《World of Elestia: Seasons of War》(Spring) Chapter 5: The Ding Dong Resistance


Oliver was a nervous wreck, not only because he was about to meet the mayor. But also because they were currently walking on the rails of the metro. What if at any moments a subway train came behind them and killed them all? Dave seeing his nervousness reassure him. ''Don't worry the metro hasn't been operational since the Invasion. If it was working we would have taken the subway instead of walking there.''

What he said made sense and so Oliver relaxed slightly but he was still nervous about meeting the mayor. It took the a while but finally they arrived at another station this one was very different than the other one they had seen before. While the one from earlier looked like a market this station was full of man and woman wearing armors. Many of them were standing in front of a post with many notices on them. They would take one of the paper with them and walk away. Other were preparing for the long journey ahead by putting the necessities in backpacks. Things like ration food, band-aids, knifes and a few Draconid Gems in case they encountered an Elestia they wanted to tame. There was also a few who were simply patrolling around the area looking for any troublemakers that would be foolish enough to attack or steal from them.

''As you can see this section of the metro is reserved to the Resistance. Since you have an Elestia there's a good chance you will get drafted. But if you absolutely do not want to fight I'm sure the mayor could take it into consideration. Elestia can be used for things other than combat after all.'' Oliver wasn't scared of becoming a member of the Resistance. After all he wanted to change the world. What better way to do it than join a group that wanted to do the same? But he didn't know if Clara would want to join him. He wouldn't blame her if she decided to remain a civilian.

A few of the Resistance members glanced toward them as they travel throught the makeshift military camp. But most of them were too busy to pay them any minds. Clara was getting curious as to why they were here. ''So why are we here? I wouldn't expect a mayor to be in the military branch of the Community.''

At that Dave chuckled before looking back at the girl. ''I guess I should have told you that first. But the Mayor of the Ding Dong Community is also the General of the Resistance.'' That made both Oliver and Clara gulp, that revelation had done nothing to calm their nerves at meeting the Mayor.

The small group arrived in front of a shabby shack evidently made after the Invasion. The word Mayor/General had been engraved into the door. ''Here we are, wait here while I talk to the Mayor.'' Dave entered inside the shack and closed the door behind himself. The two teens could do nothing but stand awkwardly in front of the small wooden building while they waited to see the Mayor.

Oliver couldn't help but imagine the Mayor as a big scary buff man who would judgementally look at the street rat that he was with disdain before he would throw him out back into Ringabell City so that he could be eaten by the Winter Dragon.

But his daydreaming was stopped as Dave came back out of the shack with a neutral expression. ''The Mayor is ready to see you.'' They entered inside the shack with trepidation which wasn't helped by the fact that Dave left them as soon as they entered the building. The inside was different than what they had expected.


While there was a desk full of papers like you would expect from a mayor the rest of the room was a lot more homey. There was three flowers on a desk one was a rose another a lillie and the third one was something neither of them recognised. On the wall there was many pictures from what they assumed were the residents of the community there was everyone from soldier, to civilians, children and even scientists. There was a small fireplace in the back of the shack that gave them much needed warmth. There was an old looking TV along with a DVD player which was surprising because electricity was a rare commodity nowaday.

But what shocked them the most was who was sitting in front of the desk. Instead of a buff looking man like Oliver had expected there was an old lady wearing a worn down sundress. Her long curly hair had long ago faded to white, her face had many wrinkles but her eyes had a youthful glint in them that made her look younger than she really was. She smiled at the two of them like a grandma would before she gave warm cookies to her grandchildren.

''Hello young ones I'm the Mayor and General of this amazing Community I hope the road to reach us wasn't too hard on you two. My grandson told me the two of you wanted to join us and that the two of you were Chosens. Well Dave wanted me to let you join the Resistance, but that is a big commitment especially for ones as young as you.''

Oliver shook his head. ''I can't speak for my friend. But I'm ready to serve in the Resistance. I want to change this world for the better. I didn't come here simply to hide like a scared prey in a cage!'' He exclaimed with a determined expression.

The old lady sighed at this. ''Young people these days, so eager to throw their life away for the greater good.'' She said with a tone of sadness in her voice. ''We have one of the best school in the country here, are you sure you don't want to go there?'' She asked in an almost begging tone.

