to each other. Oliver looked around and saw that many members were giving them curious stares. ''Why are so many people looking at us?'' He whispered to Clara with a confused look.

Clara sighed before turning toward him. ''You were unconscious yesterday so I had to drag you to our tent. And well I had to be in my hybrid form to do it. I'm not strong enough to drag a boy with my arms, so now my secret is kind of out of the bag.''

Oliver looked at her guiltily. ''I'm sorry you had to reveal your secret because of me.''

Clara shook her head and smiled reassuringly. ''They would have found out eventually, maybe it's better this way. I imagine our relationship with the Ding Dong Community might have become strained if I hid something so important for years.'' Oliver was about to respond to them when someone walked out to them.

It was a young woman maybe three to four years older than them. ''I'm sorry but... You're the goat girl that was wandering the metro yesterday right?'' Clara sighed and decided she might as well drop her disguise so they might stop gawking at her.

The disguise vanished around her, her skin was replaced by snow white fur, Her feet were replaced with a pair of hooves, two small horns produded from the top of her head. A blue gem was glowing on her forehead as she dispelled her illusion. One of the only things that hadn't changed were her green eyes and her long blonde hair.

The woman gaped at her in amazement. ''Wow so you really are a hybrid just like Xofamai! That must be why General Clementine put you on his team. Maybe she thought he could teach you a thing or two.''


Clara eyes widened at that. ''Wait what?! You know that Xofamai is a hybrid too?!'' Clara asked in shock. The young woman nodded with a confused expression.

''Yeah didn't he tell you? It's kind of common knowledge around the Ding Dong Community that CGO did something to him.''

Clara clenched her teeth angrily. ''If it was so well known why did he try to keep it a secret from us?!'' She asked angrily.

The woman was taken aback by the girl's anger but tried to calm her down. ''Well Xofamai has always been a loner you know? Maybe he was just shy about showing you what he really looked like.'' Somehow she doubted that but she decided to let it go before she made an even bigger scene in front of the Resistance. ''By the way I'm sorry if that's too personal. But I have been wondering for a while are hybrids sexually compatible with humans or Elestia?''

Unfortunately for Clara she had been drinking at that moement and she spat out her entire drink on the table and cough. The woman gapsed and tried to help her recover. ''W-why do you ask that?!'' She asked angrily.

The woman lift her arm in a placating manner. ''I'm sorry okay, I'm just really curious if Hybrids can have children with both species or only one or maybe even none.'' Clara froze as she realised she was right despite how embrassing the question had been. Would she even be able to have children like this? And what if she can only have some with Elestia? She didn't think she would ever want to be involved with them in that way. She knew they were sapient but they were way too animal-like for her tastes.

''I-I don't know.'' She said in a small voice before running away.

Oliver glared at the woman. ''You could at least wait until you're out of the public before asking personal questions like that!'' He snapped at her before running after Clara. Oliver knew that she had probably ran toward their tent it was the only place where she could be alone in this place.

At this point Oliver knew the way to his tent by heart and didn't take much time to reach it. He opened the flap and sure enough Clara was there but she was in her human form once again. Strangely enough the illusion didn't do much to hide her emotions. He could see tears running down her cheeks. He almost felt like an intruder in his own tent, but he wanted to help her so with some hesitation he cleared his throat. She looked up to him in surprise but then she tried to hide away her face by turning around facing the wall of the tent.

Oliver crawled inside and sat behind her. ''I'm sorry about what that woman said she should have known better than asking personal questions in the mess hall. People these days have no sense of privacy.'' He said bitterly.

Clara sighed. ''You know I always realised that me being in a relationship would be a long shot after what happened to me. But now I realise that the possibility of having children might truly be off the table forever. I know that I'm too young to worry about things like that but I always wanted to have children one day you know?''

''I'm sure that you will find somebody that love you just as you are Clara. I won't lie to you and say that it will be easy. Not a lot of people would want to be seen dating a non-human. But someone will fall in love with you I'm sure of it.''


Clara looked down, her face completely unreadable. Oliver decided to continue despite that. ''As for children, well I'm no doctor so I can't really say anything. But even if the worse were to pass you could always adopt. I know that a lot of people want to have their own children but there's a lot of lost orphans out there since the Invasion that would give everything just for someone to love them. I would know since I used to be one of them.'' Clara looked at Oliver sadly at that and she grabbed him in a fierce hug.

''H-hey what are you doing?!'' He asked in shock but she simply continued her hug without saying anything. They stayed like that for a while before finally deciding to get out of the tent. Clara decided to directly go ask a doctor about testing if she could have children, Oliver acompanied her as support.

But as the doctor entered the room and looked at her he shook his head. ''Sorry I'm really not specialized in dealing in Elestia.''

Oliver glared at him at that. ''She's not an Elestia she's a hybrid!'' He snapped at him.

The doctor was shocked at his harsh tone, but quickly regained his composure. ''Well whatever it is it's not my domain, you should go to the Elestia's veterinary.'' He said in an uncaring tone.

Oliver ran up to him and grabbed him by the collar. ''Screw you, you arroguant prick! Who do you think you are saying she should go to the veterinary?!'' The Doctor was shaking at this point and Oliver was ready to punch him in the face.

But Clara's voice snap him out of it. ''Oliver stop it! It's not his fault he doesn't know how to deal with hybrids.'' Oliver glared at the man but let him go, as soon as he was released the doctor ran away as fast as he could. Much to their chagrin they decided to go visit the veterinary.

But once again they got the same result as soon as he saw Clara the man shook his head. ''I'm sorry I know how to deal with Elestia and I know the basic about dealing with humans but a hybrid of both? There's no telling what aspect of her is human and what aspect is Elestia.'' Clara sighed in defeat.

''Then what are we supposed to do? If neither a doctor or a vet can do it then how am I ever going to find out?!'' She shouted in frustration and putting her head between her two hands. The man cleared his troat to grab her attention.

''If I may make a suggestion, Professor Dogwood might know more than me on the subject. He did an indepth research on hybrids with the help of Xofamai. Maybe he could perform the test for you. I'm sorry I can't be of more help.''

With that bit of information in mind the two teens made their way to the scientific section of the metro. Once there they found the old man in the middle of eating a bagel. Oliver stomach rumbled at the sight reminding him that he hadn't finished his breakfast that morning.

The old professor looked up and gasped in delight when he saw the two of them. ''Oh hello there! I didn't expect to see both you back here so soon. It's only been two days since we last talked.''

Clara nodded sheepishly. ''I'm sorry but we've been all over the place today trying to make a test.''

The Professor look at her with a worried frown. ''A test? Is something wrong with you? If you have an illness I'm not sure I'm the best person to treat you.'' He said while rubbing the back of his head.

Clara blushed slightly before answering in a rush. ''IwanttoknowifIcanhavechildren!'' The old man stared at her in confusion.

''I'm sorry but I understood none of that can you speak more slowly?'' Clara blushed and was about to respond but Oliver decided to do it for her.

''She want to know if she can have children.'' He said loud enough for the professor to hear but quiet enough so that the other scientists wouldn't hear him.

Professor Dogwood looked at Clara with a concerned frown. ''You know young lady, you're a bit too young to be worrying about children. Not only that but raising a child in this world is a lot harder than in the Old World.''

Clara nodded with a blush stiil litting up her face. ''I know but I just want to know if I could ever get children... Because I'm not sure something like me can have some.'' The professor was confused about what she meant that was until Clara dropped her illusion and revealed her hybrid form.

''Ah so the rumors were true then. I tend to not hold too much attention to rumors until I have proof they are real. Well I still think it's way too early to worry about children but as long as you promise to not do anything reckless, I will try to help you. I got to admit I am curious about the answer to your question myself. I will need a blood sample for the test.'' Clara hold her breath and nodded.

Professor Dogwood searched throught his medical equipement and found a syringue and equiped it with a fresh needle. Then he looked at Clara with a frown. ''I'm sorry but you will need to help me with this.'' Clara looked at him confused.

''What do you mean by that?'' She asked with nervosity in her voice.

The old professor smiled sheepishly. ''Well it's simple really I won't be able to insert this needle in you the normal way. Elestia doesn't get injured by bullets so there's no way I can pierce your skin with just a needle.''

Clara face paled at that. ''T-then how will we do it?'' She asked in a scared tone.