Oliver shook his head at the suggestion. ''I really don't have the kind of money I would need to go to a school.''

Clara turned at him with a raised eyebrow. ''You could sell some of the Draconid Gem you got like you planned from the begining. Beside you don't even know how to read, going to school could be really good for you.''

Oliver was embarassed that she brought that up in front of the Mayor but he stubbornly shook his head. ''I don't have time to waste on school! The Elestia is destroying more and more of our civilisation every weeks I need to do something! No one will save the world by learning how to count one plus one!''

Clara looked at him disaprovingly but before she could retort the old lady adressed Oliver. ''I'm sure our scientists would disagree with your assessment young one. But very well, since you're so determined to join the Resistance I will let you join. But do not think you're going out there to save the world in a single day. You're not a superhero just because you have an Elestia. You will need to be trained before you can amount to anything.''

Then she turned toward Clara. ''What about you little lady? What do you want to do? Will you go to school or are you just as determined to risk your life like your friend?''


Clara sighed. ''I arleady been to school before so I don't need it, unlike him.'' She said with a glare toward him. ''Beside someone will need to keep this hothead in check before he get himself killed.'' Oliver huffed at that, he wasn't a hothead! If he was he wouldn't have survived this long in the streets.

''Very well since it seems you're both determined to join the Resistance I will need to assign you a teacher he will test you to know if you can survive out here. If he judge you cannot do it, I will assume both of you are too young to be put on the Resistance and will remain as civilians until I judge you are old enough.'' Oliver wanted to protest at that but he stopped himself. He knew this was the best deal he was gonna get. He would just have to prove he was more than ready to bring the fight to the Elestia.

- - - - -

As soon as they exited the shack Dave was waiting for them. The first thing he showed them was an area with showers. The two teen were more than grateful at finally being able to clean themselves in hot water. Unfortunately it seemed like the Ding Dong Community didn't have the ressources to make two shower area for both genders and Clara and Oliver had to clean themselves while trying awkwardly to not look at each other.

Once they finished they quickly dressed themselves and returned to Dave who pointedly did not ask why the both of them were blushing. After that Dave led them to a seclude spot and gave them camping equipement like a tent, sleeping bags and a lantern. ''This is where you're going to sleep as long as you're in the Resistance. It's not ideal but we can't really build a lot of homes inside a metro.''

''Wait we're sharing the same tent?'' Clara asked nervously.

''Don't worry the tent is pretty big you will get more than enough space. Oh and please try to keep the noise to a minimum alright? The soldiers here get tired after their missions they don't want to hear two teens going at it all night.'' Both Oliver and Clara faced turned red at the implications but before they could deny anything Dave was arleady gone from their view.

It took them almost an hour to set up the tent much to the amusement of the Resistance member who watched as they struggle to make the tent stay upright. Once they were done they set up their sleeping bags inside and instantly fell asleep too tired to care how people would view their relationship once they saw them sleep in the same tent.

- - - - -

It was kind of hard to know if it was morning since they were underground. But since every Resistance member were starting to wake up Oliver assumed that it was. Since the begining of the Invasion he always had been a early riser. He prefered to travel in the day and he often had a lot of ground to cover for his next meal. This habit would serve him well since it seemed the people of the Resistance rose early as well.

Oliver decided to wake Clara much to her annoyance. Unlike him the girl really hated morning and would sleep in much often if she had the choice. Now that they were woken up Oliver expected Dave would come to tell them what they should do next. But instead another person came to greet them. Someone that made Oliver go instantly on edge.

It was the same man from yesterday who was wearing a a large raincoat with the hood on and sunglasses and the large cape billowing behind him. The man sighed as he looked at both of them. ''I can't believe our General is making me babysit a bunch of snot-nosed brats.'' Oliver glared at the the man but if he noticed he didn't cared about it enough to react. ''Well it's not like I'll have to deal with you two for long, there's no way you're going to pass my test.'' Then the man began to walked away but when he noticed nobody was following him he turned around. ''Come on follow me I don't have all day.'' Clenching his jaw Oliver began to follow the man he really hope he wouldn't have to deal with this guy for long.

Clara was not pleased about the man either. She wondered why the Mayor would give them that man to teach them instead of someone that would actually care about their job. ''So... What is your name sir?'' Clara asked tentatively.

The man sighed. ''You may call me Xofamai.''