''Well I will aim for your veins the normal way. But you will need to be the one that do the final push with your own power otherwise the needle won't penetrate.'' Clara gulped but nodded determined to get some answers.

The professor tapped on her left arm trying to get a feel of it then he putted the needle above a vein and looked at the girl. ''Alright push it in gently with your telekinesis.'' Clara grabbed the needle with her mind and made it pierced her skin she winced a little bit as it entered inside the vein.

The professor quickly took some blood and retired the needle from her arm. ''There it's all done. This might take a few days before I get results but I'll be sure to contact you as soon as I have something.''

Clara nodded and smiled gratefully. ''Thank you Professor Dogwood.''

He chuckled in response. ''It's nothing dear, studying this new world is my calling and it's also my atonement for accidently bringing the Dragons here. It's the least I can do.'' The old professor frowned but then he tried to hide it with a smile that didn't quite reached his eyes. ''Anyway I'll start working on this sample. I'll give you news soon alright?''

The two teens nodded and said their goodbye before leaving the lab. After all that adventure throught the metro it was now arleady noon, so they decided to go grab something at a local restaurant the mess hall was closed at this hour so they had to pay for a meal thankfully both of them had a reserve of musica after their last mission in Fluoti Town.

Thankfully the restaurant allowed Elestia to come out of their gems so Clara and Oliver put some Elestia food on the ground and the group of human, hybrid and Elestia all ate together. The food of the Elestia looked like kibbles which Oliver found a little condescending to give to Elestia since they were not animals. But they seemed to like it so Oliver decided it didn't matter.

Calling the place a restaurant however might be a bit generous. There was around five restaurants around the station but none of them had any walls to speak of. It was just tables and chair in what used to be a metro station. The only thing that differentiated the restaurants between them were the different colors for chairs and tables for each of them.

Clara and Oliver commanded something called a poutine. Which had apparently been a specialty of Orchestralia in the Old World. Oliver wish he could remember more about the Old World he was jealous that Clara could remember so much compared to him. But then again she was technically nine years older than him.

Clara finished her meal with a content sigh it had been too long since she had eaten fast food like this. Each bite had made her nostalgic about the Old World. Oliver looked happy about the meal too even if he didn't seemed to share the same sense of nostalgia as her. Then as she stared at him a though occured to her that made her blush. Were they on a date right now? She shook her head, of course not! Oliver was just a very good friend beside there was no way someone that hated Elestia for so long would ever go for someone like her.

Before her tought could go any further a man with loud footsteps walked into the restaurant station. ''I finally found you.'' A familiar emotionless voice said to both of them they turned toward the speaker and sure enough Xofamai was standing there in front of their table. ''I have been searching for both of you all day. You don't usually wander around the Ding Dong Community so much.''

Clara rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. ''Sorry it's been a busy day.'' Then Clara noticed something. Xofamai wasn't wearing his hood on his day today and he had uncovered his tail letting it hang freely for everyone to see. ''You're not hiding your Kitsubi appearance today?'' Clara asked in shock.

Xofamai shrugged nonchalantly. ''I thought walking around like this would take some of the attention away from all the rumors surounding you today.'' Clara eyes widened but then smiled sweetly at the man.

''So you do care about us!'' She exclaimed happily.

Xofamia shrugged in response. ''I don't know what you're talking about I was just annoyed they wouldn't stop talking about a Rookie that just joined the Resistance.'' He said but Clara just smirked at him knowing he was lying through his teeth. ''Anyway that's not why I was searching for you. The General has called for us. She has a new mission for our team.''

''Arleady?! I didn't think we would have something else so soon.'' Clara said with a bewildered expression.

Xofamai nodded with a disturbed frown. ''Usually she would wait at least a week before assigning another big mission for Rookies. Something big must have come up.'' Oliver and Clara saw that this was troubling him so they recalled their Elestia and quickly followed him to the General's shack...

- - - - -

When they entered inside Olivia had a troubled frown on her face. When she saw Xofamai her expression lit up a little. ''Hello Bartholomew , hello children.''

''Bartholomew?!'' Oliver exclaimed in shock looking at Xofamai barely concealing a laugh.

The man sighed in irritation. ''I told you to not use my real name, I hate it.'' He snapped at her.

Olivia rolled her eyes at him. ''Fine then Xofamai, as you probably guessed something has come up. Bajoon has called for our help. The Bunterra mating season has started once again.''

Xofamai scoffed before massaging his temple. ''You're giving this mission to me again? You know I have a weakness against Earth Elestia right?'' Clara looked at the two adults with a question burning on her tongue.

Olivia noticed this and smiled like her like a mother would to a child. ''Yes Clara what do you want to ask?'' Oliver rolled his eyes, he liked Clara but she always had to ask so many questions all the time.

''What are Bunterra? And why is it such a bad thing they're going through a mating season?'' She asked with a cock of her head.

Xofamai was the one to respond to her question. ''Bunterra look like rabbits with antlers on their head. They have the Earth Nature, they're not much to worry about alone but when they get together they can become dangerous to settlements. They're at their most dangerous right now. Because during mating season the males of the species will try to steal mountains of food to impress a female. Bajoon has the biggest farm in all of Orchestralia so each years they become a huge target to these pests.''

General Clementine nodded with a grim expression. ''Unfortunately you three are the only team I have left for this job. All the other were arleady assigned a mission. The mating season came earlier this year and we were not prepared for it.'' Olivia admitted with a sigh. ''Oh! Before I forget Oliver, Clara, I need you both to take a picture.''

Both teens looked at her in confusion. ''Umm okay but why?'' Oliver asked while scratching the side of his head.

''I need to create your ID. Honestly we should have done this sooner but I wasn't sure if you would really want to stay in the Resistance.'' Oliver crossed his arm with an annoyed look on his face. He didn't hate the old lady but she was getting on his nerve with how often she tried to make him quit the Resistance. ''Anyway you will need it for Bajoon. Unfortunately they're not the most accepting town about Chosens. So they will probably ask for proof that you're with us.''

''If they don't like Chosens why are they asking for our help?'' Clara asked with a tilt of her head.

Olivia shrugged in response. ''Well what other choice do they have? The only other group that's able to fight against Elestia are the Knights of Humanity. Bajoon value their freedom far too much to deal with them. So instead they hire us when they need Chosens for important jobs. They also have a Chosen that guard the wall for the rest of the year. In fact the job request came from him. He's a competent guard but he will need your help to deal with the horde of Bunterra.''

Then the old General grabbed an old digital camera on her desk and motioned to Oliver to come closer. ''Come here I need to get a good picture of you. Now you need to stay still and don't show any emotion...'' There was a snap and a flash that came from the worn down camera. ''There it's done, now it's the turn of the little lady.''

Clara was a bit embarassed being called a little lady but she supposed that was an old lady thing. Clara went in front of the camera and stood still like Oliver. But Olivia shook her head. ''No this won't do. This is meant to identify you, so you need to take your real form for this picture.'' Clara looked at her in shock.

''You know about this?'' She asked in a small voice.

Olivia chuckled at that. ''Of course. I don't think there's a single soul in Ding Dong that doesn't know you're a hybrid by now. Rumors run fast around here.'' The general explained.

Clara cursed under her breath. ''Great.'' She said sarcastically. She dispelled her illusion and revealed her goat-like appearance to the old lady.

''There aren't you a cute little thing I could just pinch your cheek.'' Clara blushed and looked away embarassed. ''Okay now look in the camera.'' Olivia instructed. Clara looked right in the camera and stood still. A flash went off and it was all over. ''Great now the two of you can go prepare yourself for the mission ahead.''

The three of them were about to leave the small shack but before Xofamai could leave Olivia called up to him. ''Xofamai stay behind please, there's something I must speak with you about.'' Xofamai paused at the entrance and nodded before closing the door leaving Clara and Oliver alone on the other side.

''Well that was weird but look like we have a new mission, right?'' Oliver said enthusiastically.

''Let's hope it won't end up as dangerous as the last one.'' Clara said nervously.

The boy rolled his eyes at her. ''Of course not! We won't meet a Dragonling everytime we go outside. They're pretty rare to begin with, we were just unlucky.'' He said with confidence in his voice. Then he took a more serious tone. ''Beside we're still planning on taking down the Dragons right? If we can't deal with a Dragonling there's no way we can beat a real Dragon.''