At that both teenagers looked at the man with baffled expressions. ''That is a really strange name do you come from another country?'' She asked curiously.

Xofamai did not responded to her question instead he stopped and pointed them toward a stall.''I noticed yesterday that both of you lacked a coat, here is enough money for you to buy one for each of you. I really don't want to have General Clementine mad at me for bringing you back with a cold.'' With that the man gave them five bills of twenty musica and went to leave but he was immediatly stopped by Clara.

''Wait! Where are you going?'' She asked him with a frown.

Xofamai stopped and his tracks and she could pratically feel the eye roll before he adressed her. ''I'll be waiting for both of you outside of the metro don't make me wait too long.'' And with that he continued on his way to the exit leaving both teens alone.

''What a jerk.'' Oliver said once he was sure the man was out of earshot. Clara couldn't help but agree this man was really not made to be a teacher of any kinds.

Clara was the first to make her way to the stall. Behind the stall were displayed dozens of different coats for both male and female. Clara instantly fell in love with a white coat with fake fur around the collar. ''I'll take this one.'' The young woman at the counter smiled at her and gave her the coat then she looked at Oliver who was looking at the coat with complete disinterest.

''Can I help you young sir?'' The woman asked with her best smile.

''I dunno, what type of coat would you recommend?'' Oliver said with an unsure frown.

The woman seemed thoughtful at that. ''Well I would say your friend had a good idea black and white are the best two colors if you want to remain hidden while outside. The white color will help you hide into the snow while the black color would be very useful at night.'' Oliver seemed thoughtful at that.

''Well I guess since Clara arleady has a white coat I will take a black one.'' The woman nodded before giving him a similar coat to Clara except that it was black.

''That will be eighty-four musica.'' The woman said with her polite smile in place. Clara gave her the five bills of musica and she received some changes in return. As he looked at Clara he noticed she arleady had her coat on. ''How did you dress up so quickly?'' He asked bewildered. Clara only reponse was to shrug and walk away. Oliver shook his head. ''Whatever just another strange thing on the list I guess.'' He muttered under his breath.

Once outside Oliver was very thankful for his new coat as an icy wind blew throught the morning air and blew cold snow into the atmosphere. ''It's hard to believe we're still in the middle of spring when you see this place.'' Clara said with a shiver.

Xofamai was waiting impatiently for them while tapping his foot on the snow. ''Finally now we can get on the road.'' He said before walking into the streets. But then midway trought he stopped and turned toward Oliver and Clara. ''Oh right, you should put this on yourself.''

He presented them with a white canister with no label on it. Oliver looked at it with suspicion. ''What is it?''

''It's something that will hide your scent from the Elestia, that is why we managed to escape Boreas so easily yesterday. Being surrounded by the four of us helped you to go unoticed. But now that it's just us three you should cover yourself too.'' Oliver was still suspicious, so Clara rolled her eyes and decided to be the first to spray herself.

Oliver sniffed into the air. ''It doesn't have any smell, are you sure this will mask our scent?''

Xofamai rolled his eyes behind his sunglasses. ''Yes I'm sure, now just put it on.'' With a grumble Oliver took the canister and began to spray it all over his body. Once he was done Xofamai rudely took back the canister and put it back into his backback.

They walked out of the city in silence every time the teens would try to start a conversation Xofamai would shush them. Which did nothing to adhere them to him. One positive was that it looked like the spray was working on masking their scent. That was until a snake made of ice hissed at them and tried to bite Oliver.

Almost with inhuman speed Xofamai came in front of Oliver. Then he lifted up his raincoat to revealed a belt with three Draconid Gems on them. He took up the red one and called out the name of the creature inside. ''Scorch come out!''

A large and red anteater appeared in a flash of light. Before it master even called out a command it arleady knew what to do. The Elestia released a deep breath and released a stream of fire from it's long snout. It burned down the Snake in front of it until it became nothing more than a puddle of water on the ground.

As soon as the threat was gone Xofamai recalled his Elestia and put back the gem on his belt then he turned toward Oliver with a condescending expression. ''Just because they don't smell you doesn't mean they don't see or hear you. Next time try to stay out of sight and stop making so much noise. You might as well paint a target on your back.''

Oliver was fuming at the man and was going to give him a piece of his mind. But he felt a hand on his shoulder. Looking behind himself he noticed Clara who shook her head at him. With a sigh he resigned himself to stay silent while following the rude man in front of him.