Before Clara could respond the door behind them opened up and Xofamai walked toward them. Once he was close enough he searched through his pockets and present them both with a card with a picture of themselves on it. There was also the familiar symbol of the Resistance, a bell with a red fist drawn into it. Under that there was some information about them.

Name: Oliver Wilden

Age: 15

Rank: Rookie

Number of Elestia: 2

Name: Clara Balsam

Age: 15

Rank: Rookie

Number of Elestia: 1

Clara looked at her card with a frown. ''You know I'm technically twenty-four years old.''

Xofamai nodded. ''I know but the General thought it would be too confusing. Most people haven't been frozen for almost ten years. You're physically and mentally fifteen so there's no real reason to say you're older than that.'' Clara pouted at that, which made the Kitsubi hybrid rolled his eyes.

''Anyway both of you are lucky.'' Xofamai said, at their questioning gaze he continued. ''The General has judged that this mission was important enough for us to use one of the vans. So look like we're going on a road trip.'' He said with a smirk.

- - - - -

The engine roared as they drove on the empty highway. Oliver was surprised at how fast they were going. He didn't have a lot of memories about cars. The only car ride he remembered was the last one he had with his father. Ironic how the only day from the Old World he would rather forget is the one he remembered the most vividly.

Oliver winced as they passed on top of a crack in the street making the entire car shake in protest. He regained his composure and began to relax slightly. Then they passed on another crack this one even bigger and the entire shook as if they had been attacked by an earthquake. Oliver fell down on the side at the sudden movemenet. Thankfully something warm and fuzzy stopped his fall.

Then he looked up and blushed furiously when he noticed he had fallen on Clara's legs. ''Sorry!'' He exclaimed before quickly lifting himself back on his seat.

''I-It's okay, these roads haven't had any maintenance in the last ten years so I'm not surprised we have a bumpy ride.'' The two of them stayed in a awkward silence for the rest of the trip. Finally they stopped in front of a large wall with a gate. Even from where they were they could see guards roaming on top of the wall looking for any danger coming close to the city.

The group got out of the car and made their way to the entance of the wall. A gruff looking man was standing on top of the wall and when they came too close he pointed a rifle at the group. ''Stop right there if you know what's good for you!''

Clara growled and instinctively put herself in front of Oliver. He was about to protest to Clara to not put herself in danger for him. But then he remembered that a gun wouldn't do anything to her.

Xofamai made a non-threathening gesture toward the armed man. ''Relax, we're the Chosens sent by the Ding Dong Resistance to deal with your Bunterra problem.'' He said before presenting the man with his ID card. Xofamai then made a gesture to the two teens so they would show their ID too.

The man narrowed his eyes and looked at the three ID presented to him. He looked werdly at the picture of Clara for a few second but then shook his head and glared at Xofamai. ''Two Rookies? Does the Resistance think this is a joke? These Bunterra are threatening one of the last animal reserve on Earth and they send us a bunch of newbies?''

''They are more competent than they appear at first glance. Beside if anything happen I'll be there.'' Xofamai said in an emotionless tone.

The armed man scoffed but lowered his gun. ''Yeah well you better, you're lucky we're hiring filthy Chosens scum like you to do such an important job.'' Clara growled at the man but Xofamai put himself in front of her before she could do anything rash.

The man scoffed and shook his head ''Yeah whatever, your client will be waiting at the shack to the east. Now leave my sight before I decide to shoot you anyway.'' Xofamai nodded stiffly and walked away with the two teenagers in tow.

''What an asshole!'' Clara complained once they were out of earshot. ''Who do he think he is calling us scums?! We're the one protecting his shitty settlement!''

Xofamai sighed and turned toward the girl with a frown. ''You should get used to people like him. Chosens are not exactly popular outside of the Ding Dong Community. I can count on one hand the number of settlements that accept us in Orchestralia.'' Clara mulled that over in her head. Xofamai stopped and pointed at something in the distance.

There was a shack in front of them it wasn't old in fact it looked brand new or at least it would have been if it wasn't filled with holes all over it. Oliver and Clara looked at each other in concern. Meanwhile Xofamai confidently walked to the door and knocked on it.