It took them a while but eventually they exited the limits of Ringabell City. Xofamai stopped walking once they arrive in front of a wooden area. Inside they could hear the cries of many Elestia many of wich sounded like birds.

''This is where your test will take place.'' Xofamai said in his usual bored voice.

''Okay... So what am I supposed to do?'' Oliver asked once he realised the man didn't say anything else.

''You will need to tame another Elestia in these woods.'' He said while finally turning his gaze to Oliver.

Oliver was surprised at the request. ''...Alright I'm not sure how I feel about having more of these things with me. But I'll do it if it get me into the Resistance.'' Clara sighed at this, she was begining to think he was begining to like Elestia but apparently not. ''Let's go Clara we'll get an Elestia in no time.''

Xofaiamai stopped them in their tracks before they could even begin. ''No, the test is only for you Oliver.''

At this both the boy and the girl turned at him with disbelieving stares. ''What? Why?!'' Oliver asked with shock and anger in his voice.

''Because the test would be unfair if she participated, considering what she is.'' He said while giving her a pointed look. At that Clara eyes widened in horror and she took a trembling step back. How had he known?! She had tried so hard to pretend to be normal. How had he seen through her?

''What?! You think she can't do it because she's a girl?! I knew you were a jerk but-.'' Oliver started but was soon interupted by Clara.

''Oliver just go! I'm taking care of this!'' She said in a panicked tone.

Oliver looked at Clara in confusion but seeing her begging expression as she looked at him made him sighed. ''Fine, whatever you say. I'll be back with a new Elestia in no time.'' He said with a confident smirk on his face.

But before he could enter the forest Xofamai grabbed Oliver by the shoulder. ''Wait there's one more detail you should know about. You have to tame an Elestia without any Draconid Gems or else you will fail the test. Give me the empty gems you have on you. I will return them once you return from the woods.''

Clara looked at the man in outrage.''Are you crazy?! Trying to tame an Elestia without Draconid Gems is suicide!'' She exclaimed with a scowl on her face.

At that Xofamai made a low raspy chuckle which sent shivers down their spines. ''If it's too hard for you then I guess you're not ready to join the Resistance. The soldiers of the Community risk their life everyday to keep people safe from wild Elestia. Sometime that mean having to deal with situations where the odds are staked against you. If you can't manage this test, then you are not ready to become members of the Resistance.'' He said with finality.

Oliver narrowed his eyes at him. ''Fine I'll do it! I'll become a member of the Reistance whether you like it or not!'' With that said he ran toward the woods with only his brown Draconid Gem in his pocket.

Clara tried to run after him but Xofamai quickly grabbed her arm. Looking back at the man with narrowed eyes. Clara's body became cloaked in a ethereal blue aura. Then it exploded toward Xofamai viciously. But much to her shock the blast of energy she had created barely made a scratch on him. ''W-what are you?! And how did you know my secret?!'' She demanded to him.

Xofamai smirked at her and shrugged innocently. ''Me? I'm nothing special, as for how I knew your secret General Clementine told me. She always had a gift to see people for what they really are.''

Clara scoffed at him and glared with barely concealed distrust. ''Fine let's assume I believe that the mayor was the one that gave away my secret. There's no way in hell a normal human could take my attack like this without any scraches!'' She said while pointing accusingly at him.

At that Xofamai chuckled which made her scowl larger than it arleady was. ''Your powers are really weak when you're like this. Is it really that surprising that you didn't manage to hurt me?''

Clara paused at that, what he was saying was true but she still couldn't help but feel he was hiding something really important. ''Fine if you're really just a normal person then let's see why you're hiding your eyes like this!'' Clara tried to make a lunge for his sunglasses but he quickly tripped her up and she fell down into the grass.

''Oops my leg slipped away there for a second.'' He said in a mock apologetic voice. Clara growled under her breath quickly lifting herself from the ground she lunged at him once again...

- - - - -

Oliver was begining to think he wouldn't find an Elestia to put on his team. He saw plenty of wind Elestia in the trees. But catching a flying Elestia was hard even with a Draconid Gem. Without one it would be nearly impossible and so he tried to find something a bit easier.