It wasn't long before the door opened, but who answered surprised everyone. Oliver had expected a hard boiled looking man maybe with a few scars from the years spent protecting the wall. Instead what met them was just a boy around the same age as himself.

Xofamai looked at him baffled. ''Who are you? Where is Henry?'' The man dressed in black demanded to the boy.

The young boy looked down sadly. ''If you're talking about my old mentor, he's dead. He died about four months ago protecting the wall from a dangerous Scorbat that's been wandering this region for a while. I'm his replacement, my name is William by the way.''

Xofamai frowned as he looked at the boy and how young he was. ''They're hiring children to protect their city now?''

The boy looked at Oliver and Clara and then looked back Xofamai with a raised eyebrow. ''Look like the Resistance is doing the same.'' William replied.

Xofamai cursed under his breath because he had a point but then he shook his head. ''Yes... But at least they have me, who is going to protect you when your back is against the wall?''

William glared at the man and scoffed. ''Look you know nothing of me or why I accepted this thankless job. Beside it's none of your business. Now how about we talk about the mission instead of personal matters?'' He said with an edge in his voice.

The man dressed in black sighed but nodded. ''Very well but I think we should discuss it inside.'' Xofamai said, William reluctantly invited the group inside. Clara looked around the shack and noticed how barebone it was. The only thing it had was a bed, a fireplace with a pot place on top of it, a small table with two chairs and there was a toilet in the back of the room with not even a wall to hide it so he could have privacy if he had any guests over.

The other thing she noticed were two massive holes into the walls. One was in the wall in front of the entrance and the other was on the roof. ''What caused these holes?'' Clara asked curiously.

William glared at the holes as if they had offended them and replied. ''They were cause by a small group of Bunterra. I assume they were sent to scope things out before they sent the real horde. They hurled rocks at my house and you can see the result. They also tried to attack the wall of Bajoon but I stopped them before they could reach it. Unfortunately I don't think I will be able to fend them off on my own once the whole herd is there. Which is why I called the Resistance for help.''

Xofamai frowned before sitting one one of the chair. ''I hate to ask this but will you be able to pay us?''

William shook his head. ''Unfortunately not, I'm only paid in food and water while I work here. But I have an agreement with the mayor to pay you for important cases like this.'' He replied.

Oliver look at the boy in disbelief. ''So wait they don't even pay you with money? Why do you even work for them?'' Oliver asked,

William glared at him and crossed his arms. ''It's none of your business!'' He snapped at Oliver.

Clara frowned as she looked around the small shack once again. ''And why do you live outside the wall? Wouldn't it be much safer to live inside Bajoon?''

William sighed with a irritated frown plastered on his face. ''If you must know Chosens are not allowed inside the walls of Bajoon. Which is why I'm living in this 'charming' little shack.''

Clara looked angry at that revelation. ''So they need you to protect their crappy settlement and they don't even have the courtesy to let you live inside the wall where it's safe? What a bunch of assholes!'' Clara exclaimed with disdain clear in her voice.

Xofamai cleared his torath to grab the attention of everyone. ''We should discuss Bajoon morality for another time. For now I would like to know what you want us to do.''

William sighed in relief glad that the conversation had moved to another subject. ''Very well, the mission is pretty simple. We must stop the Bunterra from reaching the wall at all cost. When they're together like this they're able to create small earthquakes that would be strong enough to make the wall collapse. If they enter inside they will eat all of Bajoon crops dooming the entire settlement to a very hard winter. Which might force them to eat the animals on their farms. Which could potentially lead to the extinction of some of the last chickens and cows in the entire world.''

Oliver gulped and laughed nervously. ''No pressure right?'' Xofamai ignored his comment and asked something else to William.

''Alright then what type of Elestia do you have? I will use a Ice and Wind Elestia for this mission, Clara has Mind and Wind Elestia on her team and Oliver has Earth and Lightning.''

William seemed to ponder this. ''Well for this task I thought to use my Skurnace and my Lemicy they're Fire and Ice respectively.''

Xofamai nodded with approval. ''Right now that's settle we should-'' Before he could finish his sentence they heard a loud crack coming from the distance followed by what sounded like a stampede of small creatures. William face paled and he immediatly lifted himself from his chair before yelling to the group.

''The Bunterra are here!''

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