His luck came around when he heard something rustling sound into a bush. Oliver hid behind a tree and looked with a grin as a squirrel-like Elestia came out of the bush. The Elestia was much more fluffy than a normal squirrel to the point that it made him look like a big ball of fur. His fur was mostly red except for a bright yellow stripe of fur on it's back. But his fur stopped when it came to the legs. Instead the legs were made out of iron. At first Oliver thought the poor creature had been amputated but when the squirrel shocked a bird that came too close to it with a bolt of electricity Oliver realised that this was a Lightning Elestia.

For some reasons Elestia with the Lightning Nature tend to be partly machine. Some of them are almost completely made of metal and yet scientists proclaimed they were still one hundred percent living beings which baffled a lot of people. Oliver decided that this Elestia would make a good addition to his team. So with that in mind he took his only remaining Draconid Gem and called out his loyal Elestia.

''Sandy come out!'' The Fawna emerged from the gem in all her glory. The rodent Elestia instantly grew alert as it saw the new creature that had appeared out of nowhere. ''Sandy catch that Elestia with your vines!''

She stomped on the ground and a few vines appeeared where the rodent was standing. But just before the vines could take a grip on the Elestia it vanished with a spark of electricity. Oliver realised it hadn't really disappeared the Elestia was just extremely fast. It ran behind Sandy and slammed into her while electricity cloaked his entire body.

The Fawna cried out in pain as she felt the electricity course throught her body and then she fell on the ground with a thud. ''Sandy! Are you alright?!'' Oliver asked with a concerned look plastered on his face. Sandy grunted and slowly lifted herself from the ground and growled at the small creature who was still crackling with electricity.

But the Elestia wasn't interested in the Fawna anymore instead it focused it gaze on the one giving the commands. It smirked maliciously and then leapt toward Oliver. The boy uttered a few colorful curses and then dove on the ground just in time to dodge the charging Elestia by a hair. It hit the trunk of the tree that stood behind Oliver. But instead of stopping there the Elestia was going so fast that it ricocheted against the trunk and hit Oliver in the back of his shoulder.

Oliver cried out in pain and started to panic as he felt his entire arm starting to go numb. But before he could even lift himself from the ground the Elestia bounced off another trunk and hit him square in the chest sending him tumbling back on the ground. Then it jumped from another tree and aimed straight at him for the third time. This time Oliver managed to roll on the ground and escaped the attack just in time.

Seeing that her master was in great trouble Sandy stomped frantically on the ground with her hooves. She managed to grow dozens of vines from the soil. As the Lightning squirrel ricocheted from another tree it angled it's body toward Oliver for the finishing blow but it was stopped in mid-air by the vines Sandy had created. It began trashing angrily in the grasp of the vines and barked toward Oliver in a high pitch voice.

Slowly Oliver managed to lift himself from the ground with his remaining working arm and smirked victoriously at the Elestia. ''Finally you're mine! From this moment foward your name is Bolt!''

In response the Elestia barked loudly, it's body was engulfed into a giant wave of electricity that burned down the vines all around it. ''Oh crap...'' Oliver gulped as the Elestia became free from his prison and resumed his attack on him...

- - - - -

Clara was breathing heavily, she looked ready to drop on the ground at any second while Xofamai looked no worse for wear. ''You're not going to remove my sunglasses no matter how many times you try.'' The older man said in an almost bored tone.

''We'll see about that, hyah!'' Clara tried to pounce on the man but he had arleady predicted her movement and crouched just before she could hit him. This result in her crashing on the ground once again. She groaned as she laid on the ground deciding he wasn't worth the trouble anymore.

Seeing that she wouldn't try to get up anymore Xofamai took a pack of cigarette from his pocket and lit up one of them with a lighter. ''Ugh you're a smoker too? Are you trying to be unlikable?'' Clara asked with a sneer directed at him.

Xofamai didn't respond instead he inhales a puff of smoke and let it all out toward the girl who proceeded to cough as the smoke assaulted her nose. When she recovered she glared hatefully toward the man who acted as if nothing was wrong.

''So... When were you planning to tell what you really are to the boy?'' He asked in a completely disinterested tone.

''It's none of your business!'' Clara replied defensively.

He tsked in response before turning his gaze to her. ''Yes it is, if your boyfriend somehow manage to pass my test. I don't want something like this to tear apart the trust you have with each others. Going on missions with you brats will be dangerous enough as it is. I don't want to deal with teens drama on top of it.''

''He's not my boyfriend!'' She protested angrily with a blush on her face. ''And speaking of the test, what were you thinking making him capture an Elestia without a Draconid Gem?! The gem allow human and Elestia to understand each other. How is he supposed to gain the trust of a creature that doesn't even understand him?!''

Xofamai shrugged in response and looked unconcerned. ''Well if he isn't able to do it, then he has no place in the Resistance.'' Clara was about to protest at him but he continued without missing a beat. ''This is not a game kid. people risk their life everyday to make this damn world a better place. Eventually that kid will work with other people other than you and me and what do we say to the Community if he's not ready and get his teammates killed? There's a reason the general was so reluctant to draft a fifteen years old in the Resistance. She putted me in charge of you two because she knew I wouldn't hold back to make sure you were ready for this responsibility.''

Clara lifted hersefl from the ground and crossed her arms. ''You say you're testing us, but thus far Oliver is the only one that's being tested.'' She said with an unconvinced tone.

At that Xofamai gave the girl one of his rare smirk. ''I knew you would try to attack me after I confronted you about your identity. You've been taking my test since the first time you tried to take my sunglasses away.''

At that Clara eyes widened and took a step back. ''This was all a test?!''

He nodded in response and putted both of his hands in his pockets. ''Yep and thus far I got to say I'm not impressed. You sacrifice too much of your energy by maintaining this useless disguise. Reveal your true form and face me at your full power.'' He said in a challenging tone.

''There's no way I'm showing my true self to you!'' She said before lunging at him. Xofamai jumped just as she was about to grab his legs. The girl landed on the ground with a roll and then she glared at the man who was still smoking his cigarette nonchalantly. ''Even in this form I'm definitely gonna get these glasses!'' She exclaimed before running at full speed toward him.

''What a stubborn girl...'' Xofamai said with a shake of his head.

- - - - -

Meanwhile Oliver was sprinting at full speed in the forest as a deadly ball of electricity ran toward him. ''I don't understand! Aren't I supposed to become your partner once I name you?!'' He was responded with a bolt of lightning that narrowly missed him and hit the trunk of the tree. But it seemed as if luck was against him because the bolt of electricity had cutted the tree deeply and it started falling in his direction. ''Fuck!'' He yelled loudly.

He quickly jumped out of the way but fell down as the tree hit the ground at full force and shook the earth all around it. The Lightning Elestia jumped onto the fallen tree and smirked evilly at the boy. ''Come on! Can't we be friends?!'' The Elestia responded by running toward him with the sound of crackling electricity following him.

Oliver knew that he couldn't outrun the Elestia for long, it was way quicker than him by a long shot. So he did the first thing he could think of and quickly removed his coat and held it in his hands like a matadore would hold a cape. Then when the squirrel was close enough he threw the coat over it with all his might.

He regretted his actions immediatly as the Elestia trashed violently and sent sparks of lightning everywhere.''Stop struggling alright?! I'm your new master now and your new name is Bolt understood?! You don't serve the Dragons anymore!'' He exclaimed loudly.

As soon as he said the word Dragons the Elestia stopped struggling altogether. Oliver stood there not knowing what had happened to make him relax. Gulping loudly he decided to slowly lift the coat and see if it would attack him again.

The Elestia was still glaring at him but he made no attempt to attack him this time. Soon they heard the sound of hoofsteps coming their way. Sandy came running toward them looking at Oliver with a worried expression. But she relaxed slightly when she saw that he was more or less okay. His arm still felt tingly but he could move it a little bit now, which was a good sign.

The boy looked at the Elestia and shakily gave it his hand in a sign of friendship. The Elestia looked at the hand suspiciously but he decided to sniff at it for a few seconds. Taking an even bigger risk Oliver began to pet the top of the head of the Elestia. He instantly retracted his hand as Electricity suddenly came foward.

Sandy cried in alarm and put hersefl between Oliver and the small rodent all the while glaring menacingly at it. Well as menacing as a baby deer could look anyway. Oliver patted Sandy on the head reassuringly. ''It's okay Sandy I think I just startled it, go wait close to that tree.'' The Fawna didn't like that idea at all, but once she saw that Oliver was determined to do this she reluctantly walked away from both of them.

Oliver took his backpack and took a can of dried fruits. He quickly opened the can and offered one to the wild Elestia. The squirrel sniffed at it cautiously and then quickly took the piece of dried fruit and proceeded to eat it further away from Oliver. The Elestia licked it's lips once it was done and looked at Oliver with a more relaxed gaze once it saw he was holding another piece of fruit toward it. This time the Lightning rodent was less reluctant to take the food and ate it close to the boy.

Oliver tried once again to pet it. The Elestia froze instantly as soon as his hand touched it but then it continued to eat while Oliver petted him a few more times. ''Hey I know we kind of started on the wrong foot. But I promise we will make a good team if you join me. I still don't know how I feel about Elestia but I began to realise that I need your help if I want to change this world. All I can promise in return is that I will try my best to keep you from serious harm. I will also make sure you never go hungry again.''

The wild Elestia cocked it's head curiously at him but it didn't react otherwise. Oliver sighed, ''Well I guess if you want to be my partner you can come with me. I can't really force you if you don't want to.'' With that he gave the rest of the can to the rodent and began to walk away.

The Elestia quickly gulped down the rest of the dried fruits and then it looked back at the retreating form of the human who had trusted him despite the fact that it had spent almost an hour attacking him. Making a decision it ran toward the him as fast as it's small metallic legs could carry it. Once it was close enough it jumped on Oliver's leg and climbed all the way to his head where it sat comfortably.

At first he was shocked that the rodent had climbed on him. But as he looked up and saw the rodent looking down on him curiously he chuckled. ''I guess you decided to come with me? You know I never thought I would ever befriend another Elestia. But you're not that different from the animals that used to live here. Maybe Clara is right, maybe the real enemies are the Dragons and not you guys.'' Then he thought about the bipedal Lion who had relentlessly tried to kill both him and Clara. ''Then again maybe not all Elestia are good either. This stuff is more complicated than I thought.''

Oliver stopped talking once he noticed that the squirrel-like creature had fallen asleep on his head. ''I guess you don't really care about that philosophical stuff.'' He said with a chuckle. In the distance he could see that he was coming closer to the end of the forest. He could hear Clara running and yelling at someone. Fearing that something had happened he hurried toward the sound and froze in confusion at the spectacle that met him.

Clara was trying to pounce pn Xofamai and the man was dodging every single attacks while casually smoking a cigarette. ''What the heck is going on here?'' He asked with a baffled expression. Clara instantly stopped what she was doing once she heard his voice and was looking sheepishly toward him.

Meanwhile Xofamai was looking at the Elestia sleeping on top of Oliver's head with a neutral expression. ''So you actually did it, to be honest I didn't think you were ready but it look like I misjudged you. I just hope the General won't be too disappointed by the outcome.''

Oliver was looking at the man in confusion, but the man had arleady turned toward Clara. ''As for you, you still haven't passed my test. Do you really want to make your friends fail after he managed to capture an Elestia without any Draconid Gems?''

''How am I supposed to catch those damn sunglasses?! You predicted all my movements!'' She yelled in frustration.

At that the older man took another breath of nicotine before responding to her. ''I think you misunderstood, the test was never about taking my glasses. Even with your full power you wouldn't be able to take them.'' Clara growled at him but he wasn't finished talking. ''Your test is to reveal your true form. If we're in a situation of life or death I don't want you to jeopardize our life just so you can keep your disguise in place. You can keep pretending to be human outside of missions, I don't give a shit. But when on missions you should use all your abilities to their full potential if you want to survive.''

Oliver was beyond confused at the exchange. ''Clara what is he talking about?''

''Don't listen to him! He's clearly just a senile old man!'' Clara said with a nervous smile on her face. Xofamai was not amused at the girl's claim. He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at her. She sighed in defeat as she saw that Oliver hadn't been convinced by her claim either. ''Fine I guess I wouldn't have been able to keep this from you eternally anyway.''

The girl was suddenly engulfed into an ethereal blue light Oliver had to cover his eyes with his arms at the sudden brightness. The light also woke up Bolt from atop of Oliver's head the small rodent looked at what was happening with a curious stare.

Xofamai didn't looked surprised at all by this new development and was waiting patiently for the light to die down. Once it did Oliver stood there mouth agape. Standing in the place of where Clara used to be was a foreign creature he had never seen before...

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